Looking for people playing my shard Prana Reize Panobato


  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    I just put Poggle in too. Payback for your Daka in the past lol. Kyodimos blocked me out earlier if makes you feel better then I was knocked down to 6 .
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    well thanks for staying out of it tonight. allowed me to take a crack at first vs endorphins :smile:
    I'll be happy to take my spot at top 5-10 tomorrow
    mighty chlorians
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Yup, it's all good. I'll try to be nice and not hog it all the time.
    Edit, not that anyone else cant.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    I was just testing stuff didn't realize really was messing anything up . I just battled from 1st beat Gamey at 4 and it put you in 1st which is fine . Wanted try a few against both Dooku lead and QGJ with Poggle and ig88 subbing in for lumi yoda. Apologize if cost u gems.
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    Oh np, jabba. It's not your fault, I just waited too long to finish poggle. He was the only character standing on your side and i waited till the last 10 second to somewhat try to secure 2nd and your poggle dodged, then it was your turn and time ran out. I blame dooku. He is so annoying in more ways than one.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Good didn't even think really about timing when I was testing . I lost 1st at my payout couple days ago by 2 secs trying kill kyodimos droids. Thought I got even yesterday when I locked him out then today he got me back pretty good doing same to me lol Good Times
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    Jabba wrote: »
    Good didn't even think really about timing when I was testing . I lost 1st at my payout couple days ago by 2 secs trying kill kyodimos droids. Thought I got even yesterday when I locked him out then today he got me back pretty good doing same to me lol Good Times

    Im in favor of changing how arena system works currently. I understand that it is designed that way to not give out crystals to too many people, (cg profit loss). They're going to have to put in work to change it, but I have a feeling that it isn't yet on their radar to do so.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    ELO system would be fantastic....with a small daily payout dependent on factor x (rank or whatever you want x to signify) and a larger weekly or 'season' payout based on factor y (being total 'points' earned in a season)
    mighty chlorians
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    woo that was fun, I got RNG'd to death trying to take 1 from Endorphin and then reisze locked it up. Ill take three though, that ties my best finish. I noticed my team defending pretty well, i was in a battle a couple of times, but never lost rank that i could see.
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    reizse wrote: »
    ELO system would be fantastic....with a small daily payout dependent on factor x (rank or whatever you want x to signify) and a larger weekly or 'season' payout based on factor y (being total 'points' earned in a season)

    I like this.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Yea that would be cool .
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    If you guys have I phones and the Twitter app there's promotion for game gives you free 2* Lando. I had a 4* already added 15 shards not a lot but free . I seen it on Reddit how I found out.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Slewfoot wrote: »
    woo that was fun, I got RNG'd to death trying to take 1 from Endorphin and then reisze locked it up. Ill take three though, that ties my best finish. I noticed my team defending pretty well, i was in a battle a couple of times, but never lost rank that i could see.

    if you have any invites left, try my team and take 1st

    lol nm silver took 1st
    mighty chlorians
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    Had one battle left for arena for tonight, thought I test dooku lead a little more. I didn't take you off your reward time did i, holy silver?.
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    Had one battle left for arena for tonight, thought I test dooku lead a little more. I didn't take you off your reward time did i, holy silver?.

    No Rogan, my payout is an hour ahead of jabba maybe 4 hours late of you, reizse, prana, mol eliza. I think ideth & white are close to my payout time.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Can I get feedback is Poggle, Ig 88 any different than lumi yoda defending. It's seems to be holding rank
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    Jabba wrote: »
    Can I get feedback is Poggle, Ig 88 any different than lumi yoda defending. It's seems to be holding rank

    Lumi and Yoda are not good defenders. Yoda is hard to use by the AI, and while lumi hits decent, shes kinda slow unless QGJ led and her heal is somewhat useless since everyone focuses down characters. Poggle is good for arena defense since hes fast and simple to use, IG88 is a soft taunter since if you dont focus him down, his AOE wrecks.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    What I was thinking exactly and has some synergy Ig 88 gives Poggle 5per more evasion and if I'm being honest reason for it 88 comes from his description before changes ls in last update high dodge. I haven't dropped that much since changed not sure being avoided or I'm winning some.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Lol got you back Kyodimos it's fun doing this daily
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    To be honest, it's probably either luck or no one has started to move yet on you time zone. Poggle and the igs are easy to take out.

    On another topic, I want to try gasma, fotp, daka, rg,
    Jabba wrote: »
    Can I get feedback is Poggle, Ig 88 any different than lumi yoda defending. It's seems to be holding rank

    It's probably luck, jabba. All igs plus poggle are easy to take out, I assume for most.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Daka will be stunning everybody with Phasma add Dooku to that would be crazy. Stun meta coming soon lol
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    Ya, I'm working on rg. I would like to try gasma, daka, fotp, rg, qgj. When rg is ready. Should be fun.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Ya, I'm working on rg. I would like to try gasma, daka, fotp, rg, qgj. When rg is ready. Should be fun.

    Currisant cop lol on alt I have him at 5 star max geared been testing on alt acct don't have RG yet phasma lead Daka cup geo Talia I run there turn meter stun .
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    Good game tonight.. someone lost when i was defending.. was that you Rogan? either way.. good night.
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    Nope, not I.
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    ok np, just thought it might be you you were 2 spots behind me and i know how much you like to strike #1 from that #4 spot :)
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Darkslay wrote: »
    ok np, just thought it might be you you were 2 spots behind me and i know how much you like to strike #1 from that #4 spot :)

    You were 4 when I was 8, you didn't move up for the longest time, could have sniped, but went for 5 instead and I stopped. I know you've been itching for #1.
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Didn't you snipe first spot from fourth?.
    Btw, I was 5th as mentioned, I can't imagine the heat from you if I were to snipe you back to 5th, Amirite, Darkslayer
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    no heat here (hides lighter)
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    Didn't you snipe first spot from fourth?.
    Btw, I was 5th as mentioned, I can't imagine the heat from you if I were to snipe you back to 5th, Amirite, Darkslayer

    this exactly. i wasn't going to say anything, because i'm not one to get upset about it, but i guess it's ok for darkslay to snipe others from 4th, but not ok if it happens to him :wink:
    mighty chlorians
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