Looking for people playing my shard Prana Reize Panobato


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    Looking around, I think we are the most vocal server.
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    In case my fame hasn't been known to you yet, I use a full Nightsister team. Was ranked top 200, then moved to top 100. Highest rank I've ever gotten was 35. Then dropped down to 300+ for a week or so, now back up to 100 after only using one battle. It's a very odd arena shard we battle in.

    Is your name Tim Haven?
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    Holysilver wrote: »
    In case my fame hasn't been known to you yet, I use a full Nightsister team. Was ranked top 200, then moved to top 100. Highest rank I've ever gotten was 35. Then dropped down to 300+ for a week or so, now back up to 100 after only using one battle. It's a very odd arena shard we battle in.

    Is your name Tim Haven?

    My in game name is Cosmic Turtle.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Hey Gamey welcome
  • Holysilver
    193 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Mol Gen whats your payout time? Also White? I dont care if you take my place in the 1st spot After 6:00 pm +8 GMT in your time. And i dont know if youre reading this.
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    Man we've got a ton of people in this shard on the forum.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    Slewfoot wrote: »
    Man we've got a ton of people in this shard on the forum.

    that's a really good thing :p
    mighty chlorians
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    Yeah we should totally guild up when we get the chance
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    lol is this a sign i have to build an ewok team? been a long long time since i had a full character drop from bronzium..
    mighty chlorians
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    I'm thinking I should have bought the year end scrub pack cg offered. Rg and the ewok team actually sounds viable and fun after update.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Hehe do it Reize if ewok elder wasn't so hard to farm I would I have a 4 star now . Chirpa, elder, scout, Teebo, Daka would be a lot of fun. On a different note, I had try Mol Eliza seen the 7* Grievous was funny when he made yoda a tank. I beat it about same nothing special but that's ai driving . That lineup with 1 tweak would be extremely difficult lol but I'm not sharing I may need beat you at some point.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    any of you guys stockpiling energy? i'd love to, but i have too many open hard node farms going....lol maybe for the lvl 90 cap i'll have all my farms complete and just sit on energy (not likely LOL)
    mighty chlorians
  • Rogan_Ban84
    1415 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Whatcha farming?.
    I think Ima will be good after update but I'm getting tired of the hard node farming.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    anakin, fotp and rg. decided to skip on rey. got rg up from 2* to 4* and fotp i recently started up again for no particular reason lol.
    mighty chlorians
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Not stockpiling here farming RG, Rey plus gear need all my energy for that . I'm thinking aoe could be good . Ventress, Kylo, gearing my 5* Vader, if wrong no matter will have my red lightsabre club . Finishing Phasma she's going to be a must have when advantage is guaranteed crit. I may be behind a level or 2 at times getting to lvl 80 but the world won't end lol.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    if you could pull off a slow team, boba lead, poggle, phasma, lando, rg. bombs away!
    mighty chlorians
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    I dont really think its worth it to stockpile energy, you get at most a day or so advantage. Without knowing anything, I'm guessing that a Phasma, Poggle, Yoda, Kylo, Ventress team would rake in arena, 4 Aoe's with crit and offense up, 2 of which may likely reset every turn.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    the biggest advantage is accessing the 72 gear challenges on sunday, which is half a week's worth of the purple gear needed.
    mighty chlorians
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    Using the team instinct spread sheet, you only need to stockpile about 300 energy to get to 72 by sunday assuming 2 cantina refreshes and 5 regular refreshes per day.
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    Congrats Mol Gen for failing the 1st spot. I just find out the time of your payout. You and White are on same payout time. So if you want me to respect you that you need to stay on your desired spot, try not messing around people behind your payout time.
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    I would try to get to 72 by Sunday, but since I live in the future I won't get the update until Friday. Many of you will get it on Thursday. So that's a pretty decent advantage for you folks.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Thats nice cosmicturtle
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Hey Cosmicturtle in the future will I be as broke as I am now lol credits are a real problem. Too many projects I guess there's no stockpiling here
  • Guppy
    75 posts Member
    Hey. Just saw this. Mol Eliza (top 10 one) joining in. Hi everyone.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Hey Mol Eliza good to see you here
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  • Guppy
    75 posts Member
    Thanks. Looks like this thread has been active awhile. Glad we are all chatting.
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    Yes, keep your friends close, enemies even closer. Lol
  • Guppy
    75 posts Member
    Lol. I think I'm lucky in my time zone. Nobody really snipes at me. I have no known enemies.
  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Lol not me Got sniped with 2 mins left I thought that Dooku lead would burn that easy . Fun Fun Kyodimos that had cost you 26 to rank 1 in less than 20 mins plus lock me out . I get back in but I left you too much time . Only thing I would like change and hope you read is lets snips from the 2 spot it's just u and me at that time 5th sucks.
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