BH bonus shards [Event has not started yet]


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    The notification reads, "For a limited time, every light side and dark side hard nodes may award bonus shards for bounty hunters." This makes is seem like the event is active. Why would a notification be sent out that has no reference to WHEN an event is actually occurring? Why would you send this notification before the event started? This was incredibly misleading and continues to show a failure in this company's ability to simply communicate with its customers.
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    You couldn't post this in one of the other existing threads on this issue?
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    I think they got some problems or the release will be at 12 midday in the US - in Europe it could be 6 or 7pm
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    Gage356418 wrote: »
    Spang wrote: »
    Gage356418 wrote: »
    Spang wrote: »
    Gage356418 wrote: »
    For me, its the 21st and an announcement in game was made that the shards would be available in hard nodes. The morning refresh has already happened. Luckily i didnt just jump right in and start spending my freshly purchased energy, as it seems so many have. So I patiently sit and wait for the event to happen. But i can see how people would just dive right in. Everything lined up.... date, in game anouncement... ect. My problem is as i wait, my energy is on hold. It isnt regenerating as time passes, and im unsure when the event will start as it has already passed the anticipated time given to us as players. CG, please activate the event. Its time to get on with my day.
    Kleever wrote: »
    Not only are people that spent money on refreshes burned by this. Im missing out on ls/ds energy as ive been sitting at cap since last night. The extra drops appear to be active for some and not others. Its 9:30am where i live, so when is this going live for everyone?!?

    If 22nd is still far, then bith of you miss a lot of natural energy gain. It seems that it starts at 12am of 22nd. Now decide what's best for you...

    So where does this date of the 22nd come from? Its been stated that it starts on the 21st, screen shots of this are now posted everywhere. Also, numbers dont lie. If it starts on the 22nd, then why is there such a vast amount of players that are of the understanding that it starts on the 21st? Secondly, it is also noted that an anouncement in game was made, today, the 21st, lining directly up with the posted start date.


    From the other thread:
    Huatimus wrote: »
    Spang wrote: »
    Huatimus wrote: »

    Posting here because the other thread got locked. Notice the yellow glow and small event icon to the right. That's when bonus drops are active.

    @Huatimus What's your time zone?

    @Spang Event started on local midnight of 22nd :D

    Ill also assume, since your refering to the other thread, that you have seen the screen shot of the event active

    @Gage356418 If you click on "Show Previous Quotes" you can also see the screenshot.
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    @Huatimus thank you. What time did it go live for you? I had the message in my inbox when I woke up 4 hours ago but it’s still not live

    The event only went live on 22nd September for me(Greetings from the future). The inbox message is not an indicator of the bonus starting. (Or else I'd assume the wording would be:Starting now, bonus drops on blah blah)
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    kevsmart wrote: »
    Are you kidding me? You couldn't have made this "bonus" worse if you tried. For me to get a CHANCE of bonus Bossk shards I have to farm nodes covering characters I already have on tier 7? And this is supposed to help?

    You're one of those that's just never happy. Please don't come here to just complain because you're ungrateful. No one cares
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    You couldn't post this in one of the other existing threads on this issue?

    Sure he could, but no one is paying attention to those ones.
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    We all know that EA or CG headquarters is in the USA. This dates are belonged to the timeline in their zone of US and not to Asian/Europe/Australia/Africa. I think many bonus drops were released on midday.

    If they pass it they shall give us an extra bonus of 100% rate to get these drops or they have to give crystals for sorry for passing this event (time).
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    Gage356418 wrote: »
    You couldn't post this in one of the other existing threads on this issue?

    Sure he could, but no one is paying attention to those ones.

    If that's the case, what makes you think they will pay attention to yet another thread on the same topic? It's not like they're even in the office yet.
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    Rhunne wrote: »
    Disturbing this lack Of communication is...

    The fact that this post is 10+ pages long and we still have yet to hear from a single dev should speak volumes to the company...

    They will respond when they are finished rolling in the money they generated from this
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    Just wait for the moderator to merge all these threads together.

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    We all know that EA or CG headquarters is in the USA. This dates are belonged to the timeline in their zone of US and not to Asian/Europe/Australia/Africa. I think many bonus drops were released on midday.

    If I remember correctly, all bonus drops started after local midnight reset. (But I may be wrong.)
    Events (excluding heists) start at 9am for me, which is exactly 12am in the devs' time zone.
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    Gage356418 wrote: »
    You couldn't post this in one of the other existing threads on this issue?

    Sure he could, but no one is paying attention to those ones.

    If that's the case, what makes you think they will pay attention to yet another thread on the same topic? It's not like they're even in the office yet.

    Are you sure about that
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    because they wont have to read 10+ pages #keepitfresh
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    I complained and got 100 shards back. But that’s arguably not an equal return.

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    It's 8:30AM right now. Too early for game office nah?
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    What is pure **** is no developer has been on to say anything do I need to Do something to get banned just to get a developer response??
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    Gage356418 wrote: »
    because they wont have to read 10+ pages #keepitfresh

    Spamming topics helps no one. But since you just seem to be trolling, I will leave it there.
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    Okay, where are those slacker devs? Most people start work between 6-7, it's already past 8:30 and not a peep out of CG.
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    I complained and got 100 shards back. But that’s arguably not an equal return.


    Okay, that's not cool that you get crystals back but the rest of us are told there is nothing they can do about it.
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    exsul wrote: »
    It's 8:30AM right now. Too early for game office nah?

    Sure, but these convos are happening on a open server with no open or closing times. You telling me that they arent view all our comments as we speak? Its custumer service, and not limited to the unlocking of an office door. Im delivering all my messages from the side walk on my lunch break.
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    exsul wrote: »
    It's 8:30AM right now. Too early for game office nah?

    It seems most CG employees get to work around 10:00AM, so a couple hours yet.

    But for real, how are CG constantly shooting themselves in the foot? Incorrect communication all over the place. It's honestly mind boggling.
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    Funny, drop rates are always bad for these events so I just thought it was zero drops, no biggie with their marketing gimmick. Two accounts no double drops on 9/21 what time zone?

    LOL, i thought the same. Usually events like this it always seems when they say "double shard rewards!!!" they cut the drop rate in half.

    I'll need to Google what the translation is for "9/21/2018" , I assumed that was today.
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    Okay, where are those slacker devs? Most people start work between 6-7, it's already past 8:30 and not a peep out of CG.

    Not sure where you live/what you do, but 9am+ is pretty normal imho.
    The bigger issue is how could they schedule that comms to be sent like 10 hours before anyone comes to the office?
    (and the more awkward question of how could that misleading, trick comms ever pass a review?)
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    Still no hunters? The post says the drops start today(Friday the 21st) but it's already noon here and nothing.......
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    Where exactly do we contact customer service to send our hate mail... I mean... frustration of this disaster and getting nothing for crystals spent? Link?!
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    On the message is a countdown timer in red for when it starts.
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    Wouldnt be suprised if the end date stayed the same
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