Update on Grand Arena and Territory Wars [MEGA]


  • miketo
    139 posts Member
    Hex wrote: »
    For some of us that went all out to help guilds with TB, GA is a joke. I have a little over 4M GP and get decimated from one GA to the next.

    When I started padding GP, the *only* thing it was used for was TB. Now its too late and I will most probably never win another GA fight no matter how hard I try. That is *not* a fun mode...

    As a result I just don't care anymore. I just want the rewards for last place with absolutely no effort. Sim, auto-deploy makes no difference. GA is *not* fun when you spent time allocating defence, knowing you will get steamrolled.

    Let some of us choose a 'decline' button and award the last place rewards. You'll be surprised how many people will choose 'last place' rewards if it means skipping out on this atrocious content.

    This so much. Game changers on YouTube are now preaching, "don't inflate your gp". However, they need to go watch their TB videos where they insisted every toon should be level 50 to hold mods and to increase our gp.

    That being said, I still love GA and my losses are typically me just making dumb decisions.
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    Also the game is down and unable to play I'm losing cristal s because this is my Arena run time thanks Developers
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    Kithryn wrote: »
    joel42000 wrote: »
    GA is a great game mode, but rewards is part of the fun. Actually, the even bigger fun on the reward side were the special guests with valuable rewards. The latter is over, the regular rewards to be reduced? Still would be ok, as the mode is fun, but not really going uphill. I would like more GA bases quests, short/mid/long term with some good rewards to that.

    Yeah, they are only fun for the top. If you are that las place player, the one they want to set defenses so they can have fun against, your reward isn’t even a single omega... while the rest get zetas. Tell me how this reward is remotely fun or encouraging? And for a mode you can not practice any where else...

    It encourages me to try less, to not take the 20 minutes to set defenses because there’s a good chance all I get is utter crap. Even TW isn’t this insulting, but giving last place a zeta or omega might break the game... more than R...

    So hurry with that auto set feature, so I can totally ignore this mode and the “It’s fine cause I won!” crowd can have GW version 2.0!

    The entire SWGOH game is based around competition.

    Competition in:
    1) Character Arena
    2) Fleet Arena
    3) Pit Raid Reward Ranks
    4) HAAT Raid Reward Ranks
    5) HSR Raid Reward Ranks
    6) TW W/(L)
    7) All the LS DS Canteena progression vs AI
    8) GA

    If competition is something you don't like, then I fear you may never be happy with SWGOH. If I were to rank 8th in GA, it would spur me to action to improve my game, not give up. But to each their own I guess.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • GJO
    172 posts Member
    I would like a GA that employs more toons. With 3.1M GP, we get 6 squads on defense and 6 squads on offense. Too few
    What about my jawa team? At least, we needed an hardcore GA, where you needed to use a lot of teams.
  • Rag_Scrag
    75 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    The toons are ground-based units.
    The label “ships” refers to flying units, as in above the ground, at whatever altitude. So why do attackers IN GA need to win a ground territory before ships attack at altitude? It’s not like spaceships need an airfield. Makes no sense to me
    “Okay, clever clogs, how do you allocate a space for ships in a three dimensional setting? It really is a two dimensional board.”
    TW has given us a hint - a strip down one side or better yet a strip through the middle perhaps or my preferred method is a wedge, pointed at the front lines (to allow more toon squads at the front either side) & wide at the back (to allow a circle to denote the position of the fleet). Fleet attack is now independent, as befits defending spaceships.
    Please tell me I’m not the only one to propose this
    Post edited by Rag_Scrag on
  • Alinoe
    68 posts Member
    Instead of removing quantity of GA revards you should ADD more important gear into it. Some strategist made wrong direction for this awesome part of the game. If you want push people to develop more teams and be fully involved into it give us more in rewards, instead of that someone decided to cut it off cuz of more GA in month... wrong totally wrong idea
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    HORRIBLE NERF to rewards for 1 extra GA event per month, seriously CG? Put it back to twice a month then and give us the already low rewards back for such an event. Nevermind the gear drop but 3 Omega instead of 3 Zeta? Holy hell.

    There were already complaints about rewards low for the effort, no crystals etc and now this? A joke. Like the OP I now have barely any incentive at all to put in any effort.
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    Where can I see the full rewards for this GA?
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    Yes the latest rewards are not worth the effort, now you play for fun and enjoyment only. To develop diverse roster we need more gear. What is the point of getting 6 dot mod salvage if you don't have the gear to get toons to G12 so you can equip the 6 dot mods? That is a strange logic.

    My guess is that people aren't really investing much in mod salvage, so they forcing it down our throats.

    I will still play GA as before, but where as before I did my best to get good rewards. I will take more relaxed approach and just have a bit of fun with it.
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    Is there a table of the # of squads per GP bracket for this one somewhere? I haven't been able to find it
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    stumpoman wrote: »
    Is there a table of the # of squads per GP bracket for this one somewhere? I haven't been able to find it

    It's still the sameygamdekxcg9a.png
  • miketo
    139 posts Member
    Love the map for this March 20th GA.
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    I cannot get over the number of people who are straight up whining in this thread. Grow up. Surprise...life isn’t fair. But something tells me that anyone who posts on a message board about a video game based on a sci-fi movie has already learned that lesson the hard way. Play or don’t play...just stop whining!
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    ALsoccer19 wrote: »
    I cannot get over the number of people who are straight up whining in this thread. Grow up. Surprise...life isn’t fair. But something tells me that anyone who posts on a message board about a video game based on a sci-fi movie has already learned that lesson the hard way. Play or don’t play...just stop whining!

  • Nocho
    10 posts Member
    This new auto fill is quite terrible. Is there an options somewhere to turn it off? I would rather have nothing then the leaderless non synergy mess it made and still be able to use my teams for attack. And yes sometime I don’t set defense. I like to use the GA as a sandbox for my teams when the rewards aren’t worth the actual effort to win.

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    Nocho wrote: »
    This new auto fill is quite terrible. Is there an options somewhere to turn it off? I would rather have nothing then the leaderless non synergy mess it made and still be able to use my teams for attack. And yes sometime I don’t set defense. I like to use the GA as a sandbox for my teams when the rewards aren’t worth the actual effort to win.

    Set one team made up of your weakest most useless characters on defense. Then you can still have all your good stuff for offense and the game won’t automatically deploy any defense for you.
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    That’s not the full rewards. I’m guessing we get ship mats and blue slicing mats too but I’m curious how much of the ship mats. Pretty sure blue slices will be same as the orange
  • Gannon
    1657 posts Member
    Nocho wrote: »
    This new auto fill is quite terrible. Is there an options somewhere to turn it off? I would rather have nothing then the leaderless non synergy mess it made and still be able to use my teams for attack. And yes sometime I don’t set defense. I like to use the GA as a sandbox for my teams when the rewards aren’t worth the actual effort to win.

    Set one team made up of your weakest most useless characters on defense. Then you can still have all your good stuff for offense and the game won’t automatically deploy any defense for you.

    Don't encourage him 😆
  • jedilord
    339 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    more GA and less reward?
    thats the wrong direction for me

    even though GA isn´t worth the timeinvest, when do we get a GA with only fleet and no toons? my roster says 1:2 -> fleet vs. toon GP, have also seen the other way by some people 2:1 -> fleet vs. toon GP... we had already a bunch of GAs with only toons... @CG_SBCrumb please change your matchmaking or bring us a bunch of only fleet GAs, because also the ones who love fleet want to win a few GAs^^
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    jedilord wrote: »
    more GA and less reward?
    thats the wrong direction for me

    even though GA isn´t worth the timeinvest, when do we get a GA with only fleet and no toons? my roster says 1:2 -> fleet vs. toon GP, have also seen the other way by some people 2:1 -> fleet vs. toon GP... we had already a bunch of GAs with only toons... @CG_SBCrumb please change your matchmaking or bring us a bunch of only fleet GAs, because also the ones who love fleet want to win a few GAs^^

    And be what 1 fleet on both sides? Dosent sound fun at all not like fleet is fun anyway. If they made 4 sure it would always be a draw at that point still no fun so unless they add another 4+ capital ships and about 30 more ships cant see a fleet only ga any time soon
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    jedilord wrote: »
    more GA and less reward?
    thats the wrong direction for me

    even though GA isn´t worth the timeinvest, when do we get a GA with only fleet and no toons? my roster says 1:2 -> fleet vs. toon GP, have also seen the other way by some people 2:1 -> fleet vs. toon GP... we had already a bunch of GAs with only toons... @CG_SBCrumb please change your matchmaking or bring us a bunch of only fleet GAs, because also the ones who love fleet want to win a few GAs^^

    And be what 1 fleet on both sides? Dosent sound fun at all not like fleet is fun anyway. If they made 4 sure it would always be a draw at that point still no fun so unless they add another 4+ capital ships and about 30 more ships cant see a fleet only ga any time soon

    GA is also no fun for the "fleetplayer" especially the "no fleet" GAs

    it would only be fair that the "toonplayer" have an equally experience, but CG can also stop at least the matchmaking AND the "no fleet" GAs for an equal treatment^^
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    It is called galaxy of heroes not galaxy of ships
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    It is called galaxy of heroes not galaxy of ships

    And yet, some of those same heroes fly ships. MOAR ship content please!
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
  • Unlimitedpowar
    149 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    What are the bonus for today’s tw?i find it’s not vanilla but can’t find the bonuses can anyone help?it’s geos/clones?
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    Its Geos and Clones, again, again, again. The only Idea CG have.
  • Wimma
    152 posts Member
    Thankyou for changing the map this time. Much more fun to not just see a yellow wall front line and have lost already. I get it must be difficult to get the match making right, but would at least love to see some more squads available for deployment. I only get 5, but would happily fill 7 or 8. Would be fun to see some neglected toons have a use in the game before they get G11+.
    G11 and G12 battles are good, but we get that a lot in arena.
    Seeing G7-9 teams slug it out is fun too.
  • jedilord
    339 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    the first time since GA was invented i had no ambitions to win yesterday, to be precise: i hadn´t done even one fight
    i think it wouldn´t be a big deal, because my opponent couldn´t clear the map and he had only a few 1 fight kills, furthermore no revan and no hans **** in defense... but the rewards are so terrible i couldn´t overcome myself, i think i´m done with GA...

    so it´s ok if you bring GA more often, or change the maps in many different ways, or do whatever you like, i don´t care anymore and i´m happy with it. it feels like a burden has been lifted from my shoulders, thanks CG for altering the rewards
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    why letting the 24h defense setting between each match ?
    you have introduced a auto-deploy feature, ok, so if we have the first 24h to set defense, we don't need another 24h between each fight for eventually letting the game put the auto-set defense in place...
    just stop this and we can save 2 days (because when the defense is set... it's set... i dont want to change it every battle... and in my guild we think it would be a better solution)
    so the planning could be :
    first 24h : defense setting
    second 24h first attack
    third 24h : second attack
    fourth 24h : final attack
    and it's done 4 days instead of 6..
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    But down side is ur limiting players who change there defense depending on there opponents roster guessing what they will use on defense and where they are lacking on counters so most strategy goes out the window at that point
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