Update on Grand Arena and Territory Wars [MEGA]

1435 posts Moderator

CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We announced that with the introduction of the Grand Arena our intention was to continue to move Territory Wars in a “more playful and fun direction”. We’ve heard your feedback over the last couple months - what works, what doesn’t, what you’d like to see more of, what you’d like to never see again - and we wanted to share some of the changes we’re making.

We will continue to experiment on Territory Wars with new abilities and ensure this is an exciting mode to explore new and uncommon teams. We will be bringing back some of the past favorites and introduce new ones as we look to keep the experience fresh.

We have made several changes to our upcoming plans to address the feedback we received:
  • No More Complete Character Bans - Our original intention was shake up which squads you’d face - rather than just facing the same top powerhouse squads all the time - but we hear you that the first implementation was too restrictive to be fun for many players and entirely removes some of Star Wars’ most iconic characters from regular play. We aren’t planning on bringing picks or bans back to Territory Wars in the same way - where a character is completely blocked from the entire event. However, we will continue to explore ways to encourage more “alternative” squad formations on the map. We will also more heavily lean into focusing on bonuses and passives to really elevate some of the less used characters or just provide new utility to well known characters.
  • Frequency of Events - We can now support running multiple events at the same time, so we are adding more Grand Arena events each month starting in March. See more details below.
  • Grand Arena Auto-Deploy - It’s really annoying to get into Grand Arena and not have an opponent place any defenses. Not only does it deny you a small amount of credits or quest progress, but you just can’t participate in the fun! We have working on this feature since the launch of Grand Arena but ran into several difficult bugs. The good news is we are close to hammering out the major issues with Auto-Deploy, and we hope to add this to one of the next couple updates.

Grand Arena will continue to be the best place to test your roster, and we will be growing the number of events per month. We had originally tuned the Grand Arena to only run once or twice a month, but we have heard your feedback that you want Grand Arena to occur more frequently than that. To accommodate for these additional events the March 3rd Grand Arena will stay with current rewards but March 17th and 24th will have updated rewards to compensate for the increased number of events.

We are also considering rebalancing what kinds of rewards you would get as mods and mod salvage are incredibly important for bringing your team’s power up to the next level of competition.The logic being that the rewards you earn from a competitive mode should help you do better the next time you dive into that mode.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on these changes and how we can make these modes even more fun.

Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber


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    Just let Urzatron pick the faction bonuses if you want oddball teams to get attention...like for real.
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    To everyone who doesn’t think that they listen to the players, there you go. Really happy to see these changes and especially the communication with the players. Thanks CG!
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    Can you please stop counting ship GP in GA when there are no ship territories? It is creating huge imbalances in some cases.
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    Excited to see more GA!
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    "To accommodate for these additional events the March 3rd Grand Arena will stay with current rewards but March 17th and 24th will have updated rewards to compensate for the increased number of events." So does this mean we'll start getting less rewards per event because the events will be more often? I hope I'm reading that wrong because the rewards are already a little underwhelming for a week-long event.
    Droideka wrote: »
    Can you please stop counting ship GP in GA when there are no ship territories? It is creating huge imbalances in some cases.

    They already said that is being addressed in an upcoming update. It was in the Road Ahead post.
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    "To accommodate for these additional events the March 3rd Grand Arena will stay with current rewards but March 17th and 24th will have updated rewards to compensate for the increased number of events." So does this mean we'll start getting less rewards per event because the events will be more often? I hope I'm reading that wrong because the rewards are already a little underwhelming for a week-long event.
    Droideka wrote: »
    Can you please stop counting ship GP in GA when there are no ship territories? It is creating huge imbalances in some cases.

    They already said that is being addressed in an upcoming update. It was in the Road Ahead post.
    I know, but if it was coming in this update you would think that they would say it.

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    More GA?

    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    So let me get this straight...
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    We had originally tuned the Grand Arena to only run once or twice a month, but we have heard your feedback that you want Grand Arena to occur more frequently than that. To accommodate for these additional events the March 3rd Grand Arena will stay with current rewards but March 17th and 24th will have updated rewards to compensate for the increased number of events.

    So we will have 3 GAs instead of 1, but possibly 2. And it would make such a HUGE difference in rewards and in the progress of developing our rosters that the rewards MUST be nerfedupdated.
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    We are also considering rebalancing what kinds of rewards you would get as mods and mod salvage are incredibly important for bringing your team’s power up to the next level of competition.The logic being that the rewards you earn from a competitive mode should help you do better the next time you dive into that mode.

    So we won't get (or we get significantly(?) less) gear salvage from GAs coz – as I said in my previous point – it would make such a HUGE difference in the progress of developing our rosters that the rewards MUST be nerfedupdated.
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    We’ve heard your feedback over the last couple months

    Guys and girls, never ever give any feedback please, coz it's only get worse. This more and more seems to be like a Chinese whispers game.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Droideka wrote: »
    Can you please stop counting ship GP in GA when there are no ship territories? It is creating huge imbalances in some cases.

    I do I so wish this was true.

    Whats worse is they are still intending to force people to deploy defences. Why can't I ever get a no defence set fight? I'd love a free win. Why do people complain about this.

    or better yet, instead of making "GA the best place to test our roster" why not let us fight our friendlist people as much we want for free? or even guild mates, take on our guild mates arena squads for free to test squads, let us test our own 3v3'ing or 5v5'ing, let us have unlimited fun that is not barred by one hit only fights or timers or nrg?
  • Ultra
    11578 posts Moderator
    Excellent post. Definitely responding to the feedback presented by the forum
  • CG_SBCrumb
    685 posts EA Community Manager
    edited February 2019
    Droideka wrote: »
    Can you please stop counting ship GP in GA when there are no ship territories? It is creating huge imbalances in some cases.

    Yes! It's something we are still working on. I'll remind the team that it's still a big community concern
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    I'm guessing this is a repeat, so don't waste your time flaming me as I probably won't read it anyway as I'm just voicing my humble opinion. The match up system is not great. Just matching based upon GP doesn't account for the difference between players toon collections.

    I have a balanced collection which means some top level maxed toons & a bunch of mid-level squads with less than G12 & not all the zetas. I don't yet have Traya or C-3PO. My typical opponent has both of them maxed & none of the lower level "junk" toons & they have enough depth to field a full G12 zeta defense & G12 zeta offense. Meaning basically I don't stand a chance & it's a waste of time to try. If I post a solid defense & don't have enough left for offense & vice versa.

    Don't get me wrong, I try, but almost always have to take the loss & get the last place or 2 of pittance rewards. Not much fun really. That's my 10 cents...
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    Ship GP counting for non-ship GA matches. Still a huge concern. Pleaseeeee, fighting a 200k-300k difference is no easy task.
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    The rewards for grand arena are already junk compared to the work put into gearing and modding teams for the game mode as well as playing the mode itself. Instead of reducing the rewards, just have each one give different rewards.
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    @crumb why u avoiding the more GA less rewards questions?
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    I am so tired of being duped into thinking I have a even a snowballs chance in hell with the hot garbage match making. Similar rosters... Don't make me laugh.

    Welp hot garbage defense (nothing as long as I can and sigle unit squad when I can't) from now on. Time to spread the misery.
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    Please stop adding absurd power bonuses to factions. Or make them only work on offense. You want to make it so Clones can take out any ONE defense team? OK, but don’t make a well geared and modded Clone team a nearly impenetrable defensive team that sucks up tons of offense. Small bonuses that let a faction punch above their normal weight are fine. Crazy power bonuses cause these teams to be ridiculous, insurmountable walls.
  • Gawejn
    1137 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    I remember when TB was first month. Rewards were bad. Really bad. We had Tb 4 Times a month, and when I saw rewards for the first Time I felt I want to quit the gamę. Amount of salvages were so low that it would take years to max the g12. And that was only Gear for left side. Than Rewards were updated, devs said that rewards will be better, but amount of Tb per month was nerfed. So in a month period rewards after update were worse than at the begining. Rewards in Tb are Really bad. Still. So now GA has bad rewards, i mean amount of rewards are poor version of squad arena. So after knowing how manipulative those people are i assume that update means nerf of bad rewards in GA. If that gonna be the case I wont play this game anymore. For me this will be the end.
    Post edited by Gawejn on
  • Pariah_Anchorite
    836 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    For the first time in a while, bravo! And thanks for listening
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    My feedback: Personally I think the GA's map favor the players with better squad arena toons. CG able to develop a more "fair play" map (for ships & squad arena toons). I remember there is a map design (during the first week of GA introduction when there are 4 different map designs) where you split one half to squad arena toons & the other half to ships. For your reference.
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    @crumb why u avoiding the more GA less rewards questions?

    They have an idea of how fast they want us to accrue certain resources, which means they have to reduce the rewards to compensate for increased events.

    The absolute amount of rewards is really irrelevant. What matters is what rewards you get relative to everyone else, since that's how you stay competitive.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
  • CorruptedFlesh
    19 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Grand arena blah blah blah fun and playful. Still fighting the guys with 250-300k more character gp due to ships gp difference. Super **** fun when you have no right for even one mistake. And now it's going to be more frequent. I'm not complaining, I usually end up in the second rewards pool, but reading how cool and ever-improving GA is, while balance is still in the wind, gives me a laugh.
    Ps: even when there is a ship territory it "worth" less then 1 squad. Something should be done about ships role in GA.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    crumb why u avoiding the more GA less rewards questions?

    First guess would be because you are using the wrong tag.

    Yes, it is likely that the rewards will be lesser to be balanced with current amount of rewards over more instances.

    This may not mean less overall, but it may mean less per event.
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    Less rewards, but they’ll become mods and mod salvage? Rewards that are easy to farm.

    The logic being that the rewards you earn from a competitive mode should help you do better the next time you dive into that mode.

    So we should expect more of the hard to obtain gear; stun guns, eye balls, g12+ pieces etc...
    Where are the Stun Guns?
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    @crumb why u avoiding the more GA less rewards questions?

    Cause it makes the team look bad!
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    Thank you CG for listening to the community feedback on TWs.

    I like the TW schedule/formats for this month. :)
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    Kyno wrote: »
    crumb why u avoiding the more GA less rewards questions?

    First guess would be because you are using the wrong tag.

    Yes, it is likely that the rewards will be lesser to be balanced with current amount of rewards over more instances.

    This may not mean less overall, but it may mean less per event.

    So we get the same with more efforts. It sounds like a great business. Coz everybody's big dream is to work 10 hours more per week for the same salary in their actual job.

    Not that like +50 carbantis or something per month would have made our progress anything faster. Ok, that's an exaggeration, so the truth is, that would have made our progress a little tiny bit faster. That wouldn't ruin anything from the perspective of the devs. One (or half) piece of gear in 30 days. Wow, that's outrageous....
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    Spang wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    crumb why u avoiding the more GA less rewards questions?

    First guess would be because you are using the wrong tag.

    Yes, it is likely that the rewards will be lesser to be balanced with current amount of rewards over more instances.

    This may not mean less overall, but it may mean less per event.

    So we get the same with more efforts. It sounds like a great business. Coz everybody's big dream is to work 10 hours more per week for the same salary in their actual job.

    Not that like +50 carbantis or something per month would have made our progress anything faster. Ok, that's an exaggeration, so the truth is, that would have made our progress a little tiny bit faster. That wouldn't ruin anything from the perspective of the devs. One (or half) piece of gear in 30 days. Wow, that's outrageous....

    While I agree that a slight bump to the rate of progress wouldn't be such a bad thing, this is a game - not a job. If you don't enjoy playing it then why are you? Any excuse to play GA more is good for me.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
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    Will never do arena again. I will not be cannon fodder.
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