Update on Grand Arena and Territory Wars [MEGA]


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    I enjoy GA. I especially enjoy the 3v3 because it requires thought and planning. This thought and planning takes time, though. To win a close match is not as easy as hitting Sim. Now you want to double that time and “re-balance” rewards? No thank you. Rewards were already only marginal for the time investment.

    You want to substitute mods and mod salvage for gear and zetas? Absolutely not! My least favorite events are the ones that reward piles of mods. Every time they come around, I hit the max mods cap and have to waste more time weeding out the garbage.
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    More zetaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
  • Sentia
    280 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    We hear you... NO you didn't.

    More GAs? This is the game mode where 87.5% of participants loose. So Swell I get to loose more often.

    Okay but we can't give you more stuff per month... so you know do 3 times as much effort going forward to get the same rewards.

    Please hear this, "I would like you to remove GA and increase TW rewards to compensate and stop increasingly wasting more and more of our time with a game mode where 7 out of 8 players loose"

    Everyone has been asking for a sandbox mode to test the strength of their rosters for years, and you just keep shoveling this garbage game mode at us more and more as "The best place to test the strengths of your roster". This is about as accurate as Kylo Ren's statements to Luke Skywalker at the end of the Last Jedi.
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    Change the name to "no show arena" or change the loot system to be based on the points you get from all 3 fights.
  • DuneSeaFarmer
    3525 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Sunnie1978 wrote: »

    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    Hi Holotable Heroes,

    We announced that with the introduction of the Grand Arena our intention was to continue to move Territory Wars in a “more playful and fun direction”. We’ve heard your feedback over the last couple months - what works, what doesn’t, what you’d like to see more of, what you’d like to never see again - and we wanted to share some of the changes we’re making.

    We will continue to experiment on Territory Wars with new abilities and ensure this is an exciting mode to explore new and uncommon teams. We will be bringing back some of the past favorites and introduce new ones as we look to keep the experience fresh.

    We have made several changes to our upcoming plans to address the feedback we received:
    • No More Complete Character Bans - Our original intention was shake up which squads you’d face - rather than just facing the same top powerhouse squads all the time - but we hear you that the first implementation was too restrictive to be fun for many players and entirely removes some of Star Wars’ most iconic characters from regular play. We aren’t planning on bringing picks or bans back to Territory Wars in the same way - where a character is completely blocked from the entire event. However, we will continue to explore ways to encourage more “alternative” squad formations on the map. We will also more heavily lean into focusing on bonuses and passives to really elevate some of the less used characters or just provide new utility to well known characters.
    • Frequency of Events - We can now support running multiple events at the same time, so we are adding more Grand Arena events each month starting in March. See more details below.
    • Grand Arena Auto-Deploy - It’s really annoying to get into Grand Arena and not have an opponent place any defenses. Not only does it deny you a small amount of credits or quest progress, but you just can’t participate in the fun! We have working on this feature since the launch of Grand Arena but ran into several difficult bugs. The good news is we are close to hammering out the major issues with Auto-Deploy, and we hope to add this to one of the next couple updates.

    Grand Arena will continue to be the best place to test your roster, and we will be growing the number of events per month. We had originally tuned the Grand Arena to only run once or twice a month, but we have heard your feedback that you want Grand Arena to occur more frequently than that. To accommodate for these additional events the March 3rd Grand Arena will stay with current rewards but March 17th and 24th will have updated rewards to compensate for the increased number of events.

    We are also considering rebalancing what kinds of rewards you would get as mods and mod salvage are incredibly important for bringing your team’s power up to the next level of competition.The logic being that the rewards you earn from a competitive mode should help you do better the next time you dive into that mode.

    We’d love to hear your thoughts on these changes and how we can make these modes even more fun.



    Nuff said. Well worded, and much appreciated.
  • Sentia
    280 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    Nice post. Seems like you are not used to loosing.. Maybe don't be part of any competition then...

    I don't mind loosing, especially if the matches are very even. The GA matches I have experienced are generally lopsided to the point where I can clearly tell if I will win or loose before the match has started. When I play my favorite FPS games, I tend to loose almost half the matches because the game is able to match me based on my skill with other players who have similar skill levels.When my team wins in these games its often due to stronger coordination (similar to how most TW wins occur in even matches, coordination is key for your team's success). However the reward structure for GA clearly ensures that no-matter what your skill level is only 1 person out of 8 will be the winner, therefore 7 people lost.
    Maybe you like TW more, because your guild is carrying you.
    Absolutely love being carried by my guild while we crush guilds with 30 million more GP than ours. While we have won 98% of the TWs, the number of losing players is close to equal to the number of winners in each war, which seems a lot more fair than 7 losers for each winner.
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    @CG_SBCrumb It would be great if we could get TW vanilla/bonuses in back-to-back TWs rather than having them switch back and forth. For those of us who play TW competitively, it is very difficult to theorycraft and remod on a day's notice.

    @CG_Carrie A little off-topic here but if you all ever do a QOL update, it would be great to have health healing and protection healing numbers be in different colors. Maybe green (health) and blue (protection)...
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    Another aspect of GA that is counter intuitive is that the higher my GP gets the more teams must be used. So the more I progress as a player, the more time this mode will take up. However the rewards are the same for a 1mil GP player as they are for a 4mil+ GP player. Now they will compound this by making them more frequent and reducing the rewards earned each GA. As it is the rewards don't scale to the time commitment and will only get worse as we progress our GP upwards with smaller rewards per GA. I though progressing and improving my team was supposed to always be beneficial, this game mode actually makes progressing as a player result in the same rewards for more effort.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    crumb why u avoiding the more GA less rewards questions?

    First guess would be because you are using the wrong tag.

    Yes, it is likely that the rewards will be lesser to be balanced with current amount of rewards over more instances.

    This may not mean less overall, but it may mean less per event.

    @Kyno come on now. I saw you on the finn thread trying to do damage control and put out fires while there are over a thousand posts with not a single response to date. So don't pretend for a minute that him saying @CG_SBCrumb instead of crumb is going to make a difference in them acknowledging a word we have to say. Don't pee on our legs and tell us it's a dev response.
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    Droideka wrote: »
    Can you please stop counting ship GP in GA when there are no ship territories? It is creating huge imbalances in some cases.

    They already said that is being addressed in an upcoming update. It was in the Road Ahead post.

    They were able to patch in a fix to the Han Solo quest before this GA but not matchmaking? Sad and disappointing.
  • Capwit
    11 posts Member
    Sentia wrote: »
    Nice post. Seems like you are not used to loosing.. Maybe don't be part of any competition then...

    I don't mind loosing, especially if the matches are very even. The GA matches I have experienced are generally lopsided to the point where I can clearly tell if I will win or loose before the match has started. When I play my favorite FPS games, I tend to loose almost half the matches because the game is able to match me based on my skill with other players who have similar skill levels.When my team wins in these games its often due to stronger coordination (similar to how most TW wins occur in even matches, coordination is key for your team's success). However the reward structure for GA clearly ensures that no-matter what your skill level is only 1 person out of 8 will be the winner, therefore 7 people lost.
    Maybe you like TW more, because your guild is carrying you.
    Absolutely love being carried by my guild while we crush guilds with 30 million more GP than ours. While we have won 98% of the TWs, the number of losing players is close to equal to the number of winners in each war, which seems a lot more fair than 7 losers for each winner.

    Both of you, please. You are losers, not loosers. You may win some guild events, but as far as spelling contests go the force is weak in both of you. All in good fun.
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    Some great changes here, and welcomed feedback. Thank you Devs for listening to the forum! My bet is there's even more feedback you're taking in, but need time to digest. Hopefully, we can continue to give constructive feedback and maybe we can try to be a bit more optimistic and put the flame throwers away.

    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • Suprème_Lèader_Tsao
    122 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    TW YT Streamers: Hey, can we get more TWs so we can stream more content? People love watching that stuff, and it’s a great commercial for the game!

    CG: No problem! Building good buzz about the game is great. We plan on rolling out many more TWs every month!

    TW YT Streamers: That’s great! Thank you!

    CG: Of course, we’ll have to rebalance the rewards if we do more.

    TW YT Streamers: Wait! What does that mean?!

    SWGOH player base: That had better not mean what we think it means.

    CG: :)
  • Jenjhys
    272 posts Member
    @CG : why don't you make every time ship in grand arena ? why don't we have 3v3 +ship?
  • Chima
    113 posts Member
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Like Jenjhys already said, why are there pure character grand arenas?
    I‘ve invested rather much in ships, which also shows in the characters I‘ve geared up. Better ships are increasing my GP and some bad characters, I just geared for ships increase my GP. Why am I not getting something back for that? Not being able to use ships feels like a punch in the face, because I‘m matched with players with more character strength. I have yet to see one player, who matches me in turn of ship GP

    Hell, ships even is already 3v3, why not just add it to GA?!

    They should add 3x3x and 5x5 Ship fights without a capital ship.

    Another thing they should add at this game to do the matchmaking is a character class.
    The top characters like Revan, Traya and so on should be flagged as "Class A", "Class B", "Class C" and you should be fighting with the ones with the close number of Class A characters you have. C'mon we cannot compare Revan G12 and Lobot G12.

    They should fix all the matchmaking problems before adding more GA, they couldn't fix the fleet GP being added to the characters GA until now. And it's a separated value already, how hard can be that?
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    I’m not looking forward to the butchering of rewards. Mod salvage is incredibly easy to farm.
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    play more to win more... oh no... it's play more to win the same... (and with that bad matchmaking it's quite play more to loose more often...)

    great job... :#
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Sentia wrote: »
    Nice post. Seems like you are not used to loosing.. Maybe don't be part of any competition then...

    I don't mind loosing, especially if the matches are very even. The GA matches I have experienced are generally lopsided to the point where I can clearly tell if I will win or loose before the match has started. When I play my favorite FPS games, I tend to loose almost half the matches because the game is able to match me based on my skill with other players who have similar skill levels.When my team wins in these games its often due to stronger coordination (similar to how most TW wins occur in even matches, coordination is key for your team's success). However the reward structure for GA clearly ensures that no-matter what your skill level is only 1 person out of 8 will be the winner, therefore 7 people lost.
    Maybe you like TW more, because your guild is carrying you.
    Absolutely love being carried by my guild while we crush guilds with 30 million more GP than ours. While we have won 98% of the TWs, the number of losing players is close to equal to the number of winners in each war, which seems a lot more fair than 7 losers for each winner.

    So you would be happier if each round of GA was a separate “event” so that half the people would win each “event” as opposed to half the people winning each round which gets aggregated into an overall event? What possible difference does it make?
  • Tactyou
    756 posts Member
    It’s such a time sink already, don’t add more ga. What’s next? You gonna ban toons or crazy buffs in ga?
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Thank you thank you thank for the news.

    Edit: More mod salvage as rewards not really necessary. Put Stun Guns or Stun Cuffs in and participation should increase.
    Post edited by VonZant on
  • Sentia
    280 posts Member
    So you would be happier if each round of GA was a separate “event” so that half the people would win each “event” as opposed to half the people winning each round which gets aggregated into an overall event? What possible difference does it make?

    Actually I would be happier if they reduced the frequency of GA events, preferable to zero GA events ever. GA is hot garbage. The only thing it tests is my ability to spend more time on my phone.

    I like getting more stuff so I participate begrudgingly, even if the rewards were 100 social currency I would feel compelled to at least join so I am not falling behind/missing out on free stuff. However its a total slog like Galactic Wars, 11 or 12 battles, vs similar teams every time, its just as bad as GWs only you get to fight the toughest nodes first. I still try to win even though I know my efforts are futile in most cases, kind of like doing GW when your level 83 and node 11 is a G12 Phoenix squad with 3 zetas.

    Also why don't we have a ships only GA where the matches are calculated including character power?
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Sentia wrote: »
    So you would be happier if each round of GA was a separate “event” so that half the people would win each “event” as opposed to half the people winning each round which gets aggregated into an overall event? What possible difference does it make?

    Actually I would be happier if they reduced the frequency of GA events, preferable to zero GA events ever. GA is hot garbage. The only thing it tests is my ability to spend more time on my phone.

    I like getting more stuff so I participate begrudgingly, even if the rewards were 100 social currency I would feel compelled to at least join so I am not falling behind/missing out on free stuff. However its a total slog like Galactic Wars, 11 or 12 battles, vs similar teams every time, its just as bad as GWs only you get to fight the toughest nodes first. I still try to win even though I know my efforts are futile in most cases, kind of like doing GW when your level 83 and node 11 is a G12 Phoenix squad with 3 zetas.

    Also why don't we have a ships only GA where the matches are calculated including character power?

    Ok but none of that is relevant to the point I was responding to. You said that it’s a problem that 7 people “lose” GA for every 1 who “wins.” But it’s a tournament style event and every such event has one ultimate winner out of many people/teams who enter. You get better rewards for each match you win within the event so calling the 7 people losers is an extreme position which I do not agree with. What I was asking was not about the frequency of the events but just if it would somehow make you feel better if each match was a different event. Still 3 matches over the course of a week but instead of being ranked on all 3 at the end, you just get rewards each time based on whether you won or lost. Like TW — if TW was exactly the same except that the two consecutive ones occurred in a tournament by which one guild finished 2-0, two guilds finished 1-1, and one finished 0-2 (the exact same distribution that’s likely now across the group of two TW), that would be worse because there are no longer 50% winners?
  • Gannon
    1657 posts Member
    Sentia wrote: »
    So you would be happier if each round of GA was a separate “event” so that half the people would win each “event” as opposed to half the people winning each round which gets aggregated into an overall event? What possible difference does it make?

    Also why don't we have a ships only GA where the matches are calculated including character power?

    we do, it's called ship arena lol
  • Sentia
    280 posts Member
    @Liath I think your right, I just don't like the tournament style. I also didn't enjoy the original tournaments we had to do for Baze and Tie Advance.
  • jayjonbeach
    697 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Okay so the Good:

    - They will fix the people setting no defense issue
    - There will be more GA (subjective of course but most said they love it & want more, me incl)
    - No more character bans (though Revan is sick OP IMO and I wouldn't mind a ban on him)

    And the bad:

    - Now more work for the same rewards
    - Less Gear and more Mod Salvage is a VERY bad change
    - Match-making is HORRIBLE, people with narrow rosters have a HUGE advantage over those with broad

    Other than people setting no defenses Match-making is the biggest issue remaining, and it is EASY to fix. There were many good suggestions in this thread including the OP itself: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/comment/1787917#Comment_1787917

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    Ableza wrote: »
    I'm guessing this is a repeat, so don't waste your time flaming me as I probably won't read it anyway as I'm just voicing my humble opinion. The match up system is not great. Just matching based upon GP doesn't account for the difference between players toon collections.

    I have a balanced collection which means some top level maxed toons & a bunch of mid-level squads with less than G12 & not all the zetas. I don't yet have Traya or C-3PO. My typical opponent has both of them maxed & none of the lower level "junk" toons & they have enough depth to field a full G12 zeta defense & G12 zeta offense. Meaning basically I don't stand a chance & it's a waste of time to try. If I post a solid defense & don't have enough left for offense & vice versa.

    Don't get me wrong, I try, but almost always have to take the loss & get the last place or 2 of pittance rewards. Not much fun really. That's my 10 cents...

    Yes agreed the matchmaking is terrible in it's current form and needs parameters added to the Algo

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