#2 Misrepresented Characters: Kit Fisto update 3.0 : got small buff still useless...not arena viable


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    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Based on the fluff, it would almost make sense if he had magmatrooper-esque style chance to hit random enemies instead of a single target repeat attack. It actually makes him better at single target and not dealing with multiple enemies.

    And yeah, Kit just feels, weird. I'm not sure how I would rebuild him, but I personally would like him to gain some sort of actually defined role.
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    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Nice post. I have him at 7 stars gears 8 and I don't use Fisto at all... useless in arena and GW. A premium character is supposed to be at least decent. He is not.
    Mestre Fábio - My YouTube Channel - My SwGOH profile - Brazilian player? Come to play with us, AAT heroic, contact me
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    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Based on the fluff, it would almost make sense if he had magmatrooper-esque style chance to hit random enemies instead of a single target repeat attack. It actually makes him better at single target and not dealing with multiple enemies.

    And yeah, Kit just feels, weird. I'm not sure how I would rebuild him, but I personally would like him to gain some sort of actually defined role.

    You and i think alike lol but i too don't know how to rebuild him just he is not correct atm. He is just wierd trying to be everything but is nothing.
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    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    fberbert wrote: »
    Nice post. I have him at 7 stars gears 8 and I don't use Fisto at all... useless in arena and GW. A premium character is supposed to be at least decent. He is not.

    Thanks @fberbert

    Yeah I'm targeted alot when I push him in arena it's like playing with a handicap. He is definitely next to move over to the tables. If they fix him before hand the f2P players will be happy and we will be happy to have one of our favorites back in line.
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    No he is fine (Nothing is needed)
    He will be farmable soon
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    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    They all are. It's a game, not a Star Wars simulation.

    If it were, only Jedi and Sith would be worth having.

    Sorry Nik missed your post, already 3 pages anyway.

    They can find balance to it, but it's worse because he is rarely seen. My goal is to bring any character that is not seen to light until they are brought up to at least basic level.

    If you have him i urge you try to him in arena and gw and it's easy to see serious problems with Kit.
  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Smithie wrote: »
    He will be farmable soon

    Indeed he will but that doesn't excuse the problems here with Kit Fisto. I'd love to see f2p people using him. :)

    Shame you voted NO but i hope i can change your mind on that.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    No he is fine (Nothing is needed)
    Triqui wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Take a look at Fisto's skill set. You have the following:

    Offense up
    Defense up
    Tenacity up
    Potency up
    Counter attacks
    Double attacks

    He's extremely spread out in his skill set, and seems to embody the phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none".

    This would indeed be appropriate for a Shii-Cho practitioner, especially one who's known to be extremely versatile. Like Fisto.

    Making this character, I picture the developers tried to find a compromise between versatility and strength. They made a toon with no glaring flaws, and no obvious strengths either. In the right situation, he can outlast many more specialized toons, but he'll likely not outshine them.

    A remedy might be to give him a "unique selling point", something that sets him apart from other toons. If his AOE attack was more reliable in granting Potency up, and if the buff was a little bigger, he could be very useful for increasing the power of debuffing toons such as old Ben and Phasma.

    Maybe this will happen at later levels? I'm not sure. But for now, I think there are other toons to focus on. And all the bugs.

    His stats for 80 and 90 don't look good and bring him lower down on the list.
    He definitely needs a unique selling point. But problem is you are correct about * jack of all trades and master of none*

    Offense up / gets bonus damage but so little it doesn't help especially since he hits less than most tanks lol.

    Defense up / tenacity up for his leader ability may be useful if they fix Defense mechanics but again very unlikely to see him in a leader spot.

    Potency up / it just doesnt help out
    AOE / almost 0 damage lol ( worse is it cannot even move hp bars).

    Counter attacks / useful but low chance compared to others like dooku.

    Double attacks / cool ability / low chance / he hits like a wet noodle so he kinda need the double attack to deal what others deal with a a basic attack.

    He could be brought up while keeping with his form. :)

    And this is exactly what I meant.

    He is perfectly well represented flavorwise, with skills that fit his lore. You just want him to be more powerful. Because Jedi reasons. I strongly disagree with that. If we play by lore, we cant just do it with chars you (or the players in general) like. By lore, Sid should one-shot Jedis like a hot knife cuts butter, except Yoda and Mace. Lore makes the game unplayable.

    Toons should have their *flavor* well repressented. Fisto's kit (pun intended) feels well.

    I do want him brought up abit not because of jedi reason but because there is a reason why you don't see him amongst teams.

    But most teams are going to be built with the 15 or so best chars, because that is the nature of a competitive game, where most people to "with the meta" You cant have every chars be a top 15, only 15 guys fit there.

    We cant have a competition where everybody is the best. QGJ is the best, the rest just get participation trophys.

    De cannt have a game where everybody is worth exactly as muchos as the rest, because that make choices irrelevant. "Pick whoever you like, chances to win are the same, justo toss a coin." does not make a good strategy game.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    No he is fine (Nothing is needed)
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Oh, he doesn't hit all that low. His basic is about 2K per hit. At 35% chance for another 2K, so statistically speaking we could say that he hits for ~2,600. Which is better than Fives, Barriss, old Ben and RG, to mention a few other high HP toons. Can't compare him to the high damage dealers. I'd say it puts him very much exactly in the middle of the roster.

    For an attacker I'd hope he would be up there compared to supporters and tanks lol.

    Label him as tank and problem solved
  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Triqui wrote: »
    Triqui wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Take a look at Fisto's skill set. You have the following:

    Offense up
    Defense up
    Tenacity up
    Potency up
    Counter attacks
    Double attacks

    He's extremely spread out in his skill set, and seems to embody the phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none".

    This would indeed be appropriate for a Shii-Cho practitioner, especially one who's known to be extremely versatile. Like Fisto.

    Making this character, I picture the developers tried to find a compromise between versatility and strength. They made a toon with no glaring flaws, and no obvious strengths either. In the right situation, he can outlast many more specialized toons, but he'll likely not outshine them.

    A remedy might be to give him a "unique selling point", something that sets him apart from other toons. If his AOE attack was more reliable in granting Potency up, and if the buff was a little bigger, he could be very useful for increasing the power of debuffing toons such as old Ben and Phasma.

    Maybe this will happen at later levels? I'm not sure. But for now, I think there are other toons to focus on. And all the bugs.

    His stats for 80 and 90 don't look good and bring him lower down on the list.
    He definitely needs a unique selling point. But problem is you are correct about * jack of all trades and master of none*

    Offense up / gets bonus damage but so little it doesn't help especially since he hits less than most tanks lol.

    Defense up / tenacity up for his leader ability may be useful if they fix Defense mechanics but again very unlikely to see him in a leader spot.

    Potency up / it just doesnt help out
    AOE / almost 0 damage lol ( worse is it cannot even move hp bars).

    Counter attacks / useful but low chance compared to others like dooku.

    Double attacks / cool ability / low chance / he hits like a wet noodle so he kinda need the double attack to deal what others deal with a a basic attack.

    He could be brought up while keeping with his form. :)

    And this is exactly what I meant.

    He is perfectly well represented flavorwise, with skills that fit his lore. You just want him to be more powerful. Because Jedi reasons. I strongly disagree with that. If we play by lore, we cant just do it with chars you (or the players in general) like. By lore, Sid should one-shot Jedis like a hot knife cuts butter, except Yoda and Mace. Lore makes the game unplayable.

    Toons should have their *flavor* well repressented. Fisto's kit (pun intended) feels well.

    I do want him brought up abit not because of jedi reason but because there is a reason why you don't see him amongst teams.

    But most teams are going to be built with the 15 or so best chars, because that is the nature of a competitive game, where most people to "with the meta" You cant have every chars be a top 15, only 15 guys fit there.

    We cant have a competition where everybody is the best. QGJ is the best, the rest just get participation trophys.

    De cannt have a game where everybody is worth exactly as muchos as the rest, because that make choices irrelevant. "Pick whoever you like, chances to win are the same, justo toss a coin." does not make a good strategy game.

    O i agree but it can be expanded out to be a fair fight. No need for only choosing from the top meta characters. Especially with synergies and if they are smart person synergies should come in i.e The Brothers.

    Weaknesses and strengths and when to use what and when and on who.

    Take Hearthstone it has RNG in it but it is about how you built your decks and how you use them in certain situations. I've started off with my 5s and 6s and took some heat but ended up winning because i played the cards at the right time while my challenger went in for a full assault.

    Personally i want to see a skip/defend option to bring in more tatics. But then again the AI is so bad that it would take alot of work just to bring it in.

  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Triqui wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Oh, he doesn't hit all that low. His basic is about 2K per hit. At 35% chance for another 2K, so statistically speaking we could say that he hits for ~2,600. Which is better than Fives, Barriss, old Ben and RG, to mention a few other high HP toons. Can't compare him to the high damage dealers. I'd say it puts him very much exactly in the middle of the roster.

    For an attacker I'd hope he would be up there compared to supporters and tanks lol.

    Label him as tank and problem solved

    You know @Triqui they could go that path with him but they need to change his basic and ability. He could pull off an aoe type tank if they went that path.
  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Or so it goes
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    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    I support for more diversity in the game. This kind of thread would make SWGOH a better game itself and prevent people from getting bored and forced to use the same meta all over again in the Arena. Besides, Kit is currently a premium toon and has some decent skills set but his role as a tank plus his damage just doesn't mix well together and he ended up failing to be either a tank or an attacker at the same time.

    Anyway, I have him 6* and not even bother to spend more to make him 7*.
    C'mon! Give Kit some more love and attention, and maybe I would be tempted to 7* him. If you know what I mean EA ;)
  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Haris wrote: »
    I support for more diversity in the game. This kind of thread would make SWGOH a better game itself and prevent people from getting bored and forced to use the same meta all over again in the Arena. Besides, Kit is currently a premium toon and has some decent skills set but his role as a tank plus his damage just doesn't mix well together and he ended up failing to be either a tank or an attacker at the same time.

    Anyway, I have him 6* and not even bother to spend more to make him 7*.
    C'mon! Give Kit some more love and attention, and maybe I would be tempted to 7* him. If you know what I mean EA ;)

    AAAh nice tatic lol but don't worry i won't stop this time until he is sorted lol. Or confirmation that he is been looked into. Alot of people seem to have him sitting at 6*.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Other (I have something else to say on this subject)
    Looking at Jedi as a whole, they really don't have any decent AOE. In a way, I can understand that. It seems like they're saving the good AOE's (except for Jawas) for DS.

    A Jedi character with the ability to hit multiple targets would be in line with Fisto's Shii-Cho skill. A certain percentage chance to hit an additional toon sounds just about right.

    Fisto was an agile and quick adversary. He would likely be better suited with a smaller HP pool and a decent evasion rate instead. His splendid performance vs a complicated opponent such as General Grievous reinforces this image.

    As a leader, Fisto was fearless and inspiring. While many Jedi were fearless, not all of them were naturally inspiring to their troops. Indeed, Plo Koon was stalwart and relentless, seeming almost menacing on occasion. Fisto would work better with a more high energetic skill such as Speed up.

    So here's an idea for a new skill set for Fisto.

    Basic attack: Shii-Cho - Deal physical damage to one opponent, with a (%) chance to hit another opponent and a (%) chance to gain Evasion up for X turns.

    Special attack: Jedi offensive - Fisto inspires fellow Jedi into action. Fisto and two random Jedi allies make a common AOE attack. It's damage is calculated using the offensive power of all three Jedi (with a modifier). All Jedi's turn meters are reduced to zero after the attack.

    Leadership skill: Peaceful warrior - Fisto encourages his allies to win the day. All allies gain +20% tenacity. In addition, whenever a Jedi takes damage, they have (%) chance to gain Speed up for X turns.

    Unique skill: Master bladework - Fisto gains (%) offense and has a (%) chance to intercept enemy attacks on any ally below 50% health. The attack is instead resolved against Kit Fisto, with a (%) chance for Fisto to counter attack.

    So this is just a hasty write-up. But maybe it could grant Fisto some new utility? Speed up is an excellent buff, and with high evasion rate, Fisto would effectively be able to absorb a few attacks against fellow Jedi, forcing them to switch target and then dodge the attack entirely.

    His signature move Jedi offensive would consume not just his own, but two other Jedi allies' turn meters as well. If you're unlucky, one of them could be Barriss... But it would be a high risk high reward move with a chance to do serious damage.

    Consider this food for thought. :)
  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Looking at Jedi as a whole, they really don't have any decent AOE. In a way, I can understand that. It seems like they're saving the good AOE's (except for Jawas) for DS.

    A Jedi character with the ability to hit multiple targets would be in line with Fisto's Shii-Cho skill. A certain percentage chance to hit an additional toon sounds just about right.

    Fisto was an agile and quick adversary. He would likely be better suited with a smaller HP pool and a decent evasion rate instead. His splendid performance vs a complicated opponent such as General Grievous reinforces this image.

    As a leader, Fisto was fearless and inspiring. While many Jedi were fearless, not all of them were naturally inspiring to their troops. Indeed, Plo Koon was stalwart and relentless, seeming almost menacing on occasion. Fisto would work better with a more high energetic skill such as Speed up.

    So here's an idea for a new skill set for Fisto.

    Basic attack: Shii-Cho - Deal physical damage to one opponent, with a (%) chance to hit another opponent and a (%) chance to gain Evasion up for X turns.

    Special attack: Jedi offensive - Fisto inspires fellow Jedi into action. Fisto and two random Jedi allies make a common AOE attack. It's damage is calculated using the offensive power of all three Jedi (with a modifier). All Jedi's turn meters are reduced to zero after the attack.

    Leadership skill: Peaceful warrior - Fisto encourages his allies to win the day. All allies gain +20% tenacity. In addition, whenever a Jedi takes damage, they have (%) chance to gain Speed up for X turns.

    Unique skill: Master bladework - Fisto gains (%) offense and has a (%) chance to intercept enemy attacks on any ally below 50% health. The attack is instead resolved against Kit Fisto, with a (%) chance for Fisto to counter attack.

    So this is just a hasty write-up. But maybe it could grant Fisto some new utility? Speed up is an excellent buff, and with high evasion rate, Fisto would effectively be able to absorb a few attacks against fellow Jedi, forcing them to switch target and then dodge the attack entirely.

    His signature move Jedi offensive would consume not just his own, but two other Jedi allies' turn meters as well. If you're unlucky, one of them could be Barriss... But it would be a high risk high reward move with a chance to do serious damage.

    Consider this food for thought. :)

    Anakin has an AOE, and he's supposedly going to be amazing in later levels.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Hopefully he becomes available sooner rather than later! I believe he Anakin and Mace all need serious attention as they are the favorites as many and are very underwhelming Anakin is still not where i'd like him to be needs damage buff. As my favorite character I use him maxed 6* on my squad! Kit I'd love on my squad but looking at the maxed as it is NO CHANCE!
  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Baldo wrote: »
    Hopefully he becomes available sooner rather than later! I believe he Anakin and Mace all need serious attention as they are the favorites as many and are very underwhelming Anakin is still not where i'd like him to be needs damage buff. As my favorite character I use him maxed 6* on my squad! Kit I'd love on my squad but looking at the maxed as it is NO CHANCE!

    Supposedly Anakin is going to be great at level 80/90 or something.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Baldo wrote: »
    Hopefully he becomes available sooner rather than later! I believe he Anakin and Mace all need serious attention as they are the favorites as many and are very underwhelming Anakin is still not where i'd like him to be needs damage buff. As my favorite character I use him maxed 6* on my squad! Kit I'd love on my squad but looking at the maxed as it is NO CHANCE!

    Supposedly Anakin is going to be great at level 80/90 or something.

    I don't think so he has ok speed mediocre health and average damage! He doesn't intrigue me his damage is the same as boba fett! He needs a damage boost!
  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Baldo wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    Hopefully he becomes available sooner rather than later! I believe he Anakin and Mace all need serious attention as they are the favorites as many and are very underwhelming Anakin is still not where i'd like him to be needs damage buff. As my favorite character I use him maxed 6* on my squad! Kit I'd love on my squad but looking at the maxed as it is NO CHANCE!

    Supposedly Anakin is going to be great at level 80/90 or something.

    I don't think so he has ok speed mediocre health and average damage! He doesn't intrigue me his damage is the same as boba fett! He needs a damage boost!

    At 90 he is set to have the fourth highest AOE damage and 23rd highest basic attack damage.

    14th highest speed, 24th highest health.

    His abilities grant offense up and inflict healing and buff immunity just to highlight some of them.

    I reckon he sounds pretty good on paper, and I'm currently farming him.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Baldo wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    Hopefully he becomes available sooner rather than later! I believe he Anakin and Mace all need serious attention as they are the favorites as many and are very underwhelming Anakin is still not where i'd like him to be needs damage buff. As my favorite character I use him maxed 6* on my squad! Kit I'd love on my squad but looking at the maxed as it is NO CHANCE!

    Supposedly Anakin is going to be great at level 80/90 or something.

    I don't think so he has ok speed mediocre health and average damage! He doesn't intrigue me his damage is the same as boba fett! He needs a damage boost!

    At 90 he is set to have the fourth highest AOE damage and 23rd highest basic attack damage.

    14th highest speed, 24th highest health.

    His abilities grant offense up and inflict healing and buff immunity just to highlight some of them.

    I reckon he sounds pretty good on paper, and I'm currently farming him.

    Like I said arguably the best guy is very mediocre and underwhelming! I'm fine with all the rest but he certainly needs higher damage! He is an attacker and a vicious one at that! But I see where you are coming from I still advise farming for him! I like him but he doesnt make my squad because of how he is! Just the fact that he's my favorite character and was alot of work! Thank you for those stats though! Nice to see a bit of hope!
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    No he is fine (Nothing is needed)
    Again: not every single Jedi can be a top 5 damage dealing char in the game, because there are only 5 slots in a top5, and we have 14 Jedis, and some slots need to go for non Jedis as well.

    Anakin does RIGHT NOW (no need to wait to lvl 90) a total of 2210 base damage with his AOE. That's on par with Kylo (2225) IG88 (2208) and Lando (2110) and not far from Sid (2371). Each of them has a different perk added to his AOE (ability block, DOTs, chance to Offense Up, etc) and a way to increase damage (with debuffs, when an ally dies, etc), but they are all of them in the same level. He is good. But "good" is not enough for Jedis fans, they won't stop until Jedis outperform every other faction by far, and Darth Vader can oneshot 1 char per turn.
  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Baldo wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    Hopefully he becomes available sooner rather than later! I believe he Anakin and Mace all need serious attention as they are the favorites as many and are very underwhelming Anakin is still not where i'd like him to be needs damage buff. As my favorite character I use him maxed 6* on my squad! Kit I'd love on my squad but looking at the maxed as it is NO CHANCE!

    Supposedly Anakin is going to be great at level 80/90 or something.

    I don't think so he has ok speed mediocre health and average damage! He doesn't intrigue me his damage is the same as boba fett! He needs a damage boost!

    At 90 he is set to have the fourth highest AOE damage and 23rd highest basic attack damage.

    14th highest speed, 24th highest health.

    His abilities grant offense up and inflict healing and buff immunity just to highlight some of them.

    I reckon he sounds pretty good on paper, and I'm currently farming him.

    Like I said arguably the best guy is very mediocre and underwhelming! I'm fine with all the rest but he certainly needs higher damage! He is an attacker and a vicious one at that! But I see where you are coming from I still advise farming for him! I like him but he doesnt make my squad because of how he is! Just the fact that he's my favorite character and was alot of work! Thank you for those stats though! Nice to see a bit of hope!

    Yeah, from what I've heard now he is pretty lame, but he is the ultimate slow farm. It will take until gear 10-12 to make him any good.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Baldo wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    Hopefully he becomes available sooner rather than later! I believe he Anakin and Mace all need serious attention as they are the favorites as many and are very underwhelming Anakin is still not where i'd like him to be needs damage buff. As my favorite character I use him maxed 6* on my squad! Kit I'd love on my squad but looking at the maxed as it is NO CHANCE!

    Supposedly Anakin is going to be great at level 80/90 or something.

    I don't think so he has ok speed mediocre health and average damage! He doesn't intrigue me his damage is the same as boba fett! He needs a damage boost!

    At 90 he is set to have the fourth highest AOE damage and 23rd highest basic attack damage.

    14th highest speed, 24th highest health.

    His abilities grant offense up and inflict healing and buff immunity just to highlight some of them.

    I reckon he sounds pretty good on paper, and I'm currently farming him.

    Like I said arguably the best guy is very mediocre and underwhelming! I'm fine with all the rest but he certainly needs higher damage! He is an attacker and a vicious one at that! But I see where you are coming from I still advise farming for him! I like him but he doesnt make my squad because of how he is! Just the fact that he's my favorite character and was alot of work! Thank you for those stats though! Nice to see a bit of hope!

    Yeah, from what I've heard now he is pretty lame, but he is the ultimate slow farm. It will take until gear 10-12 to make him any good.

    :) Thank you Cosmic!
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    No he is fine (Nothing is needed)
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Looking at Jedi as a whole, they really don't have any decent AOE. In a way, I can understand that. It seems like they're saving the good AOE's (except for Jawas) for DS.

    A Jedi character with the ability to hit multiple targets would be in line with Fisto's Shii-Cho skill. A certain percentage chance to hit an additional toon sounds just about right.

    Fisto was an agile and quick adversary. He would likely be better suited with a smaller HP pool and a decent evasion rate instead. His splendid performance vs a complicated opponent such as General Grievous reinforces this image.

    As a leader, Fisto was fearless and inspiring. While many Jedi were fearless, not all of them were naturally inspiring to their troops. Indeed, Plo Koon was stalwart and relentless, seeming almost menacing on occasion. Fisto would work better with a more high energetic skill such as Speed up.

    So here's an idea for a new skill set for Fisto.

    Basic attack: Shii-Cho - Deal physical damage to one opponent, with a (%) chance to hit another opponent and a (%) chance to gain Evasion up for X turns.

    Special attack: Jedi offensive - Fisto inspires fellow Jedi into action. Fisto and two random Jedi allies make a common AOE attack. It's damage is calculated using the offensive power of all three Jedi (with a modifier). All Jedi's turn meters are reduced to zero after the attack.

    Leadership skill: Peaceful warrior - Fisto encourages his allies to win the day. All allies gain +20% tenacity. In addition, whenever a Jedi takes damage, they have (%) chance to gain Speed up for X turns.

    Unique skill: Master bladework - Fisto gains (%) offense and has a (%) chance to intercept enemy attacks on any ally below 50% health. The attack is instead resolved against Kit Fisto, with a (%) chance for Fisto to counter attack.

    So this is just a hasty write-up. But maybe it could grant Fisto some new utility? Speed up is an excellent buff, and with high evasion rate, Fisto would effectively be able to absorb a few attacks against fellow Jedi, forcing them to switch target and then dodge the attack entirely.

    His signature move Jedi offensive would consume not just his own, but two other Jedi allies' turn meters as well. If you're unlucky, one of them could be Barriss... But it would be a high risk high reward move with a chance to do serious damage.

    Consider this food for thought. :)

    Anakin has an AOE, and he's supposedly going to be amazing in later levels.

    Yoda has an AOE too. 2nd highest base damage AOE in the game after Maul.

    In fact, in the top 10 of AOE, by base damage, we have 2 Sith (Maul and Sid), 2 droids (Grievous and 88), 2 Jedi (Yoda and Anakin), 1 Nightsister (Ventress), 1Jawa (the basic Jawa), 1 First Order (Kylo) and 1 Empire (Snowtrooper).
  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Triqui wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Looking at Jedi as a whole, they really don't have any decent AOE. In a way, I can understand that. It seems like they're saving the good AOE's (except for Jawas) for DS.

    A Jedi character with the ability to hit multiple targets would be in line with Fisto's Shii-Cho skill. A certain percentage chance to hit an additional toon sounds just about right.

    Fisto was an agile and quick adversary. He would likely be better suited with a smaller HP pool and a decent evasion rate instead. His splendid performance vs a complicated opponent such as General Grievous reinforces this image.

    As a leader, Fisto was fearless and inspiring. While many Jedi were fearless, not all of them were naturally inspiring to their troops. Indeed, Plo Koon was stalwart and relentless, seeming almost menacing on occasion. Fisto would work better with a more high energetic skill such as Speed up.

    So here's an idea for a new skill set for Fisto.

    Basic attack: Shii-Cho - Deal physical damage to one opponent, with a (%) chance to hit another opponent and a (%) chance to gain Evasion up for X turns.

    Special attack: Jedi offensive - Fisto inspires fellow Jedi into action. Fisto and two random Jedi allies make a common AOE attack. It's damage is calculated using the offensive power of all three Jedi (with a modifier). All Jedi's turn meters are reduced to zero after the attack.

    Leadership skill: Peaceful warrior - Fisto encourages his allies to win the day. All allies gain +20% tenacity. In addition, whenever a Jedi takes damage, they have (%) chance to gain Speed up for X turns.

    Unique skill: Master bladework - Fisto gains (%) offense and has a (%) chance to intercept enemy attacks on any ally below 50% health. The attack is instead resolved against Kit Fisto, with a (%) chance for Fisto to counter attack.

    So this is just a hasty write-up. But maybe it could grant Fisto some new utility? Speed up is an excellent buff, and with high evasion rate, Fisto would effectively be able to absorb a few attacks against fellow Jedi, forcing them to switch target and then dodge the attack entirely.

    His signature move Jedi offensive would consume not just his own, but two other Jedi allies' turn meters as well. If you're unlucky, one of them could be Barriss... But it would be a high risk high reward move with a chance to do serious damage.

    Consider this food for thought. :)

    Anakin has an AOE, and he's supposedly going to be amazing in later levels.

    Yoda has an AOE too. 2nd highest base damage AOE in the game after Maul.

    In fact, in the top 10 of AOE, by base damage, we have 2 Sith (Maul and Sid), 2 droids (Grievous and 88), 2 Jedi (Yoda and Anakin), 1 Nightsister (Ventress), 1Jawa (the basic Jawa), 1 First Order (Kylo) and 1 Empire (Snowtrooper).

    Ahh yeah, I forgot about Yoda.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Options
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Baldo wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    Baldo wrote: »
    Hopefully he becomes available sooner rather than later! I believe he Anakin and Mace all need serious attention as they are the favorites as many and are very underwhelming Anakin is still not where i'd like him to be needs damage buff. As my favorite character I use him maxed 6* on my squad! Kit I'd love on my squad but looking at the maxed as it is NO CHANCE!

    Supposedly Anakin is going to be great at level 80/90 or something.

    I don't think so he has ok speed mediocre health and average damage! He doesn't intrigue me his damage is the same as boba fett! He needs a damage boost!

    At 90 he is set to have the fourth highest AOE damage and 23rd highest basic attack damage.

    14th highest speed, 24th highest health.

    His abilities grant offense up and inflict healing and buff immunity just to highlight some of them.

    I reckon he sounds pretty good on paper, and I'm currently farming him.

    Like I said arguably the best guy is very mediocre and underwhelming! I'm fine with all the rest but he certainly needs higher damage! He is an attacker and a vicious one at that! But I see where you are coming from I still advise farming for him! I like him but he doesnt make my squad because of how he is! Just the fact that he's my favorite character and was alot of work! Thank you for those stats though! Nice to see a bit of hope!

    Yeah, from what I've heard now he is pretty lame, but he is the ultimate slow farm. It will take until gear 10-12 to make him any good.

    :) Thank you Cosmic!

    No problemo.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Other (I have something else to say on this subject)
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Looking at Jedi as a whole, they really don't have any decent AOE. In a way, I can understand that. It seems like they're saving the good AOE's (except for Jawas) for DS.

    A Jedi character with the ability to hit multiple targets would be in line with Fisto's Shii-Cho skill. A certain percentage chance to hit an additional toon sounds just about right.

    Fisto was an agile and quick adversary. He would likely be better suited with a smaller HP pool and a decent evasion rate instead. His splendid performance vs a complicated opponent such as General Grievous reinforces this image.

    As a leader, Fisto was fearless and inspiring. While many Jedi were fearless, not all of them were naturally inspiring to their troops. Indeed, Plo Koon was stalwart and relentless, seeming almost menacing on occasion. Fisto would work better with a more high energetic skill such as Speed up.

    So here's an idea for a new skill set for Fisto.

    Basic attack: Shii-Cho - Deal physical damage to one opponent, with a (%) chance to hit another opponent and a (%) chance to gain Evasion up for X turns.

    Special attack: Jedi offensive - Fisto inspires fellow Jedi into action. Fisto and two random Jedi allies make a common AOE attack. It's damage is calculated using the offensive power of all three Jedi (with a modifier). All Jedi's turn meters are reduced to zero after the attack.

    Leadership skill: Peaceful warrior - Fisto encourages his allies to win the day. All allies gain +20% tenacity. In addition, whenever a Jedi takes damage, they have (%) chance to gain Speed up for X turns.

    Unique skill: Master bladework - Fisto gains (%) offense and has a (%) chance to intercept enemy attacks on any ally below 50% health. The attack is instead resolved against Kit Fisto, with a (%) chance for Fisto to counter attack.

    So this is just a hasty write-up. But maybe it could grant Fisto some new utility? Speed up is an excellent buff, and with high evasion rate, Fisto would effectively be able to absorb a few attacks against fellow Jedi, forcing them to switch target and then dodge the attack entirely.

    His signature move Jedi offensive would consume not just his own, but two other Jedi allies' turn meters as well. If you're unlucky, one of them could be Barriss... But it would be a high risk high reward move with a chance to do serious damage.

    Consider this food for thought. :)

    Anakin has an AOE, and he's supposedly going to be amazing in later levels.

    Yes. Well, you see, I was drunk. Still, I put some effort into something constructive about Fisto and everybody starts talking about Anakin. There's no justice for tentacle dudes.

    Otoh I just learned from the gossip column known as Wookieepedia that he's been getting some snog off Aayla Secura, so I guess he's doing alright.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Yes He Is ( Buff/Overhaul needed)
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Looking at Jedi as a whole, they really don't have any decent AOE. In a way, I can understand that. It seems like they're saving the good AOE's (except for Jawas) for DS.

    A Jedi character with the ability to hit multiple targets would be in line with Fisto's Shii-Cho skill. A certain percentage chance to hit an additional toon sounds just about right.

    Fisto was an agile and quick adversary. He would likely be better suited with a smaller HP pool and a decent evasion rate instead. His splendid performance vs a complicated opponent such as General Grievous reinforces this image.

    As a leader, Fisto was fearless and inspiring. While many Jedi were fearless, not all of them were naturally inspiring to their troops. Indeed, Plo Koon was stalwart and relentless, seeming almost menacing on occasion. Fisto would work better with a more high energetic skill such as Speed up.

    So here's an idea for a new skill set for Fisto.

    Basic attack: Shii-Cho - Deal physical damage to one opponent, with a (%) chance to hit another opponent and a (%) chance to gain Evasion up for X turns.

    Special attack: Jedi offensive - Fisto inspires fellow Jedi into action. Fisto and two random Jedi allies make a common AOE attack. It's damage is calculated using the offensive power of all three Jedi (with a modifier). All Jedi's turn meters are reduced to zero after the attack.

    Leadership skill: Peaceful warrior - Fisto encourages his allies to win the day. All allies gain +20% tenacity. In addition, whenever a Jedi takes damage, they have (%) chance to gain Speed up for X turns.

    Unique skill: Master bladework - Fisto gains (%) offense and has a (%) chance to intercept enemy attacks on any ally below 50% health. The attack is instead resolved against Kit Fisto, with a (%) chance for Fisto to counter attack.

    So this is just a hasty write-up. But maybe it could grant Fisto some new utility? Speed up is an excellent buff, and with high evasion rate, Fisto would effectively be able to absorb a few attacks against fellow Jedi, forcing them to switch target and then dodge the attack entirely.

    His signature move Jedi offensive would consume not just his own, but two other Jedi allies' turn meters as well. If you're unlucky, one of them could be Barriss... But it would be a high risk high reward move with a chance to do serious damage.

    Consider this food for thought. :)

    Anakin has an AOE, and he's supposedly going to be amazing in later levels.

    Yes. Well, you see, I was drunk. Still, I put some effort into something constructive about Fisto and everybody starts talking about Anakin. There's no justice for tentacle dudes.

    Otoh I just learned from the gossip column known as Wookieepedia that he's been getting some snog off Aayla Secura, so I guess he's doing alright.

    Lol man it's all good! Fisto needs a rework just saying others do as well! Mentioning fistos accomplishments is a great start like this poster did! Lots of guys need buffs! Fisto, Mace, Anakin to name a few!
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