My Syndicated Arena


  • APX_919
    2468 posts Member
    Alinoe wrote: »
    You can have "personal" conversation on your personal phone with your personal mom tbh, this guy threatens me in game chat which he not own. All you dudes from this mafia should be banned ASAP

    Threats that infringe on one's life are bannable. Threats that infringe on one's game progress are regrettable but not automatically bannable.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
  • Alinoe
    68 posts Member
    APX_919 wrote: »
    Alinoe wrote: »
    You can have "personal" conversation on your personal phone with your personal mom tbh, this guy threatens me in game chat which he not own. All you dudes from this mafia should be banned ASAP

    Threats that infringe on one's life are bannable. Threats that infringe on one's game progress are regrettable but not automatically bannable.

    But after that threatments I bet I'll get psychosis which will influence my whole life
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Alinoe wrote: »
    You can have "personal" conversation on your personal phone with your personal mom tbh, this guy threatens me in game chat which he not own. All you dudes from this mafia should be banned ASAP

    Threatens? haha
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Alinoe
    68 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Alinoe wrote: »
    You can have "personal" conversation on your personal phone with your personal mom tbh, this guy threatens me in game chat which he not own. All you dudes from this mafia should be banned ASAP

    Threatens? haha
    i got PTSD after your "haha"

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Alinoe wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Alinoe wrote: »
    You can have "personal" conversation on your personal phone with your personal mom tbh, this guy threatens me in game chat which he not own. All you dudes from this mafia should be banned ASAP

    Threatens? haha
    i got PTSD after your "haha"

    must suck to be you. I hope you get help. Probably best not to play any online games if our interaction gave you PTSD, atleast not untill you've found help. Best of luck to you.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Alinoe
    68 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    leef wrote: »
    Alinoe wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Alinoe wrote: »
    You can have "personal" conversation on your personal phone with your personal mom tbh, this guy threatens me in game chat which he not own. All you dudes from this mafia should be banned ASAP

    Threatens? haha
    i got PTSD after your "haha"

    must suck to be you. I hope you get help. Probably best not to play any online games if our interaction gave you PTSD, atleast not untill you've found help. Best of luck to you.

    thanks a lot , you must be srsly incredible "warm" person - if ya know what i mean. Never tought that I could get so much support from guy in game! amazing. Best wishes
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Alinoe wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Alinoe wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Alinoe wrote: »
    You can have "personal" conversation on your personal phone with your personal mom tbh, this guy threatens me in game chat which he not own. All you dudes from this mafia should be banned ASAP

    Threatens? haha
    i got PTSD after your "haha"

    must suck to be you. I hope you get help. Probably best not to play any online games if our interaction gave you PTSD, atleast not untill you've found help. Best of luck to you.

    thanks a lot , you must be srsly incredible "warm" person - if ya know what i mean. Never tought that I could get so much support from guy in game! amazing. Best wishes

    No worries, i know how hard it is to live with PTSD. Being kind is the least i could do.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    This thread is epic 😂😂😂
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    evoluza wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    I'm one of those who were slightly "late" to the party. I'm in a launch shard but I haven't been in the top ranks for the first 6-12 months, only top 50-100. 1 year in, when I was ready to take top spots, the others had already established rotations as I found out. They let me in the shard chat, but I'm not "allowed" to be part of the rotation, but I still get all the other perks of being in the chat. They will protect me from shard enemies by locking me/them or attacking the enemies, won't attack me when my payout is coming up, and will sometimes even climb/change their teams so that I can pass. I'm only allowed to take rank 4 at best every day, but that's ok. I don't regret joining the chat at all because 350 crystals is still better than being a shard enemy who gets focused 24/7 and dropped to 100 overnight.

    Good for you for being a sad little sheep. eating the scraps your given lol. I would argue you are the problem. Omg some people in the arena might attack me oh no , let me join your little , pillow fight party, cause i don't wanna actively participate in the pvp mode. God yall are pretty sad. Then to defend it , is even worse. Hey im afraid of these shard chat guys , so i do whatever they say, and you should too, because we might have to fight in a pvp arena, omg who would have thunk.

    This is also sad.
    You seem salty and angry.
    You may miss the social interaction between you and your shard mates.

    Lol , yeah you think so, look again lol.

    Still salty about that heartbreaking feeling, when you can't talk to your shard chat.

    I have never and will never look for a shard chat, so ive never spoken to one, your assumptions just make you look like a, well, Donkey for forum purposes.

    Now you are even more salty.
    A salty donkey

    Lol keep telling yourself that lol
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Thoughts and prayers sent out for everyone in this thread....for sooooo many reasons.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    This thread should be retitled to: When grown men take phone games too far.

    You could make a documentary of the characters in this thread. Seriously.
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    I came back to see how far this has descended. Not disappointed.
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    B0baf3tt wrote: »
    I came back to see how far this has descended. Not disappointed.

    I'm waiting for Maury Povich to come out and say: DarthMaulsBeard, you are NOT the father.
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    “The shard bullies been picking on me fam!”

    “Why?” - Maury

    “Well they invited me to their shard chat but I have a big giant ego and decided I am gonna make a stand that helps absolutely no one including myself and after I rejected their proposal they would knock me back! This is a conspiracy! Shard mafia!”

    “Can’t beat em, join em?” - Maury

    “Nooooo I am to proud to be part of that so I’ll just get knocked back into the 50’s instead and continue to complain!”

    “Well there you have it folks. It has been confirmed that you ARE NOT the VICTIM!” - Maury
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    My favorite thread ever lol
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    Most would jump at the opportunity to work together with a group from their shard to maximize rewards for all, but some entitled players actually DECLINE an invite???
    You would be so lucky to be invited into ours. We don't typically reach out, we just kick them back. Like it has been said in here already, it's not about bullying, it's about protecting our system.
    The entitled guy that declined an invite is the problem....
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    Being part of a shard chat I can tell ya it's so much easier being in it than not. It's also easy to go 1st of your place is 2nd as youll eventually build rapport with 1st where you can hope in and out and 2nd pays darn well. When I started mine way back I was 5th for about 2 months, 3 have left the game and one changed PO and now im.1st every day. I also get amazing info from counters and attacking info on mine and others teams. If you were invited you should join its can* be a good community to get into. Or I could just be in a good one and got lucky idk, but yes we do hit peoppe not on the list over those in it when possible.
  • DocDoom
    532 posts Member
    Ah, the things one misses out on by not being super-competitive. I had a brief while of reaching my shard's top-10. Nobody said boo to me. Then, the meta changed, and I found my new home in the 30-40 range. I honestly have no idea whether my shard has a "mafia" or not.
  • Strubz
    429 posts Member
    DocDoom wrote: »
    Ah, the things one misses out on by not being super-competitive. I had a brief while of reaching my shard's top-10. Nobody said boo to me. Then, the meta changed, and I found my new home in the 30-40 range. I honestly have no idea whether my shard has a "mafia" or not.

    We're watching you.......
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Shard bullying is a sad excuse for people to feel strong and powerful in a mobile game. Just have fun playing at your own pace, in your own way, and knowing that you have better things going for you in real life than bullying others in a mobile game.

    How do you know you've got better things going for you when you're complaining about unfair competition in a mobile game and even consider it to be bullying?
    While i'm sure some players get off on feeling powerful in a mobile game, i'm convinced most are just in it for better rewards and less shenanigans around PO so they get to enjoy real life a bit more instead of being glued to their phone around PO. Just a thought

    All of which is perfectly fine until the mafia crosses the line and relegates a player to second place instead of putting them in the rotation, then proceeds to target said player because he doesnt agree to their crummy terms.....

    Right, so you're fine with "collusion" as long as players aren't excluded?
    How do you feel about 2 players working together locking eachother out for 15/10min during their pay-out? A very effective way to relegate others to #3 or lower, no mafia like behaviour with offers you don't want to refuse and certainly no group effort vs 1 player.

    I'm fine with an organized system where players work together over time to maximize EVERYONE'S payout......

    I'm not fine with players working together to go out of their way to exclude or bully another player or group of players because they aren't part of their "clique"

    In the case of the OP, I'm not ok with them telling him he can only ever get as high as second.....
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Thoughts and prayers sent out for everyone in this thread....for sooooo many reasons.

    Considering your comment that "any team can win on offence", we could all say the same for you....... Seriously, do you actually read what you write?.....
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Thoughts and prayers sent out for everyone in this thread....for sooooo many reasons.

    This. Lol this thread. The guy complaining about getting ptsd after this thread? That better be true otherwise that’s pretty insulting to people really dealing with that. So this is miserable, and let’s end it right here:
    1. Do I like these chats? Not really. Do I make this game? No.
    2. Are these chats beneficial for the majority of players affected? Yes.
    3. Would this be a simple fix? No.
    4. Is it a possible fix? Also no.

    So there you have it. It doesn’t matter what you think or how much you complain, this will likely never be changed, and due to outside chat services such as this forum, the elimination of shard chats is virtually (and I mean literally virtually) impossible. Ogres, are like onions. End of story. Bye bye!
  • Darth_DeVito
    1236 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Look at it this way: If your payout coincides with that of several others in the top 10, you will be ganked regardless if there's a shard chat or not, simply because everyone wants the rank 1 payout or the next best thing. The goal of shard chats is to avoid exactly this scenario. I don't think shard chats should be allowed to make a coordinated effort of pushing someone down the ranks, but on the other hand, you can't reasonably expect to take one of the top spots every day when plenty of others with equally good teams try to do the same. If you want to play competitively, expect a lot of competition.
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    Look at it this way: If your payout coincides with that of several others in the top 10, you will be ganked regardless if there's a shard chat or not, simply because everyone wants the rank 1 payout or the next best thing. The goal of shard chats is to avoid exactly this scenario. I don't think shard chats should be allowed to make a coordinated effort of pushing someone down the ranks, but on the other hand, you can't reasonably expect to take one of the top spots every day when plenty of others with equally good teams try to do the same. If you want to play competitively, expect a lot of competition.

    I fully agree with this assesment......
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    1/2 of the people in our chat survived one meta and are outside the top 50
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    EA just needs to add to the TOS that daily arena ranks are based on the whims of out-of-game shard chat syndicates and not any type of in-game mechanics.

    If they added that to the TOS there would be nothing to complain about
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    Nawwww people that are complaining the most just got their shiny Jedi or Darth Revan and all the sudden decide to be competitive in a shard they had or wanted nothing to do with do for years. Now those people who show up out of the blue deserve automatic rotations or top spots over the same people who came up with a coordinated chat? No they earn them.

    If someone new comes to our chat they have to be a nuisance and being willing to take a lower payout for trust. Once they earned our trust after a few weeks by not knocking shardmates back, they are either brought into a rotation or they may or someone already in the chat may move times so there is only 1 or two people in most spots at a time so the rewards are higher.

    The reason why a shard chat exists is because it would be difficult to rotate 500+ Active players a day in a 24 hour window. Actually that costs the chat way more crystals. So unless you want to play with that many people to ensure the entire shard gets a fair payout most chats are limited between 15-30 players that watch after each other. They also make the most investments in the game regarding time and sometimes even money.

    Don’t be mad and salty because you aren’t part of the club you either didn’t invest into from the start or refuse to join. Get outta here.
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