Credit Heist silent nerf - Now showing up every 12 - TWENTY days ONLY!


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    It’s probably been reduced based on the credits you get from GA. 100K per battle, something around 6-10 battles x3 per week, give you the opportunity of upwards of 3mil per week if you win all battles (though most players are probably getting half that at best). Definitely hurts players at lower GP, particularly those of levels <85 who can’t play GA. Higher GP players probably don’t really notice, since once you have a stockpile of 20-30 mil there’s enough cash flow in that you can max level up any new character as you get them.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    DuneFlint wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    I mean, that was 11/2017...a heads up that they were looking at a change for 1/2019, a full year plus after that first announcement, would have been helpful so we could plan accordingly. Just another mark on the board for poor communication...

    They announced a plan, and followed that plan, they are not debating from the current plan as stated. Not sure why they would have to update that they are following the plan they stated.

    Wow, really? It's called communication. Don't we have a community manager for that stuff? Why don't they let him keep us informed? You're citing as evidence a post that said they would change the pace, but they didn't drastically change the pace for another 12 months. You'd think they could have said hey remember when we said we'd do this? We're doing it now.

    If they actually changed the pace to be so drastically bad back then, then additional communication wouldn't have been necessary. 12 months then doing it requires a courtesy followup.

    They did communicate. Nothing has changed from what they have communicated.

    they didn't change anything, they stated the rate would be linked to the release rate, during that time we had a crazy release rate. we have seen a lower release rate, and a more spread out timing for the heist. seems to be doing exactly what they said.

    Lol @Kyno way to dodge my post and pick the easier to respond to. Sure they communicated...14 months ago!! I, for one, wasn’t event playing then, so how was one to know that credit heists weren’t following a semi-regular schedule?

    I’m pretty sure there were periods during the past year that release rates were as low as they have been recently. We’ve had 4 character released to general farm so far this year. How many were released between 11/1 and 12/31 of 2018?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    DuneFlint wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    I mean, that was 11/2017...a heads up that they were looking at a change for 1/2019, a full year plus after that first announcement, would have been helpful so we could plan accordingly. Just another mark on the board for poor communication...

    They announced a plan, and followed that plan, they are not debating from the current plan as stated. Not sure why they would have to update that they are following the plan they stated.

    Wow, really? It's called communication. Don't we have a community manager for that stuff? Why don't they let him keep us informed? You're citing as evidence a post that said they would change the pace, but they didn't drastically change the pace for another 12 months. You'd think they could have said hey remember when we said we'd do this? We're doing it now.

    If they actually changed the pace to be so drastically bad back then, then additional communication wouldn't have been necessary. 12 months then doing it requires a courtesy followup.

    They did communicate. Nothing has changed from what they have communicated.

    they didn't change anything, they stated the rate would be linked to the release rate, during that time we had a crazy release rate. we have seen a lower release rate, and a more spread out timing for the heist. seems to be doing exactly what they said.

    Lol Kyno way to dodge my post and pick the easier to respond to. Sure they communicated...14 months ago!! I, for one, wasn’t event playing then, so how was one to know that credit heists weren’t following a semi-regular schedule?

    I’m pretty sure there were periods during the past year that release rates were as low as they have been recently. We’ve had 4 character released to general farm so far this year. How many were released between 11/1 and 12/31 of 2018?

    Why would you assume it was on a schedule?

    one of the more popular referenced sites when people are referencing it even says its not, and they provide a link to the post.

    it was posted in the OP here.
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    I mean, that was 11/2017...a heads up that they were looking at a change for 1/2019, a full year plus after that first announcement, would have been helpful so we could plan accordingly. Just another mark on the board for poor communication...

    They announced a plan, and followed that plan, they are not debating from the current plan as stated. Not sure why they would have to update that they are following the plan they stated.

    Because after 14 months of gathered evidence it appeared that there was still a pattern that they’d adhere to, albeit different than pre-11/2017, and then the post-01/2019 there was a dramatic shift.

    Does it still fit with what they announced in 11/2017? Sure. Is it good community management to make such a dramatic shift without at least reminding the community of or restating the policy (especially since some people likely weren’t even here in 11/2017)? Absolutely not.

    So, sure, they’re adhering to what they said. That doesn’t make it good practice or good communication. I feel like that should be called out when we see it. Over-communicating is almost always better in situations like this. They have someone whose *sole job* is communicating with the community. I’m challenging them to try to do better.

    assuming there is a pattern does not make it so. there is a guideline they are following, they stated that they will not be adhering to the cadence.

    anyone who asks would have been told this information, his job is to communicate. but he would never be able to keep up if he had to keep reminding everyone of things that were said X months ago. The information is there, nothing about the policy has changed, there is nothing to update.

    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    I mean, that was 11/2017...a heads up that they were looking at a change for 1/2019, a full year plus after that first announcement, would have been helpful so we could plan accordingly. Just another mark on the board for poor communication...

    They announced a plan, and followed that plan, they are not debating from the current plan as stated. Not sure why they would have to update that they are following the plan they stated.

    I used to think you were fair and unbiased. Lately, I have to admit, that assumption might be mistaken.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • jayjonbeach
    697 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    This. This is the whole point of the OP and referencing a thread started over year ago really seems irrelevant to a shift that JUST happened 3 months ago and was never even a "thing" before that.

    Dirty_Litle_Smuggler could be on to something, it could be CG have now decided that with GA we need less credits since we get some from there (and I agree we are not getting that much from them). Again, this is a completely different ball of wax than when credit heists use to be a "scheduled thing" and then got changed to random timing over year ago.

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    There is no cadence, they stated it will not follow any cadence.
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    This. This is the whole point of the OP and referencing a thread started over year ago really seems irrelevant to a shift that JUST happened 3 months ago and was never even a "thing" before that.

    Dirty_Litle_Smuggler could be on to something, it could be CG have now decided that with GA we need less credits since we get some from there. Again, this is a completely different ball of wax than when credit heists use to be a "scheduled thing" and then got changed to random timing over year ago.

    they are following what they stated would be the plan. when there were more releases and events, we had a higher rate. there has been less events releases recently, and the rate seems to be lower. they are still running regularly as stated.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Sorry Kyno, but you're losing a lot of credibility in this thread. In one post you state is "random events", and say there is no cadence, then later (in the same post) you state that they are "still running regularly as stated"....which would be the opposite of random...and exactly what a cadence is.

    If you're going to try to toe the company line, at least pick a lane.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Montanz
    212 posts Member
    I’m always shocked to hear people have stockpiles of credits, I’m constantly buying mods and giving the failed speed roll mods to the teams down the line and improving their viability for TW and GA. I would rather buy a mod then stockpile for a new toon, just save up for a few days then level it up lol
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    There is no cadence, they stated it will not follow any cadence.
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    This. This is the whole point of the OP and referencing a thread started over year ago really seems irrelevant to a shift that JUST happened 3 months ago and was never even a "thing" before that.

    Dirty_Litle_Smuggler could be on to something, it could be CG have now decided that with GA we need less credits since we get some from there. Again, this is a completely different ball of wax than when credit heists use to be a "scheduled thing" and then got changed to random timing over year ago.

    they are following what they stated would be the plan. when there were more releases and events, we had a higher rate. there has been less events releases recently, and the rate seems to be lower. they are still running regularly as stated.

    We can measure the time between events and statistically calculate whether both sets of events come from the same random process. With 99% certainty the time between events in 2018 and 2019 come from different random processes. If you don’t want to call it a cadence that’s fine, but it has changed. That is a mathematical fact.
  • Slaveen
    481 posts Member
    Is the level cap increase a legit thing or just a rumor?
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    There is no cadence, they stated it will not follow any cadence.
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    This. This is the whole point of the OP and referencing a thread started over year ago really seems irrelevant to a shift that JUST happened 3 months ago and was never even a "thing" before that.

    Dirty_Litle_Smuggler could be on to something, it could be CG have now decided that with GA we need less credits since we get some from there. Again, this is a completely different ball of wax than when credit heists use to be a "scheduled thing" and then got changed to random timing over year ago.

    they are following what they stated would be the plan. when there were more releases and events, we had a higher rate. there has been less events releases recently, and the rate seems to be lower. they are still running regularly as stated.

    Interesting. A new player starting the game has a lot of toons to farm and level. More than players did a year ago, but far less credits to do it with. Another example of CG not trying to attract and retain new players. Just milk the whales until the milk runs dry... great long term business model.
    I am the jedi dog battle droid C-3PO could not kill.
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    However credits are strictly needed to upgrade mods, even when a +3 speed upgrades to a +3 speed......
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    Credit Heist? That event that gives you 1.5-2m x 2?

    You make that much from GW in a week. You'll make more from GW in between credit heists than you will from the heists.

    just wait without it for a while you wiil start running short of credits.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    DuneFlint wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    I mean, that was 11/2017...a heads up that they were looking at a change for 1/2019, a full year plus after that first announcement, would have been helpful so we could plan accordingly. Just another mark on the board for poor communication...

    They announced a plan, and followed that plan, they are not debating from the current plan as stated. Not sure why they would have to update that they are following the plan they stated.

    Wow, really? It's called communication. Don't we have a community manager for that stuff? Why don't they let him keep us informed? You're citing as evidence a post that said they would change the pace, but they didn't drastically change the pace for another 12 months. You'd think they could have said hey remember when we said we'd do this? We're doing it now.

    If they actually changed the pace to be so drastically bad back then, then additional communication wouldn't have been necessary. 12 months then doing it requires a courtesy followup.

    They did communicate. Nothing has changed from what they have communicated.

    they didn't change anything, they stated the rate would be linked to the release rate, during that time we had a crazy release rate. we have seen a lower release rate, and a more spread out timing for the heist. seems to be doing exactly what they said.

    Yes its just that what they are doing is not nice.
  • mvmss
    213 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    There is no cadence, they stated it will not follow any cadence.
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    This. This is the whole point of the OP and referencing a thread started over year ago really seems irrelevant to a shift that JUST happened 3 months ago and was never even a "thing" before that.

    Dirty_Litle_Smuggler could be on to something, it could be CG have now decided that with GA we need less credits since we get some from there. Again, this is a completely different ball of wax than when credit heists use to be a "scheduled thing" and then got changed to random timing over year ago.

    they are following what they stated would be the plan. when there were more releases and events, we had a higher rate. there has been less events releases recently, and the rate seems to be lower. they are still running regularly as stated.

    Interesting. A new player starting the game has a lot of toons to farm and level. More than players did a year ago, but far less credits to do it with. Another example of CG not trying to attract and retain new players. Just milk the whales until the milk runs dry... great long term business model.

    This. New players have a LOT to work on and bring to lvl 85, not to mention mods...
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    There is no cadence, they stated it will not follow any cadence.
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    This. This is the whole point of the OP and referencing a thread started over year ago really seems irrelevant to a shift that JUST happened 3 months ago and was never even a "thing" before that.

    Dirty_Litle_Smuggler could be on to something, it could be CG have now decided that with GA we need less credits since we get some from there. Again, this is a completely different ball of wax than when credit heists use to be a "scheduled thing" and then got changed to random timing over year ago.

    they are following what they stated would be the plan. when there were more releases and events, we had a higher rate. there has been less events releases recently, and the rate seems to be lower. they are still running regularly as stated.

    Interesting. A new player starting the game has a lot of toons to farm and level. More than players did a year ago, but far less credits to do it with. Another example of CG not trying to attract and retain new players. Just milk the whales until the milk runs dry... great long term business model.

    New players have more sources of income than older players did, that early in game. They also have more events and other sources of income as compared to players that had the cadence before they stopped following that.

    We will always need more, everything is paced.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited March 2019
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    There is no cadence, they stated it will not follow any cadence.
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    This. This is the whole point of the OP and referencing a thread started over year ago really seems irrelevant to a shift that JUST happened 3 months ago and was never even a "thing" before that.

    Dirty_Litle_Smuggler could be on to something, it could be CG have now decided that with GA we need less credits since we get some from there. Again, this is a completely different ball of wax than when credit heists use to be a "scheduled thing" and then got changed to random timing over year ago.

    they are following what they stated would be the plan. when there were more releases and events, we had a higher rate. there has been less events releases recently, and the rate seems to be lower. they are still running regularly as stated.

    We can measure the time between events and statistically calculate whether both sets of events come from the same random process. With 99% certainty the time between events in 2018 and 2019 come from different random processes. If you don’t want to call it a cadence that’s fine, but it has changed. That is a mathematical fact.

    Correct you can correlate data to mean things, and that can be aligned to many different things.

    The fact of the matter is that they stated a plan and seem to be following it.

    They state "random" as in they dont tell us when it is until its live.

    Edit to add: let me clarify, this is not drastically different.

    I am not saying it's not different, just not that drastic. I was only trying to point out that any changes we have seen to the regularity (its still running regularly, just at a different pace) still follow what they stated would happen. They have not deviated from the statements they made as to how it would be handled.
  • Options
    Slaveen wrote: »
    Is the level cap increase a legit thing or just a rumor?

    In the 5 year plan I’d imagine we’ll eventually see a level cap increase to 100... that said I don’t think we’ll see one any time soon... it would cause too many balancing issues in the game. Perhaps when new content is released such as a raid or TB map we’ll get one.
  • Jenjhys
    272 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    It's concerned droide smugling too but strangely that event seems to come back more often...
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    ahha you are funny dude... trying hard to make it not bad...
  • groovdog
    102 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Started in Nov 18. 43 85s. 15ish chars at level 1 and another 20-25 around 50 to warehouse mods. The level 1s includes 6* thrawn and 7* dr currently. The only reason this is not worse is because I was a Kraken until recently and I refresh mods because of the ability mats and cash. Cashflow sucks this year. My alt mostly f2p has more but is training bot constained. New players are basically screwed. I win all my GA fights. Not enough cash in the game and my frustration is going to cost them money this year. Pump money into getting stuff you cant use...
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    I mean, that was 11/2017...a heads up that they were looking at a change for 1/2019, a full year plus after that first announcement, would have been helpful so we could plan accordingly. Just another mark on the board for poor communication...

    They announced a plan, and followed that plan, they are not deviating from the current plan as stated. Not sure why they would have to update that they are following the plan they stated.

    Wow. Smh
  • Options
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    It's pretty simple, the game was being oversaturated with credits. They kept piling up and people were hoarding so they were as useless as training droids. The game gives a decent amount of credits as is, you just won't be able to build a 100+ million stockpiles as easy without hurting your progression.

    Maybe for mid to end game players, this hamstrings any new or newer players. Good that they havent released many nee chatacters, but there are still 100s of them.

    This x 100. I am sure people with 2.5 - 3 million GP are in MUCH less need of credits, vs those < 2.5mil GP.

    I assure you the 3.5 to 4 mil crowd are not swimming in credits.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    ahha you are funny dude... trying hard to make it not bad...

    When did I say good or bad?

    The OP is stating it should never be more than 12 days. That is not true we have a dev statement that they are no longer following the cadence and have not been for a while.

    Others post that they have changed the rate we see them, that also follows what we were told in that statement would happen.

    When it happened seems to line up with the drop rate of new characters, again, this seems to follow what we were told.

    Other than my opinion about how drastic this is, I have made no judgements of the situation, just pointing to what we were told and showing how it lines up with the actions taken.

    All of this just shows that we were informed of the plans and that the situation seems to be following that plan.
  • Options
    ottomaddux wrote: »
    Credit Heist? That event that gives you 1.5-2m x 2?

    You make that much from GW in a week. You'll make more from GW in between credit heists than you will from the heists.

    just wait without it for a while you wiil start running short of credits.

    Without GW? It resets daily and is always there.

    Without credit heist? Yeah - you just need to be frugal with your credits if you're running low. I'm not exactly sitting on a gold mine at 12m. But while there are toons I want to level to 85, that alone won't suddenly make them viable and therefore they can wait until I have larger reserves.

    I used to spend "paycheck to paycheck", but after being game broke and unable to improve mods/toons I learned to really only spend down like that when I get something I really want/need and am chasing that immediate gratification.
    Ally Code 766-465-766
  • RufusDogbreath
    233 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    There is no cadence, they stated it will not follow any cadence.
    PeldorV wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    there is no dramatic shift, they are "random events" with no set cadence.

    This just isn’t true. The cadence has made a statistically significant shift between last year and this year. That isn’t consistent with random assignment.

    This. This is the whole point of the OP and referencing a thread started over year ago really seems irrelevant to a shift that JUST happened 3 months ago and was never even a "thing" before that.

    Dirty_Litle_Smuggler could be on to something, it could be CG have now decided that with GA we need less credits since we get some from there. Again, this is a completely different ball of wax than when credit heists use to be a "scheduled thing" and then got changed to random timing over year ago.

    they are following what they stated would be the plan. when there were more releases and events, we had a higher rate. there has been less events releases recently, and the rate seems to be lower. they are still running regularly as stated.

    Interesting. A new player starting the game has a lot of toons to farm and level. More than players did a year ago, but far less credits to do it with. Another example of CG not trying to attract and retain new players. Just milk the whales until the milk runs dry... great long term business model.

    New players have more sources of income than older players did, that early in game. They also have more events and other sources of income as compared to players that had the cadence before they stopped following that.

    We will always need more, everything is paced.

    I’m not sure what you mean, but I can say with 100% certainty that new players today have more toons to build and fewer credits to do it with as compared to a year ago.

    I have a level 58 alt, and it stinks not being able to do TW, TB, GA, or ships, and having very infrequent CHs. Also keep in mind, you can’t yet auto-run GW for max daily payout, and many days you run into a squad that blocks you from finishing it. You’re a low level in SA, too. Don’t forget the utter joy of not having enough sim tickets to do attacks quickly and in bulk. I don’t have enough credits to build any toons outside of my Phoenix Squad.

    Perhaps your new, low-level account is having a better go of it. But what I suspect is many long-time players haven’t started a new alt recently.
    I am the jedi dog battle droid C-3PO could not kill.
  • RufusDogbreath
    233 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    I know part of your job is to often be the first line of CYA defense for CG, and that is sometimes very difficult, but the post you linked doesn’t really forewarn what happened at the beginning of this year. The post you link, from Nov 2017, states:

    “Going forward, know that we'll be working to better meet the needs of upcoming in-game events, Character releases, and so forth. Our schedule moving forward may not adhere to previous cadences, but don't fret, we'll continue to run them regularly!

    The reasonable interpretation of that, especially by a player who started on or after that date, is that cadence was altered at the time of that post “to better meet the needs” of events, releases, etc. I suppose we should all know “better” means you get less of something you need? And that the event is longer truly run “regularly” (even though it was run “regularly” for 14 months following that post), but will be adjusted to the optimum random frequency to maximize real revenue for CG without alienating too many players.

    What does “we’ll continue to run them regularly” mean? Oxford Dictionary defines Regularly as:

    1. with a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between individual items. "regularly spaced buildings" · [more]
    2. at uniform intervals of time. "the reunion has taken place regularly every two years"
    I am the jedi dog battle droid C-3PO could not kill.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    Need based would make it more often not less. Oh they meant their needs? Gotcha
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