Credit Heist silent nerf - Now showing up every 12 - TWENTY days ONLY!


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    SmurfLAX28 wrote: »
    There’s alot of contraversial comments, truthful comments, and some serious heat to Kyno, can’t say i’m to big of a fan you moving my general dicussusions to the dead zones of this forum however lets cut out the bad attitude to man doing what he’s paid to do and that’s deliver the info cg “supplies” him and keep it civil like others have.

    AFAIK, Kyno is neither paid nor is it his job to spin for CG. He’s a volunteer moderator (correct me if I’m wrong). As much grief as I give him, he’s definitely out here doing yeoman’s work trying to pick up the slack for the poor communication from CG, even if I disagree with him more often than not. He’s basically doing CG_SBCrumb ‘s job for him, for whatever reason that might be. This is exactly the type of thing a community manager should be fielding and responding to, not a moderator...

    For sure, Kyno is doing a fantastic job at taking care of what someone at CG should be doing. It's when he blindly defends any action and sometimes even put words in posters and/or CGs mouth to make a more layman message that gets to be quite nonsensical.

    It's a shame that CG doesn't bother communicating much and have to rely on others to be their messenger to take some heat off them.

    I would just like to say, that on this topic if I seem to be defending anything, please take a step back and look again. I am not.

    My goal for stepping into their thread was to correct misinformation in the OP.

    It's not my opinion but fact that this was not a silent or stealth nerf. There is a statement from the dev team that this is possible, and may happen according to in game circumstances.

    There are no statements about the order or sequence of which comes first. I believe on a few occasions we have seen 2 of one and the other on the outside of that, but I may be mistaken.

    We have seen at least 2 instances before the Jan 1 date of over 12 days.

    Take from all that what you will, but everything I said here is true to the best of my knowledge and seems to be misrepresented in the OP.

    I have not once said this was good or bad, or tried to add my own opinion. I was trying to use thier words to describe what they had said, which is hard when it doesn't seem to be worded well in the first place.
    No I am not paid, along with all the other volunteer mods.

    We do this because we love the game and the community (no matter how you feel about us). Crumb does a great job and is always working to make this community better, we are here to help with that goal.

    I hope this clarifies things, and maybe we can move in to the topic at hand.... we all need more credits and it would have been nice to hear them say they were making a change if it was going to run on this way as the new regular rate. (But we did have information saying this was possible :wink: )
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    Kyno, I was just talking about you doing your moderator's duty and sometimes IMO nonsensically defending CG... Not in this thread.

    Relating to this thread as you "putting words in people's mouths" as I put it is only on what was a misrepresentation on your part because you took at what you thought was very obvious inferences as demands. You've already been called out and have acknowledged you were wrong so that's done, it's just the spin that you always have to deflect it back at everyone else that gets to be obnoxious. (nowhere in the post admitting you were wrong you had to point the finger back at the community)

    But as I said to whoever said "nothing has changed" since 11/2017 so no mention of their credit heist procedure is useless... That's just ridiculously incorrect.

    Nothing has changed in their blanket statement but their blanket statement was just that so they can give themselves lots of leeway to nickel and dime people and say that everything is still par for the course..... Even though it's a completely different course.
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    You can see clearly the difference between 2018 and 2019.
    @CG we see what You are doing...
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    leef wrote: »
    Remove credits from the game, I'm not kidding, we have so many bottlenecks as it is, shards, gear, ability materials, mods, last thing we need is more of those. Make credits like sim tickets, give us enough to never need more of them, it's a pointless resource that requires 0 skill or even effort to aquire.

    For those who have alot of credits saved up, just give them some Zetas per every few million credits and call it a day, it's a dumb resource that should not restrict any players under any circumstances. Plus who cares about leveling characters any more, ever since you introduced GP based matchmaking for GA and TW everyone wants to REDUCE their GP and not increase it, so increase at your own risk.


    What are you even saying? Remove credits because they're an unecessary bottleneck, but you don't need creditgs because you don't want to level toons anyway?
    Your whole argument doesn't make sense to me and just looks like you don't want to manage your credits.

    They have other uses in the game other than leveling. Crafting gear pieces, moving around mods, but leveling is the most important one. I wasn't making a case for not leveling at all, I was making a case for not leveling anything you don't need at the moment.

    I knew that given my argument some would say that if you removed credits everyone would not only level up their useful characters, but they would level all of their characters including the ones they don't need, which would raise their GP alot. All I'm saying is that it wouldn't make sense to do that, leveling a character with 0 gear in them would hurt your account more than it would help.
  • Sentia
    280 posts Member
    Honestly the biggest credit sink for me is moving my mods around ever time they rework a character, cause it is not just the reworked character, its every other character they were previously groupable with. Changes to GG, adjust all my droid's mods. Changes to HK, again adjusting most of my droid mods. Finn? Moving half my resistance and half my rebels mods around.

    With all the nerfs, I mean reworks that we have had this year I can't afford to level up my new toons to do the DR event.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    SmurfLAX28 wrote: »
    There’s alot of contraversial comments, truthful comments, and some serious heat to Kyno, can’t say i’m to big of a fan you moving my general dicussusions to the dead zones of this forum however lets cut out the bad attitude to man doing what he’s paid to do and that’s deliver the info cg “supplies” him and keep it civil like others have.

    AFAIK, Kyno is neither paid nor is it his job to spin for CG. He’s a volunteer moderator (correct me if I’m wrong). As much grief as I give him, he’s definitely out here doing yeoman’s work trying to pick up the slack for the poor communication from CG, even if I disagree with him more often than not. He’s basically doing CG_SBCrumb ‘s job for him, for whatever reason that might be. This is exactly the type of thing a community manager should be fielding and responding to, not a moderator...

    For sure, Kyno is doing a fantastic job at taking care of what someone at CG should be doing. It's when he blindly defends any action and sometimes even put words in posters and/or CGs mouth to make a more layman message that gets to be quite nonsensical.

    It's a shame that CG doesn't bother communicating much and have to rely on others to be their messenger to take some heat off them.

    I would just like to say, that on this topic if I seem to be defending anything, please take a step back and look again. I am not.

    My goal for stepping into their thread was to correct misinformation in the OP.

    It's not my opinion but fact that this was not a silent or stealth nerf. There is a statement from the dev team that this is possible, and may happen according to in game circumstances.

    There are no statements about the order or sequence of which comes first. I believe on a few occasions we have seen 2 of one and the other on the outside of that, but I may be mistaken.

    We have seen at least 2 instances before the Jan 1 date of over 12 days.

    Take from all that what you will, but everything I said here is true to the best of my knowledge and seems to be misrepresented in the OP.

    I have not once said this was good or bad, or tried to add my own opinion. I was trying to use thier words to describe what they had said, which is hard when it doesn't seem to be worded well in the first place.
    No I am not paid, along with all the other volunteer mods.

    We do this because we love the game and the community (no matter how you feel about us). Crumb does a great job and is always working to make this community better, we are here to help with that goal.

    I hope this clarifies things, and maybe we can move in to the topic at hand.... we all need more credits and it would have been nice to hear them say they were making a change if it was going to run on this way as the new regular rate. (But we did have information saying this was possible :wink: )

    This is re-litigating, but that’s your interpretation of the 11/2017 post. My interpretation is that they made a change at that time to the pattern, impacting moving forward, based on what they had in the schedule. I don’t see mention of blanket immunity to make changes whenever they felt like it.

    Regardless of whether we agree on that or not, it still doesn’t change the fact that a simple courtesy message in January informing us of the change so we could at least plan accordingly (as easy as - “Hey guys, based on new credit income from GA and other events, we’re adding a couple days to the heist cadence.”) would do well in building some good will. It could have been an easy win that instead turned into another mark in the poor communication column.

    I don’t want to call out Crumb specifically really, but the community management here is not great. Either he’s missing the mark, or he’s not empowered to do the things he should be doing and we need to get the people above him to pay more attention. The event rollouts are solid, the puzzles are phenomenal, but all of these small moments of missed opportunity in communicating add up over time and create a general sentiment of distrust, apathy and even anger...
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    This would have been a great Q&A topic for the next Q&A but I"m sure they will run out of "time" (lol) after handchoosing the 49 When is X toon coming to the game posts (they can't answer lol but address them) but that does leave open the possibilty of maybe getting 1 solid question answered...maybe this will be it.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Kyno wrote: »
    SmurfLAX28 wrote: »
    There’s alot of contraversial comments, truthful comments, and some serious heat to Kyno, can’t say i’m to big of a fan you moving my general dicussusions to the dead zones of this forum however lets cut out the bad attitude to man doing what he’s paid to do and that’s deliver the info cg “supplies” him and keep it civil like others have.

    AFAIK, Kyno is neither paid nor is it his job to spin for CG. He’s a volunteer moderator (correct me if I’m wrong). As much grief as I give him, he’s definitely out here doing yeoman’s work trying to pick up the slack for the poor communication from CG, even if I disagree with him more often than not. He’s basically doing CG_SBCrumb ‘s job for him, for whatever reason that might be. This is exactly the type of thing a community manager should be fielding and responding to, not a moderator...

    For sure, Kyno is doing a fantastic job at taking care of what someone at CG should be doing. It's when he blindly defends any action and sometimes even put words in posters and/or CGs mouth to make a more layman message that gets to be quite nonsensical.

    It's a shame that CG doesn't bother communicating much and have to rely on others to be their messenger to take some heat off them.

    I would just like to say, that on this topic if I seem to be defending anything, please take a step back and look again. I am not.

    My goal for stepping into their thread was to correct misinformation in the OP.

    It's not my opinion but fact that this was not a silent or stealth nerf. There is a statement from the dev team that this is possible, and may happen according to in game circumstances.

    There are no statements about the order or sequence of which comes first. I believe on a few occasions we have seen 2 of one and the other on the outside of that, but I may be mistaken.

    We have seen at least 2 instances before the Jan 1 date of over 12 days.

    Take from all that what you will, but everything I said here is true to the best of my knowledge and seems to be misrepresented in the OP.

    I have not once said this was good or bad, or tried to add my own opinion. I was trying to use thier words to describe what they had said, which is hard when it doesn't seem to be worded well in the first place.
    No I am not paid, along with all the other volunteer mods.

    We do this because we love the game and the community (no matter how you feel about us). Crumb does a great job and is always working to make this community better, we are here to help with that goal.

    I hope this clarifies things, and maybe we can move in to the topic at hand.... we all need more credits and it would have been nice to hear them say they were making a change if it was going to run on this way as the new regular rate. (But we did have information saying this was possible :wink: )

    I don’t want to call out Crumb specifically really, but the community management here is not great. .

    Crumb only can do what he is told to do...... every single issue people have with him is actually a problem higher up not passing down...... With the exception of the extremely wrong and unneeded "shame on you comment" there is literally nothing anyone can and should blame him for unless I'm vastly missing something.....

    A lot of you also criticizing Kyno ya'll maybe need to read the forums harder.... when he gives his opinion sometimes it's for....sometimes it's against something..not blind defending....

    and like he said most of the time it's just straight out correcting people who are straight up wrong....I'm on that end a lot :)
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    We just don't need credits to be another headache for the community. We have so much stuff to worry about that credits should not add to the grinds.
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    Dk_rek wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    SmurfLAX28 wrote: »
    There’s alot of contraversial comments, truthful comments, and some serious heat to Kyno, can’t say i’m to big of a fan you moving my general dicussusions to the dead zones of this forum however lets cut out the bad attitude to man doing what he’s paid to do and that’s deliver the info cg “supplies” him and keep it civil like others have.

    AFAIK, Kyno is neither paid nor is it his job to spin for CG. He’s a volunteer moderator (correct me if I’m wrong). As much grief as I give him, he’s definitely out here doing yeoman’s work trying to pick up the slack for the poor communication from CG, even if I disagree with him more often than not. He’s basically doing CG_SBCrumb ‘s job for him, for whatever reason that might be. This is exactly the type of thing a community manager should be fielding and responding to, not a moderator...

    For sure, Kyno is doing a fantastic job at taking care of what someone at CG should be doing. It's when he blindly defends any action and sometimes even put words in posters and/or CGs mouth to make a more layman message that gets to be quite nonsensical.

    It's a shame that CG doesn't bother communicating much and have to rely on others to be their messenger to take some heat off them.

    I would just like to say, that on this topic if I seem to be defending anything, please take a step back and look again. I am not.

    My goal for stepping into their thread was to correct misinformation in the OP.

    It's not my opinion but fact that this was not a silent or stealth nerf. There is a statement from the dev team that this is possible, and may happen according to in game circumstances.

    There are no statements about the order or sequence of which comes first. I believe on a few occasions we have seen 2 of one and the other on the outside of that, but I may be mistaken.

    We have seen at least 2 instances before the Jan 1 date of over 12 days.

    Take from all that what you will, but everything I said here is true to the best of my knowledge and seems to be misrepresented in the OP.

    I have not once said this was good or bad, or tried to add my own opinion. I was trying to use thier words to describe what they had said, which is hard when it doesn't seem to be worded well in the first place.
    No I am not paid, along with all the other volunteer mods.

    We do this because we love the game and the community (no matter how you feel about us). Crumb does a great job and is always working to make this community better, we are here to help with that goal.

    I hope this clarifies things, and maybe we can move in to the topic at hand.... we all need more credits and it would have been nice to hear them say they were making a change if it was going to run on this way as the new regular rate. (But we did have information saying this was possible :wink: )

    I don’t want to call out Crumb specifically really, but the community management here is not great. .

    Crumb only can do what he is told to do...... every single issue people have with him is actually a problem higher up not passing down...... With the exception of the extremely wrong and unneeded "shame on you comment" there is literally nothing anyone can and should blame him for unless I'm vastly missing something.....

    A lot of you also criticizing Kyno ya'll maybe need to read the forums harder.... when he gives his opinion sometimes it's for....sometimes it's against something..not blind defending....

    and like he said most of the time it's just straight out correcting people who are straight up wrong....I'm on that end a lot :)

    I mean you left out the very next sentence of my quote that basically said exactly what you did:
    Either he’s missing the mark, or he’s not empowered to do the things he should be doing and we need to get the people above him to pay more attention.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    My goal for stepping into their thread was to correct misinformation in the OP.

    Except as everyone keeps pointing out, the OP doesn't have any misinformation.

    Maybe you should read it again, and try not splitting hairs, there has been a recent change that does not correlate with anything recent, including the over year old announcement

    Why get stuck on the 12 days? OCD? Look at what I said, every 5 - 12 days consistently, I never said NEVER over 12 days, but I could have said almost never and that would have been accurate. Now we are never UNDER 12 days. BIG change.

    So at the start of this year, they decided, silently (afaik not announced), to dramatically lower the frequency to Credit Heists,not cool that $$ is SO needed!

    Just look at the pattern. Before the start of the year every 5 - 12 days consistently, since Jan 1, every 12 - 15 days consistently and now this is the longest delay yet, it will be an 18 day gap when we finally get it on Mar 30. In fact, this might be the first time that a credit heist was skipped, we had training droid smuggling 12 days ago and always we have credit heist follow it before another droid event, not this time, we have another training droid event coming before the next credit heist so essentially they skipped one credit heist completely wow.

  • enlguy
    90 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They did announce that it would no longer follow the 6-12 day schedule. In that post I believe they said they would have it follow a "need based" schedule linked to character/event release. We have not had as many characters released as of late, so less heists does make sense from that perspective.

    I mean, that was 11/2017...a heads up that they were looking at a change for 1/2019, a full year plus after that first announcement, would have been helpful so we could plan accordingly. Just another mark on the board for poor communication...

    They announced a plan, and followed that plan, they are not deviating from the current plan as stated. Not sure why they would have to update that they are following the plan they stated.

    Dude, because this is HORRIBLE communications (I have a degree in this field, and would think someone in their communication's department does, too, and isn't six years old). You give UPDATES as to proposed changes, you show a pathway to the changes, you don't mention it off-handedly and then do nothing for years, then say that you told everyone. That's INSANE!

    I gotta admit, it gets a little old when Kyno is constantly jumping to the defense of CG as they continue to **** people off. Also... "need based" on credits!?? Are you f-ing kidding me?! We all need them, now! I've put this game on my **** list, it has a couple months to adjust course before I drop it. If I could take all the money back I've spent on it, I would.

    CG needs help. Look at dev posts, look at the way they handle issues with the game, these are incredibly unprofessional **** making a buck and probably running in the next few years. I will never financially support this company again. Hire someone who actually knows how to talk to people, not some arrogant bro-dude leaving all the updates. Do these people have any respectful people working at the company? Typical American West Coast ****, I guess. Just a bunch of jerks who care about nothing but themselves.
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    At one point this was every 1.5 weeks or so now it is looking like a monthly event at best!
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    Yes the silent nerf to CH's stinks big time, now running almost every 15 - 20 days consistently since start of year
  • vincentlondon
    4527 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    It s ok i have > 350 M gold unusued. If i could i would give some to you as gold becomes useless at some point
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    So credit heist hit this morning. I ran it. And didn’t want to spend any credits because the next credit heist could be another 3 weeks away.

    The point: the change is making me not want to engage with the game. Nothing good comes from that.
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    It s ok i have > 350 M gold unusued. If i could i would give some to you as gold becomes useless at some point

    What are you hoarding for? Buy those mods.
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    I got a whopping 4 mil from today's Credit Heist. I think the time before last I got 4 mil too. They really need to up that credit level for the mid-range players who don't have 100+ mil credits.
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    The credit heist may have taken longer to come back than usual this time, but at least I got more credits than normal. Still waiting for my 10M someday. tdufjkpim9xy.png
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    I got a lousy 3 mil this morning. Lowest in long time, made me miss my typical 5m.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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    I think we see them milking a dying cow...
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    I’m telling y’all it should be EVERY SUNDAY. Would be a great move for CG, I know that I would play the game more, and we know you play more, you spend more...
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    Reading most of this, i'm not super **** they're cutting back CH, but i'd definitely like it more often. And maybe a guaranteed 1 10M a year would be bad - 16 months and i've never had one, but oh well :)

    As for the 'we were told' has been stated repeatedly. They stated they were going to change it 15 months ago, and they changed it 15 months ago. At that time and for a time after, it was every 10ish days at worst. It changed a bit after that and now it's changing again.

    You don't get to write a statement and try and fall back on it 15 months later and claim good communication. If you want to use that as a basis for doing it, you also have to admit you screwed the pooch on informing people.

    I mean, you can tell me to pick you up at the airport on Feb 4, 2020. Good luck on me showing up, you know?

    There's not a good rationale for cutting it back frankly. My first year, there was maybe 1 new legendary type event added. Since september, there's something like 8. Which is 40 toons to star, level, and gear - which takes a lot of money. And there's another 1 just added and another in the not too distant future from what i hear. So if anything more CH's are needed, not fewer.

    Money doesn't become meaningless where there's no game economy. I seriously doubt they can post game info that shows mid and lower level players (i.e. under 2M GP) are buying lots more stuff than they have before. Seems just another way to increase the grind factor which is getting OLD.
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    Question: Is Credit Heist only one run now? Cause I simmed it once, and then it said complete. Did I miss something?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    EricsonX wrote: »
    Question: Is Credit Heist only one run now? Cause I simmed it once, and then it said complete. Did I miss something?

    Sim is set to max. Unless you hit the slider to 1, you simmed both.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    cboath7 wrote: »
    Reading most of this, i'm not super **** they're cutting back CH, but i'd definitely like it more often. And maybe a guaranteed 1 10M a year would be bad - 16 months and i've never had one, but oh well :)

    As for the 'we were told' has been stated repeatedly. They stated they were going to change it 15 months ago, and they changed it 15 months ago. At that time and for a time after, it was every 10ish days at worst. It changed a bit after that and now it's changing again.

    You don't get to write a statement and try and fall back on it 15 months later and claim good communication. If you want to use that as a basis for doing it, you also have to admit you screwed the pooch on informing people.

    I mean, you can tell me to pick you up at the airport on Feb 4, 2020. Good luck on me showing up, you know?

    There's not a good rationale for cutting it back frankly. My first year, there was maybe 1 new legendary type event added. Since september, there's something like 8. Which is 40 toons to star, level, and gear - which takes a lot of money. And there's another 1 just added and another in the not too distant future from what i hear. So if anything more CH's are needed, not fewer.

    Money doesn't become meaningless where there's no game economy. I seriously doubt they can post game info that shows mid and lower level players (i.e. under 2M GP) are buying lots more stuff than they have before. Seems just another way to increase the grind factor which is getting OLD.

    I never said it was good communication, not once.

    The system they changed it to, as that statement says (not my interpretation, but how it was explained to us when this change happened), the event frequency would be based on the event/character release rate. That was the change made those months back. The rate didnt change at that time likely due to the high rate of release of characters, we see a lower now, and this could be why we see the change now.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    cboath7 wrote: »
    Reading most of this, i'm not super **** they're cutting back CH, but i'd definitely like it more often. And maybe a guaranteed 1 10M a year would be bad - 16 months and i've never had one, but oh well :)

    As for the 'we were told' has been stated repeatedly. They stated they were going to change it 15 months ago, and they changed it 15 months ago. At that time and for a time after, it was every 10ish days at worst. It changed a bit after that and now it's changing again.

    You don't get to write a statement and try and fall back on it 15 months later and claim good communication. If you want to use that as a basis for doing it, you also have to admit you screwed the pooch on informing people.

    I mean, you can tell me to pick you up at the airport on Feb 4, 2020. Good luck on me showing up, you know?

    There's not a good rationale for cutting it back frankly. My first year, there was maybe 1 new legendary type event added. Since september, there's something like 8. Which is 40 toons to star, level, and gear - which takes a lot of money. And there's another 1 just added and another in the not too distant future from what i hear. So if anything more CH's are needed, not fewer.

    Money doesn't become meaningless where there's no game economy. I seriously doubt they can post game info that shows mid and lower level players (i.e. under 2M GP) are buying lots more stuff than they have before. Seems just another way to increase the grind factor which is getting OLD.

    I never said it was good communication, not once.

    The system they changed it to, as that statement says (not my interpretation, but how it was explained to us when this change happened), the event frequency would be based on the event/character release rate. That was the change made those months back. The rate didnt change at that time likely due to the high rate of release of characters, we see a lower now, and this could be why we see the change now.

    Kyno, I have nothing personal against you. I think you do good work communicating when many at the company don’t. I say this because I think both you and the developers need this feedback. The more I hear you try to explain this the more frustrated I get and literally every post makes me think of uninstalling the game.
  • cboath7
    474 posts Member
    If they want to change it up just for the hell of it, they just have to state 'we reserve the right to change it at any time, without telling you, just because we want to'.

    You flat out do not get to use 'we told you' when the announcement was 15 months ago. Sorry. Doesn't work that way. Again, it takes them a whopping 60 seconds after they know they're going to do it, to log in to the board, and put up a post saying FYI, you know we told you ages ago about messing with CH frequency, we're doing it now/again/whatever. It's not something hard or time consuming to do.

    All these things do, quite honestly, is give a bigger advantage to those who spend insanely and those who've been around a long time. Good luck catching up for newer people who get less stuff to work with than those who they were chasing. That's it. It flat out does not crimp the style or advancement of those paying 100's or 1000's a month. It does not crimp the style of those who've been around 2+ years. It hits those at the 12 month and under segment.
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This discussion has been closed.