Credit Heist silent nerf - Now showing up every 12 - TWENTY days ONLY!



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    Kyno wrote: »
    cboath7 wrote: »
    Reading most of this, i'm not super **** they're cutting back CH, but i'd definitely like it more often. And maybe a guaranteed 1 10M a year would be bad - 16 months and i've never had one, but oh well :)

    As for the 'we were told' has been stated repeatedly. They stated they were going to change it 15 months ago, and they changed it 15 months ago. At that time and for a time after, it was every 10ish days at worst. It changed a bit after that and now it's changing again.

    You don't get to write a statement and try and fall back on it 15 months later and claim good communication. If you want to use that as a basis for doing it, you also have to admit you screwed the pooch on informing people.

    I mean, you can tell me to pick you up at the airport on Feb 4, 2020. Good luck on me showing up, you know?

    There's not a good rationale for cutting it back frankly. My first year, there was maybe 1 new legendary type event added. Since september, there's something like 8. Which is 40 toons to star, level, and gear - which takes a lot of money. And there's another 1 just added and another in the not too distant future from what i hear. So if anything more CH's are needed, not fewer.

    Money doesn't become meaningless where there's no game economy. I seriously doubt they can post game info that shows mid and lower level players (i.e. under 2M GP) are buying lots more stuff than they have before. Seems just another way to increase the grind factor which is getting OLD.

    I never said it was good communication, not once.

    The system they changed it to, as that statement says (not my interpretation, but how it was explained to us when this change happened), the event frequency would be based on the event/character release rate. That was the change made those months back. The rate didnt change at that time likely due to the high rate of release of characters, we see a lower now, and this could be why we see the change now.

    You may not have flat out said it’s good communication, but every time I tried to imply relying on a communication 15 months ago was bad communication your response was: “but they communicated!”

    That’s defending it, whether you call it good or not is a bit irrelevant.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    cboath7 wrote: »
    Reading most of this, i'm not super **** they're cutting back CH, but i'd definitely like it more often. And maybe a guaranteed 1 10M a year would be bad - 16 months and i've never had one, but oh well :)

    As for the 'we were told' has been stated repeatedly. They stated they were going to change it 15 months ago, and they changed it 15 months ago. At that time and for a time after, it was every 10ish days at worst. It changed a bit after that and now it's changing again.

    You don't get to write a statement and try and fall back on it 15 months later and claim good communication. If you want to use that as a basis for doing it, you also have to admit you screwed the pooch on informing people.

    I mean, you can tell me to pick you up at the airport on Feb 4, 2020. Good luck on me showing up, you know?

    There's not a good rationale for cutting it back frankly. My first year, there was maybe 1 new legendary type event added. Since september, there's something like 8. Which is 40 toons to star, level, and gear - which takes a lot of money. And there's another 1 just added and another in the not too distant future from what i hear. So if anything more CH's are needed, not fewer.

    Money doesn't become meaningless where there's no game economy. I seriously doubt they can post game info that shows mid and lower level players (i.e. under 2M GP) are buying lots more stuff than they have before. Seems just another way to increase the grind factor which is getting OLD.

    I never said it was good communication, not once.

    The system they changed it to, as that statement says (not my interpretation, but how it was explained to us when this change happened), the event frequency would be based on the event/character release rate. That was the change made those months back. The rate didnt change at that time likely due to the high rate of release of characters, we see a lower now, and this could be why we see the change now.

    You may not have flat out said it’s good communication, but every time I tried to imply relying on a communication 15 months ago was bad communication your response was: “but they communicated!”

    That’s defending it, whether you call it good or not is a bit irrelevant.

    Sorry, if that is how that came across, my only point about that post was that this was not silent or stealth. They stated this and didnt immediately adjust it, but did state it was based on other parameters, and we are seeing that now.

    I am not defending anything, i am providing the information we have, because it was communicated.
  • Kirth
    50 posts Member
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  • SSB
    72 posts Member
    SSB wrote: »

    Posts like this is why you’re the most disliked person on this forum. Always defending the indefensible

    That's quite a strong claim, and one not likely to be backed by much hard evidence.

    I would gladly do a survey to prove it, but it would get deleted... by him.
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    RussianSKS wrote: »
    honestly ... if you're living your game life credit heist to credit heist, you're totally playing wrong! It's SOOOOOOO easy to save credits.

    my biggest gripe ARE the crap events that give nothing but crap mods. POINTLESS / WASTE OF TIME!

    The main point of the events are to play the events. It's a game, it's meant to be played. Well, it is to me anyway.

    Off Topic: My absolute favorite name on SWGOH so far. (disclaimer: as long as you got it from the books and not MTV)
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    cboath7 wrote: »
    You flat out do not get to use 'we told you' when the announcement was 15 months ago. Sorry. Doesn't work that way. Again, it takes them a whopping 60 seconds after they know they're going to do it, to log in to the board, and put up a post saying FYI, you know we told you ages ago about messing with CH frequency, we're doing it now/again/whatever. It's not something hard or time consuming to do.

    You've seen how many errors there are every time Crumb tries to give us an news or an update.... Even with how they nickel and dime everything this game, not sure they have quite the payroll for that type of quality control staff!
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