(Yoda is back)


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    M9silent wrote: »
    @Drake23 First off: I hate yogurt! Even with strawberries!

    That said, I could see that as a possibility. Perhaps they haven't set the date yet because they are working it around other events.

    Won't be true. No matter how hard you wish it to be.
  • XCOM
    250 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I think it's actually fair that Yoda is not available, and I hope will not be for a long time. Having something available all the time cheapens it. Why should you have something at will when I paid an arm and a leg for it? Btw I share my Yoda through leaders with others... So you can try him once a day. Otherwise keep playing for "free" - you get what you pay for. As a matter of fact, if he will never be available again... He'll appear here and there and will be a legend/unicorn and a constant reminder that you should get things while they are offered. (Btw I missed out on all the major packs because I didn't understand the value at the time and had to pay later... :-(
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    XCOM wrote: »
    I think it's actually fair that Yoda is not available, and I hope will not be for a long time. Having something available all the time cheapens it. Why should you have something at will when I paid an arm and a leg for it? Btw I share my Yoda through leaders with others... So you can try him once a day. Otherwise keep playing for "free" - you get what you pay for.

    Stop. There is no need to be condescending.

    There are many F2P players that have 7* Yoda. It has more to do with how long you have been playing the game.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    XCOM wrote: »
    I think it's actually fair that Yoda is not available, and I hope will not be for a long time. Having something available all the time cheapens it. Why should you have something at will when I paid an arm and a leg for it? Btw I share my Yoda through leaders with others... So you can try him once a day. Otherwise keep playing for "free" - you get what you pay for.

    Haha, that really made me laugh! What makes you think all the people who haven't got Yoda at 7 stars are F2P? Any F2P could get him and any number of P2P just wasn't in a hurry. I'm P2P, I have him at 5 stars, I just decided to slow down farming my 5 7 star Jedi. Thought I'll keep gearing him up as a side project and he does not fit into my squad yet. Rey should be max in a months time, I can star my fully geared Yoda and use them both with QGJ. If the meta changes by then, I'm still working on other viable toons and hoarding purple mats, credits etc so I shouldn't have too difficult a time adjusting.

    Makes you look cheap when you talk too much about money, you know?
  • XCOM
    250 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    XCOM wrote: »
    I think it's actually fair that Yoda is not available, and I hope will not be for a long time. Having something available all the time cheapens it. Why should you have something at will when I paid an arm and a leg for it? Btw I share my Yoda through leaders with others... So you can try him once a day. Otherwise keep playing for "free" - you get what you pay for.

    Stop. There is no need to be condescending.

    There are many F2P players that have 7* Yoda. It has more to do with how long you have been playing the game.

    I got 5* Yoda first time around but missed QGJ pack cause I was boycotting EA at the time... Had to pay $500 that day on chromiums to get enough shards to qualify... Made it by 2 hours... So, yes you can get him for free, but yes you can buy him as well, but you have to be willing to do so... Most wanna circumvent the "pay" requirement and grind it out... But then there is this consequence... "Not available."

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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    XCOM wrote: »
    I think it's actually fair that Yoda is not available, and I hope will not be for a long time. Having something available all the time cheapens it. Why should you have something at will when I paid an arm and a leg for it? Btw I share my Yoda through leaders with others... So you can try him once a day. Otherwise keep playing for "free" - you get what you pay for.

    Stop. There is no need to be condescending.

    There are many F2P players that have 7* Yoda. It has more to do with how long you have been playing the game.

    Bolded for truth. Farming 5 Jedi isn't difficult, the game basically forces you to farm 3 (Lumi, QGJ, JC) for arena/GW.
    Turns out those 3 are also quite good for Yoda.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Trevor
    102 posts Member
    Why they couldnt put banner like yoda when another event is comming for example

    Sith is comming soon and reqirement set up earlier
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    XCOM wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    XCOM wrote: »
    I think it's actually fair that Yoda is not available, and I hope will not be for a long time. Having something available all the time cheapens it. Why should you have something at will when I paid an arm and a leg for it? Btw I share my Yoda through leaders with others... So you can try him once a day. Otherwise keep playing for "free" - you get what you pay for.

    Stop. There is no need to be condescending.

    There are many F2P players that have 7* Yoda. It has more to do with how long you have been playing the game.

    I got 5* Yoda first time around but missed QGJ pack cause I was boycotting EA at the time... Had to pay $500 that day on chromiums to get enough shards to qualify... Made it by 2 hours... So, yes you can get him for free, but yes you can buy him as well, but you have to be willing to do so... Most wanna circumvent the "pay" requirement and grind it out... But then there is this consequence... "Not available."

    The "I paid for it" bit is really transparent. Are you that bad at this game, or do you just need something to justify your impatience? There was never any pay requirement for Yoda. There was a time and diverted resources requirement. F2p who completely diverted all their focus to grinding Jedi, to the detriment of the arena/GW teams, could and did unlock him.
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    If they do this, it'll tank the game even more than it's already tanking. There are still plenty of players still farming to acquire Yoda and if they then close up shop and stop offering him, there will be many players that will quit over that one thing. Let's see if they're stupid enough to actually do it, I almost dare them....
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    I was farming Jedi's from the moment the game came out. I ended up 7*ing JKG who is currently useless and sits on the bench cuz Offee wouldn't have been ready in time. I got my 7* Yoda but he is not a part of my winning teams. His training req's cost too much ATM as I have better toons that need it. He is not the end all toon and I regularly smash the Arena teams he is a part of. So now I have 2 useless Jedi's on the bench that only see play in GW as fodder for a difficult to beat team. I am always in the top 50 in arena and can tell you that Yoda is NOT in the top 10 arena teams. If you make it to the the top 10 you will clearly see the teams that are winning. So don't feel bad if you didn't get him,he is not all that and a bag of chips.
  • Vodo
    332 posts Member
    Would really be nice to get official info for this. I started farming Anakin shards just yesterday and I'm not sure if I would keep starring him up if the Yoda event won't come back.
    On the other hand, if it says "soon" then I'm pretty sure it will be repeated, just maybe not in exactly 30 days. Maybe it's 6 weeks because of the droid event and maybe we will see the countdown un 2 weeks then.
  • DarthSamJackson
    323 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I got Yoda to 7* and am F2P except for $6 I spent at the start of the game. I went all in to get Yoda this round - in case he's not back for a while. The price of this was spending all my arena tokens on Eeth Koth.

    That said, I don't think anybody who doesn't have him needs to worry yet - he will be back for sure and it might be next month.
  • sid
    232 posts Member
    reizse wrote: »
    be ye all that bored?
    No new content = time for gossip!

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    CG was offering us unbelievable value. 5 star to 7 star awesome meta diverse toon. Yoda the grand master. Ftp should have been working on qgj, Barriss, Jc, lumi. The offering included million plus credits to get him up in stars. This cost nothing except diversion from your pet projects (Rey dooku)... Many of you were stubborn. This game is about resource allocation. Are you smart enough to refresh energy. Are you tempted by awful value like chromiums. Do you waste tons of energy on bad 50 piece poor return equipment? Aurodium though I didn't buy was awesome value. Seven star max guy $175 is cheap for this game. Yoda was an unbelievable gift and pretty easy to get for ftp and seven star for December server was easy. I worked on 7 Jedi in case Eeth couldn't do it. I saw the obvious value of Yoda. I feel bad for all those dark side lovers who were stubborn. That was a mistake.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    They can (and will) do whatever they like.
    It would be nice if they told us in advance so we could plan.
    If he's not really coming back in April, this not only messes up a lot of players, they've cost themselves money in the process. Hopefully it's just a glitch or something. (One could even hope they are expanding the event since soon 90% of the people who plan to do it will be done with it.)
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    Why bother with a scoundrel event when clearly the sexy option would be to drop in the Emperor. Gotta love that force lightning...
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    They can (and will) do whatever they like.
    It would be nice if they told us in advance so we could plan.
    If he's not really coming back in April, this not only messes up a lot of players, they've cost themselves money in the process. Hopefully it's just a glitch or something. (One could even hope they are expanding the event since soon 90% of the people who plan to do it will be done with it.)

    I think I need to steal your signature.
    I should have seen this coming :no_mouth:
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    Reyalp wrote: »
    Why bother with a scoundrel event when clearly the sexy option would be to drop in the Emperor. Gotta love that force lightning...

    I'm meh about scoundrels too but quite a few others here are interested. Imo, the Emperor should generate the next level of interest after Yoda!
  • Anubis
    200 posts Member
    Relax everyone, the Yoda event will return. im-not-really-a-jedi confirmed a long time ago that the event "will come back at LEAST once a month."
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Rolf wrote: »
    Maybe for Apple only then? They're getting their revenge on us for the droids!

    "Send a droid."
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Anubis wrote: »
    Relax everyone, the Yoda event will return. im-not-really-a-jedi confirmed a long time ago that the event "will come back at LEAST once a month."

    I'm not so sure, until @EA_Jesse or @CG_Method confirm I'm not convinced. I've been told that I'm not really a Jedi is very helpful but he's actually far down on the dev food chain. So his word is not law.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    Yoda was truly a gift by EA to its customer base. He was so easy to star up. And they gave enough credits to level him up as well.

    I worked on 6* yoda and got him knowing he might not return in couple of months...mainly because the cap is raising in april. So, the yoda event needs to be re-tweaked for level 80. With new levels, there is complexity involved in gears. Its a lot of issues to sort through for EA & CG.

    Cap raise is already data mined and its happening sometime in April. So, the next yoda event must accommodate the new cap raise. Its pretty simple really.

    Also, the scoundrel event is for credits only....crystals and credits. I saw you get 1 million+ at the highest scoundrel level. Its ton of credits...but not worth 7 starring any scoundrel. None of the scoundrels are viable with their useless thermal detonators and slow speed. Even with lando as lead, they are still slow.

    Suggestion is to focus on other meta toons. Yoda event won't likely be back until the cap raise in April.
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    I am fairly confident that it said the same thing for me last time, and then around the 20 day mark it actually started counting down.

    I would be surprised if he is not available for 1 more go through,,,,then he will go away for a while.

    Right now he was basically a reward for the older players of the game and newer players are missing out on having Yoda....1 more go will balance that out a bit imo.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    I'm not so sure, until @EA_Jesse or @CG_Method confirm I'm not convinced. I've been told that I'm not really a Jedi is very helpful but he's actually far down on the dev food chain. So his word is not law.

    Everything official people like Jesse and Method have said previously is that Yoda will come back every couple weeks. All you guys have on here is worry and speculation. We know there are Scoundrel and Droid events coming from in-game newsletters and the Announcement forum. There is a rotation of events and Yoda is one event in that rotation.

    Some of you are really pushing the "if-I-can't-get-what-I-want-right-now-this-game-sucks" attitude. You guys aren't playing a game if everything is handed to you and you're not having to make ANY decisions. You have to change priorities on the fly. Most players and forum members understand and have fun playing this game.

    Maybe those complainers should take up Shoots & Ladders -- oh wait, that has unknowns in it too.

    Some folks just aren't gamers, even though they think they are.

    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    I hope you guys are wrong about it taking months. I just got 4 of my Jedi's to 7 stars ans my Barriss to 5 stars. All that work and I can't even unlock Yoda?

    I'll be very angry in that case.
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    I'm not so sure, until @EA_Jesse or @CG_Method confirm I'm not convinced. I've been told that I'm not really a Jedi is very helpful but he's actually far down on the dev food chain. So his word is not law.

    Everything official people like Jesse and Method have said previously is that Yoda will come back every couple weeks. All you guys have on here is worry and speculation. We know there are Scoundrel and Droid events coming from in-game newsletters and the Announcement forum. There is a rotation of events and Yoda is one event in that rotation.

    Some of you are really pushing the "if-I-can't-get-what-I-want-right-now-this-game-sucks" attitude. You guys aren't playing a game if everything is handed to you and you're not having to make ANY decisions. You have to change priorities on the fly. Most players and forum members understand and have fun playing this game.

    Maybe those complainers should take up Shoots & Ladders -- oh wait, that has unknowns in it too.

    Some folks just aren't gamers, even though they think they are.

    Who are you to judge others? People can't complain? When the games they play and pay for (some of them) doesn't have responsive devs?

    People were under the assumption that the event word return for one week every month. The "coming soon" worries them because it might be a sign that this assumption was incorrect. And thus the plans they had and the time they invested would be essentially wasted.

    Their "not gamers" because their not emotionless robots that prostrate in gratitude for being able to play this game?

    Or because of a lack of clear answers and communication they might lose months of effort and possible money spent?

    Guys like you annoy me. Always insulting others for being righteously miffed.

    We all can't be high 24/7 m8. No chill pills to be had here. No it's not "just a game" its days and months of time spent and sometimes hundreds and thousands of dollars. Kthxbai
  • XCOM
    250 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Ramboni173 wrote: »
    I was farming Jedi's from the moment the game came out. I ended up 7*ing JKG who is currently useless and sits on the bench cuz Offee wouldn't have been ready in time. I got my 7* Yoda but he is not a part of my winning teams. His training req's cost too much ATM as I have better toons that need it. He is not the end all toon and I regularly smash the Arena teams he is a part of. So now I have 2 useless Jedi's on the bench that only see play in GW as fodder for a difficult to beat team. I am always in the top 50 in arena and can tell you that Yoda is NOT in the top 10 arena teams. If you make it to the the top 10 you will clearly see the teams that are winning. So don't feel bad if you didn't get him,he is not all that and a bag of chips.

    What are you talking about????
    Are u the center of universe? I've been #1 on my server since last Yoda event... And have been running Yoda... Here is the screen shot of the current top 4 on my server (my team runs fully geared QGJ (L), Yoda, RG, Lumi, and GS... Notice 3 of 4 teams run Yoda. Maybe if you make it to top 10 you'll then...
    And obviously, if you are top 50, you really don't have a winning team.
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    I'm not so sure, until @EA_Jesse or @CG_Method confirm I'm not convinced. I've been told that I'm not really a Jedi is very helpful but he's actually far down on the dev food chain. So his word is not law.

    Everything official people like Jesse and Method have said previously is that Yoda will come back every couple weeks. All you guys have on here is worry and speculation. We know there are Scoundrel and Droid events coming from in-game newsletters and the Announcement forum. There is a rotation of events and Yoda is one event in that rotation.

    Some of you are really pushing the "if-I-can't-get-what-I-want-right-now-this-game-sucks" attitude. You guys aren't playing a game if everything is handed to you and you're not having to make ANY decisions. You have to change priorities on the fly. Most players and forum members understand and have fun playing this game.

    Maybe those complainers should take up Shoots & Ladders -- oh wait, that has unknowns in it too.

    Some folks just aren't gamers, even though they think they are.

    I'm not trying to get anything. What are you even talking about?
    You're barking at nothing, little Chihuahua. Direct your pent up anger at something else.

    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Options
    I'm not so sure, until @EA_Jesse or @CG_Method confirm I'm not convinced. I've been told that I'm not really a Jedi is very helpful but he's actually far down on the dev food chain. So his word is not law.

    Everything official people like Jesse and Method have said previously is that Yoda will come back every couple weeks. All you guys have on here is worry and speculation. We know there are Scoundrel and Droid events coming from in-game newsletters and the Announcement forum. There is a rotation of events and Yoda is one event in that rotation.

    Some of you are really pushing the "if-I-can't-get-what-I-want-right-now-this-game-sucks" attitude. You guys aren't playing a game if everything is handed to you and you're not having to make ANY decisions. You have to change priorities on the fly. Most players and forum members understand and have fun playing this game.

    Maybe those complainers should take up Shoots & Ladders -- oh wait, that has unknowns in it too.

    Some folks just aren't gamers, even though they think they are.

    I'm not trying to get anything. What are you even talking about?
    You're barking at nothing, little Chihuahua. Direct your pent up anger at something else.



    Don't fung with the Swag.
  • Options
    I'm not so sure, until @EA_Jesse or @CG_Method confirm I'm not convinced. I've been told that I'm not really a Jedi is very helpful but he's actually far down on the dev food chain. So his word is not law.

    Everything official people like Jesse and Method have said previously is that Yoda will come back every couple weeks. All you guys have on here is worry and speculation. We know there are Scoundrel and Droid events coming from in-game newsletters and the Announcement forum. There is a rotation of events and Yoda is one event in that rotation.

    Some of you are really pushing the "if-I-can't-get-what-I-want-right-now-this-game-sucks" attitude. You guys aren't playing a game if everything is handed to you and you're not having to make ANY decisions. You have to change priorities on the fly. Most players and forum members understand and have fun playing this game.

    Maybe those complainers should take up Shoots & Ladders -- oh wait, that has unknowns in it too.

    Some folks just aren't gamers, even though they think they are.

    Exactly. This game is about taking decision. If you can t or take a bad one, well, too bad for you
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