Updated Reconciliation Plan [MERGE]


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    hmm, rollback delayed another day til tomorrow? That means all Malaks are locked 7* for next round of GA which starts this evening?

    May increase the complaining even more i guess ;-)
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    Run it again so it can break again and we get more free currency? I see how you think!
  • MolIza
    51 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    This is a crock of poo @CG_SBCrumb!! What about those of us that spent THOUSANDS of dollars getting ready for the event but didn’t get a chance to unlock Malak before it was shut down?!?! We get a whopping 500 crystals for our time, effort and money?! Yet, now even those that just unlocked Malak are being compensated with 5000 GET 1 tokens PLUS 500 crystals?!?! Meaning when I DO finally get Malak, I’ll be even FURTHER down in my arena shard because the others that would’ve unlocked at the same time as I did, will have the advantage of 5000 GET 1 tokens to get him to 7*s faster than me! Oh and let’s not forget that the GTB is going on atm as well so they’ll have even MORE!!

    I’ve been playing since Nov 2017 and am the GL of a 150+ mil guild! As a result of my guild mates being so discouraged by this situation and so many saying they’re leaving the game, I will be disbanding my guild after the GTB ends and I will be quitting the game myself!

    So take you 500 crystals and shove em! CG & EA & most likely Disney’s GREED has ruined what was once such a fun game! It was a mobile game that one had so much to do that we spent hours coming together and playing and making RL friends over. But, all your OG players are leaving now because y’all couldn’t just add more content and make things a little more difficult here and there and more gradually! Nope, y’all HAD to give into the krakens, whales and dolphins like a politician to a lobbyist and ruin the entire thing!

    Thanks for nothing!!
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    Roll back Malak at 7* (for those that didn't get it the proper way) before the next Grand Arena begins, or else, that's gonna screw over people.
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    Kisakee wrote: »
    Step by step. Fixing their error first, starting the event right after. The other way around it would be a total mess. Is this "fair" or even fun? Heck, no. But it's necessary and they take their time to do it right (at least this time). And no, i didn't had a 7* Malak at the start of the event.

    Did you unlock a 5* Malak during the event?! It’s not that we don’t understand they made a mistake and now must fix it. It’s that they’re not properly or equally compensating the appropriate players. The ones being jaded here are those that spend time and/or money to prepare for the event and weren’t able to unlock him before they shut the event down!
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    wilhud wrote: »
    There are some very odd priorities going on in the game development right now. You are screwing over people who have spent time and/or money farming and gearing up their characters for this time thru the event, yet you are hyper focused on how to pay back those people who the event was not even intended for and delaying the re-launch of the event as a result. Get your priorities straight devs. This is not an event for malak owners. Start the event already.

    Yes START THE EVENT ALREADY! Let all that can unlock him that the event was intended for do so! Then reimburse or roll back EVERYONE & give the rest of us the same exact compensation as you are the ones that got in there before y’all stopped the event!!

    You’re rewarding the VERY ppl that do NOT NEED the compensation!! They aren’t “suffering” without Malak and falling lower and lower in their arena shard ranks!! The rest of us are!!

  • MolIza
    51 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Otherwise, you guys will lose a LOT of players!! When that happens, the entire world of SWGoH will come crashing down like the unsteady house of cards that it’s become!!
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    So im getting punished for having malak 7* already? are you nuts? i want that GET too, no, i dont want it. I NEED it.

    Yikes. No you don’t NEED it. If you do, check your priorities.
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    They keep going from bad decisions for f2p to worse ones, and that is intentional thing. Just wait and see them cutting original arenas rewards to kill free xstals source.
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    Garbage stupid decision by spreading rewards for their fuckups into tiers. And it seems the ones that (purposely or unpurposely) exploited the cheat are getting better rewards. TOTAL ****. This should be as simple as rolling everyones Malak back to pre-CG **** Up time, and compensating EVERYONE EQUALLY with the same rewards. Dumb ****.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I don't get smart guys viewpoint of knowing it is a bug.
    Sorry, according to what? CG needed 10 hours to issue Any statement.
    it was unexpected yes, but according to CG not doing anything for 10 hours after event went live, one could assume it was by design.
    And it was all over forums, reddit, discord... 10 hours. It took 10 hours to say it is a bug..

    I'd just like to point out that CG's initial response came at 8:15am their local time. So I guess if you are trying to suggest that CG waiting 10 hours is crazy because they were...oh, I don't know...home sleeping before coming into work for the day like most people? Yea, I'm going have to refer you to the first line of my post regarding being honest.

    sorry, a multi million operation like this running 24/7/365 is suppised to have some employe up looking at what is going on.
    they can take my money any time, even during their sleep as you say. So I really don't get your argument. It's a worldwide operation.

    Best regards
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I don't get smart guys viewpoint of knowing it is a bug.
    Sorry, according to what? CG needed 10 hours to issue Any statement.
    it was unexpected yes, but according to CG not doing anything for 10 hours after event went live, one could assume it was by design.
    And it was all over forums, reddit, discord... 10 hours. It took 10 hours to say it is a bug..

    I'd just like to point out that CG's initial response came at 8:15am their local time. So I guess if you are trying to suggest that CG waiting 10 hours is crazy because they were...oh, I don't know...home sleeping before coming into work for the day like most people? Yea, I'm going have to refer you to the first line of my post regarding being honest.

    sorry, a multi million operation like this running 24/7/365 is suppised to have some employe up looking at what is going on.
    they can take my money any time, even during their sleep as you say. So I really don't get your argument. It's a worldwide operation.

    Best regards

    He is suggesting they are only responsible for the game during 930am to 430pm local time. So shillish...
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    Roll back Malak at 7* (for those that didn't get it the proper way) before the next Grand Arena begins, or else, that's gonna screw over people.

    Yeah, with the rollback pushed back to tomorrow...hope they get it done before the GAC lock on the final group.
  • Hanu
    138 posts Member
    Last one to leave CG please turn off the lights
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    To be fair all players should get the same compensation (regardless of whether you were rolled back or not) If you are rolled back well that was a risk you took when you knew or should have suspected the mode wasn't operating as intended.

    I vote that all get the crystals GET, zeta shards etc or no one does. Plain and simple otherwise CG your over complicating things.

    CG doesn't have to do squat really either in my opinion. Giving out compensation is really out of their kindness for the "inconvenience"
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Why do people get zeta mats for leveling malak and i dont for already having him leveled?

    Why am i not getting the same payout as those users.... as it stands now im being punished for the tune of zeta mats and GET1 for having malak already at 7 stars for months now
  • Ben_Tlightsaber
    60 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    The stated reason for changing the rewards:

    “We can’t preserve the additional shards/promotions as we described earlier.”

    The way “preserving the shards/promotions” was described earlier:

    “What we’re going to do to correct our mistake is roll back any character star promotions and changes to the state Darth Malak was at 10/18/2019 12:01 AM PDT, for any players that received the extra shards. Any gear, relics, etc that was applied to Darth Malak will be returned to their inventory.”

    The revised information repeats that character star promotions and changes to 5* and 6* Malaks will still be rolled back to their state at 10/18/ at 12:01am, thus ‘“We can’t preserve the additional shards/promotions as we described earlier” implies that the thing they can’t preserve for those players relates to ensuring that gear, relics, purchased shards, etc are fully returned to their inventory.

    If that implication is correct, then giving extra rewards to those players that may actually lose gear in this process makes more sense than just giving them the same shard shop currency as everyone else. As an extension of that, giving “lost gear” rewards to 7* Malak owners would not make sense since there is not a single person in that group at risk of having gear removed from their inventory.

    If no one is losing any material investment in the rollback process, then the new rewards plan does not make sense. As written though, the revised information implies that a select group may lose at least some investment and we don’t know what exactly that means yet. At this point, it’s entirely possible in rare cases it could be much more than the value of 5K GETs and a couple of zeta pieces.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Just own your mistake and give everyone who got malak shards the other day nothing... unless they only got 75... then give them 75 more. Those that didnt get any malak shards that day get 150 shards for the shard shop or to make even with those who got the shards.

    Simple fix. You screwed up. Own it and make everyone equal.

    No cores or zetas needed. Ill take them if you really want to give them... but just give everybody the 150 malak shards who didnt get 150 shards from the event (or 75 if they got 75 already).

    Next time you know better.... but all payouts should be even, no tiers.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I don't get smart guys viewpoint of knowing it is a bug.
    Sorry, according to what? CG needed 10 hours to issue Any statement.
    it was unexpected yes, but according to CG not doing anything for 10 hours after event went live, one could assume it was by design.
    And it was all over forums, reddit, discord... 10 hours. It took 10 hours to say it is a bug..

    I'd just like to point out that CG's initial response came at 8:15am their local time. So I guess if you are trying to suggest that CG waiting 10 hours is crazy because they were...oh, I don't know...home sleeping before coming into work for the day like most people? Yea, I'm going have to refer you to the first line of my post regarding being honest.

    I'd like to point out that when you are involved with a multi-million dollar endeavor that runs high profile events it is not a good business practice to fail to properly test said event, or to not have essential staff on hand when the event launches. This whole argument about them not working 24/7 is laughable. If I am launching something at work I will be there when it launches to make sure all is well. It is a little thing called work ethic and taking ownership of your projects.
  • ObiKenobiJonesy
    81 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Too many different perspectives...

    I am in the had Malak 6* crowd.
    I replayed the Malak event (DS) at about 12:25am pacific. Much to my surprise I got shards. Now with all the talk and changes etc. I didn’t see this as a problem, it was a surprise.
    I 7*d my Malak, started gearing him, buying some key pieces from the GET store not believing I needed them as desperately as before.

    Now I understand the bug, not angry over concept of a rollback. But I need the rollback to return the spent GET (go ahead... take the gear I bought with it).

    Those that say players in our situation lost nothing simply refuse to open their eyes when it doesn’t suit them.

    The way CG handled this from the start made it more and more complicated.
    They DID take time to research situations with Malak in the GET store, so they have a better idea of actual numbers than those here.

    No matter what the solution, it won’t be fair to all, but it should be certain not to put players further behind in a unmerciful grind than they were before CGs blunder.
    Dred Zeppelin aka DrZeppersTTV Come visit DrZeppers on twitch
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I don't get smart guys viewpoint of knowing it is a bug.
    Sorry, according to what? CG needed 10 hours to issue Any statement.
    it was unexpected yes, but according to CG not doing anything for 10 hours after event went live, one could assume it was by design.
    And it was all over forums, reddit, discord... 10 hours. It took 10 hours to say it is a bug..

    I'd just like to point out that CG's initial response came at 8:15am their local time. So I guess if you are trying to suggest that CG waiting 10 hours is crazy because they were...oh, I don't know...home sleeping before coming into work for the day like most people? Yea, I'm going have to refer you to the first line of my post regarding being honest.

    I'd like to point out that when you are involved with a multi-million dollar endeavor that runs high profile events it is not a good business practice to fail to properly test said event, or to not have essential staff on hand when the event launches. This whole argument about them not working 24/7 is laughable. If I am launching something at work I will be there when it launches to make sure all is well. It is a little thing called work ethic and taking ownership of your projects.

    You work 24/7? Outstanding! Kudos to you - and 500 crystal candy bar.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I don't get smart guys viewpoint of knowing it is a bug.
    Sorry, according to what? CG needed 10 hours to issue Any statement.
    it was unexpected yes, but according to CG not doing anything for 10 hours after event went live, one could assume it was by design.
    And it was all over forums, reddit, discord... 10 hours. It took 10 hours to say it is a bug..

    I'd just like to point out that CG's initial response came at 8:15am their local time. So I guess if you are trying to suggest that CG waiting 10 hours is crazy because they were...oh, I don't know...home sleeping before coming into work for the day like most people? Yea, I'm going have to refer you to the first line of my post regarding being honest.

    I'd like to point out that when you are involved with a multi-million dollar endeavor that runs high profile events it is not a good business practice to fail to properly test said event, or to not have essential staff on hand when the event launches. This whole argument about them not working 24/7 is laughable. If I am launching something at work I will be there when it launches to make sure all is well. It is a little thing called work ethic and taking ownership of your projects.

    You work 24/7? Outstanding! Kudos to you - and 500 crystal candy bar.

    Yeah, I do work 24/7. It's called being on call in case any issues arise.

    Do you work at all? I mean, other than for CG or EA? I'm gonna refer you to the first line in your condescending post.
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    Sick dude smh :/.

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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I don't get smart guys viewpoint of knowing it is a bug.
    Sorry, according to what? CG needed 10 hours to issue Any statement.
    it was unexpected yes, but according to CG not doing anything for 10 hours after event went live, one could assume it was by design.
    And it was all over forums, reddit, discord... 10 hours. It took 10 hours to say it is a bug..

    I'd just like to point out that CG's initial response came at 8:15am their local time. So I guess if you are trying to suggest that CG waiting 10 hours is crazy because they were...oh, I don't know...home sleeping before coming into work for the day like most people? Yea, I'm going have to refer you to the first line of my post regarding being honest.

    I'd like to point out that when you are involved with a multi-million dollar endeavor that runs high profile events it is not a good business practice to fail to properly test said event, or to not have essential staff on hand when the event launches. This whole argument about them not working 24/7 is laughable. If I am launching something at work I will be there when it launches to make sure all is well. It is a little thing called work ethic and taking ownership of your projects.

    You work 24/7? Outstanding! Kudos to you - and 500 crystal candy bar.

    Yeah, I do work 24/7. It's called being on call in case any issues arise.

    Do you work at all? I mean, other than for CG or EA? I'm gonna refer you to the first line in your condescending post.

    You are being completely unreasonable - no one is on call 24/7. Expecting people to baby sit a phone game overnight for an event that has launched twice already is completely unrealistic.

    And to answer your question - yes, I work, not for CG or EA and not 24/7. Interesting that you state you work 24/7 because I have several family members who are doctors and nurses (and a volunteer firefighter) and none of them is on call 24/7. It's clear the entire "being honest" thing (or the "having realistic expectations when it comes to a game on your phone" thing) isn't a strong point with you. I think we can be done now.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I don't get smart guys viewpoint of knowing it is a bug.
    Sorry, according to what? CG needed 10 hours to issue Any statement.
    it was unexpected yes, but according to CG not doing anything for 10 hours after event went live, one could assume it was by design.
    And it was all over forums, reddit, discord... 10 hours. It took 10 hours to say it is a bug..

    I'd just like to point out that CG's initial response came at 8:15am their local time. So I guess if you are trying to suggest that CG waiting 10 hours is crazy because they were...oh, I don't know...home sleeping before coming into work for the day like most people? Yea, I'm going have to refer you to the first line of my post regarding being honest.

    I'd like to point out that when you are involved with a multi-million dollar endeavor that runs high profile events it is not a good business practice to fail to properly test said event, or to not have essential staff on hand when the event launches. This whole argument about them not working 24/7 is laughable. If I am launching something at work I will be there when it launches to make sure all is well. It is a little thing called work ethic and taking ownership of your projects.

    You work 24/7? Outstanding! Kudos to you - and 500 crystal candy bar.

    Yeah, I do work 24/7. It's called being on call in case any issues arise.

    Do you work at all? I mean, other than for CG or EA? I'm gonna refer you to the first line in your condescending post.

    You are being completely unreasonable - no one is on call 24/7. Expecting people to baby sit a phone game overnight for an event that has launched twice already is completely unrealistic.

    And to answer your question - yes, I work, not for CG or EA and not 24/7. Interesting that you state you work 24/7 because I have several family members who are doctors and nurses (and a volunteer firefighter) and none of them is on call 24/7. It's clear the entire "being honest" thing (or the "having realistic expectations when it comes to a game on your phone" thing) isn't a strong point with you. I think we can be done now.

    You just call me a liar? How would you know anything about my position at my workplace? I am the Director of IT. I am on call 24/7/365. If a server goes down, I'm in the office no matter what time of the night or day it is. Period. This network is my baby and I would never neglect it because "I'm off the clock".

    Realistic expectations about a game on my phone? Are you serious? This game is a cash cow. Always has been. It is unrealistic to think that there aren't people in the office or on call 24/7.
  • Lanbo
    128 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I don't get smart guys viewpoint of knowing it is a bug.
    Sorry, according to what? CG needed 10 hours to issue Any statement.
    it was unexpected yes, but according to CG not doing anything for 10 hours after event went live, one could assume it was by design.
    And it was all over forums, reddit, discord... 10 hours. It took 10 hours to say it is a bug..

    I'd just like to point out that CG's initial response came at 8:15am their local time. So I guess if you are trying to suggest that CG waiting 10 hours is crazy because they were...oh, I don't know...home sleeping before coming into work for the day like most people? Yea, I'm going have to refer you to the first line of my post regarding being honest.

    I'd like to point out that when you are involved with a multi-million dollar endeavor that runs high profile events it is not a good business practice to fail to properly test said event, or to not have essential staff on hand when the event launches. This whole argument about them not working 24/7 is laughable. If I am launching something at work I will be there when it launches to make sure all is well. It is a little thing called work ethic and taking ownership of your projects.

    You work 24/7? Outstanding! Kudos to you - and 500 crystal candy bar.

    Yeah, I do work 24/7. It's called being on call in case any issues arise.

    Do you work at all? I mean, other than for CG or EA? I'm gonna refer you to the first line in your condescending post.

    You are being completely unreasonable - no one is on call 24/7. Expecting people to baby sit a phone game overnight for an event that has launched twice already is completely unrealistic.

    And to answer your question - yes, I work, not for CG or EA and not 24/7. Interesting that you state you work 24/7 because I have several family members who are doctors and nurses (and a volunteer firefighter) and none of them is on call 24/7. It's clear the entire "being honest" thing (or the "having realistic expectations when it comes to a game on your phone" thing) isn't a strong point with you. I think we can be done now.

    You have no concept of what "on call" means apparently. I'm on call 24/7 as well. Most of my laboratory is monitored electronically every second. If anything is out of spec for a certain period of time, I am notified (no matter what time of day or night it is) and I have to deal with it. Same thing with our servers. If anything critical goes down, I've got to fix it no matter what time it is.
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I don't get smart guys viewpoint of knowing it is a bug.
    Sorry, according to what? CG needed 10 hours to issue Any statement.
    it was unexpected yes, but according to CG not doing anything for 10 hours after event went live, one could assume it was by design.
    And it was all over forums, reddit, discord... 10 hours. It took 10 hours to say it is a bug..

    I'd just like to point out that CG's initial response came at 8:15am their local time. So I guess if you are trying to suggest that CG waiting 10 hours is crazy because they were...oh, I don't know...home sleeping before coming into work for the day like most people? Yea, I'm going have to refer you to the first line of my post regarding being honest.

    I'd like to point out that when you are involved with a multi-million dollar endeavor that runs high profile events it is not a good business practice to fail to properly test said event, or to not have essential staff on hand when the event launches. This whole argument about them not working 24/7 is laughable. If I am launching something at work I will be there when it launches to make sure all is well. It is a little thing called work ethic and taking ownership of your projects.

    You work 24/7? Outstanding! Kudos to you - and 500 crystal candy bar.

    Yeah, I do work 24/7. It's called being on call in case any issues arise.

    Do you work at all? I mean, other than for CG or EA? I'm gonna refer you to the first line in your condescending post.

    I don’t think you pay attention to the forums much. Nikom is one of the biggest critiques of EA and CG’s business practices for years now. Very rarely does he side with them and usually takes a very non biased approach In his assessments.

    I may not agree with him on this situation but he’s certainly not an EA/CG apologist.
  • Darth_DeVito
    1236 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    For anyone who follows the forums, Reddit, Discord, or merely the ingame guild chat, it was pretty obvious within minutes after the first reports of the bugged Malak event that it was indeed bugged. Yes, it was CG's lack of testing that caused this mess (as per usual). But just like the GA mod exploit, it was still something that wasn't supposed to happen and shouldn't have been exploited. All the posts along the lines of "Are you crazy, don't tell them" made that abundantly clear.

    Maybe there were indeed a few who believed that the double rewards were intended, despite the big bold "1st Time" label that should have tipped off the few who don't keep up with any game-related information source. But come on, let's be honest here. Most of us knew that the proverbial brown matter had hit the fan yet again. It's a painfully familiar pattern at this point.

    Now you're telling me those who thought "Noice, let's grab those shards before they get around to fix it" and made this entire mess so much worse in the process are getting the best compensation? What about the people who had to face a bunch of ill-gotten 7* Malaks in the arena these last days and lost rank and crystals as a result? Have you given the slightest thought to players on newer arena shards without a single g13 Malak until you rolled out this untested event? 500 crystals are a slap in the face if you hand out zeta mats and GET1 to those who helped make this near-unfixable.

    The entire player base is affected by this, and we will doubtlessly experience outages or worse in the coming days if you go through with this rollback. At this point, I have zero confidence that you can pull this off without major screwups. The only sensible course of action is to leave the database well enough alone and give out generous rewards that level the playing field.

    For example, you could refund all GET1 used on Malaks that were already 7* and give everybody who didn't participate in this bugged event 145 Malak shards. You have to realize that Malak is over, one way or another. You killed this golden eggs-laying chicken in your ineptitude and laziness. If you go through with your planned course of action, you'll only make things worse and lose even more future revenue. Stand by your mistakes and try to recover some customer goodwill instead of heaping the biggest rewards on people who took advantage of your latest avoidable oopsie.
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