Updated Reconciliation Plan [MERGE]


  • DarthBane666
    15 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    I think this whole change of reconciliation plan is CG's way to pit the playerbase against themselves so people stop focusing on CG's mistake lol
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Stop. Just....stop. First off, a reminder that we are being honest in here. Secondly, most of the people in this group have played the game long enough to know or at least strongly suspect that the event was bugged. So I don't want to hear "I didn't know...so I spent XYZ as fast as a I possibly could..." We all know that's code for "I figured the event was bugged but banked on CG either not being unwilling or unable to undo it". If you have 200 posts to your name on the forums and reddit - you knew. You bet that CG wouldn't or couldn't rollback. You may still be right (we don't know yet as it hasn't actually taken place). But if you really think anyone is buying that you spent 12,000 crystals after completing the Malak event - and all before 10:00 am and you took the day of work because you suddenly believed after years of playing this game that CG had magically morphed into the most generous gaming company ever and was handing out 150 free Malak shards unannounced - and didn't think to check the forums or reddit...c'mon man. And even if you did all that - CG is still giving you 500 crystals, and 5000 GET and 2 zetas. And you should be happy with it. Full disclosure (since we're all being honest right here): I am in this group.

    WHY PEOPLE WITH 7* MALAK NEED TO STOP COMPLAINING Quick reminder that we are being honest here - and in that spirit there is/was no way any reconciliation plan that CG put out was giving those of you with 7* Malak GET. And you all know why. It's GAS. For those that have had 7* Malak since the first event, or have had him for a while, whether you've been hoarding GET or not, CG has the numbers. They know that it's those same strong players (whether p2p or f2p) that also likely unlocked GAS. That's why you were never getting GET from CG for any reconciliation plan. Secondly, anyone with 7* Malak, please stop trying to play the victim card. You know that you have enjoyed an advantage in arena, GA, GAC, TB, and TW by having him earlier than many other players you face - an advantage rightly deserved and earned. But let's not suddenly pretend that as people that have 7* Malak owners for a long time, you're roster is suddenly deserving of some major CG help. The amount of crystals, gear and rewards of all types you have earned yourself and your guild have paid off in spades over the time you have had 7* Malak - and far outweigh any "reconciliation plan" CG has ever (or will ever) put together. And it's not close. And you know that.

    Two things:

    1) the dev post indicates that people with 5/6* malaks who did not attempt the event again aren't getting the 5000 GET1. I think they have a legit complaint that they aren't getting that compensation for following what the devs said (don't play it) versus those people who did.

    2) 5000 GET1 is a big deal, whether it's for gear, malak shards, or GAS shards. The better solution would be for CG to give those people 15 malak shards, instead of 5000 GET1. Why does that matter? Because theoretically someone could have a 5* GAS and a 5/6* Malak, and now they get the ability to star up either of them. By giving it as shards instead, it limits the benefit to Malak -- they can't choose to save that GET for GAS or something else. Sure, it's still 5,000 GET that they don't have to spend, but there is a time value to GET.

    Agreed on both counts. As I said at the beginning of my post - neither reconciliation plan is fair. Both of your points are completely valid.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Lanbo
    128 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    I totally get that players that got Malak to 7* this event erroneously need to be compensated because they likely spent money on stuff to gear him up. I don't purport to know the absolute best option to make the most people happy. What I do know is that this newest iteration of this plan is total garbage and will be the last straw to push me to completely free to play (if I even continue playing at all). Whether people knew it was a bug or not doesn't matter (and there's no way to prove one or the other). By doing this, you are harming so many people. You're giving an advantage that is otherwise unobtainable to a select few people that got to exploit the bug (again, whether they knew it was a bug or not is irrelevant). You're screwing over the people that knew it was a bug and avoided it or saw it was a bug from the dev post (you know, the one that said NOT to play the event). If those people had ignored you then they would be better off for it. You're also screwing over everyone that played very well and/or spent money to get Malak to 7 stars already. I completely understand wanting to compensate that select group of players because you're trying to prevent them from requesting refunds for what they spent to gear them up, but you can't do it with the most important resources in the game (GET and zetas). It gives them unfair (unearned) advantages.

    I personally still think the best course of action is to not compensate anybody at all and instead leave the event where it continues to give out additional shards and instead refund everyone whatever GET they've spent on Malak.

    EDIT: And yes, for the record I've spent a small fortune on this game and I am salty about anybody getting GET that I don't get because of the whole General Skywalker debacle.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    I have played the event - LS and DS. Yes, it take a long time to get it right. If you are playing a game you don't enjoy spending time playing, I'm truly sorry - but that is not CG's fault.

    Actually, it is indeed CG's fault. Don't they make the game? This is their design, not the player's.

    If someone spent hours banding their heads to beat this event they 100% earned their Malak and should not be penalized because CG messed up.

    He didn't say he earned his Malak legitimately. And if he did, he will get to keep him and not be "penalized". So we can refrain from wasting time arguing about hypotheticals that don't exist. The only way he has a legit complaint is if CG messes up and also rolls back legitimately obtained Malaks - and if they do, I agree 100% that CG should have their feet held to the fire. So we are all in agreement on this issue.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Yep, if I’m reading the new plan right, I get crystals only since I didn’t game the system. Those that did get extra stuff. That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.
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    I think this whole change of reconciliation plan is CG's way to pit the playerbase against themselves so people stop focusing on CG's mistake lol

    Oh, absolutely - "If they're busy being mad at each other, they can't be mad at us." :D
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    charlyw64 wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    As a non malak owner who is grinding daily to grow my arena and GAC teams and fighting malaks, I’d just like to say, NO!

    Letting malak owners jump months ahead of me in arena and GAC would be ridiculous. 5/6* malak owners need to grind that GET1 via TB while I grind my gear and relics to keep up with them.

    As much as I agree, I also know how problematic a rollback for CG is to implement. They are between a rock and a hard place they put themselves in - and given that the snafu already is several days past the problems are only getting bigger. IMHO If they want to salvage the game at all their only hope now rests in not having to do a rollback...

    I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that a rollback will not kill the game....again.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    matsan wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    matsan wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Okay, let's all be honest for a moment. I say that because I see a lot of people only arguing in their own self interest and not attempting to be fair, objective or see things from anyone else's point of view.

    To start with neither reconciliation plan is "fair". To be fair (ironically) would be virtually impossible, as there are thousands of players whose rosters, what they did or did not do in relation to the event, what they "spent", etc. are all over the place. So there is/was never going to be a solution that is "fair".

    The event didn't affect you. You're getting 500 crystals, which since you are an "earlier" game player is not terrible. Especially since you basically weren't going to participate anyway. Yes, I use the term "earlier game player" loosely but compared to many of the people posting, or who do have Malak or have had him since the first event, you are, relatively speaking. If you were someone who was going to finally be able to get him with this event, don't worry, you will and you have an extra 500 crystals to help gear him once you get him. And you have a few extra days to finish gearing up for the event. Incidentally, there are probably some of you that would not have "made it" to be able to participate when the event was dropped a week ago, that now, thanks to the delay and 500 crystals will be able to so congrats to you.

    Stop. Just....stop. First off, a reminder that we are being honest in here. Secondly, most of the people in this group have played the game long enough to know or at least strongly suspect that the event was bugged. So I don't want to hear "I didn't know...so I spent XYZ as fast as a I possibly could..." We all know that's code for "I figured the event was bugged but banked on CG either not being unwilling or unable to undo it". If you have 200 posts to your name on the forums and reddit - you knew. You bet that CG wouldn't or couldn't rollback. You may still be right (we don't know yet as it hasn't actually taken place). But if you really think anyone is buying that you spent 12,000 crystals after completing the Malak event - and all before 10:00 am and you took the day of work because you suddenly believed after years of playing this game that CG had magically morphed into the most generous gaming company ever and was handing out 150 free Malak shards unannounced - and didn't think to check the forums or reddit...c'mon man. And even if you did all that - CG is still giving you 500 crystals, and 5000 GET and 2 zetas. And you should be happy with it. Full disclosure (since we're all being honest right here): I am in this group.

    WHY PEOPLE WITH 7* MALAK NEED TO STOP COMPLAINING Quick reminder that we are being honest here - and in that spirit there is/was no way any reconciliation plan that CG put out was giving those of you with 7* Malak GET. And you all know why. It's GAS. For those that have had 7* Malak since the first event, or have had him for a while, whether you've been hoarding GET or not, CG has the numbers. They know that it's those same strong players (whether p2p or f2p) that also likely unlocked GAS. That's why you were never getting GET from CG for any reconciliation plan. Secondly, anyone with 7* Malak, please stop trying to play the victim card. You know that you have enjoyed an advantage in arena, GA, GAC, TB, and TW by having him earlier than many other players you face - an advantage rightly deserved and earned. But let's not suddenly pretend that as people that have 7* Malak owners for a long time, you're roster is suddenly deserving of some major CG help. The amount of crystals, gear and rewards of all types you have earned yourself and your guild have paid off in spades over the time you have had 7* Malak - and far outweigh any "reconciliation plan" CG has ever (or will ever) put together. And it's not close. And you know that.

    WHY WE ALL NEED TO STOP COMPLAINING Most of us have been playing this game for a long time. At least the ones who have rosters that either have, or about to earn Malak. As such, we all know that CG makes mistakes and puts out buggy content...A LOT. We all know that Malak shards earned in a bug aren't "rightfully ours" (honesty matters) - and no, despite the countless examples of stores honoring mistaken price tags, read the disclaimers on websites, store flyers, etc. In most cases those stores are honoring the 30 cent difference to be nice - not because they are legally bound to in any way. So let's stop using that example too - as it's nonsensical and doesn't apply in this case anyway. CG is trying to make things right...sort of. I agree that in many ways this reconciliation plan falls short. But, again, if we're being honest, the revised plan is one of the more generous ones in recent history (500 crystals + stuff for most players that could have or did participate in a bugged event). Are there some outliers that aren't fair? Sure. Re-read the second paragraph of this post again then. Most of us are getting 500 crystals and some stuff for an event we either couldn't or shouldn't have been able to play in anyway - and that we only knew about when we read it in our shard chat or guild Discord that morning. Take your free stuff for what was really (if we're being honest) a very minor inconvenience - if we knew about it at all - and move on.

    ETA: One other point I forgot to mention. Many of those complaining would not be complaining about this reconciliation plan at all, if we only knew what we were getting. There's a book I read that has a story about workers agreeing to work for payment coming at all different times of the day. At the end of the day, some are mad because they got what they agreed to, but only after they compare it to what others received. Let's try to remember that.

    Ok, I stop complaining, but if CG will take my Malak, can you play for me to take him back or will you give me yours? Because I don't want any compensation from CG, only to keep my Malak unlocked last weekend. Do you consider this fair?

    If you unlocked him because you hadn't played the event previously, you'll be able to do the same when the event is reposted (probably next week) - and have 500 extra crystals to boot. If you unlocked him because you participated and got shards you shouldn't have due to the bug, he was never "yours" legitimately. So yes, it's fair.

    Can you give me $5k for the 3 hours that I spent/lost to complete Light Side battle? Because time is money, right? So don't tell me how I should spend my time, because if the situation is reversed, you will not agree too. Or perhaps would you like to play it again for me? How about that?

    I have played the event - LS and DS. Yes, it take a long time to get it right. If you are playing a game you don't enjoy spending time playing, I'm truly sorry - but that is not CG's fault.

    What does it have what you said with what I said? I never said that I didn't enjoy the battle, but that it doesn't mean that I would want to replay it any time soon. Maybe I will be very busy in the near future and I will not be able to play the event again. It is not my fault that devs screwed this event up either. If I make a mistake, and I will say that CG is to blame and they will have to pay $2 billions, would you consider that it is fair? And why not? From my point of view, the situations are the same.
    At least, devs say that their losing of some shards is players' fault. Why? Beats me.
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    I don't get smart guys viewpoint of knowing it is a bug.
    Sorry, according to what? CG needed 10 hours to issue Any statement.
    it was unexpected yes, but according to CG not doing anything for 10 hours after event went live, one could assume it was by design.
    And it was all over forums, reddit, discord... 10 hours. It took 10 hours to say it is a bug..
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    So im getting punished for having malak 7* already? are you nuts? i want that GET too, no, i dont want it. I NEED it.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    charlyw64 wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    As a non malak owner who is grinding daily to grow my arena and GAC teams and fighting malaks, I’d just like to say, NO!

    Letting malak owners jump months ahead of me in arena and GAC would be ridiculous. 5/6* malak owners need to grind that GET1 via TB while I grind my gear and relics to keep up with them.

    As much as I agree, I also know how problematic a rollback for CG is to implement. They are between a rock and a hard place they put themselves in - and given that the snafu already is several days past the problems are only getting bigger. IMHO If they want to salvage the game at all their only hope now rests in not having to do a rollback...

    I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that a rollback will not kill the game....again.

    Given that they will try a partial rollback preserving the past 3-4 days progress - do you have any idea how complicated that will be? I do, having done my fair share of work. In all likelihood they will have to take down the game for an extended period to implement that rollback and there will be many cases they didn't think of. What about relics, the resources people have bought with cash - they'd need to reimburse those because else they are committing fraud if these purchases were only triggered by the Malak availability. Hard to prove but equally hard to argue against.
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    So to get it out of the way, I personally stand to gain 5,000 GET from the this proposal.

    However, this isn't the right approach.

    Whatever solution they decide upon, not giving everybody the same is just going to cause a massive headache and complaints on the forum (most of which will be justified).

    Let's avoid another PR disaster upon PR disaster & just make good without annoying half the player base.

    Now CG, you do also have an opportunity to retain some face here. To score a win with the player base after a string of poorly thought out choices.

    1. Increase GET payout to 25k & give to everybody. Essentially an apology for the 2 5* unlocks in a row which should have been 7* to begin with.
    2. Change Malak to be a 7* unlock.
    3. Pledge not to add any more characters to the GET store via the legendary event mechanic (only easy unlocks should require GET grinding, not unlocks which require relic level geared 7* characters).
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    Now I’m really worried... I don’t care about reconciliation, but I’m really afraid that this rollback will mess the game up. The more they postpone it the more difficult it will be to make it work properly... It’s impossible for me to track all my inventory in game: characters, gear, mods to be sure that everything is ok after rollback... All I can do is hope that they know what they are doing and recent events really made me doubt that :(
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    It’s because CG would rather keep the money that those players spent to upgrade Malak and compensate them with $5-$7 worth of in game currency instead of just paying refunds to those people.

    I don’t know if you were one of those people, but when people with 7* Malaks were going to benefit more than those without, not many people were speaking out and saying equal rewards for all. Kind of odd that now more people want equal rewards for the mess up.

    My opinion: give equal rewards to everyone and refund money to those people that are having their Malak shards taken away.
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    charlyw64 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    charlyw64 wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    As a non malak owner who is grinding daily to grow my arena and GAC teams and fighting malaks, I’d just like to say, NO!

    Letting malak owners jump months ahead of me in arena and GAC would be ridiculous. 5/6* malak owners need to grind that GET1 via TB while I grind my gear and relics to keep up with them.

    As much as I agree, I also know how problematic a rollback for CG is to implement. They are between a rock and a hard place they put themselves in - and given that the snafu already is several days past the problems are only getting bigger. IMHO If they want to salvage the game at all their only hope now rests in not having to do a rollback...

    I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that a rollback will not kill the game....again.

    Given that they will try a partial rollback preserving the past 3-4 days progress - do you have any idea how complicated that will be? I do, having done my fair share of work. In all likelihood they will have to take down the game for an extended period to implement that rollback and there will be many cases they didn't think of. What about relics, the resources people have bought with cash - they'd need to reimburse those because else they are committing fraud if these purchases were only triggered by the Malak availability. Hard to prove but equally hard to argue against.

    What kind of work? I am asking out of curiosity, in regards to the game. I would like to know more about the programming side of this solution. Honestly, them taking the time needed not to mess things up, shows there is a concern. It is far from a knee **** reaction. That is a good thing. I am trying to keep a level head, and hope everyone, especially on the youtubes is making a mountain out of a mole hill.
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    I don't get smart guys viewpoint of knowing it is a bug.
    Sorry, according to what? CG needed 10 hours to issue Any statement.
    it was unexpected yes, but according to CG not doing anything for 10 hours after event went live, one could assume it was by design.
    And it was all over forums, reddit, discord... 10 hours. It took 10 hours to say it is a bug..

    I'd just like to point out that CG's initial response came at 8:15am their local time. So I guess if you are trying to suggest that CG waiting 10 hours is crazy because they were...oh, I don't know...home sleeping before coming into work for the day like most people? Yea, I'm going have to refer you to the first line of my post regarding being honest.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Roahn
    231 posts Member
    CG I'm asking that you do not proceed with the rollback on Darth Malak shards. This was an error that occurred on your side and the many gamers that still play this game are not at fault. Was there an exploit no there wasn't. When the Darth Malak event was reintroduced for the 3rd time around I believe. Someone at CG should have made sure players that already unlocked Darth Malak at 5 stars could not play the event again or they could but upon completion there would be no shards rewarded. So this was an error on your side and not the gamers fault. The rollback is a punishment to gamers as they've already spent real cash to upgrade their Darth Malak who as a result of your error. Were able to 7 star their Darth Malak now. So I ask you please do not proceed with your rollback. The only solution here is to put the event back in the game with the error fixed.
  • Entus
    161 posts Member
    Lol...and punish players that had to get him the hard way? This really comes down to, are they gonna **** off whales or f2p. Who do you think they will elect to **** off?
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    Can't run it if it ain't fixed yet.
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    Many hard working F2P had Malak 7* from the 2nd round, including me. 7* Malak was not exclusive to whales, not by a long shot.
  • cerØ_kurn
    6 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    They deleted my first post - !?

    Looks like I'm being punished for dutifully following Crumbs' advice. I would have been rewarded for "exploiting" the bug, but chose to respect the man's request.

    Now I lose out on 5k GET and 2 zeta mats. C'mon guys!
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    It’s not a whales vs F2P issue

    It’s just very unfair to everyone who worked hard on promoting him through the GET store
  • Slippyfist
    382 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    cerØ_kurn wrote: »
    They deleted my first post - !?

    Looks like I'm being punished for dutifully following Crumbs' advice. I would have been rewarded for "exploiting" the bug, but chose to respect the man's request.

    Now I lose out on 5k GET and 2 zeta mats. C'mon guys!

    Yeah I can't find a post I just made either. I'm guessing they don't like us pointing out that Crumb told everyone not to play in the event, but if you ignored him and played anyways you get 5000 GET and 2 Zetas. If you listened to him you do not get 5000 GET and 2 Zetas. Nicely played....

    EDIT: Just wanted to point out I'm not slinging mud at you Crumb, and I'm sorry if it sounded like I was. This comment is for the decision maker that either forgot or ignored this key detail in the whole fiasco.
    Post edited by Slippyfist on
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    I'm not necessarily against what CG is trying to do, but at least make the compensation even regardless if you have 7* malak or not. The way I read it those who already had malak at 7* get royally screwed as they spend the GET before too, but now people who didn't have him there get an additional 5k GET?

    Spread the GET love around if your going to do it CG. Roll back is fine as crap happens, but if your giving free GET and zeta mats then send it to all because there were a lot of people who prioritized getting malak 7* over gear etc and they shouldn't be shorted the GET either.
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    Well they are continuing to screw over the people that the event was intended for then. Everyone else is getting extra shards or extra GET or crystals for no reason. Those of us who actually need Malak are getting more delays, more excuses and no real compensation. Those who have 7* malak already are going to be babied and given their extra shard store currency they missed out on...of which they never shouldve been given to begin with. Those who qualify for malak and didnt get to finish the event are NOT being rewarded with malak in the interim to make things fair compared to those who did run the event already and are currently able to use him. No compensation. No babying. No fix. Just shut the curtain and hope we dont see them fumbling around trying to undo the mess theyve put themselves into. We have spent tons of time and/or money just like everyone else who did get malak and yet we get no malak, no compensation above the default that everyone is getting and in reality there is not even a mention of when the event is actually going to go live again. Only when the rollback is going to occur or how long it is delayed. Surprised there arent more people online pointing out how unfair this all is. Seems like the vocal majority already have malak and are just complaining about their compensation for an event not even intended for them.
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    Yes please we dont care the bug of malak which affect only people who already had him.

    All other people who were supposed to get malak this 3rd time didnt have time to unlock him. There was only 24 hours then it got canceled without warning
    Put it back now !!! So that everyone gets their malak
  • Kisakee
    1648 posts Member
    Step by step. Fixing their error first, starting the event right after. The other way around it would be a total mess. Is this "fair" or even fun? Heck, no. But it's necessary and they take their time to do it right (at least this time). And no, i didn't had a 7* Malak at the start of the event.
    "Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
    - Grand Admiral Thrawn
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    There is no way in hell they're going to catch all of the edge cases. Crumb is out of his mind.
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    Yeah i definitely get that part Kisakee, i just think its odd that everything is being catered to and focused on benefitting and informing those who do already have malak and nothing is really being focused towards helping those of us who dont.
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    So instead of just giving everyone shard currency (which would have made this "fair"), CG has made this even more complicated.

    Fascinating to read people say this is now fairer when it clearly is not. Just shows that for many, as long as they are better off it is ok.

    Give everyone that did (or could have and chose not to) replay the event THE SAME rewards. Is that so hard?

    (edited spelling error)

    Technically it is more fair, as everyome who was directly effected by the bug gets at least something (either GET/Zeta mats or shard store currency) and then every plauer gets the apology crystals.

    Is it fair? No. Its slante din favor of those who had non-7* malaks. But to say it isnt more fair is failing to see the difference between "more fair" and "fair".

    Its an improvement at least, not the easy/perfect i.provement everyone wanted. But still an improvement
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