It seems that I have a different attitude to the recent "problems" in the game than most


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    The problem isn't that it's hard - it's that it's so hard it may as well be unplayable for 99% of the playerbase. There has been no new meaningful content since DS Geo came out earlier this year and with LS Geo being essentially unplayable, we'll have to wait until the next raid comes out next year to have anything to do.

    The community has been complaining about the lack of new content for ages and nothing is changing. We're not even getting any LS reworks or focus like we did with GG +Droids +Geos +Nute +Dooku when DS came out
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    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    Seems dumb to me.

    Again, I'm NOT saying they are doing this the best way. :smile:

    But I think it is clear that this is what their intent is. I think this time next year they want players to still be challenged by the LS Geo Territory Battle. Otherwise they have to keep bringing out new "End Game Content" every time they bring out a new feature than increases player power.

    Maybe that would be the best solution but that's not the path they are taking.
  • TVF
    36798 posts Member
    OP I applaud your efforts to be logical. But this is not the place for it. This is the place for people to skim a title or a few sentences, see no outrage, and get outraged about it.
    I need a new message here.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Stenun wrote: »
    Naver666 wrote: »
    We miss communication on this topic! maybe a hint of what will come to boost us towards the new endgame. They shouldn't just close eyes, ears and mouth and hope we will go away and leave our wallets there

    No, they shouldn't.
    But I do remember that that is precisely what they did do in the days of the GG kerfuffle. They basically ignored it until G13 and Relics came out and then said "See?"

    Once again, that's not what happened. They made another pass on the team, maybe thanks to the initial reworks not meeting the expectations and complaints they received pushed them in that direction? And at that point we already knew sinking in the last gear slot will bring a very substantial boost to GG even without CG naming it g13. Only missing component in the projected calculation was the ingredients of the last slot.

    Anyway this is one team vs. other teams and does not directly correlate with wide spanning changes like new gear/level/mod thingies.
  • Options
    Stenun wrote: »
    RawdSW wrote: »
    OP is wrong. Our 250M+ guild is mad because at the moment it makes no sense for us to do LS Geo TB and we have to go back to Hoth to get better rewards.

    There is literally nothing in the game right now that can change that. We have to see some serious power creep before LS Geo starts making sense.

    How am I wrong when my whole point is the same as your last sentence? I'm saying we ARE going to see serious power creep over the next few months and that the LS Geo Battle is purposefully hard now so that it can stand up to the new power levels we'll soon be at.

    As I said in the OP, if you stop looking at it like "I can't do this NOW therefore it's broken" but instead look at it as "I can't do this YET therefore we're going to be getting new things soon to help us", suddenly it makes a lot more sense.

    Why release content that makes zero sense to do? 250M+, that's 100M above their recommended GP and we are looking at 8, maybe 10 points total, if we get lucky. That's nowhere near Hoth rewards. DS Geo gave us better rewards than DS Hoth right off the bat. So yes, it is broken.

    They should have never made initial waves so hard. Last wave or two in each battle - fine, we can grow into them eventually. But at our current power level we should be able to at the very least break even with DS Hoth reward wise.
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    No_Try wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Naver666 wrote: »
    We miss communication on this topic! maybe a hint of what will come to boost us towards the new endgame. They shouldn't just close eyes, ears and mouth and hope we will go away and leave our wallets there

    No, they shouldn't.
    But I do remember that that is precisely what they did do in the days of the GG kerfuffle. They basically ignored it until G13 and Relics came out and then said "See?"

    Once again, that's not what happened. They made another pass on the team, maybe thanks to the initial reworks not meeting the expectations and complaints they received pushed them in that direction? And at that point we already knew sinking in the last gear slot will bring a very substantial boost to GG even without CG naming it g13. Only missing component in the projected calculation was the ingredients of the last slot.

    Anyway this is one team vs. other teams and does not directly correlate with wide spanning changes like new gear/level/mod thingies.

    Whether it was Relics or G13 completion, they did remain silent about the uproar until a new feature came out that made the GG rework usable. They gave no feedback until then and said "we didn't bother saying anything because we knew this new content would validate us".
    The same thing could easily be happening again.
  • Options
    Stenun wrote: »
    Naver666 wrote: »
    We miss communication on this topic! maybe a hint of what will come to boost us towards the new endgame. They shouldn't just close eyes, ears and mouth and hope we will go away and leave our wallets there

    No, they shouldn't.
    But I do remember that that is precisely what they did do in the days of the GG kerfuffle. They basically ignored it until G13 and Relics came out and then said "See?"
    It’s quite clear that DS GeoTB is only now doable from start to finish because of relics. There were pretty much no teams capable of consistently scoring 4/4 on phase 4 until relics came along. So that was a game mode released before the tools required to beat it were all available.

    But there is a massive difference here.

    Before relics, thousands of players and hundreds of guilds were still perfectly capable of handling the early phases of DS GeoTB. Our guild (223M now, somewhere between top 200 and top 300 which is where we were back then) got max stars on both phases 1 & 2 of the first DS GeoTB.

    No guild has come close to that on phase 1 of LS GeoTB.

    On the early runs of each the Hoth TBs, whilst our guild weren’t earning max stars in the later phases, we were clear that the GP / combat score growth required to get max stars was achievable in the short to medium term future.

    Now we learn that to earn max stars a guild would need 50 members to score perfect combat AND have a GP of 12M per member.

    TL; DR @Stenun : content being out of reach for what’s currently available to us has happened before. But that should be for phases 3&4. Not phase 1.
  • TVF
    36798 posts Member
    That I'll agree with. P1 is too early.
    I need a new message here.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Stenun wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Naver666 wrote: »
    We miss communication on this topic! maybe a hint of what will come to boost us towards the new endgame. They shouldn't just close eyes, ears and mouth and hope we will go away and leave our wallets there

    No, they shouldn't.
    But I do remember that that is precisely what they did do in the days of the GG kerfuffle. They basically ignored it until G13 and Relics came out and then said "See?"

    Once again, that's not what happened. They made another pass on the team, maybe thanks to the initial reworks not meeting the expectations and complaints they received pushed them in that direction? And at that point we already knew sinking in the last gear slot will bring a very substantial boost to GG even without CG naming it g13. Only missing component in the projected calculation was the ingredients of the last slot.

    Anyway this is one team vs. other teams and does not directly correlate with wide spanning changes like new gear/level/mod thingies.

    Whether it was Relics or G13 completion, they did remain silent about the uproar until a new feature came out that made the GG rework usable. They gave no feedback until then and said "we didn't bother saying anything because we knew this new content would validate us".
    The same thing could easily be happening again.

    Hmm I think you don't remember this even though I keep mentioning it:

    I doubt it would have happened if people didn't ask GG/droids to be pushed further. They acknowledge there even g13 didn't do the trick and they understood what the immense amount of requests for it means.
  • Options
    Stenun wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Naver666 wrote: »
    We miss communication on this topic! maybe a hint of what will come to boost us towards the new endgame. They shouldn't just close eyes, ears and mouth and hope we will go away and leave our wallets there

    No, they shouldn't.
    But I do remember that that is precisely what they did do in the days of the GG kerfuffle. They basically ignored it until G13 and Relics came out and then said "See?"

    Once again, that's not what happened. They made another pass on the team, maybe thanks to the initial reworks not meeting the expectations and complaints they received pushed them in that direction? And at that point we already knew sinking in the last gear slot will bring a very substantial boost to GG even without CG naming it g13. Only missing component in the projected calculation was the ingredients of the last slot.

    Anyway this is one team vs. other teams and does not directly correlate with wide spanning changes like new gear/level/mod thingies.

    Whether it was Relics or G13 completion, they did remain silent about the uproar until a new feature came out that made the GG rework usable. They gave no feedback until then and said "we didn't bother saying anything because we knew this new content would validate us".
    The same thing could easily be happening again.

    If they introduce yet a 3rd progression system to "fix" the problem created (by them) of the difficulty of LS Geo, it will be the 3rd one in 8 months. There used to be complaints about CG moving the goal posts. These past 8 months, they've put the goal posts on a rocket and launched it into space. We had another guildmember quit this morning. And no, this is not the way it's "always been". Many die-hard Star Wars fans see the potential of this game (or did a few years ago) - but are unhappy with the direction, recent development choices, bugs, mistakes, imbalance, poor communication and other things that have Mark'd the recent history of this game. Another progression system - with what I am sure will drop with purchasable packs - is just piling on at this point.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    Stenun wrote: »
    Naver666 wrote: »
    We miss communication on this topic! maybe a hint of what will come to boost us towards the new endgame. They shouldn't just close eyes, ears and mouth and hope we will go away and leave our wallets there

    No, they shouldn't.
    But I do remember that that is precisely what they did do in the days of the GG kerfuffle. They basically ignored it until G13 and Relics came out and then said "See?"
    It’s quite clear that DS GeoTB is only now doable from start to finish because of relics. There were pretty much no teams capable of consistently scoring 4/4 on phase 4 until relics came along. So that was a game mode released before the tools required to beat it were all available.

    But there is a massive difference here.

    Before relics, thousands of players and hundreds of guilds were still perfectly capable of handling the early phases of DS GeoTB. Our guild (223M now, somewhere between top 200 and top 300 which is where we were back then) got max stars on both phases 1 & 2 of the first DS GeoTB.

    No guild has come close to that on phase 1 of LS GeoTB.

    On the early runs of each the Hoth TBs, whilst our guild weren’t earning max stars in the later phases, we were clear that the GP / combat score growth required to get max stars was achievable in the short to medium term future.

    Now we learn that to earn max stars a guild would need 50 members to score perfect combat AND have a GP of 12M per member.

    TL; DR @Stenun : content being out of reach for what’s currently available to us has happened before. But that should be for phases 3&4. Not phase 1.

    Once again I will clarify that I am NOT saying that they are doing this the best way. What I am saying is that it is likely supposed to be really hard right now so that when new features come out over the next few months they don't have to bring out more new End Game Content.
    I never said it was good that phase 1 is so hard. I said it is quite probably intentionally this hard because they are making allowances for what is to come.
  • Options
    No_Try wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Naver666 wrote: »
    We miss communication on this topic! maybe a hint of what will come to boost us towards the new endgame. They shouldn't just close eyes, ears and mouth and hope we will go away and leave our wallets there

    No, they shouldn't.
    But I do remember that that is precisely what they did do in the days of the GG kerfuffle. They basically ignored it until G13 and Relics came out and then said "See?"

    Once again, that's not what happened. They made another pass on the team, maybe thanks to the initial reworks not meeting the expectations and complaints they received pushed them in that direction? And at that point we already knew sinking in the last gear slot will bring a very substantial boost to GG even without CG naming it g13. Only missing component in the projected calculation was the ingredients of the last slot.

    Anyway this is one team vs. other teams and does not directly correlate with wide spanning changes like new gear/level/mod thingies.

    Whether it was Relics or G13 completion, they did remain silent about the uproar until a new feature came out that made the GG rework usable. They gave no feedback until then and said "we didn't bother saying anything because we knew this new content would validate us".
    The same thing could easily be happening again.

    Hmm I think you don't remember this even though I keep mentioning it:

    I doubt it would have happened if people didn't ask GG/droids to be pushed further. They acknowledge there even g13 didn't do the trick and they understood what the immense amount of requests for it means.

    From the link you provided:
    "As you can probably imagine, although we weren’t able to talk about it at the time, we knew G13 was coming in the near-future and we wanted to ensure Grievous (and the Separatist Droids) didn’t become an utterly overwhelming force when G13 came into the game. "

    They might have got the exact power wrong in the end but their intent was not to say anything after the GG rewor because they believed that the upcoming content would validate what they had done. Maybe their maths was wrong but their attitude was "we have made these changes with the upcoming features in mind so although people are moaning now we're not going to say anything until those features come out." My point is that te exact same thing is happening now. They believe the difficulty of the LS Geo TB will be validated by the next few features they bring out so they're not saying anything now.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Stenun wrote: »
    Does anyone remember when GG was reworked and everyone was really intrigued about his damage output being based on his Max Health so people Modded him to have as much Max Health as possible and weren't impressed with the results?
    People were upset. They were spamming the forums and moaning that CG had misled them over his new power level. Then a few months later, we got Relics and the complaints went away.

    Now coming forward a bit, people complained about the difficulty of the new DS Geo Territory Battle when it first came out and today are moaning about the difficulty of the newer LS Geo Territory Battle. But maybe it's just the same pattern?
    CG have told us that these Territory Battles are supposed to be "End Game Content" and maybe their intention is not just to have it as "End Game Content" for a few months until players crack it and then go back to complaining there is nothing to do; maybe CG's intention is to have these new Territory Battles remain "End Game Content" for many months, maybe even a year?
    If that's the case, they don't want us completing it perfectly right away. They want us struggling with it and every time a new update / character / new feature comes along, we collectively start doing a little better. And slowly we build up to complete this End Game Content rather than ace it right from the word go.

    Maybe instead of saying "We can't do this NOW, it's therefore not WAI and is badly programmed", we instead should be saying "We can't do this YET, if it is WAI then what are we going to get to help us do it?"

    I agree with most of this. However, with the difficulty being so high, my issue is that the rewards do not scale with the difficulty. idk if people are going to bother doing this instead of hoth if they are getting only a few k in get1/2 vs getting 6k get1 in hoth. Doesn't make much sense for CG to make their new shiny toy and have us leave it in the toybox
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    I find it hilarious that you equate one toon with a new game mode, and go look...they did that with this, so they must have a plan! Nope, the two are not equatable and thus your example is based on faulty logic. High end grievous, that affected a very small percentage of players, many still do not have him relic 7, but TB affects a ton of people by comparison. Entire guilds, and trying to defend this hot mess is not a winning strategy. You keep saying, I'm not saying they are doing it right...then what are you saying? That they will fix it eventually? No you are saying, they will release things to make it beatable over the long term, which is very obvious and can be said about any hard content...of course eventually you will be able to beat it due to power creep, that is not the point.

    The point is, this is not fun, and this is a game that most people play to have fun, and getting punched in the gut is not fun. Running into a brick wall day 1 is not fun, thus bad game design and not caring about the pulse of the majority of the community. If you don't get that, well, the game is not long for this world. They have to fix this, the optics are horrible. Needing to upgrade my toons yet again to try out new content after getting them g13 and then reliced up, it just means more money, and it smacks of greed. This is a loosing strategy and everyone can see it, so the fact that you can not, and equating it to GG rework, is just off base with reality and yeah your attitude is different, but that is because you are not thinking of it in the right context.
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    SwordsLFD wrote: »
    You keep saying, I'm not saying they are doing it right...then what are you saying? That they will fix it eventually?

    I am saying that this is their intentional (flawed) strategy.

    That the insane difficulty of the new LS Geo TB is intentional and has been designed to take in to account the upcoming features that they haven't told us about yet.
    Just like they didn't tell us that the GG rework was done with the upcoming features in mind, they are not saying that the new TB has been done with the upcoming features in mind.

    This has been their approach in the past and looks like being their approach again now.

  • Options
    SwordsLFD wrote: »
    I find it hilarious that you equate one toon with a new game mode,

    And I am not doing any such thing.

    I am equating their past behaviour with their current behaviour. Simple as that.
  • Options
    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    If so...CG could've communicated this better.

  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    SwordsLFD wrote: »
    I find it hilarious that you equate one toon with a new game mode, and go look...they did that with this, so they must have a plan! Nope, the two are not equatable and thus your example is based on faulty logic. High end grievous, that affected a very small percentage of players, many still do not have him relic 7, but TB affects a ton of people by comparison. Entire guilds, and trying to defend this hot mess is not a winning strategy. You keep saying, I'm not saying they are doing it right...then what are you saying? That they will fix it eventually? No you are saying, they will release things to make it beatable over the long term, which is very obvious and can be said about any hard content...of course eventually you will be able to beat it due to power creep, that is not the point.

    The point is, this is not fun, and this is a game that most people play to have fun, and getting punched in the gut is not fun. Running into a brick wall day 1 is not fun, thus bad game design and not caring about the pulse of the majority of the community. If you don't get that, well, the game is not long for this world. They have to fix this, the optics are horrible. Needing to upgrade my toons yet again to try out new content after getting them g13 and then reliced up, it just means more money, and it smacks of greed. This is a loosing strategy and everyone can see it, so the fact that you can not, and equating it to GG rework, is just off base with reality and yeah your attitude is different, but that is because you are not thinking of it in the right context.

    you think GG affected only some players, but the hardest tb ever affects a ton of people? I would think people with (now)g13 gg are the people with g13 GR/Jedi/LS/etc

    What I don't get about the forums is when someone makes a point and then people chime in with "defending cg! game dying! you dumb!" like it isn't possible to make a valid point without also not shilling for cg. weird imo
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Let me put this in a much more gump way

    CG clearly thinks we need to upgrade our toons more, and thus spend more time/money on them before engaging in this new content.

    The community is upset because they see this largely as unfair because it is plainly a crash grab, they are not letting us play with our new toys (lightside g13 relic toons) before saying, nope not good enough, upgrade more and then you can play. .

    It betrays the whole model they have setup in the past, and it is a departure of what people expect, so thus outrage and complaining, and eventually death of the game if they don't change course because players will eventually leave if treated poorly or feel like they are lied too. Its all about expectations and they have set some really bad expectations for the future.
  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    Stenun wrote: »
    Now coming forward a bit, people complained about the difficulty of the new DS Geo Territory Battle when it first came out and today are moaning about the difficulty of the newer LS Geo Territory Battle. But maybe it's just the same pattern?

    I agree with this up to a point, but while DS Geo was definitely difficult out of the gate, nobody with gear-maxed-for-the-time teams was failing to complete phase 1 missions.

    I certainly understand making a move to ensure content stays relevant for a long time, but there's a clear line between "challenging" and "seriously guys?"

    My guild gets 28 stars in dark side Geo. We're on track to get like, seven or eight in light side maybe? There's a massive gulf between the two in terms of difficulty, beyond the point where it's reasonable even for an established "CG apologist" like myself.

    Now, I'm not going to make thread after thread declaring "shame on you" or whatever because I know that won't help. I'm just saying in this case a certain amount of "dude what the eff" does seem warranted.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Stenun wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Naver666 wrote: »
    We miss communication on this topic! maybe a hint of what will come to boost us towards the new endgame. They shouldn't just close eyes, ears and mouth and hope we will go away and leave our wallets there

    No, they shouldn't.
    But I do remember that that is precisely what they did do in the days of the GG kerfuffle. They basically ignored it until G13 and Relics came out and then said "See?"

    Once again, that's not what happened. They made another pass on the team, maybe thanks to the initial reworks not meeting the expectations and complaints they received pushed them in that direction? And at that point we already knew sinking in the last gear slot will bring a very substantial boost to GG even without CG naming it g13. Only missing component in the projected calculation was the ingredients of the last slot.

    Anyway this is one team vs. other teams and does not directly correlate with wide spanning changes like new gear/level/mod thingies.

    Whether it was Relics or G13 completion, they did remain silent about the uproar until a new feature came out that made the GG rework usable. They gave no feedback until then and said "we didn't bother saying anything because we knew this new content would validate us".
    The same thing could easily be happening again.

    Hmm I think you don't remember this even though I keep mentioning it:

    I doubt it would have happened if people didn't ask GG/droids to be pushed further. They acknowledge there even g13 didn't do the trick and they understood what the immense amount of requests for it means.

    From the link you provided:
    "As you can probably imagine, although we weren’t able to talk about it at the time, we knew G13 was coming in the near-future and we wanted to ensure Grievous (and the Separatist Droids) didn’t become an utterly overwhelming force when G13 came into the game. "

    They might have got the exact power wrong in the end but their intent was not to say anything after the GG rewor because they believed that the upcoming content would validate what they had done. Maybe their maths was wrong but their attitude was "we have made these changes with the upcoming features in mind so although people are moaning now we're not going to say anything until those features come out." My point is that te exact same thing is happening now. They believe the difficulty of the LS Geo TB will be validated by the next few features they bring out so they're not saying anything now.

    While we don't know what future changes will be, we also know this is very much tuned for something that does not yet exist in the game.

    Your example is still quite bad. It's not the power level tuning that was wrong, the team wasn't coming together because of the mechanics involved and they had to do a second pass for it re-reworking the toons.

    You could have gone with -remember past raids/tb- and we would have understood it fine. When you remember those, you should also remember ds hoth got tuned down, Naat and non heroic strs got tuned down. I doubt any of these would have happened if not for sheer amount of negative feedback on those. CG has a history of over-tuning things and tuning them down. They know pretty well, they can't make anything harder once it's out of the gate, so they prefer to err on this side.
  • Options
    I won't quote, because I can't handle that anymore.

    To OP, I get what you are saying and I understand you are not saying that they did this correctly, I think most of us have an issue with the actual requirements to complete this. Someone did the math on it, don't have it handy, but about 12 M GP required to complete phase 4. The game has been out for 4 years and the max GP anyone has after $100,000 or whatever they spent is 7 M GP. If progression continues at the same rate, this will be completed in what, 3 years? And all the other content outside of it, including the DS Geo TB released months ago, will be sim or auto except PVP.

    Give us a challenge, but the only two options that can happen now for this to be doable is a multi-year wait or a huge spike in power creep. I don't think anyone wants either.
  • Options
    Relics were, at the time, an unnecessary forced progression. But they were released before this event so people spent hundreds, thousands, on getting them. Now this was released with a difficulty that obviously requires another progression beyond current relics. That’s the point you’re missing.
  • TVF
    36798 posts Member
    I won't quote, because I can't handle that anymore.

    But ziggarating is the only way to max stars.
    I need a new message here.
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