It seems that I have a different attitude to the recent "problems" in the game than most



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    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    "AnnerDoon wrote: »
    ... this game is designed to frustrate players into spending. And it appears that the recent releases where the reaction from the playerbase was ‘very obvious frustration’ coincides relatively well with increased revenue for’s not likely that CG is going to change how they do things any time soon.

    Do you think mobile game companies should be held to a higher standard for their use of predatory mechanics? They are only getting better at it. They prey upon select members of our society who have addictive personalities and impulse control issues. Doesn’t seem “right” when the business model is to try and “trick” people, through frustration into buying something with faux value. The global reach these companies now have is concerning for the future of these games and the disappearance of fun.

    Oh... I’m not saying that what they’re doing or how they go about doing it is right or wrong. I’ll leave that debate for others. I was simply pointing out my observations. That is, how they operate continues to make them boatloads of cash, so I don’t expect them to change how they operate.
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    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Entus wrote: »
    Do you think that, just maybe, the fixes were implemented because of the complaining?

    I'm not talking about the obvious mistakes in the Territory Battle like "doing A does not unlock B even though it's supposed to", I'm talking about the difficulty of them. I'm saying it's quite possibly intentionally more difficult than we can handle right now because of what they have lined up for the future.

    They just stated that is not the case. It’s this miserable on purpose with no new progression coming.

    Eh, not exactly ...
    At least, not according to what I saw them post in their current Q&A. They said this
    "There's a discussion in the community that with this Territory Battle is setting up for a future progression system element that is imminently planned (the theory is typically this seems to be in the next two or three months). Geonosis Light Side is intended to be a long term piece of content that will take some time to master. The difficulty is intentional. We've tried to account for player theory crafters who generally do a great job of finding very powerful strategies in these pieces of content. We do not at this time have an expansion of relics, level cap increase, etc planned in the next three months. We will be actively monitoring player participation (and related behaviors) in the Geonosis Light Side territory battle. If there is a problem (your example is mass exodus) we will intervene and make changes. Hope this helps allay any concerns."

    I draw your attention to this bit: "We do not at this time have an expansion of relics, level cap increase, etc planned in the next three months". So what about month 4? Month 6? Where will we be a year from now?

    I said in my OP: "maybe CG's intention is to have these new Territory Battles remain "End Game Content" for many months, maybe even a year?"
    They said in the quote above: "Geonosis Light Side is intended to be a long term piece of content that will take some time to master"

  • Tiig
    297 posts Member
    Naver666 wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Does anyone remember when GG was reworked and everyone was really intrigued about his damage output being based on his Max Health so people Modded him to have as much Max Health as possible and weren't impressed with the results?
    People were upset. They were spamming the forums and moaning that CG had misled them over his new power level. Then a few months later, we got Relics and the complaints went away.

    Now coming forward a bit, people complained about the difficulty of the new DS Geo Territory Battle when it first came out and today are moaning about the difficulty of the newer LS Geo Territory Battle. But maybe it's just the same pattern?
    CG have told us that these Territory Battles are supposed to be "End Game Content" and maybe their intention is not just to have it as "End Game Content" for a few months until players crack it and then go back to complaining there is nothing to do; maybe CG's intention is to have these new Territory Battles remain "End Game Content" for many months, maybe even a year?
    If that's the case, they don't want us completing it perfectly right away. They want us struggling with it and every time a new update / character / new feature comes along, we collectively start doing a little better. And slowly we build up to complete this End Game Content rather than ace it right from the word go.

    Maybe instead of saying "We can't do this NOW, it's therefore not WAI and is badly programmed", we instead should be saying "We can't do this YET, if it is WAI then what are we going to get to help us do it?"

    Mod packs? 30 to 50€ for a random set of mods (4dot to 7dot) with 7dots have the drop probabillity equal to omegas on cantina nodes

    You don’t have to buy them. If you don’t, it will be end game content for a lot longer - much better value for you. Buying is just a way of saving time. You buy time. If you want something now, buy it, otherwise, all good (and bad) things to those who wait.
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    I agree with the OP, patience is always the answer, and probably this TB is the case. I think that it could be a great content and something to give us a direction to focus for farming and create squads to be competitive.

    In my opinion, the problem was a lack of communication.

    Literally nobody expected such a huge difference in terms of difficulty.

    With a better communication, way less people would have been upset.

    Anyway, let's turn the page.
    The reward/compensation was quite generous for the vaste majority of the playerbase, myself included.
  • TVF
    36798 posts Member
    We got 20 stars last time and I think this compensation was around 19 stars worth?
    I need a new message here.
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    Stenun wrote: »
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Entus wrote: »
    Do you think that, just maybe, the fixes were implemented because of the complaining?

    I'm not talking about the obvious mistakes in the Territory Battle like "doing A does not unlock B even though it's supposed to", I'm talking about the difficulty of them. I'm saying it's quite possibly intentionally more difficult than we can handle right now because of what they have lined up for the future.

    They just stated that is not the case. It’s this miserable on purpose with no new progression coming.

    Eh, not exactly ...
    At least, not according to what I saw them post in their current Q&A. They said this
    "There's a discussion in the community that with this Territory Battle is setting up for a future progression system element that is imminently planned (the theory is typically this seems to be in the next two or three months). Geonosis Light Side is intended to be a long term piece of content that will take some time to master. The difficulty is intentional. We've tried to account for player theory crafters who generally do a great job of finding very powerful strategies in these pieces of content. We do not at this time have an expansion of relics, level cap increase, etc planned in the next three months. We will be actively monitoring player participation (and related behaviors) in the Geonosis Light Side territory battle. If there is a problem (your example is mass exodus) we will intervene and make changes. Hope this helps allay any concerns."

    I draw your attention to this bit: "We do not at this time have an expansion of relics, level cap increase, etc planned in the next three months". So what about month 4? Month 6? Where will we be a year from now?

    I said in my OP: "maybe CG's intention is to have these new Territory Battles remain "End Game Content" for many months, maybe even a year?"
    They said in the quote above: "Geonosis Light Side is intended to be a long term piece of content that will take some time to master"

    My guild just made 31* on DS. We are a long way away from maxing it out. It’s well designed content that we will be working to master for quite a long time. The current LSGTB could be half as hard as it is now and it would still be way harder than DS.

    As a reference, I have NEVER even made 4/4 on any mission on the fourth slice of DS even with full relic teams. 1/4 or 2/4 require pretty strong teams. I’m fine with that. I wanted and expected something like that on slice 3 or maybe even slice 2 of LS. That would cut us from 31* down to low 20s and make it brutally difficult. That plus higher GP requirements would have made LS end game content for a year or more easily.

    Reality? On the VERY FIRST SLICE of LS I went 0/4, 0/4, 0/4, and 0/4 on the CMs and 2/4 on the SM. We were tracking maybe 16, but probably more like 15*. The rewards would be trash comparatively, and if slice one is barely playable it won’t get easier as we get to subsequent slices.

    There is definitely no eminent progression increase, which means at minimum 3 months of playing something my whole guild hates and getting garbage rewards. There is no guarantee of one within a reasonable time after that, and even if there is it will be many months of grinding before it would have any effect. So... 6 months of misery?

    There is NO GOOD REASON it should be this hard on slice 1. I’m fine with it progressing to barely playable by the end, being a bit harder than DS in the beginning, and getting less rewards while we work up to it. As it is I have no desire to play it at all. If I can’t interact with any part of it in an enjoyable way then that’s terrible design. The devs said in a podcast that sometimes they look so far down the road they forget what they are doing to the player experience right now. What they have done is ruin it by being lazy. Release something hard that we can outgrow in a year, and then design something new. We will be bored to death of something designed to be a horror show for 6 months, unbeatable for 2 years more. Or if it will be end game content for WAY longer than we can tolerate because they are trying to save development time, just make it that hard towards the end so we can at least beat the really early parts.
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    The TB appears to be tuned for difficulty based on the power levels we will have 1 to 1.5 years from now. The difficulty/tuning should have been based on what we currently have available and then they could have ramped that up when power levels increase significantly across the board. There's no real good reason for not ramping up the tuning/difficulty in stages. There's a big difference between not wanting us to max stars anytime soon and making it so hard that it's difficult to complete 1 wave in P1 with a maxed out team.
  • Wimma
    152 posts Member
    The difficulty is too much for Phase 1. I would expect it to ramp up in later phases, but having it this way just locks out so many guilds/players from even trying it. End game content is fine, but let us be able to do something in phase 1 at least, to get a taste of it.
    For more content, I'd prefer they do some faction based events, to encourage more people to build a wider roster, not just power up 1 or 2 teams with relics.
    Could be a lot of fun to build a team through 5-10 encounters and eventually need G12+ for the final battle. Might teach new players how to play each faction best too.
    The whole idea of making everything new more powerful/difficult just makes everything else obsolete. Bit sad, and worse still it may drive away the player base to other games.
  • Asifab
    140 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    Do you guys realize that the biggest whale in game still doesn't meet the required GP account level to be what is needed for this TB to finish it? He has every character unlocked at G13 and all relic 1 or higher. His account GP is 7 million. It will take 50 guild members with 12m GP to complete the new LS Geo TB. So with that being said.....with it's current difficulty it will be much longer then a year before any guild can complete this TB.

    Even once a guild finally does complete it, it will be the top 0.001% of guilds that can complete it for many years at this point.

    Imagine spending the $10,000+ the top player has very likely spent on this game if not a lot more. To then see new content hit and be told that hey your account is still 5 million short of being good enough to complete this. After you reach that 12m GP mark you need everyone in your guild to also spend as much as you have to reach this 12m GP mark to actually complete the entire battle.

    FYI if you have all toons to G13 minus Ki Adi Mundi, this "New Content" Does nothing for your account. The only thing that is hanging him up is signal data more than likely.
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    Stenun wrote: »
    Does anyone remember when GG was reworked and everyone was really intrigued about his damage output being based on his Max Health so people Modded him to have as much Max Health as possible and weren't impressed with the results?
    People were upset. They were spamming the forums and moaning that CG had misled them over his new power level. Then a few months later, we got Relics and the complaints went away.

    Now coming forward a bit, people complained about the difficulty of the new DS Geo Territory Battle when it first came out and today are moaning about the difficulty of the newer LS Geo Territory Battle. But maybe it's just the same pattern?
    CG have told us that these Territory Battles are supposed to be "End Game Content" and maybe their intention is not just to have it as "End Game Content" for a few months until players crack it and then go back to complaining there is nothing to do; maybe CG's intention is to have these new Territory Battles remain "End Game Content" for many months, maybe even a year?
    If that's the case, they don't want us completing it perfectly right away. They want us struggling with it and every time a new update / character / new feature comes along, we collectively start doing a little better. And slowly we build up to complete this End Game Content rather than ace it right from the word go.

    Maybe instead of saying "We can't do this NOW, it's therefore not WAI and is badly programmed", we instead should be saying "We can't do this YET, if it is WAI then what are we going to get to help us do it?"

    I’m generally pretty positive about the game and have a healthy amount of patience.

    But I’m disappointed with the LSTB. I understand what you’re saying—maybe we’re just not ready for it yet. I understand that and would even be fine with it, except that we don’t really have a viable alternative, meaning we’re stuck doing this battle when it’s not fun yet and we’re not getting very good rewards from it.

    Take raids, for example. If you aren’t ready for an Heroic raid you can do a lower version that will give you gear that will prepare you for the Heroic version. Right? There’s an alternative. Can’t do Hard Mode? Do Easy Mode until you’ve beefed up enough to do Hard. Simple.

    The thing that prepares your roster for the LSTB is the DSTB. Up until now that was okay because all that ran was DS. But now every time the LS battle comes around you’re missing out on the things that would make you ready for it.

    My guild can get 19-20 stars in the DS version, we managed 2 stars in this aborted battle and would likely have finished with 6-7 stars total, maybe less. That’s a huge reduction in rewards compared to if we got to do the DS version.

    As such, there’s no real sense of progression. You can’t graduate to LSTB, you just get beat down and gather a meager handful of stars through deployment until one day you’ve ground it out enough that you can finish one wave of one CM. That isn’t fun. That’s just oppressive. We need an alternative if we aren’t ready for the LSTB—and adding 800 GET2 to Hoth isn’t a viable alternative.

    What I would suggest is toning down the difficulty of AT LEAST phase 1. Tone it down to the point where a good G12 team can expect to clear one phase of a CM, as opposed to now, where my Padme team with some relics and everyone else at G12 can kill one droid before it gets slaughtered. Relics should be required to get far in those missions, but they certainly shouldn’t be the floor to take out even one character.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Options
    Stenun wrote: »
    Does anyone remember when GG was reworked and everyone was really intrigued about his damage output being based on his Max Health so people Modded him to have as much Max Health as possible and weren't impressed with the results?
    People were upset. They were spamming the forums and moaning that CG had misled them over his new power level. Then a few months later, we got Relics and the complaints went away.

    Now coming forward a bit, people complained about the difficulty of the new DS Geo Territory Battle when it first came out and today are moaning about the difficulty of the newer LS Geo Territory Battle. But maybe it's just the same pattern?
    CG have told us that these Territory Battles are supposed to be "End Game Content" and maybe their intention is not just to have it as "End Game Content" for a few months until players crack it and then go back to complaining there is nothing to do; maybe CG's intention is to have these new Territory Battles remain "End Game Content" for many months, maybe even a year?
    If that's the case, they don't want us completing it perfectly right away. They want us struggling with it and every time a new update / character / new feature comes along, we collectively start doing a little better. And slowly we build up to complete this End Game Content rather than ace it right from the word go.

    Maybe instead of saying "We can't do this NOW, it's therefore not WAI and is badly programmed", we instead should be saying "We can't do this YET, if it is WAI then what are we going to get to help us do it?"

    When we don’t have the tools to do it, why release it? A single toon which can at least be geared and farmed is not the same like an event. They just failed. Hard.
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    Good post. I think that if they scaled the reward to be at least equal to what we got for TBDS, 29 stars 6000 GET 1 and GET 2for doing probably 10-12 stars in tbls, then it should be good. Relic are just mandatory in TBLS and even if you spend on gearing on toon, it just give less than what TBDS give to you. We have 2 things we are actually farming in TBLS, both GET currency and special mission shard. If the new content with all relic toons can’t give you more GET currency and you are not able to get ki adi mundi shards anyway in the phase 3 because it’s too hard, then you should play old content hoth TB. Of what we see actually, guild between 150-200 millions of GP and maybe more than that should really considering it. When we are waiting for new content for months and once you get it you are forced to go back to play the old content to get more reward is just not understandable. The difficulty level may be ok if they at least did that.
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    Stenun wrote: »
    Entus wrote: »
    Do you think that, just maybe, the fixes were implemented because of the complaining?

    I'm not talking about the obvious mistakes in the Territory Battle like "doing A does not unlock B even though it's supposed to", I'm talking about the difficulty of them. I'm saying it's quite possibly intentionally more difficult than we can handle right now because of what they have lined up for the future.

    Which sane person would first put out content that isnt doable by any current means,till we are able to complete it?

    Its like giving a person a plate and tell him to eat without him having the means to cook.

  • Options
    Stenun wrote: »
    Entus wrote: »
    Do you think that, just maybe, the fixes were implemented because of the complaining?

    I'm not talking about the obvious mistakes in the Territory Battle like "doing A does not unlock B even though it's supposed to", I'm talking about the difficulty of them. I'm saying it's quite possibly intentionally more difficult than we can handle right now because of what they have lined up for the future.

    Which sane person would first put out content that isnt doable by any current means,till we are able to complete it?

    Its like giving a person a plate and tell him to eat without him having the means to cook.

    Yup. We don’t want a free lunch. Give us something hard that we can work towards doing more easily.

    Instead they gave us something near impossible because then they don’t have to spend time creating level appropriate content as often. Apparently ZERO thought was put into how that affects our experience with the game.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    Honestly, the issue is (as it ALWAYS has been with CG) communication.

    If they had said right off the top that this is extremely difficult content that we will likely not be able to clear for a year and that most teams - even fully R7 ones, will have difficulty clearing more than a wave or 2 even on day 1 and that most of the points will be from deployment and that his is a strong departure from previous content, I think the reaction and the way the event was received would have been a little different.

    That said, there is the corollary issue regarding the relative lack of new playable content (I'm not debating whether or not relics or the GAS event are "playable content" in some peoples' eyes or not). People were expecting to be able to "play" LS Geo - but they really can't for the most part. If it had been released with something else new that many people could play (i.e. the "micro-raid" events discussed or some other events) and just held out there as an example of what true "end game" content is going to look like, that also would have helped.

    Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, I think it would be better if LS Geo TB didn't "compete" with any other TB. Don't make guilds choose. Run it once/month in it's own slot. That way EVERY guild (that at least meets the minimum requirements) has an opportunity to "measure" how far along they are and/or how far they have come in regards to "end-game" content.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I somehow think that CG was just lazy or planned the whole thing in a miserable way.
    How are we supposed to play a content which will in reality be playable for us in 12 months, given the difficulty?
    I mean, give me a break CG, keep your "new" content, it was just a alibi operation to say you deployed new content, which in fact no one can really play and more important IT'S NOT FUUUNNN!!!!
    Swiss Garde Officer, drop me a message if you're interested joining
  • Options
    Stenun wrote: »
    Does anyone remember when GG was reworked and everyone was really intrigued about his damage output being based on his Max Health so people Modded him to have as much Max Health as possible and weren't impressed with the results?
    People were upset. They were spamming the forums and moaning that CG had misled them over his new power level. Then a few months later, we got Relics and the complaints went away.

    Now coming forward a bit, people complained about the difficulty of the new DS Geo Territory Battle when it first came out and today are moaning about the difficulty of the newer LS Geo Territory Battle. But maybe it's just the same pattern?
    CG have told us that these Territory Battles are supposed to be "End Game Content" and maybe their intention is not just to have it as "End Game Content" for a few months until players crack it and then go back to complaining there is nothing to do; maybe CG's intention is to have these new Territory Battles remain "End Game Content" for many months, maybe even a year?
    If that's the case, they don't want us completing it perfectly right away. They want us struggling with it and every time a new update / character / new feature comes along, we collectively start doing a little better. And slowly we build up to complete this End Game Content rather than ace it right from the word go.

    Maybe instead of saying "We can't do this NOW, it's therefore not WAI and is badly programmed", we instead should be saying "We can't do this YET, if it is WAI then what are we going to get to help us do it?"

    All while missing out on GET 1 and GET 2.... no. This is not the way.
  • Options
    Stenun wrote: »
    Entus wrote: »
    Do you think that, just maybe, the fixes were implemented because of the complaining?

    I'm not talking about the obvious mistakes in the Territory Battle like "doing A does not unlock B even though it's supposed to", I'm talking about the difficulty of them. I'm saying it's quite possibly intentionally more difficult than we can handle right now because of what they have lined up for the future.

    Your spot on 100% right. Its meant to make us fail. When we fail we want to win so we buy upgrades to do better.

    The most genius thing they did was make it so that no matter how much you buy you still cant beat it so this will maximize profits.

    The answer is patience and wait for content that allows us to beat it... and for all the people who lack that patience they can spend to get better but even that wont help because they genius devs made this even to be unbeatable even if you have everyone at r7...

    By the time a lot of people buy their way to that point where they are full r7 the profit is made and it's too late for those people to go back and be patient... so devs will release what's really needed to win but not until much later, they are still milking the "why dont you upgrade and try again" message... just look at the 16500 recommended power events where teams of 32k power avg getting slaughtered, its a joke, some would say a scam, but that would require proof of intent.
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