Ahnalds account [MERGE]


  • Bytestream
    421 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Shame on you cg , cheating is ok but account sharing is perma ban

    totally agree.....they don't do anything against Cheating...sharing a Account is against TOS but hey...Ahnald is the only one that brings "life" and "content" to the Game......totally opposit to you CG. You harass us with Galactic chases and other stuff but the promised "new Content" we're waitting for since mont doesn't show up.
    You guys should rather do you job instead of starting Witch Hunts or banning people.

    By hte way where is the "new content" or even the formerly announced "Major Character" ?? Is it showin' up in 2020 or have we to wait until 2022 for it ? And NO (!!) furlough or even "Corona" may not be an excuse !
    Everyone has to work in someway..and your Dev's can easly work from home. In case you don't have the right "IT Knowledge" to implement this ping me
  • Adoy_IdeJ
    310 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    im glad they banned ahnaldt. hes a whiner and youtubers should have never been turned into game changers in the first place. he should play like a real player and not try to use the game to make a buck off all you lemmings watching his videos.

    If you want to look at it this way, than all youtubers and streamers should get banned for trying to make money from games while entertaining people

    i wouldnt have a problem with that. youtubers dont really bring anything to the table. if they cant play the game like the rest of us ban them. ahnaldts no one special. just a lazy slob propped up by people who watch youtube. the only thing that is wrong about this is they should apply some of these tos evenly and other people sharing accounts should have been banned too.

    You realise that YT brings income back to CG? People want to play the game more when they see the videos of it, and people will be more tempted to pay money because of the excitement other people push onto the game?

    Community and content is what makes money for businesses, and YT is free marketing for their game. The businesses I run all have a highly active marketing department, we spend £m on marketing, and the ROI of marketing more than pays for the each marketing department, their bonuses, and profit to the business.

    CG are myopic and don't know how to run a business - let alone develop a game or create content and engage with the customer. Customer engagement leads to profit.

    Seeing as you're so anti YT and seem to have your olfactory protuberance inserted deep into CG's **** sphincter why is their behaviour so dichotomous ? They're completely contradictory ergo they're hypocrites - they keep cheaters on that spend money despite being a larger violation? Ah but no, money seems to be the answer to everything....
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    It’s the allowing cheaters to stay in the game that has got me. “Choose a date for your suspension?” I mean really? You allow cheaters who are known to cheat to continue hacking the game and winning yet you ban someone for account sharing? A player who left your game because of how you have treated this community with lies (there is no problem with the code, now there is and the Road Ahead is delayed), deceit (only positive questions in the Q&A Or we are going to minimise the gear crunch yet Stun Guns, Stun Cuffs and Carbantis are still the biggest gear crunch since launch), and scams (Insert Never Before Seen Mods Pack, Relics, Kyrotechs, etc!!)

    Since you guys did what you did to Carrie there has been nothing but problems with this game. Paywall, paywall, paywall. No communication. Won’t return emails. Promise the world, give an Atlas! Your Client Service (cause let’s face it we are all clients) is dreadful. In marketing or sales you should not be as profitable as what you are. You are only successful because of the Star Wars IP and this Community! Yet, you continue to destroy everything that has been built! Shame!

    How about WE choose a date for Lucifer’s Daddy, Tophat and Eric’s instant dismissal? The date, YESTERDAY! C-ya!
  • Devian
    676 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Nauros wrote: »
    Maybe they are afraid that the new and awesome stuff in the road ahead won't be recieved all that well so they try to silence any criticism before it's out. Seeing that Ahnald doesn't give up, his take on the RA could be all the more interesting.

    Or there are just a lot of ppl selling accounts and it's better to ban them all. Starting with some publicity
    (if you have GL it's like $500-700 so many there are. The lowest price for meta account so far and way cheaper then actually farming pRey or Paylo)
  • Razz
    3 posts Member
    I don´t care enough for mobile games to ever get involved in the forums or communities outside of my guild.
    It´s a mobile game.
    BUT, this really upsets me.
    This will surely brand CG's reputation negativly (if it already hasn´t) and will impact on their future content and other projects.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Devian wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Maybe they are afraid that the new and awesome stuff in the road ahead won't be recieved all that well so they try to silence any criticism before it's out. Seeing that Ahnald doesn't give up, his take on the RA could be all the more interesting.

    Or there are just a lot of ppl selling accounts and it's better to ban them all. Starting with some publicity
    (if you have GL it's like $500-700 so many there are. The lowest price for meta account so far and way cheaper then actually farming pRey or Paylo)

    Selling accounts has been going on pretty much since the start of the game, so why start making a fuss about it right before they announce something they have been teasing for half a year? For a lot of players, the RA will make or break it, and if they have a popular voice dissenting, they might well be in serious trouble. Guess they'll have it now. And anyway, if there are more people selling their accounts than before, it's a symptom, not the cause.
  • BoZaNoVa
    35 posts Member
    So you're telling me that AnhaldT101 account shared, breaching the TOS and then wrote to CG/EA to fix a bug that existed on the shared account? The Audacity!
  • Othorion
    33 posts Member
    Shame, Shame, Shame, CG! Would rather want to see some fun and always playable content or at least the long overdue Road ahead instead of banning someone who keeps the spark of this game glowing although there is nothing fun to do outside of GAC and TW.
  • Drazhar
    784 posts Member
    CG mad because he put effort in finding free counters to their cringe, pay to win metas and because he said boo a couple times. I mean, CG has always behaved like the fat, greedy, aggressive kid bullying the other kids in the courtyard. This is just another instance.
  • BoZaNoVa
    35 posts Member
    For a law graduate, he's not very smart. The smart thing to do would have been to get the original owner to report the bug, leaving his name out of it. Live and learn I guess.
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    After seeing the videos on youtube from the content creators, I only have to say that I will never ever spend 1$ on this game. NEVER!!!!
  • BoZaNoVa
    35 posts Member
    His arrogance or stupidity clearly got the better of him.
  • Valeran
    119 posts Member
    Been playing this game for like 3 years and something really went south... I don't understand why some people are happy for Ahnald's ban, that guy loves to create useful and entertaining videos for us not to talk about the views that may attract new players to the game. I play some other games too such as Raid or Star Trek: Fleet Command and I tell you those guys listen better, update the game regularly, graphics are amazing, every single day a good number of random events that hold useful resources and buying packs are actually fruitful, not like here, "never seen before" useless mod packs for a fortune.

    I've learned from many YouTubers who play this game who like to test and share exciting, unorthodox team setups and strategies for different events especially for GAC where I rarely lose because of that. CG should work together and most importantly, say a big thank you for these guys for doing them a favor by sharing this game on the number one media platform.

    CG must reconsider their approach to this game because yes, this is Star Wars (and by the way, this is the ONLY reason I play this game) with a vast universe and growing content but that doesn't mean they can do whatever they want. They should serve the community and not the other way! Big lesson.
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    Rather than complaining about CG on here where they just role all the comments into a mega thread and ignore it.
    Would we be better all emailing EA support desk which when it is getting swamped with emails will get EAs attention?
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  • SoDef
    3 posts Member
    I really don't understand you CG you have a good game with a huge community base and yet you don't want to produce things that the community wants. This game could be dominating all other games like this but you don't communicate or try to make it better if you gave up on the game get ppl in there that has a passion like the ppl who play this game. This is not rocket science put out content the community wants and more ppl will play and you will get more money. If you need someone to run it ill come out of retirement and show you how to produce an amazing game you have all the tools there but no one wants to do anything. Banning Arnold makes no sense its like swgoh.gg has access to our account. its 3rd party and you want to ban someone that is helping you advertise and test for the community by keeping an account alive wake-up pull your head out.
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    Mayhem wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Mayhem wrote: »
    Lol fix what? He literally went to them not the other way around. No company in their right mind would support account sharing it’s bad business. If I bought an account that instantly makes me competitive (money is transferred to somebody else) the company that actually owns the account gets nothing. But if I had to start my own account and want to fast track to a competitive level well I’d have to purchase virtual items (money goes to the company).

    Everybody with their pitchforks do realize he brought attention to the account himself with emails, text messages, and DMs

    He went to them so he could keep spending money. He went to them so he could continue to pump money into an account that otherwise would’ve been sitting dormant not making any money.

    So before this they had Ahnald pouring money into two accounts for content testing. Now they have him pouring money into only one and will guaranteed lose income from players either quitting or stopping their spending.

    Not to mention they were exposed as to being selective with their punishments. Account sharing is nowhere near as bad as intentional cheating and hacking the game. Yet one got a week long suspension while the other a permanent ban.

    So let me get this straight, you’re ok with CG doing nothing to somebody literally bringing to their attention he’s violating the rules.

    Let me get this straight, you're ok with people cheating and getting to choose when they have to take a week off?
  • Krathboy
    1 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    CG, this is a bad move. Not cool

    It's more than a bad move. It's pathetic, weak, and petty. I feel sorry for those who made that decision, they have to be such sad people.
  • InvMars
    73 posts Member
    nix311210 wrote: »

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    This is one of the ”hall of fame” action in whole gaming history, how to shoot in your own leg..
  • Devian
    676 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Nauros wrote: »
    Selling accounts has been going on pretty much since the start of the game, so why start making a fuss about it right before they announce something they have been teasing for half a year?
    buying account costs 3-4 times cheaper then actual prey/paylo at the moment. Plus, after Q&A and previous RA, info about key-stuff finding new jobs... there is no much hope for a good RA. Mb October-November...
  • Devian
    676 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    BoZaNoVa wrote: »
    For a law graduate, he's not very smart. The smart thing to do would have been to get the original owner to report the bug, leaving his name out of it. Live and learn I guess.
    But he's the owner of that account now. He do not share it with anyone, that account was presented to him. So if original owner would complain.... then Arnold would be banned for account sharing all the same. Depends how you use rules. Funny but whole MAW should be banned for account sharing after the info of 4 ppl closing TW to get max stars
  • Joebo720
    654 posts Member
    This is pretty disappointing. I am pretty new to the game and i find his stuff pretty helpful, plus he's a funny guy.

    What really puzzles me is why you wouldn't want him out there marketing for you. It doesn't seem like CG even has a marketing budget and this guy was PAYING you to market YOUR game. How that's not the best of both worlds i don't even know.

    Please tell me CG doesn't employ a marketing team. Because if they do, Anhald was doing a better job than them.
  • DocDoom
    532 posts Member
    ... and once again, the antics surrounding this game prove to be far more entertaining than the game itself. How very meta of you, CG.
  • WulW
    30 posts Member
    Nearly every kraken in the game should be banned for account sharing, the same as nearly every whale.

    Sorry but this is truth, and it is not a pointing anyone, it is only us = players, dont see a problem in sharing our expiriences with the game, thats all.

    Lets be onest, he have not been banned for account sharing, he have been banned for showing how CG work WITH, not against cheaters.

    Anthnald is the only youtuber i know, that is really enjoying the game, and bring only good feelings in each of his 150k subscribers. He does not scandal, does not raise the concept of not spending money, he is an only one positive youtuber here. And you are doing such a thing not for him, you are doing this to strike us - players.

    This is embarrassing how game act not for a players, it works against them.

    Honestly right now i dont see any other way to stop this nonsense, than start to spam EA/Lucas Arts/Disney to look at the opinion that CG creates about the brand they are copyrighted by.
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    My two penneth -

    Ahnald did wrong. He broke the terms of service. Oddly - he drew their attention to it. Which is an odd thing to do particularly from someone with legal training. Anyway- he did it.

    However - Ahnald was the number one promoter of this game. The number one reason many people found out about this game and the number one reason many people continue to play it. Continue to play it when effectively it's not a very good game, at all. It's a bit of an embarrassment. Everything about it is poor compared to similar phone-games that are available. Ahnald makes people want to play this sub-standard game. He spends a lot of money on it. He encourages others to spend a lot of money on it. He promotes it when CG itself does an appalling job of promoting it. No new content, ridiculous power-creep, unashamed money-grabbing, poor art, animation, gameplay - CG have done nothing in years to make this game appealing or worthwhile to play it. But Ahnald did.

    So, I think they have made a grave error. But hey, who is surprised? In the last two years they have pretty much done nothing but make grave errors every single month. This is what CG do. They are a dysfunctional and sub-standard games studio who are terrible at both games-creation and business.

    The way I see it - it's their problem. I don't care what happens to SWGOH. I stopped playing about five weeks ago and started playing another, similar phone game. I like it a lot. Really cool game and a games-studio that obviously enjoys their game, enjoys interacting with their players and listens to constructive criticism. Three things that CG do not do.

    Banning Ahnald was a mistake. But hey, I'll survive, Ahnald will survive. The only thing that will not survive (from this as well as their past and continuing behaviour and attitude) is SWGOH. Their choice.

  • TVF
    36770 posts Member
    KKatarn wrote: »
    He was using a shared account, which is forbidden.

    The issue isn’t that he broke the TOS. The issue is that there are thousands and thousands of these transferred accounts out there, and almost nobody has been banned for using them. Their selective enforcement of the rules is kind of strange.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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