Ahnalds account [MERGE]


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    I'm just going to leave this here

    I support this
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    daxxzannon wrote: »
    Stop banning content creators from the game.
    Without rumors, hype, thoughts and game play video you are damaging the community.

    Candidly EA & CG, you do not have enough in game content to keep patrons and players like me without contributors like him keeping my interest.

    Even if this account is not owned by Ahnald, it should be un-banned and access restored.

    You are talking about a significant amount of money put into this account, and I know from personal experience.

    Open back up test accounts, invite content creators into test and beta environments, whatever.
    I don't care what you do to right this, but this and your response is disgraceful.

    I never post, and only report bugs as a fellow programmer.
    Below are images that should demonstrate my investment

    Give me a reason to continue playing your game


    Wow, just.. wow. 7+GP? /sabersalute

    I have 4.3 lol
  • Ironjehoshaphat
    335 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    @Oktoberknight07 @daxxzannon
    I agree and love their perspective.


    I am down for a no play/ spending week.
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    If you are going to ban Ahnald, you can at least tell him why. You all better apologize to him.
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    CG. I’m so disappointed in your actions. I’m not sure I can add anything else that others haven’t already. But I’m on board with whatever the community decides to do to in response. We’ve had enough. Even if that means giving up a game we once loved.
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    It would be interesting to listen the phone conf. that will come from this...

    EA: What is the reason for all this?
    CG: One of our more popular streamers bought an account, we discovered it and banned it as per our TOS.
    EA: Why? Clearly the person in question, is willing to spend money on the game, and even wishes to promote the game, as well as spending money on the aforementioned account. So again I ask, why ban that account?
    CG: ....
    EA: Do you think the upset, and potential loss of revenues going forward are worth this?
    CG: ....
    EA: Handle this and make it go away, or we will. *click*
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    daxxzannon wrote: »
    Stop banning content creators from the game.

    Give me a reason to continue playing your game


    Wow, just.. wow. 7+GP? /sabersalute

    I have 4.3 lol

    Do you enjoy playing? I think that's all that really matters.

    I <3 your 4.3M and feel that you should too

    I've been playing for 3 years, and am fortunate that I can spend money on this game in the manner that I do.

    It's important for a company to have Public Relations and content creators in Mobile Gaming are a part of that.
    CG needs to find a solution to facilitate this type of content creation, play testing and fostering the community.

    I am furious about their email and their actions here
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    @Oktoberknight07 @daxxzannon
    I agree and love their perspective.


    I am down for a no play/ spending week.

    I will go so far as to say I am willing to walk away from this game right now.
    CG needs to give players reasons to stay, not take them away.
    Less content preview?
    Less teasers?
    Less rumors?
    Less play testing?

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  • Rex76
    26 posts Member
    jkray622 wrote: »
    Certainly seems like a tough call. Ahnald reports a bug on his account that only occurs if it was transferred from China. CG can either:
    A) Ignore this account transfer that was figuratively shoved in their faces, allowing Ahnald to post future videos about how he can violate TOS.
    B) Apply the TOS penalty for the infraction and show that even an account that spends a lot of money will be held to the same standards.

    In both cases CG will face the onslaught of negative opinions. I think the policy of banning accounts for sharing is silly, but it is what it is.

    Yeah, he was in a spot himself. Report the bug to try to get it fixed and risk bringing attention to his account sharing, or don’t report it and the bug continues without the drama of an account ban. Honestly, it was a no-win situation any way you look at it.
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    daxxzannon wrote: »
    daxxzannon wrote: »
    Stop banning content creators from the game.

    Give me a reason to continue playing your game


    Wow, just.. wow. 7+GP? /sabersalute

    I have 4.3 lol

    Do you enjoy playing? I think that's all that really matters.

    I <3 your 4.3M and feel that you should too

    I've been playing for 3 years, and am fortunate that I can spend money on this game in the manner that I do.

    It's important for a company to have Public Relations and content creators in Mobile Gaming are a part of that.
    CG needs to find a solution to facilitate this type of content creation, play testing and fostering the community.

    I am furious about their email and their actions here

    I stay and play for the Guild I lead. They show up and put in the work. They may be quiet at times but they are a good bunch. :)

    I see this (Anhald) situation as being handled very badly. At a time in our lives when we need positive actions, and are struggling to hang tight and get through the pandemic, protests, and more. This was a monumentally bad idea. Justified or not, they (CG) really shot themselves in the foot this time. With EA and others watching. EPIC FAIL. I fear jobs will be in jeopardy over this, Corporate logic will be, walk it back, make some gesture, hang it all on the decision makers.
  • Rex76
    26 posts Member
    Selbs wrote: »
    You seriously cant tell me a lawyer didnt know what door they were opening and the risks associated. He did. Its like 5 people speeding, and 1 gets caught. Doesnt make the 1 amy less guilty. A lawyer knows this. You all are in the wrong and so is he and he knows it.

    It’s like going to jail for Jaywalking. CG is just being petty & just trying to flex their muscle

    I dont disagree with this statement. However much I do, it doesnt detract from the fact he brok TOS..

    Aslo, unlike the law of the land that is supposed to be aoplied equally and uniformly, CG is in control of their own laws. They can choose what ro enforce and what not ro.

    Yeah, no one has to like it, but they can selectively enforce whatever they want, no matter how silly or hypocritical it may be. Even if they lost all of the subscribers that he has on his YouTube, it won’t change their minds no matter how much some think.
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    1. They are too stubborn to listen, and will kill the game out of spite

    2. They are operating as intended, and will kill the game out of greed

    3. They are too stupid, and will kill the game out of ignorance

    Pick two.
    Chained since '16
  • ibeyz
    18 posts Member
    CG needs to ban everyone who violates the TOS. I do not think account transfers are a huge deal but those are the rules. Ahnaldt's alt account should be banned as acquiring it broke the rules. What is not ok, is allowing the much more heinous act of cheating to go unpunished as that is what truly destroys the game. If cheaters are not punished people will stop spending money and the game will die as a result. The absurd part about this is that Ahnaldt gets banned for a minor infraction while cheaters can negotiate their own punishment or, as Bulldog outlined in another example, are allowed to transfer their accounts which is mind boggling.

    The youtuber's market this game for free. Why CG cannot formulate a working relationship with them to grow the game and its health does not make any sense. Further to that, the only reason Ahnaldt was forced to acquire the second account is to create content for his channel i.e. for us to see and understand the game and characters better. Had CG left the test accounts in place he would not have had to acquire another account. I am not justifying what he did but understanding the reasoning is important.

    I am not advocating that they re-instate Ahnaldt's alt, I think instead they should ban all known cheating accounts and show some teeth. Otherwise, this constant incompetence shown at CG will have the game slowly bleed to death. If they do not do something drastic soon, the next released Star Wars mobile game will be the end of this one.
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    I stay and play for the Guild I lead. They show up and put in the work. They may be quiet at times but they are a good bunch. :)

    I see this (Anhald) situation as being handled very badly. At a time in our lives when we need positive actions, and are struggling to hang tight and get through the pandemic, protests, and more. This was a monumentally bad idea. Justified or not, they (CG) really shot themselves in the foot this time. With EA and others watching. EPIC FAIL. I fear jobs will be in jeopardy over this, Corporate logic will be, walk it back, make some gesture, hang it all on the decision makers.

    Very well said.

    It flies in the face of their recent Play Safe campaign.

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    daxxzannon wrote: »
    I stay and play for the Guild I lead. They show up and put in the work. They may be quiet at times but they are a good bunch. :)

    I see this (Anhald) situation as being handled very badly. At a time in our lives when we need positive actions, and are struggling to hang tight and get through the pandemic, protests, and more. This was a monumentally bad idea. Justified or not, they (CG) really shot themselves in the foot this time. With EA and others watching. EPIC FAIL. I fear jobs will be in jeopardy over this, Corporate logic will be, walk it back, make some gesture, hang it all on the decision makers.

    Very well said.

    It flies in the face of their recent Play Safe campaign.

    Thankfully I can walk away from this train wreck, and go ride my Dragon. Thank you for the kind words, best of luck to us all. My MMO awaits!
  • AlexanderG
    1930 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Perhaps there is another way of looking at this.

    So CG becomes aware that Ahnald is using a transferred account and despite the ToS, agree to let him keep it and change the account to a non-Chinese territory (which I don't think CG are doing for any other Chinese-located accounts).

    Say word of this got out, wouldn't everyone then go nuts that it's one rule for him and one rule for others?

    Ahnald is absolutely right to point to cheaters getting let off with very little by way of punishment and it would be good to hear from one of the development team about this.
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    Thankfully I can walk away from this train wreck, and go ride my Dragon. Thank you for the kind words, best of luck to us all. My MMO awaits!

    Have fun!
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    I'll just gonna say finally,after all the things cg has done,or lack of rly,this may awaken some ppl from some slumber they were having and were still defending cg.
  • Rex76
    26 posts Member
    Wolverines wrote: »
    That guy still has a YouTube channel? Got tired of all the self promoting click bait tactics a long time ago.

    Makes me like CG even more

    I wonder how you found this forum post.... through one of the content creators perhaps? Ahnald is among the top content creators for this game, if not, the top one, the amount of love and effort he puts into his videos and into his community is amazing!

    Go think about that...

    I know for me personally, I used to watch him, but he was continuously becoming more self-righteous in his tone in general and I personally got tired of his antics. Also, is it possible people get to forum posts just by going to the forums the old fashioned way? One would think so. I don’t personally follow any so-called content creators myself so I’m sure there are others who also do not. This whole situation is pretty split all the way around and has done nothing but generate negativity.
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    CG is right in punishing the violation of their TOS.

    But they are doing it the wrong way! Cheaters must be punished with the hardest penalty (permanent ban!). And account sharing with a temporary ban, cuz it is not as bad as cheating!

    and apart from it: CG should be communicate much better and give test accounts (back) to the game changers. but that doenst mean, that they shouldnt punish a public TOS-violation.
  • Celbal
    9 posts Member
    Spirit of the law, or letter of the law? In the strictest sense, did he violate the Terms of Service? Yes. Nevertheless, in what world is it a good idea to ban an account that continues to generate thousands of dollars through in game purchases in addition to FREE advertising for your game? Seems petty, illogical, and infantile.
  • Lordwar83
    112 posts Member
    Banjo wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb nothing to say champ?

    It‘s too expensive!

  • DK_Raid_Violator
    244 posts Member
    edited June 2020

  • Rex76
    26 posts Member
    VaderB1 wrote: »
    DEIllidan wrote: »
    to be honest i still don't get why cg is doing this...

    Because they can.

    It almost sociopathic in a way, they do what they want without any regard to the people they hurt, and I am not necessarily talking about Ahnold.

    The beatings will continue until moral improves.

    So, you didn't like that peasants, here have another Galactic Legend, an since you didn't like rock paper scissors, now you will have to play Go Fish for ultimate mats.

    Seems a little extreme considering this is a mobile game. Hurting that Ahnald got his shared account (breaking of rules) feels like giving him a honored position of importance to those who are hurt. I think it’s kind of funny how people are freaking over a mobile game. Yes he screwed up and yes they’re hypocritical. It is what it is.
  • Rex76
    26 posts Member
    Mayhem wrote: »
    Lol fix what? He literally went to them not the other way around. No company in their right mind would support account sharing it’s bad business. If I bought an account that instantly makes me competitive (money is transferred to somebody else) the company that actually owns the account gets nothing. But if I had to start my own account and want to fast track to a competitive level well I’d have to purchase virtual items (money goes to the company).

    Everybody with their pitchforks do realize he brought attention to the account himself with emails, text messages, and DMs

    Yeah exactly. He took a chance and it didn’t work out for him. The result was him trying to draw more attention to their selective enforcement practices, which I think everyone already knew about.
  • Rex76
    26 posts Member
    Shame on you CG. This is a direct attack on this community, this game, the content creators and most importantly Arnold. He is a role model to many so many people. Please fix this.

    Role model?!? Lmao
  • KM1
    145 posts Member
    Rex76 wrote: »
    VaderB1 wrote: »
    DEIllidan wrote: »
    to be honest i still don't get why cg is doing this...

    Because they can.

    It almost sociopathic in a way, they do what they want without any regard to the people they hurt, and I am not necessarily talking about Ahnold.

    The beatings will continue until moral improves.

    So, you didn't like that peasants, here have another Galactic Legend, an since you didn't like rock paper scissors, now you will have to play Go Fish for ultimate mats.

    Seems a little extreme considering this is a mobile game. Hurting that Ahnald got his shared account (breaking of rules) feels like giving him a honored position of importance to those who are hurt. I think it’s kind of funny how people are freaking over a mobile game. Yes he screwed up and yes they’re hypocritical. It is what it is.

    In the world we live in, we shouldn't just accept a wrong with conceding it is what it is. We should enable a channge. CG or elsewhere
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