Ahnalds account [MERGE]


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    Analdt is the boss he destroys CG with his laser pistol
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    I am 90% sure that CG will never so much as comment on this subject, which has turned into one of the most massive threads on their own site.
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    CG is cowering in fear
    Knights of the Mobile Republic [KotMR]
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    I've dropped money on this game only because I got into Ahnalds videos. Then you ban one of his accounts??? Do you guys hate money or something?
  • TMO
    18 posts Member
    Well I really enjoyed watching Ahnald's videos and he kept me interested in this game. I keep hearing about strike force so I am going to try that. I am above average galaxy player probably spent a few thousand dollars (2-3k) in the last year. I have never spent thousands of dollars on a game much less a mobile game so time for a change. CG customer support just sucks and I am not in align with there values. I will continue f2p but spending stopped last week due to glitches in the game and I might consider spending again if I see changes with CG, for one like to see him get his account back and better customer support.
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    AhnaldT101 was not the reason I started playing this game but he’s the reason I keep playing. Without him I would have lost interest months ago. He has essentially replaced the content CG can’t seem to find a way to make. And he responds to the community. If he goes, guess where I go?
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    I have watched several of the influencer videos and agree that the game may be headed for an abrupt end here. It would explain the lack of new content, the "reworks" and raid that were cancelled, and would explain why a finance guy is running the GM. He's trying to suck every last penny he can before they close up the game due to licensing restrictions from Disney. This is speculative, but is probable given what happened to battlefront 2. I don't spend money on mobile games, but I do think Ahnald and his content is decent and worthwhile.
  • Jarhead980
    36 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Plain and simple, I am done spending. I have spent tons of money, sometimes solely because I can see how viable a 7* character would be and I don't trust CG to provide reliable videos to the community to be able to make that kind of decision.
    I love this game. I feel that if this developer group had the same passion for its community as the community has for the game, we wouldn't be here today. Ahnaldt101's actions are in direct response to CG's poor relationships with content creators that used to have test accounts, and prior to that were game changers.
    I am not spending a dime regardless of what CG does. That's because they don't care about the player base. They care about money. I hope they get as much as possible...in unemployment...and EA/Disney assigns this game to another development group.
    So sad that it's come to this. Can you imagine that they'd have the guts to be so callous if they didn't have the Star Wars brand to hide behind? Doubtful.
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    Reinstate the account, apologise profusely and compensate AhnaldT101.
    Then apologise to the community for stuffing us all around for so long.
    Then give the community what they want.
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    There is much that has been said but it is important they hear our voices so here is mine should they bother reading it.

    Anhaldt and others have intelligently put forth an explanation of the unfairness of what CG did. As in it is clear they specifically targeted him.

    If this not reality then I want to hear from CG also intelligently why this is not the case. I don’t want to hear a blanket statement about the terms of service.

    Say what you will about Anhaldt. Certainly his advise isn’t always perfect or his videos are sometimes clickbaity. But for a large part of the community he is one of several reasons we stick with this game. His excitement for this product is infectious, when little is happening in the game he helps keep me interested. So to target him not only makes zero business sense but also sad to see and I hope there is a resolution.
  • JD29
    2 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Ahnald and the other content creators should be thanked for all they do to help keep this game relevant.

    Yes, technically he broke the TOS, but as everyone has already commented, the treatment is not consistent for everyone breaking rules. For those that said he still has his main account, that's true but he estimated that $50k was spent on the banned account by someone who doesn't even play the game anymore. That individual didn't want his account to sit unused after all that investment. Ahnald does have characters in that account that are geared up in a way to an extent that they aren't on his main account. If CG didn't want this to happen, maybe the shouldn't have taken away the test accounts, etc. The guy wasn't trying to game the system.

    I'm hard pressed to find a company that cares so little for its community/customers. All CG knows how to do is price gouge and lash out like petulant children when they don't get the responses they want. Frankly, I've spent money on this game and I've heard several people state that the unethical actions of CG when raised to EA, Google Play, and Apple will result in some kind of refund. Some indicated that they received a month's spend back. Others received the year's spend back. I need to look into that because this company doesn't deserve a dime of my money going forward, and they never did to start. We love Star Wars that's why we play. They need to show some respect and work with/for people instead of against them. This is at minimum bullying and this isn't the first content creator to be attacked/targeted. I get that CG is trying to make money, but maybe it will take everyone asking for refunds and finding something else to play until there's some kind of change. 46 pages (and counting) of comments on this and they probably won't do a thing.

    Hey CG, we're the ones that keep you employed and if that concept doesn't resonate with you, maybe your team is in the wrong line of work. We support you through our playing of the game... your turn.
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    CG, you have me scratching my head. What the hell? This is the only game I play and I do wonder how much more money I’m willing to spend on you all, at this point. Are y’all going to end the game? Hell, I say we boycott and don’t spend. What’s it matter, the ship seems to be sinking anyway.
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    I strongly encourage anyone outraged by the recent behaviour of Capital Games, to reach out to the support team at EA themselves regarding the allegations made towards CG. I cannot see Capital Games doing something about this unless a full investigation is conducted by EA into the mismanagement of the Star Wars I.P and the mismanagement of EA's cheating policies under Capital Games.

    I’d be glad to, but who and how do I reach out to EA?

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    Their silence is speaking volumes.
  • JMG680
    83 posts Member
    Why do the let cheaters get a week suspension on the cheaters terms but ban one person that was using a second hand account. They won’t ban those that pay others to mod their account or the person getting paid to mod or beat events. Selective TOS banning seems vengeful.
  • Wormio
    63 posts Member
    Electronic Arts contact information and to place tickets: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/faq/contact-ea-help/
  • Monel
    2794 posts Member
    Koodan wrote: »
    I strongly encourage anyone outraged by the recent behaviour of Capital Games, to reach out to the support team at EA themselves regarding the allegations made towards CG. I cannot see Capital Games doing something about this unless a full investigation is conducted by EA into the mismanagement of the Star Wars I.P and the mismanagement of EA's cheating policies under Capital Games.

    I’d be glad to, but who and how do I reach out to EA?

    EA has their own customer support on their website, as does Star Wars, as does Disney, as does Google/Apple.
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    Ahnald is one of my fav parts of the swgoh community. Not only should his account be reinstated, he should be a paid advertiser for the game. Bad biz, CG.
    A mid sized dolphin
  • JD29
    2 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    EA has a Facebook Help page https://www.facebook.com/EAHelpHub people can post on it... maybe that's a place to get their attention. They also have customer service and Twitter, but maybe en masse posting on their Help page might be harder to ignore.
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    Absolutely disgusting CG 😠, you don't give a **** about this community. Unban our Grand Admiral and maybe show some compassion for us? You will never set foot in the Kyber club.
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    I have played this game, exclusively, for over 4 years. After Galatic legends, I joined marvel strike force because I wanted to play a game that was fun and not this abusive. I didn't leave this game because of my guild and the amount of time I have worked on this game, a daily player for as long as I've been on. I spent $20 to get CLS like the third time around, even if I could afford to, I would never spend on this game again. The continued abuse of this community is abhorrent, you have angered so many people, driven away the most dedicated star wars fans and players of this game. But if we stop playing, if the spenders stop spending your billion-dollar game will implode. The way you have treated us makes me hope that EA loses the exclusive rights to star wars gaming. We are star wars fans, we are a dedicated community, we deserve better from you. Fix your game, the bugs alone are shocking, stop allowing cheaters, treat your content creators better, they are the faces of our community and make you lots of money and people like me still stick around, learn how to talk to people!
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    At first I tried to be peaceful about this. I reached out to LucifersDaddy and asked simply for him to negotiate with Ahnald like he did with flippin cheaters. I still haven’t gotten a response. I give up on trying to be peaceful. This is war. We will have change in your ways CG or there will be revolution. Keep doing what you are doing and the game will get killed because we will not stand for this injustice. It seems Ahnald now wants to deploy the garrison and I will take up arms with my brethren! These mistakes and stupidity, on your part CG, must end. No more will we tolerate your behavior. FREE GARY! UNBAN AHNALD!
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    Shame on you CG!!
    Not a smart move, it seems the board of directors doesn't know anything about how to run a business and maintain it for the long term.
    You gotta hear what your customers want!!
    On top of all the bad image this has created I’m sure the revenues will start to go down.
    It has been a series of bad decisions...
  • Ziryab
    99 posts Member
    Remember to vote up the new reviews in app stores as helpful so they get top billing on homepage.
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    All Ahnald is asking for is a way to test the new things. Give the content creators their test accounts back or unban him or apply ToS evenly. That’s all our Grand Admiral asks for. I follow him and back him in any decisions. I hope you guys at CG can finally see some sense.
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    Ziryab wrote: »
    Remember to vote up the new reviews in app stores as helpful so they get top billing on homepage.
    Thanks for suggesting this. I just upvoted a slew of 1* reviews on the App Store. If you’re reading this, go do the same.
  • Watts
    1 posts Member
    At least respond to the dude. I can’t tell you how much I’ve spent because of him and his vids are straight up advertisements for the game. Without him or his vids and all that has happened in the past year or so I probably won’t be far behind. And that’s sad because this was and could have been one of the best mobile games I’ve ever been apart of.
    #Unban Ahnald
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