Ahnalds account [MERGE]


  • nickyc123
    28 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Why are people so hurt about this? Its mot his account. that account breached ther terms of service we all agree to. So it gets banned.

    Second, the whole to test teams is a weak excuse. Talk to your arena shard. And set a certain team to see how it works. Problem solved. And you dont have to use someone elses account.

    Also, if youre going to freak out this much and threaten to quit or stop spending money over ahnald? Then shut up and do it. These are the same things people said about the galatic legends. No one forces you to play or pay. Get over it. He used someone elses account and got caught

    Stop being cry babies and grow up.

    Oh and test accounts are gone for a reason. They arent coming back. Its not the end of the world.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    ZAP wrote: »
    I find it interesting that Kyno had a lot to say in here this morning regarding the cheating negotiating, specifically questioning whether the negotiations with IN Skywalker happened before or after CG publicly stated their zero tolerance cheating policy. Once it was pointed out that it happened 4 months after CGs statement, he has been radio silent in here ever since.

    What could he say that ppl would bother to listen to? Nobody will care until CG speaks up.
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    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    I find it interesting that Kyno had a lot to say in here this morning regarding the cheating negotiating, specifically questioning whether the negotiations with IN Skywalker happened before or after CG publicly stated their zero tolerance cheating policy. Once it was pointed out that it happened 4 months after CGs statement, he has been radio silent in here ever since.

    What could he say that ppl would bother to listen to? Nobody will care until CG speaks up.

    He’s the only PR dept they have?

    Billion dollar company. Itty bitty Kyno.
    Chained since '16
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    I find it interesting that Kyno had a lot to say in here this morning regarding the cheating negotiating, specifically questioning whether the negotiations with IN Skywalker happened before or after CG publicly stated their zero tolerance cheating policy. Once it was pointed out that it happened 4 months after CGs statement, he has been radio silent in here ever since.

    What could he say that ppl would bother to listen to? Nobody will care until CG speaks up.

    He’s the only PR dept they have?

    His job is to move posts and ban offensive posters. Not be the face of CG.
  • Monel
    2794 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    ZAP wrote: »
    I find it interesting that Kyno had a lot to say in here this morning regarding the cheating negotiating, specifically questioning whether the negotiations with IN Skywalker happened before or after CG publicly stated their zero tolerance cheating policy. Once it was pointed out that it happened 4 months after CGs statement, he has been radio silent in here ever since.

    Sometimes we agree sometimes we dont. You often come to the defense of people when you feel they are being picked on and have called me out on picking on others. Seems to be quite a double standard here on your part. Kyno is not the problem. Kyno may believe that CG does a good job at running the game, you obviously don't. The need to circle back to this topic when Kyno has 0 control over what happens is bordering on bullying. Let it go.

    CG is definitely not great at handling this game or the community in yours and my own opinion. Kyno seems to disagree. Big frigging deal, get over it.
  • Monel
    2794 posts Member
    Pile wrote: »
    nickyc123 wrote: »
    Why are people so hurt about this? Its mot his account. that account breached ther terms of service we all agree to. So it gets banned.

    Second, the whole to test teams is a weak excuse. Talk to your arena shard. And set a certain team to see how it works. Problem solved. And you dont have to use someone elses account.

    Also, if youre going to freak out this much and threaten to quit or stop spending money over ahnald? Then shut up and do it. These are the same things people said about the galatic legends. No one forces you to play or pay. Get over it. He used someone elses account and got caught

    Stop being cry babies and grow up.

    People are raging because there is proof of negotiation with proven cheaters to get their accounts back into the game while they ban another for account sharing or more accurately taking over an existing account while putting money into it. Both are against the ToS but in your opinion which is the offense more deserving of a permanent ban?

    both to be honest
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    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    I find it interesting that Kyno had a lot to say in here this morning regarding the cheating negotiating, specifically questioning whether the negotiations with IN Skywalker happened before or after CG publicly stated their zero tolerance cheating policy. Once it was pointed out that it happened 4 months after CGs statement, he has been radio silent in here ever since.

    What could he say that ppl would bother to listen to? Nobody will care until CG speaks up.

    He’s the only PR dept they have?

    His job is to move posts and ban offensive posters. Not be the face of CG.

    You’re obv not paying much attention then. He had a lot to say this morning when he thought the negotiating happened before the policy was announced.

    I had a convo with Kyno that I have screenshots of when he was doing a lot of his talking. (He had censored a thread asking about the cheating policy. He then removed it AFTER my sarcastic/ tongue-in-cheek comment) His thoughts made sense, but when Bulldog brought up that this negotiation went on during Dec... well, that changed things.
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    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    I find it interesting that Kyno had a lot to say in here this morning regarding the cheating negotiating, specifically questioning whether the negotiations with IN Skywalker happened before or after CG publicly stated their zero tolerance cheating policy. Once it was pointed out that it happened 4 months after CGs statement, he has been radio silent in here ever since.

    What could he say that ppl would bother to listen to? Nobody will care until CG speaks up.

    He’s the only PR dept they have?

    His job is to move posts and ban offensive posters. Not be the face of CG.

    You’re obv not paying much attention then. He had a lot to say this morning when he thought the negotiating happened before the policy was announced.

    To be fair, he's been left in a pretty cruddy position by CG. They obviously haven't armed him with much by way of specific information and he's been left to maintain order and deal with the blowback while CG stay silent.

    He no doubt feels a sense of loyalty to CG but I would very much hope that, whatever he says publicly, he is making it very clear to them in private that he isn't happy with the position he's been put in because it ain't right.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited June 2020
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    I find it interesting that Kyno had a lot to say in here this morning regarding the cheating negotiating, specifically questioning whether the negotiations with IN Skywalker happened before or after CG publicly stated their zero tolerance cheating policy. Once it was pointed out that it happened 4 months after CGs statement, he has been radio silent in here ever since.

    What could he say that ppl would bother to listen to? Nobody will care until CG speaks up.

    He’s the only PR dept they have?

    His job is to move posts and ban offensive posters. Not be the face of CG.

    You’re obv not paying much attention then. He had a lot to say this morning when he thought the negotiating happened before the policy was announced.

    First, this is not my job, I actually have work to do at times.

    Second, as I said there I was looking for information not passing judgement on the negotiations.

    Some people believe that screaming profanity is a good way to deal with things, some feel that the best way to deal with a situation is to collect as much information as possible and try to have a rational conversation with other in an effort to understand and work towards literally anything that is better for the community.

    To each their own.

    Edit to add: Iam sorry, I did not mean to imply those are the only 2 types of people out there. There are many rational people here who have been expressing very valid feelings and opinions about the current situation.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    I find it interesting that Kyno had a lot to say in here this morning regarding the cheating negotiating, specifically questioning whether the negotiations with IN Skywalker happened before or after CG publicly stated their zero tolerance cheating policy. Once it was pointed out that it happened 4 months after CGs statement, he has been radio silent in here ever since.

    What could he say that ppl would bother to listen to? Nobody will care until CG speaks up.

    He’s the only PR dept they have?

    His job is to move posts and ban offensive posters. Not be the face of CG.

    You’re obv not paying much attention then. He had a lot to say this morning when he thought the negotiating happened before the policy was announced.

    Again. At this point what is the point of him posting anything here?
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    nickyc123 wrote: »
    if youre going to freak out this much and threaten to quit or stop spending money over ahnald? Then shut up and do it.

  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    This thread is still going *yawn*
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    @Kyno I appreciate what you do and especially with being somewhat in a left-on-your-own place on here.

    I appreciate the time and help earlier.
  • Lumpawarump
    111 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    So -
    Let me start by saying I enjoy Ahnald’s videos from time to time. I feel bad that he lost access to this account.
    Ahnald made it clear in his “I was banned” video that he suddenly couldn’t buy crystals in that account and reached out to EA about that bug. As we all saw earlier this month, China has moved to remove this app from their App Store and CG has stopped selling crystals in China. This account Ahnald was accessing (remember, he did not start this account) was a Chinese account, so it was going to die no matter what.
    He clearly tried to get CG to change the country of registration on the account, they said no, and that account got banned. Now he’s pulling out the stops being a drama queen.
    CG is not without fault - believe me. Ahnald wants to deflect towards the poor policing of cheaters, and I agree that’s a problem. Let’s not miss the big picture here though - that Chinese whale account was DOA with or without the ban hammer coming down on Ahnald, and he’s upset about losing his investment. Sorry, man, CG doesn’t owe I t to you to you to bend the TOS so you can keep that account, no matter what you did.
    Putting my flame-proof suit on now.
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    Tanzos2 wrote: »
    There's a point at which you can defend CG's choice (yes a choice, as it say MAY in the TOS for punishment) but the only point is the technicality that they have the option to ban him.

    However is the choice they made a good one? Clearly not judging by how everyone has reacted. That is undisputable.

    Is it right to ban his acquired kraken account? Yeah I'd say so. Unfortunate for him and his audience, but it's certainly not wrong.

    What is GOOD and what is RIGHT are two sides of different coins.

    I believe the biggest blunder of CG is the lack of communication. Saying absolutely nothing to Ahnald allows EVERYONE to speculate intentions. And I mean EVERYONE.

    In an alternate timeline, if CG told Ahnald why they banned him, communicated the issue clearly and showed sympathy for his loss (the cash he spent on Mando), then I'm pretty sure the community would not be as outraged and CG still enforced their TOS.

    Again, saying nothing allows EVERYONE to speculate. And a community that has been frustrated will likely create a negative reason when given the opportunity.

    And this is withholding the whole negotiation with a cheater problem. That's obviously wrong.

    If CG accepted his money for the characters like Mando after the account was passed over to him only to permaban him without notice because he reached out to CG asking why he can not spend any more money then I can see why he would be upset.

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    ZAP wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    I find it interesting that Kyno had a lot to say in here this morning regarding the cheating negotiating, specifically questioning whether the negotiations with IN Skywalker happened before or after CG publicly stated their zero tolerance cheating policy. Once it was pointed out that it happened 4 months after CGs statement, he has been radio silent in here ever since.

    What could he say that ppl would bother to listen to? Nobody will care until CG speaks up.

    He’s the only PR dept they have?

    His job is to move posts and ban offensive posters. Not be the face of CG.

    You’re obv not paying much attention then. He had a lot to say this morning when he thought the negotiating happened before the policy was announced.

    First, this is not my job, I actually have work to do at times.

    Second, as I said there I was looking for information not passing judgement on the negotiations.

    Some people believe that screaming profanity is a good way to deal with things, some feel that the best way to deal with a situation is to collect as much information as possible and try to have a rational conversation with other in an effort to understand and work towards literally anything that is better for the community.

    To each their own.

    You had an opinion on the matter when you thought the negotiating happened before the policy announcement. It was, well that was the past and they updated their policy.

    So, what’s your opinion now that you know it didn’t go down like that, but the opposite?

    No need to badger him. Or gloat over his missing a piece of key info.

    I worked for the evil empire. One of the biggest financial institution in the US. They got caught creating fake accounts using people's info to make quotas for bonus. And lied and lied and lied about it. When people asked me where I worked, it wasn't cool. Like one of their first questions about my work was if I was involved. Guilty by association right? I started to just up front say No, I know but I had nothing to do with it I never worked in the retail areas. It got tiresome.

    I don't really at many times agree with Kyno's stances. But Kyno isn't the issue here. And no need to press upon him for this company's misgivings and mishandling of things. Or try and have him bad mouth capital games.

    And I don't normally come to the defense of moderators, as they do quite well themselves. But if my situation is anything similar I can tell you a bit about how he feels and how those comments sound.

    I will say CG, you need to check yo self before you wreck yo self.
    2 posts Member
    AhnaldT101 is a critical resource to whales. We work, we watch, then we decide to spend. To be honest, I have stopped buying EA pre-orders and really think twice before buying any EA game. This is just an add to a customer who is already dissatisfied with a company. It would be nice if Disney took their elsewhere, after 6 years, it's time to reconsider that contract.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    So -
    Let me start by saying I enjoy Ahnald’s videos from time to time. I feel bad that he lost access to this account.
    Ahnald made it clear in his “I was banned” video that he suddenly couldn’t buy crystals in that account and reached out to EA about that bug. As we all saw earlier this month, China has moved to remove this app from their App Store and CG has stopped selling crystals in China. This account Ahnald was accessing (remember, he did not start this account) was a Chinese account, so it was going to die no matter what.
    He clearly tried to get CG to change the country of registration on the account, they said no, and that account got banned. Now he’s pulling out the stops being a drama queen.
    CG is not without fault - believe me. Ahnald wants to deflect towards the poor policing of cheaters, and I agree that’s a problem. Let’s not miss the big picture here though - that Chinese whale account was DOA with or without the ban hammer coming down on Ahnald, and he’s upset about losing his investment. Sorry, man, CG doesn’t owe I t to you to you to bend the TOS so you can keep that account, no matter what you did.
    Putting my flame-proof suit on now.

    Watch his last video. He even said he knows it’s against the TOS and wouldn’t even be upset about the lost account or money if CG fairly and consistently dished out punishment. However they don’t and it was completely obvious an opportunity they took to go after Ahnald/one of their old Game Changers.

    It’s bad on CG’s part 100%. They still haven’t addressed them being arbitrary against their own “zero tolerance” policy and selectively enforcing punishments. It’s a joke. This is honestly worse than the RyDiggs fiasco, and that was pretty bad.
  • Options
    So -
    Let me start by saying I enjoy Ahnald’s videos from time to time. I feel bad that he lost access to this account.
    Ahnald made it clear in his “I was banned” video that he suddenly couldn’t buy crystals in that account and reached out to EA about that bug. As we all saw earlier this month, China has moved to remove this app from their App Store and CG has stopped selling crystals in China. This account Ahnald was accessing (remember, he did not start this account) was a Chinese account, so it was going to die no matter what.
    He clearly tried to get CG to change the country of registration on the account, they said no, and that account got banned. Now he’s pulling out the stops being a drama queen.
    CG is not without fault - believe me. Ahnald wants to deflect towards the poor policing of cheaters, and I agree that’s a problem. Let’s not miss the big picture here though - that Chinese whale account was DOA with or without the ban hammer coming down on Ahnald, and he’s upset about losing his investment. Sorry, man, CG doesn’t owe I t to you to you to bend the TOS so you can keep that account, no matter what you did.
    Putting my flame-proof suit on now.

    People seem way more upset by the double standards shown in straight banning that account vs offering a cheater a sweetheart deal than they are about the ban itself.

    They also don't need to bend their Terms. They don't say account sharing is a perma-ban. They do have the option of offering Ahnald crystals equivalent to part of what he spent on the adopted account to spend on his own account. He still gets punished by losing part of his investment.

    Personally I don't have a major issue with a straight ban though. The bug problem here is entering into negotiations with someone who straight APKd to get an advantage in GAC after telling the community they would take a zero tolerance approach to such activity and it would by default result in a perma ban. For all the world it looks like they lied to us.

    That's what they need to address.

    The "don't ban Ahnald because Ahnald" stuff is kinda silly, but let's not let that distract from the apparent lie we were told about their handling of APK cheats.
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    When is the un-ban happening?
    CG needs to be held accountable for their actions, not the people trying to keep this game alive.
  • AverageTed
    31 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Chaos2all wrote: »
    When is the un-ban happening?
    CG needs to be held accountable for their actions, not the people trying to keep this game alive.

    Eh, let's not be silly. There's no reason to unban the account. It was a breach of terms and he knew it.

    And he's making videos to make money. Not to keep the game alive. Although to be sure that relationship is symbiotic.

    Focus your attention on CG letting cheats off with a 1 week suspension. That's the issue here.
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