Ahnalds account [MERGE]


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    Everyone needs to go to EA help center and shoot them a quick email so they can step in because obviously nothing is going to get resolved!
  • Karste
    39 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    I am still waiting for proper resolution and make good to community. I'd like to think someone at CG is willing to see the light :(
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    When does CG fix the situation ?
  • Chewy88
    237 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    AverageTed wrote: »
    Chaos2all wrote: »
    When is the un-ban happening?
    CG needs to be held accountable for their actions, not the people trying to keep this game alive.

    Eh, let's not be silly. There's no reason to unban the account. It was a breach of terms and he knew it.

    And he's making videos to make money. Not to keep the game alive. Although to be sure that relationship is symbiotic.

    Focus your attention on CG letting cheats off with a 1 week suspension. That's the issue here.

    Id say its also communication and treatment of the player base.

    Where is EA on this one.... because i think it might be going that high.

    This kind of bad pr could go all the way to Lucas films. If it hasn’t been decided yet this could jeopardize EAs shot at an extension.
  • Reptile
    114 posts Member
    His account was not banned, there is nothing to fix.
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    Guys, you do realize this thread is here until we collectively cry ourselves to sleep. Until we are hoarse from yelling, and our eyes sting from the bitter tears. It's their sandbox, play or go away has been and will always be their final word. Continue if you wish, but all you are succeeding at is...nothing. Nothing will change. The silence is their answer. Now, what is your reply? Speak in a voice they understand. Silence.

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    Outrage. Ahnald is the reason I started playing. Make this right.
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    On some level you have admire the pure audacity it takes to flat ignore issues with absolutely no acknowledgement. I mean yikes. No content, terrible GL events, Ahnolds account etc. It really takes a special set of huevos rancheros to ignore things that could hurt a license, and are getting expanding negative coverage.
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    It is absolutely bonkers that it is taking DAYS to draft a statement on this. They cannot possibly be so naive to think that destroying their reputation with content creators is a GOOD thing. What was their plan for 2020? Burn the game to the ground?
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    It is absolutely bonkers that it is taking DAYS to draft a statement on this. They cannot possibly be so naive to think that destroying their reputation with content creators is a GOOD thing. What was their plan for 2020? Burn the game to the ground?

    Um, destroying a reputation indicates they have one to be destroyed.

    I submit that ship sailed on the tip of a spear some time ago. : )
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    I find it interesting that Kyno had a lot to say in here this morning regarding the cheating negotiating, specifically questioning whether the negotiations with IN Skywalker happened before or after CG publicly stated their zero tolerance cheating policy. Once it was pointed out that it happened 4 months after CGs statement, he has been radio silent in here ever since.

    What could he say that ppl would bother to listen to? Nobody will care until CG speaks up.

    He’s the only PR dept they have?

    His job is to move posts and ban offensive posters. Not be the face of CG.

    Then he should pick a lane and stick to it. He’s claimed to have inside knowledge before and has claimed he knows things “for a fact”.

    Stop inserting opinions as if they were cg fact would be a nice place to start. And for not being the face of cg he was all over when this first broke defending them.

    Being a forum moderator should be like being a boxing ref. You’re important, but if you’re doing your job right you don’t get in the way and are invisible.

    He's a volunteer, and that doesn't preclude him from being part of the community like the rest of us.

    Maybe he doesn't get everything right, but none of us do. I can say he has always been honest in saying what he knows for a fact, and what is his speculation.

    Bashing kyno accomplishes nothing but making weak people feel stronger.
  • ChemEng303
    1 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    lehbatpkii wrote: »
    AhnaldT101 was not the reason I started playing this game but he’s the reason I keep playing. Without him I would have lost interest months ago. He has essentially replaced the content CG can’t seem to find a way to make. And he responds to the community. If he goes, guess where I go?

    I 2nd this comment. Same goes for me. I was just about ready to spend a good chunk of change to work towards getting a Galactic Legend too thanks in no small part to Ahnaldt101's videos. Not any more, unless they remedy this ASAP.
  • mt875249
    137 posts Member
    I’m not reading through 49 pages so please excuse me if this has already been stated.
    They know when he started using his credit card to whale on the banned account. Just give him the toons he bought on the banned one into his main account.
    After that is done actually put in place standards that CG adheres to for everyone!
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    mt875249 wrote: »
    I’m not reading through 49 pages so please excuse me if this has already been stated.
    They know when he started using his credit card to whale on the banned account. Just give him the toons he bought on the banned one into his main account.
    After that is done actually put in place standards that CG adheres to for everyone!

    Believe it or not, after 49 pages you're the first one with that silly idea.
  • BJTheTurtle
    posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Speaking to Capital Games and Capital games only. I’m praying you guys aren’t this stupid. Why is the world (unless you have 0 brain cells) ban someone with 150,000 subscribers that endorses your horrible game getting banned? You guys grossed 1 billion dollars and I guarantee half of you feel good about scamming Ahnald and the rest of the community, just to go home and be unhappy with your life. I have spent $100s if not thousands of dollars on this game but I honest to got hope this game dies because of how horrible Capital games is. Ahnald and the Star Wars community aren’t as stupid as CG and realize you’re a bunch of fakes. Free Anhald or EA parts ways with Capital Games. Oh wait...... I forgot Capital Games endorses cheaters.... instead of someone who gives 100,000 people free advertising for a horrible company......
    Post edited by Kyno on
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    Can EA/Capital Games provide a response?
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member

    Here is why he was banned... in his own words
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    Qjinx13 wrote: »
    On some level you have admire the pure audacity it takes to flat ignore issues with absolutely no acknowledgement. I mean yikes. No content, terrible GL events, Ahnolds account etc. It really takes a special set of huevos rancheros to ignore things that could hurt a license, and are getting expanding negative coverage.

    I think what has happened is that CG have managed to normalise being slowly beaten in the face. If you (the player base) are continually treated like crap, you just accept that as the "normal". Then when, as Kyno points out, they deign to communicate with us, he can point at all the lovely formalised announcements as proof, that yes, they do communicate! praise jeebus!

    When in reality THAT IS THE BARE MINIMUM, and yet they pat themselves on the back, whilst we go, shucks, they really care. This is how they've normalised treating the player base badly. Show me another billion dollar game where the game developers don't chat with the player base on a daily basis via reddit/forums etc.
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    Who is discussing with whom? Is CG invited for the discussion, or will they ever react... Otherwise we can better delete this whole ... forum, at least the discussion part :disappointed:
  • peco
    23 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Hope they will start communicate at least on this case. still no road ahead also , those communication is lacking big big big time
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    I don't chime in on much but I'll throw my 2 cents in here if for no other reason than to show support for a content creator that, like him or not, has kept air in the lungs of this game. I feel CG feels they can simply duck things they've done wrong because 1. they have the star wars IP to hide behind and 2. so many of us have invested a ton of time and money into this game and theyre daring us to walk away from that.

    Did Ahnald break ToS? Yes, thats not in question. The issue is CG over all craps on theyre community and only cares about lining theyre pockets
  • ImaSmakya
    1068 posts Member
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    mt875249 wrote: »
    I’m not reading through 49 pages so please excuse me if this has already been stated.
    They know when he started using his credit card to whale on the banned account. Just give him the toons he bought on the banned one into his main account.
    After that is done actually put in place standards that CG adheres to for everyone!

    Believe it or not, after 49 pages you're the first one with that silly idea.

    Ahnald already suggested this as a resolution on one of his videos earlier today.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    mt875249 wrote: »
    I’m not reading through 49 pages so please excuse me if this has already been stated.
    They know when he started using his credit card to whale on the banned account. Just give him the toons he bought on the banned one into his main account.
    After that is done actually put in place standards that CG adheres to for everyone!

    Believe it or not, after 49 pages you're the first one with that silly idea.

    Ahnald already suggested this as a resolution on one of his videos earlier today.

    What page was that on?
  • ImaSmakya
    1068 posts Member
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    mt875249 wrote: »
    I’m not reading through 49 pages so please excuse me if this has already been stated.
    They know when he started using his credit card to whale on the banned account. Just give him the toons he bought on the banned one into his main account.
    After that is done actually put in place standards that CG adheres to for everyone!

    Believe it or not, after 49 pages you're the first one with that silly idea.

    Ahnald already suggested this as a resolution on one of his videos earlier today.

    What page was that on?

    I have no idea. Why does it matter?
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
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    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    mt875249 wrote: »
    I’m not reading through 49 pages so please excuse me if this has already been stated.
    They know when he started using his credit card to whale on the banned account. Just give him the toons he bought on the banned one into his main account.
    After that is done actually put in place standards that CG adheres to for everyone!

    Believe it or not, after 49 pages you're the first one with that silly idea.

    Ahnald already suggested this as a resolution on one of his videos earlier today.

    What page was that on?

    I have no idea. Why does it matter?

    Wait, didn't you just say it was on one of his videos earlier today?
  • ImaSmakya
    1068 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    mt875249 wrote: »
    I’m not reading through 49 pages so please excuse me if this has already been stated.
    They know when he started using his credit card to whale on the banned account. Just give him the toons he bought on the banned one into his main account.
    After that is done actually put in place standards that CG adheres to for everyone!

    Believe it or not, after 49 pages you're the first one with that silly idea.

    Ahnald already suggested this as a resolution on one of his videos earlier today.

    What page was that on?

    I have no idea. Why does it matter?

    Wait, didn't you just say it was on one of his videos earlier today?

    Ya, I said it was on a video, not that it was on any page in this thread.

    Edit: I did a quick scan and the video where Ahnald suggested this is in a post on page 44.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
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    peco wrote: »
    Got my first post deleted here, ill repeat my thought again then(casual censorship). I agree that he should get a ban because of clear TOS violation, all account sharing or mods service (software or people) should receive equal treatment. All cheaters should receive another type of ban(permanent) CG is wrong for targeting him and creating a mess by blocking test accounts and ignoring the community and ahnald is in the wrong for buying another account instead of spending his money on his main account.

    Schumacher was caught speeding, the German police officer released him as it is safer for Schumacher to drive over the speed limit than for a normal driver driving within speed limit... Now add to this that account sharing has no harmful effects except from reducing potential profit for CG coming from that player (now is the moment to think whether that's true with Anhald) and you will realize the reasons of the TOS...
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