Ahnalds account [MERGE]


  • Mayhem
    28 posts Member
    “He” didn’t get banned nor did “his” account, an account he “acquired” from somebody else and was using did, when he submitted a bug report and tried to get a region transfer on it.
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    Not sure why my earlier post got deleted. The point was that perhaps people are not angry about Ahnald's ban, but are using this incident as a way to vent overall frustrations with the game.
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    I'm not saying this is starting a spending strike, but I know a lot of people who have not only quit spending until they hear a response, they are also (like I imagine 50% of the players are also doing) starting accounts on MSF just in case the road ahead turns out to be a dead end.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Cehmybro wrote: »
    I'm not saying this is starting a spending strike, but I know a lot of people who have not only quit spending until they hear a response, they are also (like I imagine 50% of the players are also doing) starting accounts on MSF just in case the road ahead turns out to be a dead end.

    50%? Can you show data showing an uptick of msf downloads in the millions over the last couple of days?
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Mayhem wrote: »
    “He” didn’t get banned nor did “his” account, an account he “acquired” from somebody else and was using did, when he submitted a bug report and tried to get a region transfer on it.

    Exactly. He literally shoved an illegal account in their faces.

    Nobody can hear that logic, though.
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    CG you should pay him,he work for you more than your own employers....
  • lolz
    90 posts Member
    CG is absolutely clueless on how to handle content creators and how to leverage them.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Mayhem wrote: »
    “He” didn’t get banned nor did “his” account, an account he “acquired” from somebody else and was using did, when he submitted a bug report and tried to get a region transfer on it.

    Exactly. He literally shoved an illegal account in their faces.

    Nobody can hear that logic, though.

    Which is negligible compared with blatant cheaters who get to pick their laughable punishment, but in a certain group of people, nobody can hear that logic.
  • Brown89
    174 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Still no reply from CG, that's great PR.

    You're nailing it!

    I'm sure this will just go away and won't affect your bottom line at all. lol
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    That’s a false equivalence.

    It is perfectly possible to be disappointed in CG’s conduct with that cheater whilst simultaneously not giving a hoot about what they did to (one of) Ahnald’s alt accounts.

    They’re not the same thing.
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    CCyrilS wrote: »

    He's a volunteer, and that doesn't preclude him from being part of the community like the rest of us.

    Maybe he doesn't get everything right, but none of us do. I can say he has always been honest in saying what he knows for a fact, and what is his speculation.

    Bashing kyno accomplishes nothing but making weak people feel stronger.

    I am sorry to say this, and you might disagree which is alright to me but:
    Having two hats, one of them belonging to an insider man, Bran Stark of the forum
    and another one, a policeman's hat


    swapping them as it pleases you so: if you say something that is questionable then i will challenge you as a policeman but then I say something, well, it it turns out to be true then I am a policeman, if it turns out to be false then i am just one of the community - this is absolutely misleading and unprofessional. I heavily dislike it.

    I have knowledge of several places where the moderators have a 2nd account and it is clear to the community that they belong to the same person. The moderator's account is forbidden to engage private conversations (with the only exception of when an action is challanged) and the private account is forbidden to threaten with sanctions or execute them.

    I see that model as a much higher level of culture.

    Also, unlike CG's hands, his hands are not tied at this point (lol.....) he could have chosen to remain silent and moderate this thread by the book, but he decided to actively engage this conversation and try to create a mimddle ground where CG doesnt look like... what they look like. His actions speak for him.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    That’s a false equivalence.

    It is perfectly possible to be disappointed in CG’s conduct with that cheater whilst simultaneously not giving a hoot about what they did to (one of) Ahnald’s alt accounts.

    They’re not the same thing.

    How is enforcing rules not the same thing as enforcing rules?
  • Mapex
    4 posts Member
    I get it, but they. Basically play favorites (aka targeting). We have all seen how people who actually cheat get communication and a comfort blanket, while someone like ahnold, whom they dislike for constructive criticism, gets no words at all. They just want him to be gone. And maybe he will be, like half the community will be. If your going to enforce rules like that, especially on someone who creates so much content that gets the more $$, then enforce it across the board. Let's be real, they have snooped to a new low and will suffer for it.
  • joelgs23
    251 posts Member
    CG, if you can't make this right, I'm done with your game. I spend about $300 a year on it, and I'll happy take that money somewhere else.
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    Hey @Kyno . This is not to criticise you or meant to downgrade you or anything, just getting a fact straight.

    You know that your position with CG is exactly the same as this guy right?

  • joelgs23
    251 posts Member
    I just shared in another thread, but I spend about $200-$300 annually on SWGOH, and I'm done till they make this right. Was it technically "his" account that got banned, no. Was it inappropriate of CG to ban it? solid YES. I would wager 10-30% of their annual SWGOH revenue comes from free promotion of the game by Ahnold and other content creates. From closing test accounts, to the failed GL events, the continual delay of "new content", to now banning accounts for the biggest promoter in the world.... just shows how tone deaf and uncaring CG is. Sad.... I really don't know how they can hold their heads up at that company.
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    Did Ahnald break the TOS? Maybe
    Was his offense big enough to permaban the account? Possibly
    Should he have been banned, when cheaters are not? A BIG FAT NO
    But it doesn't really matter what they did to Ahnald, they need to be consistent with what they do.
    Cheating is worse than account sharing, but gets treated lightly. That is just plain wrong.

    But CG/EA, I will help you a bit to find a way to mend the situation :)
    5-step program:
    Step 1: Demote/Fire the employees that enable cheaters.
    Step 2: Change your anti-cheating policy. Don't negotiate, but simply permaban cheaters.
    Step 3: Bring back test accounts or a sandbox mode. This benefits the community, which in turn benefits the game.
    Step 4: Embrace critique. This is seen as a threat, when it's really a way to know what can be improved.
    Step 5: COMMUNICATE with and LISTEN to the community.
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    Just commenting to keep this post near the top #freeahnald
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    Nauros wrote: »
    That’s a false equivalence.

    It is perfectly possible to be disappointed in CG’s conduct with that cheater whilst simultaneously not giving a hoot about what they did to (one of) Ahnald’s alt accounts.

    They’re not the same thing.

    How is enforcing rules not the same thing as enforcing rules?

    When the rules are different? When one has been enforced weakly, and the other enforced appropriately?
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    That’s a false equivalence.

    It is perfectly possible to be disappointed in CG’s conduct with that cheater whilst simultaneously not giving a hoot about what they did to (one of) Ahnald’s alt accounts.

    They’re not the same thing.

    How is enforcing rules not the same thing as enforcing rules?

    When the rules are different? When one has been enforced weakly, and the other enforced appropriately?

    That's the whole point, that one rule is suddenly enforced with full force after years of neglect while another, arguably more important one, is enforced weakly. So we basically agree?
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    CG have brought this upon themselves. If they want to ban their most valuable source of excitement and income for the community, that's fine. But they're going to have to know we are not happy. If they take Ahnald away, then they take us away. 2 day strike from EVERYONE should do the trick.
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    I agree that the way they handled that cheater (and others) is unacceptable.

    I disagree that this is in any way related to Ahnald’s account sharing issue.
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    Disgraceful CG set this right!
  • Devian
    678 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Mayhem wrote: »
    “He” didn’t get banned nor did “his” account, an account he “acquired” from somebody else and was using did, when he submitted a bug report and tried to get a region transfer on it.

    Exactly. He literally shoved an illegal account in their faces.

    Nobody can hear that logic, though.
    Yet by the words of previous senior producer(Carrie Gouskos) the part about account sharing was there just so cg won't be responsible if you loose account while giving access to 3rd party. It's smth like the law when government restricts you going after 23.00 PM during times of murders, but after a year you are being jailed because of this restriction
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    Ahnald makes me want to play this game and now you ban his account? SHAME
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member

    I agree that the way they handled that cheater (and others) is unacceptable.

    I disagree that this is in any way related to Ahnald’s account sharing issue.

    Seeing those two side by side happening at the same time makes it all the more jarring. They aren't related per se, just provide a comparison and better illustrate the wider problem, CG's approach to their community.
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    As it has been stated many times in these threads I watched his videos because they offered some good advice. While I don't agree with what CG did with banning his alt account, I'm not going to quit because of that.
    I am quitting because of their flippant disregard of cheaters though. I'm not investing any of my time nor money when I know people are playing with a different set of rules that keeps them at the top.
    I enjoyed the game and I love star wars. I guess I'll just wait for another star wars game to drop
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    Guys, you do realize this thread is here until we collectively cry ourselves to sleep. Until we are hoarse from yelling, and our eyes sting from the bitter tears. It's their sandbox, play or go away has been and will always be their final word. Continue if you wish, but all you are succeeding at is...nothing. Nothing will change. The silence is their answer. Now, what is your reply? Speak in a voice they understand. Silence.


    Yes, all our ranting here won’t get us anywhere, as they have chosen to ignore their playerbase yet again and don’t even answer! And as has been said many times before this is not about banning Ahnalds chinese Sidekick Account! I think this outrage is mainly caused by the ongoing lack of content, the lack of communication, the lack of hope that there will be real new and playable content any time soon and of course also the fact that obviously not everybody is treated equal in regard to their own rules called ToS.

    But I disagree that silence alone will help us make them change for the better. But peaceful actions might do:
    - stop spending
    - Join the protest days and don’t log in for a couple of days
    - give the App a 1 Star rating in the App Store or change your rating accordingly

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