Beskar Mandalorian feats [MERGE]


  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Kyno wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Eh, 99% of people (not you) would have been just as angry. People say they only want communication and then get just as mad when the communication relays something they don't want. Most people here don't want communication, they want more stuff.

    I agree that not everyone wants communication, if it's not saying what they want, but I think people would react better if things are communicated. I also just believe that things that are coming up in the game shouldnt need to be found in data mines.

    But yes this is all just me personally and I agree that not everyone feels the same way.

    This times 100.

    Had they announced ahead of time that they were doubling GC but that new feats may require new characters or specific non faction characters... i wouldnt be as disappointed by them now.

    At least i would have known that doubling GC didnt mean potential to double rewards. I would have known something stupid was coming instead of the surprise of seeing it in a data mine or in the game.

    It would also make doja's lawyer speak response easier to swallow as it would be an experiment instead of a total surpise experiment.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    I still feel GC should run for 6 days straight with a reset after the 3rd day, with new feats but same faction and same game mechanic in place.

    This would assure those who invest in the faction get their full rewards like they used to and that those who get the new character get their rewards.

    Those that dont will get some form of extra reward and not be possibly screwed like resistance players were who couldnt do first order gc for full rewards
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Eh, 99% of people (not you) would have been just as angry. People say they only want communication and then get just as mad when the communication relays something they don't want. Most people here don't want communication, they want more stuff.

    I agree that not everyone wants communication, if it's not saying what they want, but I think people would react better if things are communicated. I also just believe that things that are coming up in the game shouldnt need to be found in data mines.

    But yes this is all just me personally and I agree that not everyone feels the same way.

    This times 100.

    Had they announced ahead of time that they were doubling GC but that new feats may require new characters or specific non faction characters... i wouldnt be as disappointed by them now.

    Easy for you to say now, easy for me to press x to doubt.
    I need a new message here.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    @ShaggyB on our discussion, consider this:

    By definition we will never know the things that are changed, adopted, or maybe even not pushed out, due to their advocating for us. Again not a hard "put their foot down", but reasonable points made in a conversation within the group.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    @ShaggyB on our discussion, consider this:

    By definition, we will never know the things that are changed, adopted, or maybe even not pushed out, due to their advocating for us. Again not a hard "put their foot down", but reasonable points made in a conversation within the group.

    Well, Carrie didn't want the Malak event to roll out like it did and she was pretty high up, so I doubt that Doja can really change anything...CG has a plan and they are going to roll with it, regardless of what the community thinks....they have displayed this over and over again.
  • Options
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    @ShaggyB on our discussion, consider this:

    By definition, we will never know the things that are changed, adopted, or maybe even not pushed out, due to their advocating for us. Again not a hard "put their foot down", but reasonable points made in a conversation within the group.

    Well, Carrie didn't want the Malak event to roll out like it did and she was pretty high up, so I doubt that Doja can really change anything...CG has a plan and they are going to roll with it, regardless of what the community thinks....they have displayed this over and over again.

    Disney's plan, not CG's. I mean CG has their share of problems but Disney has been mishandling Star Wars since they acquired it.
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    @ShaggyB on our discussion, consider this:

    By definition, we will never know the things that are changed, adopted, or maybe even not pushed out, due to their advocating for us. Again not a hard "put their foot down", but reasonable points made in a conversation within the group.

    Well, Carrie didn't want the Malak event to roll out like it did and she was pretty high up, so I doubt that Doja can really change anything...CG has a plan and they are going to roll with it, regardless of what the community thinks....they have displayed this over and over again.

    Disney's plan, not CG's. I mean CG has their share of problems but Disney has been mishandling Star Wars since they acquired it.

    haha ok
    I need a new message here.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Let's keep this on topic please.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Eh, 99% of people (not you) would have been just as angry. People say they only want communication and then get just as mad when the communication relays something they don't want. Most people here don't want communication, they want more stuff.

    In this case you are absolutely right. But not all cases. The 11/Kuiil additive drops are a perfect example of poor communication hurting the game. The event is actually great relative to the normal release path. If they had communicated that the drops were lower than galactic chase and set expectations correctly a lot more people would be enjoying the event.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    People set their expectations, the game sets the reality.
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain. Only times you hear nothing but accolades is when it’s a 7* unlock for free event and everyone gets that character/ship immediately with any character they already own. Otherwise pitchforks and torches.
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    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain.

    The fact that someone comes here to complain after almost anything does not mean that the communication doesn't matter, nor does it mean that the complaints are disingenuous.

    The number of different people complaining changes from issue to issue. I remember a TON of people complaining about 5* unlocks for Epic Confrontations. I don't remember anyone complaining about the first Galactic Chase. I'm sure someone (or some few) called it a cash grab, but there wasn't anything like the sustained criticism of the Malak release.

    Then there are things like start of additive drops for IG-11 & Kuiil. Some people had it in their heads that it would start at midnight, their time, and complained that communication wasn't clearer. But other players pointed out that CG's announcement had said additive drops would start "after the update" and that we know that CG releases client updates in the afternoons, Pacific time. There was a bit more grumbling by those people who had stockpiled crystals, but they still had their crystal stockpiles. They just lost out on slightly more accrued energy than they thought. And then the grumbles ended and no one would even remember that complaint if I wasn't bringing it up.

    Communication does make a difference. I certainly know it does for me. I've come here to complain. I've come here to complain. I've come here to help new players. I've come here for info. I've come here to chat. I'm not all CG-hating all the time, but I give them heck when I think they deserve it. And one thing I've given them heck for is poor communication. And I've been doing that a lot less lately.

    I know I'm unlikely to change your mind, but think about what you're saying. We need communication. Let's not encourage CG to cut us off.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    @ShaggyB on our discussion, consider this:

    By definition we will never know the things that are changed, adopted, or maybe even not pushed out, due to their advocating for us. Again not a hard "put their foot down", but reasonable points made in a conversation within the group.

    You know.... thats honestly a fair point.

    Id counter with the if a tree falls in the woods and noone / nothing is around to hear it did it make a sound?

    Definition: "vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear."

    So while they may be doing things, if the community didnt know... how do we tell.

    But again. You make a fair point, they may stop a ton of bad things we just never see
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    People set their expectations, the game sets the reality.
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain. Only times you hear nothing but accolades is when it’s a 7* unlock for free event and everyone gets that character/ship immediately with any character they already own. Otherwise pitchforks and torches.

    Pretty sure that when TVF and Ultra are on board with the “torch and pitchforks” it’s warranted.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    i agree with sewpot there, actually
  • Options
    Sewpot wrote: »
    People set their expectations, the game sets the reality.
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain. Only times you hear nothing but accolades is when it’s a 7* unlock for free event and everyone gets that character/ship immediately with any character they already own. Otherwise pitchforks and torches.
    This makes absolutely no sense...why do companies advertise? To gain interest and the people who become interested then create an expectation...whether the product meets or exceeds the expectation is up to the individual. The issue with CG is this is all out of whack and they fail quite regularly at it. The may fail “upward” but I think that is more of a product of the Star Wars license. If this game was managed well and the player base was mostly satisfied they would, more than likely, make way more money than they do now.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Fieldgulls wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    People set their expectations, the game sets the reality.
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain. Only times you hear nothing but accolades is when it’s a 7* unlock for free event and everyone gets that character/ship immediately with any character they already own. Otherwise pitchforks and torches.
    whether the product meets or exceeds the expectation is up to the individual.

  • Options
    Sewpot wrote: »
    People set their expectations, the game sets the reality.
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain. Only times you hear nothing but accolades is when it’s a 7* unlock for free event and everyone gets that character/ship immediately with any character they already own. Otherwise pitchforks and torches.

    Textbook example of false equivalence and strawman.
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    People set their expectations, the game sets the reality.
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain. Only times you hear nothing but accolades is when it’s a 7* unlock for free event and everyone gets that character/ship immediately with any character they already own. Otherwise pitchforks and torches.

    Pretty sure that when TVF and Ultra are on board with the “torch and pitchforks” it’s warranted.

    Lol who said I'm on board with you in this thread.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    People set their expectations, the game sets the reality.
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain. Only times you hear nothing but accolades is when it’s a 7* unlock for free event and everyone gets that character/ship immediately with any character they already own. Otherwise pitchforks and torches.

    Pretty sure that when TVF and Ultra are on board with the “torch and pitchforks” it’s warranted.

    Lol who said I'm on board with you in this thread.

    Yea, and who crowned TVF the barometer on these things?
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    People set their expectations, the game sets the reality.
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain. Only times you hear nothing but accolades is when it’s a 7* unlock for free event and everyone gets that character/ship immediately with any character they already own. Otherwise pitchforks and torches.

    Textbook example of false equivalence and strawman.

    Ahh the sweet sweet tears of the self entitled.
    This is a new game mode. They have changed it about 3-4 times now since launch. Did they ever give us any communication on those changes before hand?Do they have to? Nope. They seem to still be testing the waters. Is it perfect, for whales yep. F2P not so much. Are they trying to encourage spending, promoting a new character? Seems like. Maybe you should put your straw man (not one word) textbook down and pick up a business 101 book instead. It’s not how you apparently would run the business but apparently how they do. Sorry you didn’t get your full amount of free rewards.
  • Options
    Sewpot wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    People set their expectations, the game sets the reality.
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain. Only times you hear nothing but accolades is when it’s a 7* unlock for free event and everyone gets that character/ship immediately with any character they already own. Otherwise pitchforks and torches.

    Textbook example of false equivalence and strawman.

    Ahh the sweet sweet tears of the self entitled.
    This is a new game mode. They have changed it about 3-4 times now since launch. Did they ever give us any communication on those changes before hand?Do they have to? Nope. They seem to still be testing the waters. Is it perfect, for whales yep. F2P not so much. Are they trying to encourage spending, promoting a new character? Seems like. Maybe you should put your straw man (not one word) textbook down and pick up a business 101 book instead. It’s not how you apparently would run the business but apparently how they do. Sorry you didn’t get your full amount of free rewards.

    The post that I responded to is a textbook example of false equivalence and strawman. You basically illegitimazed any and all complaints by hyperboling that -people- (everyone but you?) unless things are 7* unlock free events and such. Go keep buying some more chests, they got you where they want.
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    By the way it's not free per se. Just like any other event it already had requirements and loose minimums for full completion, and it still does besides the mando feat.
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    Ahh the sweet sweet tears of the self entitled.

    Sewpot, this is not only insulting, it shows sloppy thinking. The fact that a person believes that humans routinely have expectations and that a reasonable measure of how well a company is doing on communication is not proof that a person is self-entitled.

    You can argue that things are better without expectations, and that would be very Buddhist of you, but what's worse than having expectations is having no expectations. You can't buy groceries unless you have an expectation of how much food you'll eat at home and when you can next go to the grocery store and how much money will be in your bank account when you do.

    We are doomed to live in a world with expectations. While individuals might be happier disposing of certain expectations, CG is violating your **** equally, if not more, severely if it expects that simply because it hasn't made super-explicit statements on an issue that therefore its player base will not have expectations on that issue.

    There are millions of players, and not all of us devout buddhists. CG needs to learn to communicate to a player base that routinely has expectations rather than repeatedly assuming that no players will have expectations until they're hand-fed specific expectations by specific CG statements.

    You can get upset at the players that frequent the forum here, but the vast majority of players don't comment here. If people here are disappointed or feel deceived, it is statistically certain that many more players feel the same way without commenting.

    Your criticisms then, are off target in complex ways - not only because the people who are pointing out that expectations exist are not necessarily the same persons whose expectations are unreasonable, but also because your mindset in criticizing players for having expectations at all, as you did in this quote:
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.

    is quite reflective of what it seems like the basis of communication problems is with CG. They still operate in ways that appear to betray the belief that if they simply don't say anything, then there won't be any player expectations.

    But operating without expectations is not a human way to function. CG needs to actively manage those expectations by getting out in front of them, by communicating more. The mistaken belief that players will simply have no expectations if CG makes no statements would encourage them to do the opposite - say nothing so no expectations can be created so no expectations can be violated.

    But like it or not, CG creates games. Their business is making people happy. It's not selling electricity. It's not selling food. It's not remodeling kitchens.

    It's producing games, and literally the only value of a game is the degree to which it can give people fun and happiness. Fun and happiness are human emotions that are mediated by expectations. CG is in the expectation business whether they want to be or not. You're not doing CG or anyone else any favors to tell people to set their expectations to zero.

    Heck, if my expectations are zero, then I should not expect any fun or other enjoyment from playing this game... and therefore I lose nothing if I quit today.

    CG doesn't want that. They don't want people quitting en masse because players have no expectations from the game. So let's neither insult people for pointing out expectations exist by calling them self-entitled nor sabotage the game by encouraging people - both players and CG employees - to have zero expectations.

    Let's take a step back & try to remember that we're all humans here. You and the rest of us will all be better off for it.
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    ...and again
    ...and again no money for you dear CG
    Well done
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    TVF wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    People set their expectations, the game sets the reality.
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain. Only times you hear nothing but accolades is when it’s a 7* unlock for free event and everyone gets that character/ship immediately with any character they already own. Otherwise pitchforks and torches.

    Pretty sure that when TVF and Ultra are on board with the “torch and pitchforks” it’s warranted.

    Lol who said I'm on board with you in this thread.
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    People set their expectations, the game sets the reality.
    Maybe people should set their expectations at zero and wait for things to be release then they can build up from there.
    No matter when they communicate people will always come here to complain. Only times you hear nothing but accolades is when it’s a 7* unlock for free event and everyone gets that character/ship immediately with any character they already own. Otherwise pitchforks and torches.

    Pretty sure that when TVF and Ultra are on board with the “torch and pitchforks” it’s warranted.

    Lol who said I'm on board with you in this thread.

    Not with Mando feats per se but overall in general. See the Raid mechanics for that.

    Yea, and who crowned TVF the barometer on these things?

    Considering he constantly defends CG no matter what, I’m fairly certain that whenever both he and Ultra agree with the community, CG did something very wrong when even they can’t defend it.
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    So in the current GC we have a mando feat with damage counter, i found out that JML team with mando works for that feat. If you call mando with Inherited Teachings, the enemy take damage based on jmls protection, and this counts for mando as well and so for the challange feat. I dont know if this wai but it works. I did t7 with jml line up and g9 mando. Merry Christmas! :)
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