Beskar Mandalorian feats [MERGE]


  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Konju wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Konju wrote: »
    All of these examples create an arbitrary restriction in order to earn money. Is this one lazy? Sure.

    To put the shoe on the other foot: name a legendary character release that did not change the meta? Padme certainly did. Arguably Chewbacca didn’t move the meta, but even then the Millenium Falcon changed fleet meta (requiring Chewbacca).

    The newest Legendary character Beskar Mando offers little to no change to current meta and therefore those who spent to get him unlocked do not receive reward incentive from arena for doing so. Should they be rewarded? I think so. How could they do it? Many ways, but “this is the way” the devs decided to go. Do I like it? No. Is there precedent for rewarding spenders for spending? Yes absolutely.

    DR didn't revamp the meta, until it's counterpart which uses a never before seen difficulty event emerged. That event type became the later meta which then was further elevated by a new event type.

    But this is getting off topic. You got my point, I got yours. If Mando feat is ok, it will go similarly from here, they will keep gating gcs with the newest release in line unrelated to the event itself which already calls for a faction.

    I agree. I think they will keep gating 1/2 of the GCs going forward with a feat or feats. I think the feats will be unrelated to faction, and I think it will be the newest paywall it can possibly be each time.

    I don’t like the paywall feats, but I’m just not pulling my hair out about them. I’m still ending up with more by having 2 GCs per week in comparison to 1 GC even with the gated feats. I do know that I will receive less than the whale competition, but when haven’t I been behind the progression of whales?

    Thanks for the discussion. Always appreciate differences in perspective.

    Overall, we are getting a better package (assuming t6 chest). For the higher mod mats we are breaking even, no improvement. We get half of what we used to with 2x frequency.

    This is turning to a glass half full or half empty discussion, but I never got 2x GCs with no paywall feat. I don’t feel a “loss” as I never received double rewards in a week. Since the change, I now experience 2x GC content and slightly better rewards in the same duration as 1x GC with no paywall feat. To say rewards got cut in half is understandable, but it’s not the full representation of the situation. The rewards only got cut in half if you ever had 2x GCs with full rewards without paywall feats, a circumstance that has not existed afaik.

    IMO, this change has added content & rewards for F2P, and also added the same content with MORE rewards for P2W. This seems in line for most of the paywalls throughout various modes/releases of the game and also throughout the course of the game’s history.
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Don't see what you mean, I was specific for the comparison. T6 chest has exactly half the higher mod mats rounded down (the last 2 mats) than t7 chest.
    Post edited by MaruMaru on
  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Konju wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Konju wrote: »
    All of these examples create an arbitrary restriction in order to earn money. Is this one lazy? Sure.

    To put the shoe on the other foot: name a legendary character release that did not change the meta? Padme certainly did. Arguably Chewbacca didn’t move the meta, but even then the Millenium Falcon changed fleet meta (requiring Chewbacca).

    The newest Legendary character Beskar Mando offers little to no change to current meta and therefore those who spent to get him unlocked do not receive reward incentive from arena for doing so. Should they be rewarded? I think so. How could they do it? Many ways, but “this is the way” the devs decided to go. Do I like it? No. Is there precedent for rewarding spenders for spending? Yes absolutely.

    DR didn't revamp the meta, until it's counterpart which uses a never before seen difficulty event emerged. That event type became the later meta which then was further elevated by a new event type.

    But this is getting off topic. You got my point, I got yours. If Mando feat is ok, it will go similarly from here, they will keep gating gcs with the newest release in line unrelated to the event itself which already calls for a faction.

    I agree. I think they will keep gating 1/2 of the GCs going forward with a feat or feats. I think the feats will be unrelated to faction, and I think it will be the newest paywall it can possibly be each time.

    I don’t like the paywall feats, but I’m just not pulling my hair out about them. I’m still ending up with more by having 2 GCs per week in comparison to 1 GC even with the gated feats. I do know that I will receive less than the whale competition, but when haven’t I been behind the progression of whales?

    Thanks for the discussion. Always appreciate differences in perspective.

    Overall, we are getting a better package (assuming t6 chest). For the higher mod mats we are breaking even, no improvement. We get half of what we used to with 2x frequency.

    Your first two sentences we completely agree.

    Your last sentence states we only get half rewards. I said that “no we’ve never gotten 2x frequency with 2x rewards.” So you saying we are getting half is not accurate. We are getting slightly more due to 2x frequency but not double rewards like one might have “expected.” I’m clarifying the distinction I see through my previous post.

    I see this whole thing as an addition and a greater addition for P2W, not a cut in rewards.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    My feeling is we got two wasted jobs at CG crumb is wasted oxygen and fett isn't worth the characters to type his name. We got 1 bit of new content this year and after a mere few months they said oh look we can make content but to enjoy it pay us....if the communication is going to be legalese just fire fett and crumb and hire two devs who know how to code in the current native environment.

    I think the issue is we dont want just a community manager... what we want is a community watchdog/advocate.

    Someone with equal say in the product that has the ability to put their foot down and make a change.

    Thats not what crumb or doja are. Look no futher than doja taking concerna up and then coming back with the canned response to prove that.

    Dont think we will get that representation any time soon

    That's not the way it works, and not the way it can ever work, in so many ways, no it's not like that.

    They are advocates and they do what they can when they can. They make the case the voice the opinions, but they will never be " the decider" or a single person that can say "not gonna happen" that's just not realistic, in any business.

    Pick your battles, know your limits, fight the good fight, and dont pick a hill and die on it, when it wont make a difference.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    My feeling is we got two wasted jobs at CG crumb is wasted oxygen and fett isn't worth the characters to type his name. We got 1 bit of new content this year and after a mere few months they said oh look we can make content but to enjoy it pay us....if the communication is going to be legalese just fire fett and crumb and hire two devs who know how to code in the current native environment.

    I think the issue is we dont want just a community manager... what we want is a community watchdog/advocate.

    Someone with equal say in the product that has the ability to put their foot down and make a change.

    Thats not what crumb or doja are. Look no futher than doja taking concerna up and then coming back with the canned response to prove that.

    Dont think we will get that representation any time soon

    That's not the way it works, and not the way it can ever work, in so many ways, no it's not like that.

    They are advocates and they do what they can when they can. They make the case the voice the opinions, but they will never be " the decider" or a single person that can say "not gonna happen" that's just not realistic, in any business.

    Pick your battles, know your limits, fight the good fight, and dont pick a hill and die on it, when it wont make a difference.

    Exactly. I won’t put blame on Doja as he doesn’t have the power to do much else other than voice our opinion tho those that can make change. People like Cyanides, TopCash and Marky Mark. Those are the people that are the ones calling the shots and being blatantly oblivious. Those are the ones that deserve every single stitch of critique they’re getting. Ever since Carrie left it’s been an exponential drop in quality on their end.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    My feeling is we got two wasted jobs at CG crumb is wasted oxygen and fett isn't worth the characters to type his name. We got 1 bit of new content this year and after a mere few months they said oh look we can make content but to enjoy it pay us....if the communication is going to be legalese just fire fett and crumb and hire two devs who know how to code in the current native environment.

    I think the issue is we dont want just a community manager... what we want is a community watchdog/advocate.

    Someone with equal say in the product that has the ability to put their foot down and make a change.

    Thats not what crumb or doja are. Look no futher than doja taking concerna up and then coming back with the canned response to prove that.

    Dont think we will get that representation any time soon

    That's not the way it works, and not the way it can ever work, in so many ways, no it's not like that.

    They are advocates and they do what they can when they can. They make the case the voice the opinions, but they will never be " the decider" or a single person that can say "not gonna happen" that's just not realistic, in any business.

    Pick your battles, know your limits, fight the good fight, and dont pick a hill and die on it, when it wont make a difference.

    Maybe so... maybe not... dont need to derail the thread to discuss why a customer advocate having no real power is good or bad... my point is that they are viewed as if they have more power than they do, they do not have decision making authority.

    The ultimate decider is still the customers choice of what to buy and not to buy after the studio makes a boneheaded decision.

    Though I do feel they should have a bit more standing than they appear to have, but thats just my opinion based on how inaffective they can be at times.
  • Options
    Konju wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Konju wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Konju wrote: »
    All of these examples create an arbitrary restriction in order to earn money. Is this one lazy? Sure.

    To put the shoe on the other foot: name a legendary character release that did not change the meta? Padme certainly did. Arguably Chewbacca didn’t move the meta, but even then the Millenium Falcon changed fleet meta (requiring Chewbacca).

    The newest Legendary character Beskar Mando offers little to no change to current meta and therefore those who spent to get him unlocked do not receive reward incentive from arena for doing so. Should they be rewarded? I think so. How could they do it? Many ways, but “this is the way” the devs decided to go. Do I like it? No. Is there precedent for rewarding spenders for spending? Yes absolutely.

    DR didn't revamp the meta, until it's counterpart which uses a never before seen difficulty event emerged. That event type became the later meta which then was further elevated by a new event type.

    But this is getting off topic. You got my point, I got yours. If Mando feat is ok, it will go similarly from here, they will keep gating gcs with the newest release in line unrelated to the event itself which already calls for a faction.

    I agree. I think they will keep gating 1/2 of the GCs going forward with a feat or feats. I think the feats will be unrelated to faction, and I think it will be the newest paywall it can possibly be each time.

    I don’t like the paywall feats, but I’m just not pulling my hair out about them. I’m still ending up with more by having 2 GCs per week in comparison to 1 GC even with the gated feats. I do know that I will receive less than the whale competition, but when haven’t I been behind the progression of whales?

    Thanks for the discussion. Always appreciate differences in perspective.

    Overall, we are getting a better package (assuming t6 chest). For the higher mod mats we are breaking even, no improvement. We get half of what we used to with 2x frequency.

    Your first two sentences we completely agree.

    Your last sentence states we only get half rewards. I said that “no we’ve never gotten 2x frequency with 2x rewards.” So you saying we are getting half is not accurate. We are getting slightly more due to 2x frequency but not double rewards like one might have “expected.” I’m clarifying the distinction I see through my previous post.

    I see this whole thing as an addition and a greater addition for P2W, not a cut in rewards.

    I didn't say we are getting half of everything. For the 3rd time check the t6 chest vs. a t7 chest on the last 2 mod mats. T6 has half of t7 rounded down.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This is ridiculous. While I think putting these Mando feats on any of the Challenges is pretty bad, at least it makes sense to be on the Scoundrel challenges since he has the Scoundrel tag. It makes zero sense to have him on the Droid, Jedi and Empire challenges. The playerbase was so thankful for the way that Beskar Mando was rolled out and then you just wiped out all that goodwill with this blatant cash grab. Gating a big chunk of the rewards for every other Challenge like this is just wrong.

    Or a way to say thx whales and krakens for keeping the lights on for our business. 🤔

    There's so much wrong with that reasoning. CG "thanking" the whales and krakens by telling them to spend more money to unlock yet another toon? Since when does someone else's gratitude charge your credit card for the pleasure of giving it to you?

    Umm when you run a business lol.
    You own a bar and a person comes in and buys a couple of drinks regularly, others come in and always order water. Are you more inclined to at some point pour that person a shot on the house down the road as a small gesture of gratitude? Or care more for the water drinkers and say “hey thx for making my bar look full lol.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Another point

    When you say we get twice the GC in a week and thus more rewards, you are assuming that each GC is equal.

    Example: Resistance first of the week, Bounty Hunters second part.

    If i went GL rey im gonna be strong on resistance. If they gate that with a random new character requirement im going to either whale or not and miss out.

    If my BH squad isnt good then i wont be getting top marks on 2nd GC.

    So unless they gate the one im weaker on... i could end up getting less quality rewards overall. (Extra mk1 stun guns do nothing for me)

    I am already getting less due to loot box scenario as i could get a few of the top rewards instantly before.

    So its simple math but it can be widely different in experience per user
  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    The amount of rewards is not the major point in what I have been saying. You continue to explain something for which I have a full grasp. I will try to boil this down, yet again.

    You have assumed that the double frequency would simply add double rewards for all. With the Beskar feat being added, a true double frequency and double rewards (for F2P) has never happened. You are assuming a loss on something you never had. The frequency being doubled is an addition to previously received rewards. The Beskar feat is another addition for P2W. Nothing has been taken away. You’ve gotten all of the rewards you could have earned previously by not having Beskar Mando plus more rewards for the 2nd GC each week. You are coming out ahead of the previous GC weeks.

    I understand the rewards crates. I do. Please understand that you have assumed you would get top tier rewards on a double frequency before the double frequency had been implemented. They implemented this Beskar feat and therefore we never got double frequency/double rewards F2P. In any case, you still get more for this style (Beskar feat included) of double frequency than when we only had single frequency. Nothing has been taken away from you. You are getting more than before but not as much as P2W.

    If you are upset about not getting as much through F2P vs P2W...welcome to planet earth?
  • Options
    Sewpot wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This is ridiculous. While I think putting these Mando feats on any of the Challenges is pretty bad, at least it makes sense to be on the Scoundrel challenges since he has the Scoundrel tag. It makes zero sense to have him on the Droid, Jedi and Empire challenges. The playerbase was so thankful for the way that Beskar Mando was rolled out and then you just wiped out all that goodwill with this blatant cash grab. Gating a big chunk of the rewards for every other Challenge like this is just wrong.

    Or a way to say thx whales and krakens for keeping the lights on for our business. 🤔

    There's so much wrong with that reasoning. CG "thanking" the whales and krakens by telling them to spend more money to unlock yet another toon? Since when does someone else's gratitude charge your credit card for the pleasure of giving it to you?

    Umm when you run a business lol.
    You own a bar and a person comes in and buys a couple of drinks regularly, others come in and always order water. Are you more inclined to at some point pour that person a shot on the house down the road as a small gesture of gratitude? Or care more for the water drinkers and say “hey thx for making my bar look full lol.

    I get your point... but that is not the same as what is happening here.

    The water drinkers are now being served less of something they used to get full amount on as well under the assumption that if they have all the correct factions at the correct gear... they will get the normal amount next time they visit.
  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Another point

    When you say we get twice the GC in a week and thus more rewards, you are assuming that each GC is equal.

    Example: Resistance first of the week, Bounty Hunters second part.

    If i went GL rey im gonna be strong on resistance. If they gate that with a random new character requirement im going to either whale or not and miss out.

    If my BH squad isnt good then i wont be getting top marks on 2nd GC.

    So unless they gate the one im weaker on... i could end up getting less quality rewards overall.

    I am already getting less due to loot box scenario as i could get a few of the too rewards instantly before.

    So its simple math but it can be widely different in experience per user

    Yes, I’ve ignored the factions as they are on a rotation it appears. So one month you may have the Beskar added to a great faction for you resulting in lower rewards, but the next is fine. Too hard to bring these scenarios into the discussion I’m already engaged in. This will affect all players differently as you said.
  • Options
    Konju wrote: »
    The amount of rewards is not the major point in what I have been saying. You continue to explain something for which I have a full grasp. I will try to boil this down, yet again.

    You have assumed that the double frequency would simply add double rewards for all. With the Beskar feat being added, a true double frequency and double rewards (for F2P) has never happened. You are assuming a loss on something you never had. The frequency being doubled is an addition to previously received rewards. The Beskar feat is another addition for P2W. Nothing has been taken away. You’ve gotten all of the rewards you could have earned previously by not having Beskar Mando plus more rewards for the 2nd GC each week. You are coming out ahead of the previous GC weeks.

    I understand the rewards crates. I do. Please understand that you have assumed you would get top tier rewards on a double frequency before the double frequency had been implemented. They implemented this Beskar feat and therefore we never got double frequency/double rewards F2P. In any case, you still get more for this style (Beskar feat included) of double frequency than when we only had single frequency. Nothing has been taken away from you. You are getting more than before but not as much as P2W.

    If you are upset about not getting as much through F2P vs P2W...welcome to planet earth?

    I didn't assume that. You are assuming I'm only replying to you while I'm putting out my own opinion for everyone else too. I showcased specifically for some of these rewards I'm not getting more than I used to.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Konju wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Another point

    When you say we get twice the GC in a week and thus more rewards, you are assuming that each GC is equal.

    Example: Resistance first of the week, Bounty Hunters second part.

    If i went GL rey im gonna be strong on resistance. If they gate that with a random new character requirement im going to either whale or not and miss out.

    If my BH squad isnt good then i wont be getting top marks on 2nd GC.

    So unless they gate the one im weaker on... i could end up getting less quality rewards overall.

    I am already getting less due to loot box scenario as i could get a few of the too rewards instantly before.

    So its simple math but it can be widely different in experience per user

    Yes, I’ve ignored the factions as they are on a rotation it appears. So one month you may have the Beskar added to a great faction for you resulting in lower rewards, but the next is fine. Too hard to bring these scenarios into the discussion I’m already engaged in. This will affect all players differently as you said.

    Perhaps we should be asking CG to hold the factions the same on a weekly basis.

    That way it is a you either have the faction or you dont and then you either whaled on the feat or you didnt
  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Konju wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Another point

    When you say we get twice the GC in a week and thus more rewards, you are assuming that each GC is equal.

    Example: Resistance first of the week, Bounty Hunters second part.

    If i went GL rey im gonna be strong on resistance. If they gate that with a random new character requirement im going to either whale or not and miss out.

    If my BH squad isnt good then i wont be getting top marks on 2nd GC.

    So unless they gate the one im weaker on... i could end up getting less quality rewards overall.

    I am already getting less due to loot box scenario as i could get a few of the too rewards instantly before.

    So its simple math but it can be widely different in experience per user

    Yes, I’ve ignored the factions as they are on a rotation it appears. So one month you may have the Beskar added to a great faction for you resulting in lower rewards, but the next is fine. Too hard to bring these scenarios into the discussion I’m already engaged in. This will affect all players differently as you said.

    Perhaps we should be asking CG to hold the factions the same on a weekly basis.

    That way it is a you either have the faction or you dont and then you either whaled on the feat or you didnt

    This is probably the solution to be asking for then. Sorry for my assumption, but you did quote me.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This is ridiculous. While I think putting these Mando feats on any of the Challenges is pretty bad, at least it makes sense to be on the Scoundrel challenges since he has the Scoundrel tag. It makes zero sense to have him on the Droid, Jedi and Empire challenges. The playerbase was so thankful for the way that Beskar Mando was rolled out and then you just wiped out all that goodwill with this blatant cash grab. Gating a big chunk of the rewards for every other Challenge like this is just wrong.

    Or a way to say thx whales and krakens for keeping the lights on for our business. 🤔

    There's so much wrong with that reasoning. CG "thanking" the whales and krakens by telling them to spend more money to unlock yet another toon? Since when does someone else's gratitude charge your credit card for the pleasure of giving it to you?

    Umm when you run a business lol.
    You own a bar and a person comes in and buys a couple of drinks regularly, others come in and always order water. Are you more inclined to at some point pour that person a shot on the house down the road as a small gesture of gratitude? Or care more for the water drinkers and say “hey thx for making my bar look full lol.

    I get your point... but that is not the same as what is happening here.

    The water drinkers are now being served less of something they used to get full amount on as well under the assumption that if they have all the correct factions at the correct gear... they will get the normal amount next time they visit.

    Less of something free. Hmmm,Better then nothing I guess.
    Trying to encourage people to spend, horrible business model.
    Spenders have always had the advantage of being able to do events when released because they have the necessary characters.
    F2P have always had to wait for the second or even third go around. Nothing new with this “tactic” as anything they have done in the past.
    GC has been a mess since they launched it because they keep changing it and the reward structure.
    These changes upset people, I get it.
    Had they got it right on day one some people still would have complained (as usual) but we would have all settled in by now and these complaints would have faded away.
    Don’t want to be left out then spend spend spend.
    Complaining is free, working on game content isn’t.
    You could always follow Ahnald example and have people to donate money so you can make content. That’s brilliant whaling strategy!
  • Options
    Sewpot wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This is ridiculous. While I think putting these Mando feats on any of the Challenges is pretty bad, at least it makes sense to be on the Scoundrel challenges since he has the Scoundrel tag. It makes zero sense to have him on the Droid, Jedi and Empire challenges. The playerbase was so thankful for the way that Beskar Mando was rolled out and then you just wiped out all that goodwill with this blatant cash grab. Gating a big chunk of the rewards for every other Challenge like this is just wrong.

    Or a way to say thx whales and krakens for keeping the lights on for our business. 🤔

    There's so much wrong with that reasoning. CG "thanking" the whales and krakens by telling them to spend more money to unlock yet another toon? Since when does someone else's gratitude charge your credit card for the pleasure of giving it to you?

    Umm when you run a business lol.
    You own a bar and a person comes in and buys a couple of drinks regularly, others come in and always order water. Are you more inclined to at some point pour that person a shot on the house down the road as a small gesture of gratitude? Or care more for the water drinkers and say “hey thx for making my bar look full lol.

    Except CG isn't pouring them a shot for free, they're charging them for it. People are coming at this like the beskar mando feat is a boon for the krakens. But it's not something they're getting for free. If they didn't pay for beskar mando, they wouldn't get the feat either. So they're paying to unlock the so-called "gift" from CG that's supposed to be 'meant for them'. Your analogy I totally get and have experienced but I think we're looking at the problem from very different perspectives :sweat_smile:
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited December 2020
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    My feeling is we got two wasted jobs at CG crumb is wasted oxygen and fett isn't worth the characters to type his name. We got 1 bit of new content this year and after a mere few months they said oh look we can make content but to enjoy it pay us....if the communication is going to be legalese just fire fett and crumb and hire two devs who know how to code in the current native environment.

    I think the issue is we dont want just a community manager... what we want is a community watchdog/advocate.

    Someone with equal say in the product that has the ability to put their foot down and make a change.

    Thats not what crumb or doja are. Look no futher than doja taking concerna up and then coming back with the canned response to prove that.

    Dont think we will get that representation any time soon

    That's not the way it works, and not the way it can ever work, in so many ways, no it's not like that.

    They are advocates and they do what they can when they can. They make the case the voice the opinions, but they will never be " the decider" or a single person that can say "not gonna happen" that's just not realistic, in any business.

    Pick your battles, know your limits, fight the good fight, and dont pick a hill and die on it, when it wont make a difference.

    Maybe so... maybe not... dont need to derail the thread to discuss why a customer advocate having no real power is good or bad... my point is that they are viewed as if they have more power than they do, they do not have decision making authority.

    The ultimate decider is still the customers choice of what to buy and not to buy after the studio makes a boneheaded decision.

    Though I do feel they should have a bit more standing than they appear to have, but thats just my opinion based on how inaffective they can be at times.

    @ShaggyB no one is saying they dont have power, but they are balanced and work in a group.

    Yes people think they have more power than they do or they should have, or think that can veto things without a limit. I agree with that.

    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    My feeling is we got two wasted jobs at CG crumb is wasted oxygen and fett isn't worth the characters to type his name. We got 1 bit of new content this year and after a mere few months they said oh look we can make content but to enjoy it pay us....if the communication is going to be legalese just fire fett and crumb and hire two devs who know how to code in the current native environment.

    I think the issue is we dont want just a community manager... what we want is a community watchdog/advocate.

    Someone with equal say in the product that has the ability to put their foot down and make a change.

    Thats not what crumb or doja are. Look no futher than doja taking concerna up and then coming back with the canned response to prove that.

    Dont think we will get that representation any time soon

    That's not the way it works, and not the way it can ever work, in so many ways, no it's not like that.

    They are advocates and they do what they can when they can. They make the case the voice the opinions, but they will never be " the decider" or a single person that can say "not gonna happen" that's just not realistic, in any business.

    Pick your battles, know your limits, fight the good fight, and dont pick a hill and die on it, when it wont make a difference.

    Maybe so... maybe not... dont need to derail the thread to discuss why a customer advocate having no real power is good or bad... my point is that they are viewed as if they have more power than they do, they do not have decision making authority.

    The ultimate decider is still the customers choice of what to buy and not to buy after the studio makes a boneheaded decision.

    Though I do feel they should have a bit more standing than they appear to have, but thats just my opinion based on how inaffective they can be at times.

    @ShaggyB no one is saying they dont have power, but they are balanced and work in a group.

    It would seem they have the power to voice concerns of the community and ask questions... but thats where it appears to stop. They cant initiate change, they cant drive change, they can only state what the community feels and recommend things. Someone else holds the power to act, react to or ignore the community.

    But thats not really important. Its just a breakdown in what they are and what people want to believe they are.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Sewpot wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This is ridiculous. While I think putting these Mando feats on any of the Challenges is pretty bad, at least it makes sense to be on the Scoundrel challenges since he has the Scoundrel tag. It makes zero sense to have him on the Droid, Jedi and Empire challenges. The playerbase was so thankful for the way that Beskar Mando was rolled out and then you just wiped out all that goodwill with this blatant cash grab. Gating a big chunk of the rewards for every other Challenge like this is just wrong.

    Or a way to say thx whales and krakens for keeping the lights on for our business. 🤔

    There's so much wrong with that reasoning. CG "thanking" the whales and krakens by telling them to spend more money to unlock yet another toon? Since when does someone else's gratitude charge your credit card for the pleasure of giving it to you?

    Umm when you run a business lol.
    You own a bar and a person comes in and buys a couple of drinks regularly, others come in and always order water. Are you more inclined to at some point pour that person a shot on the house down the road as a small gesture of gratitude? Or care more for the water drinkers and say “hey thx for making my bar look full lol.

    Except CG isn't pouring them a shot for free, they're charging them for it. People are coming at this like the beskar mando feat is a boon for the krakens. But it's not something they're getting for free. If they didn't pay for beskar mando, they wouldn't get the feat either. So they're paying to unlock the so-called "gift" from CG that's supposed to be 'meant for them'. Your analogy I totally get and have experienced but I think we're looking at the problem from very different perspectives :sweat_smile:

    So someone unlocks mando (like Ahnald did) before it was even known he was a prerequisite for GC. Then they put GC out with mando being required for some of the loot. That’s an added bonus to having unlocked the character. And if they had that prerequisite for the next 5 GC and nobody F2P can unlock him in that timeframe then that’s added value to that purchase while other miss out on all those rewards.
    He was buying the character anyway. Then as a result of that purchase got X amount of rewards from the purchase.
    Maybe this is a case of optimism va pessimism lol
  • Options
    Sewpot wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This is ridiculous. While I think putting these Mando feats on any of the Challenges is pretty bad, at least it makes sense to be on the Scoundrel challenges since he has the Scoundrel tag. It makes zero sense to have him on the Droid, Jedi and Empire challenges. The playerbase was so thankful for the way that Beskar Mando was rolled out and then you just wiped out all that goodwill with this blatant cash grab. Gating a big chunk of the rewards for every other Challenge like this is just wrong.

    Or a way to say thx whales and krakens for keeping the lights on for our business. 🤔

    There's so much wrong with that reasoning. CG "thanking" the whales and krakens by telling them to spend more money to unlock yet another toon? Since when does someone else's gratitude charge your credit card for the pleasure of giving it to you?

    Umm when you run a business lol.
    You own a bar and a person comes in and buys a couple of drinks regularly, others come in and always order water. Are you more inclined to at some point pour that person a shot on the house down the road as a small gesture of gratitude? Or care more for the water drinkers and say “hey thx for making my bar look full lol.

    Except CG isn't pouring them a shot for free, they're charging them for it. People are coming at this like the beskar mando feat is a boon for the krakens. But it's not something they're getting for free. If they didn't pay for beskar mando, they wouldn't get the feat either. So they're paying to unlock the so-called "gift" from CG that's supposed to be 'meant for them'. Your analogy I totally get and have experienced but I think we're looking at the problem from very different perspectives :sweat_smile:

    So someone unlocks mando (like Ahnald did) before it was even known he was a prerequisite for GC. Then they put GC out with mando being required for some of the loot. That’s an added bonus to having unlocked the character. And if they had that prerequisite for the next 5 GC and nobody F2P can unlock him in that timeframe then that’s added value to that purchase while other miss out on all those rewards.
    He was buying the character anyway. Then as a result of that purchase got X amount of rewards from the purchase.
    Maybe this is a case of optimism va pessimism lol

    lol perhaps it is! They could have just released that calendar before the resistance GC and prevented many of the complaints and anger. I would still be frustrated with this ridiculous decision, but not nearly as frustrated as I am that I opened up my resistance GC expecting to finally comfortably get every feat only to find myself stymied by the ridiculous and unexpected beskar mando feat. Hard to be optimistic after that.

    Maybe they need to quit hogging the computer and let Crumb get on it more than once a week to communicate with us more.
  • Options
    Sewpot wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This is ridiculous. While I think putting these Mando feats on any of the Challenges is pretty bad, at least it makes sense to be on the Scoundrel challenges since he has the Scoundrel tag. It makes zero sense to have him on the Droid, Jedi and Empire challenges. The playerbase was so thankful for the way that Beskar Mando was rolled out and then you just wiped out all that goodwill with this blatant cash grab. Gating a big chunk of the rewards for every other Challenge like this is just wrong.

    Or a way to say thx whales and krakens for keeping the lights on for our business. 🤔

    There's so much wrong with that reasoning. CG "thanking" the whales and krakens by telling them to spend more money to unlock yet another toon? Since when does someone else's gratitude charge your credit card for the pleasure of giving it to you?

    Umm when you run a business lol.
    You own a bar and a person comes in and buys a couple of drinks regularly, others come in and always order water. Are you more inclined to at some point pour that person a shot on the house down the road as a small gesture of gratitude? Or care more for the water drinkers and say “hey thx for making my bar look full lol.

    Except CG isn't pouring them a shot for free, they're charging them for it. People are coming at this like the beskar mando feat is a boon for the krakens. But it's not something they're getting for free. If they didn't pay for beskar mando, they wouldn't get the feat either. So they're paying to unlock the so-called "gift" from CG that's supposed to be 'meant for them'. Your analogy I totally get and have experienced but I think we're looking at the problem from very different perspectives :sweat_smile:

    So someone unlocks mando (like Ahnald did) before it was even known he was a prerequisite for GC. Then they put GC out with mando being required for some of the loot. That’s an added bonus to having unlocked the character. And if they had that prerequisite for the next 5 GC and nobody F2P can unlock him in that timeframe then that’s added value to that purchase while other miss out on all those rewards.
    He was buying the character anyway. Then as a result of that purchase got X amount of rewards from the purchase.
    Maybe this is a case of optimism va pessimism lol
    Bando being needed for GC was known. It had been unearthed in a data mine. The first post in this thread (I think) was posted before the GC went live.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    My feeling is we got two wasted jobs at CG crumb is wasted oxygen and fett isn't worth the characters to type his name. We got 1 bit of new content this year and after a mere few months they said oh look we can make content but to enjoy it pay us....if the communication is going to be legalese just fire fett and crumb and hire two devs who know how to code in the current native environment.

    I think the issue is we dont want just a community manager... what we want is a community watchdog/advocate.

    Someone with equal say in the product that has the ability to put their foot down and make a change.

    Thats not what crumb or doja are. Look no futher than doja taking concerna up and then coming back with the canned response to prove that.

    Dont think we will get that representation any time soon

    That's not the way it works, and not the way it can ever work, in so many ways, no it's not like that.

    They are advocates and they do what they can when they can. They make the case the voice the opinions, but they will never be " the decider" or a single person that can say "not gonna happen" that's just not realistic, in any business.

    Pick your battles, know your limits, fight the good fight, and dont pick a hill and die on it, when it wont make a difference.

    This. While this is mildly annoying it's hardly a surprise nor a major deal. I have no problem with CG throwing the spenders a bone every now and then. This is not the hill to die on.

    Now that manure tornado of ReRancor Raid on the other hand...
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    My feeling is we got two wasted jobs at CG crumb is wasted oxygen and fett isn't worth the characters to type his name. We got 1 bit of new content this year and after a mere few months they said oh look we can make content but to enjoy it pay us....if the communication is going to be legalese just fire fett and crumb and hire two devs who know how to code in the current native environment.

    I think the issue is we dont want just a community manager... what we want is a community watchdog/advocate.

    Someone with equal say in the product that has the ability to put their foot down and make a change.

    Thats not what crumb or doja are. Look no futher than doja taking concerna up and then coming back with the canned response to prove that.

    Dont think we will get that representation any time soon

    That's not the way it works, and not the way it can ever work, in so many ways, no it's not like that.

    They are advocates and they do what they can when they can. They make the case the voice the opinions, but they will never be " the decider" or a single person that can say "not gonna happen" that's just not realistic, in any business.

    Pick your battles, know your limits, fight the good fight, and dont pick a hill and die on it, when it wont make a difference.

    Maybe so... maybe not... dont need to derail the thread to discuss why a customer advocate having no real power is good or bad... my point is that they are viewed as if they have more power than they do, they do not have decision making authority.

    The ultimate decider is still the customers choice of what to buy and not to buy after the studio makes a boneheaded decision.

    Though I do feel they should have a bit more standing than they appear to have, but thats just my opinion based on how inaffective they can be at times.

    ShaggyB no one is saying they dont have power, but they are balanced and work in a group.

    It would seem they have the power to voice concerns of the community and ask questions... but thats where it appears to stop. They cant initiate change, they cant drive change, they can only state what the community feels and recommend things. Someone else holds the power to act, react to or ignore the community.

    But thats not really important. Its just a breakdown in what they are and what people want to believe they are.

    No they have more than that, but since they are not the top person and as far as I know they dont have MBAs or are in a position to tell anyone else, " they cant try X marketing scheme", because without any evidence there is no way to guarantee something wont work out to their benefit.

    They can and do initiate and drive change, despite what you think.
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    First GC of this week, same rewards as before MBA

    Second GC is all a bonus. Early spenders get an extra bonus.

    Still completely unclear what the issue is.
    I need a new message here.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    TVF wrote: »
    First GC of this week, same rewards as before MBA

    Second GC is all a bonus. Early spenders get an extra bonus.

    Still completely unclear what the issue is.

    Personally speaking, this is my issue:
    They could have just released that calendar before the resistance GC and prevented many of the complaints and anger. I would still be frustrated ..., but not nearly as frustrated as I am that I opened up my resistance GC expecting to finally comfortably get every feat only to find myself stymied by the ... beskar mando feat. ...

    Maybe they need to quit hogging the computer and let Crumb get on it more than once a week to communicate with us more.

    Basically this. Doubling the frequency is great, but we should have been told, it wasnt going to be that way when it was announced.

    But those guys do the best they can and I'm sure will convey the sentiment here and maybe after this round we will not see it again, or if we do we will see it done in a way that doesnt feel like it's taking away from our rewards and just gives them extra. I know it's an odd distinction, but that's just how I feel.
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    Eh, 99% of people (not you) would have been just as angry. People say they only want communication and then get just as mad when the communication relays something they don't want. Most people here don't want communication, they want more stuff.
    I need a new message here.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    TVF wrote: »
    Eh, 99% of people (not you) would have been just as angry. People say they only want communication and then get just as mad when the communication relays something they don't want. Most people here don't want communication, they want more stuff.

    I agree that not everyone wants communication, if it's not saying what they want, but I think people would react better if things are communicated. I also just believe that things that are coming up in the game shouldnt need to be found in data mines.

    But yes this is all just me personally and I agree that not everyone feels the same way.
  • Options
    Yes, it's all in the communication but not only whether something is communicated or not. They first release sugar coated version of that communication only to be given the backdraw later on...mostly in way of finding out directly in the game or datamines.

    With this newly set precedent by mando feats, what would you expect to happen in the future? Until we are told this is a one off or not, I'll expect every new release to cause the same effect. They'll allow it to be on speculation level...until once again we will find out in the datamines if that's the case or not.
This discussion has been closed.