POST UPDATE:Comments/Question (Merged threads)



  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Glhdtrim wrote: »
    Relax people. It is April 1st on some parts of the world :)

    Not where the devs are. Just saying.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
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    I can't be alone in this. EA you have so many issues with your game, that you need to be focusing on fixing them rather than cap raises. And up until last week, I've wanted the cap raise since the last's been forever!!!!

    But there are too many frustrating issues that you're just ignoring. You have all kinds of characters ignoring buffs...all over the game. What is the point of a buff if it doesn't work. This is a strategy game; so when your toons are undependable; so is your strategy...

    So you have many toons completely ignoring taunts, and attacking whomever they please. That will really aggravate a person.

    But what really gets me is this... All of this game play is supposed to be based on a collection of concrete set stats. With these stats, you can largely put together a very effective squad. However all over the game you have toons that clearly aren't acting within the parameters of the games stats.

    Lets start with two of the most popular toons that people cry about. Dooku and Sid. I have both toons fully geared and *ed; leveled up at 70. So my own toons do this stuff, but very rarely. There is no way that it is possible with the stats that a Dooku can counter attack 5 times...but he does. There is no way that Sidious can evade SIX times in a row! Even if every attack was from a Jedi...but that happens All the time...and that is without any leader that could be prompting it.

    So I'm not complaining about these particular incidents. I still beat GW every day, and have been beating it, since a few weeks after it was introduced. I'm not some master gamer; I just spent lots of money. That ended a while back as well; as it was clear where this game was not going.
    What I'm complaining about is the fact that the game is clearly rigged. You keep saying it's not, but how could these things be happening then?

    I've also noticed these obscurities happen when you know that you have the match won, but it's as if the AI is trying to keep you on edge...make it exciting. Has anyone else noticed that?
    It even happens in Arena matches. I'll get beat back to the 30's of 40's and face a team that I can clean-out completely. I'll have them down to two the last two toons; lets say Dooku & Sid, hahaha..
    And thats when they all of the sudden manage to counter attack and dodge enough to take out a couple of my toons, when it should have been a massacre. I always still's just so annoying & again...obviously rigged.

    So what all these little things do, is cause people to lose faith in the game, and their strategies, since it all becomes completely random when a toon goes off the rails.

    The worst part is; It's annoying. I don't play games to be annoyed. I don't like Star Wars because it's annoying...If people did; The Phantom Menace would be the best film of the saga...but it's not.

    I play games to have fun. You've got the grind of this game going against you. You have the repetition going against you; You have the horrible customer service going against you; the last thing you need is more things going against you. Being more annoying than fun is a real drag EA

    I've seen some people talk about your marketing strategy. How they think people hang on because they don't want to lose their investment. I agree with this to a point; But I hang on in hopes that this game; that I've paid good money for...will one day be fun again. I can't tell you how many matches behind I am in GW, because I simply don't want to be annoyed by it some days.


    Please EA...bring the fun back, and fix your game. Then maybe I'll start spending money again.
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    I will not spend one more cent!!!! And I have spent a couple thousand!! No more soup for you!!!!
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Glhdtrim wrote: »
    Relax people. It is April 1st on some parts of the world :)

    Not where the devs are. Just saying.[/There is no other logical explanation to make the game unplayable.
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Glhdtrim wrote: »
    Relax people. It is April 1st on some parts of the world :)

    Not where the devs are. Just saying.

    Still. This would at least have a rational explanation for making the game no fun to play.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Seriously, it is naptime, take a time out.

    Quiet for half an hour.
  • JeighKaeNeither
    243 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Post edited by FashionFett on
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    My weekly spending had already gone down. I know they think that this will get people to open their wallets but other than whales I honestly think this will have the opposite effect. I do not have the desire to spend my money to push a sim button.

    I decided I'm not going to get mad about it. I am fully prepared to drop rank in arena, and if GW gets harder and I can't finish It then so be it. I'm just going to try to enjoy the game again, do the content that is offered everyday, not waste hundreds of crystals on refreshes for things that drop at an obscenely low rate and let the game be a hobby instead of an obsession. I refuse to fall into this trap.

    I haven't even finished getting the 50 pieces of old gear for some of my chars let alone the 50 new ones. How in the heck are FTP players supposed to keep up now? I guess I'm going to find out!
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Seriously, it is naptime, take a time out.

    Quiet for half an hour.

    Go ahead.

    It's no wonder that you and chainsaw love the update. All you guys are doing is trolling everyone who doesn't.

    Well with this marvelous "update" (basically rolling out the Yoda event early), you two are going be busier than a one legged man in an **** kicking contest. Have fun! :D

    I just have one question for you and chainsaw - do you get paid by EA or are you jerks to everyone who doesn't like everything in the game for free?
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
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    Yeah i'm generally pretty optimistic for mobile games like this but it's patches like this that make me glad i stopped spending money on this game about 1 month into the game.

    If you can't even satisfy the whales from lack of content you know that something is very wrong with your game model. I'll keep playing simply because it's Star Wars and i treat it more like Pokemon at the moment but some new content would be great.

    I am a strange one in that i actually enjoy grinding, hence why RPG's are my personal favorite type of game but this gear grinding is madness even to my ridiculously high tolerance to repetitive tasks....

    One small small silver lining is at least they fixed the icons for Yoda's Unstoppable Force and Masterstroke, they switched the icons around =P
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    All I really want to know is if characters are actually going to be stuck on gear lvl 8 until the next lvl cap due to these new unfarmable
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    They did this because they probably have nothing substantial to offer...and are going for the cash grab. I went from planning on buying the vault of crystals yesterday morning... To nothing now. They don't deserve it

    Good, spend your money on people who care, take out your kids or girlfriend, better value added...
  • MoaiTails
    26 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    post below... double published it... sorry
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    Dashboard wrote: »
    Closing threads and moving our feedback here sure cleans up the forums. One could almost miss this thread and think everybody is enjoying the 1 month grind per gear piece.

    This is a compliment, by the way. ;)

    The moderators are players, they should just quit and stick it to EA. By being a moderator, you're forced to Order 66 any negative posts and stealth them in the feedback section, in essence, silencing your own opinions perhaps.
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    I would like to share some enlightenment on this discussion:
    How much is it worth to spend in a game? Especially in a F2P one.

    Ok, I brought Skyrim for forty bucks and spend about 600 hours in it. I believe that was money well spent. Do anyone thinks otherwise?

    How about SWGOH? The problem with games like these is that there is always reason to spend more money! Don't do that. There will be always someone who spends more than you and beat you down. Just have fun. Pay when you really want something like "Oh man! I really need to have Yoda and to do that I need to spend some money".

    Just read about some people that spend thousands of dollars and now are angry with this new update. Man... the issue with softwares is that they are most of the times put so sale unfinished. Don't spend your (or your parent's) hard earned money in an unfinished product. It's not worth it.

    Pay only for the fun you already had! I spend fifty bucks in SWGOH because I think this is the right amount of money they deserve for the fun I got. Now, with unending grinding, they won't see a cent from my wallet for a loooong time. Especially because there's things in this game that makes it fell realy unfinished, like the new golden shinny omega upgrade or the many many bugs with the toons stats.

    That's it. Curse me at will. Hope I help someone to not spend too much money in a "F2P" game in the future...
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    DarthCyren wrote: »
    It doesn't matter if anyone pays any more, EA git their quick cash grab and have already obviously given up putting money or developer time into this game. It's abandoned and anyone after tonight who spends even 5 bucks on this game is an absolute ****

    +100 - EA has made it clear this title is dead for them by their actions or maybe their masochistic and like to kill their potential profits. Either way, my only satisfaction is knowing this since December and the vindication I'll have for knowing they were bunk...
  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    So...just to be clear, the "surprise" was the return of the Yoda event?

    Don't get me wrong. I am glad that everyone who hasn't finished is getting another shot. People who are working hard on their jedi farms deserve it.

    But for everyone who has already finished the event, the surprise is nothing?
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    All I really want to know is if characters are actually going to be stuck on gear lvl 8 until the next lvl cap due to these new unfarmable

  • Zen
    126 posts Member
    Could I have crafted that droid caller qgjs last level 8 piece pre update?
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    Zen wrote: »
    Could I have crafted that droid caller qgjs last level 8 piece pre update?

    Yeah I did, it was the only one I was able to do last night, didn't have the purple hair dryers to craft any furnaces though
  • Suikoden
    111 posts Member
    I beat the game. I now have 7* Yoda. Now I can go enjoy the rest of the new, no I can't.
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    Zen wrote: »
    Could I have crafted that droid caller qgjs last level 8 piece pre update?

    Yes. I crafted 8 of them
    Sinister Alliance (Leader) - accepting waitlist members - PM for information
  • Zen
    126 posts Member
    Zen wrote: »
    Could I have crafted that droid caller qgjs last level 8 piece pre update?

    Yeah I did, it was the only one I was able to do last night, didn't have the purple hair dryers to craft any furnaces though
    FFS I didn't read what people were saying aaaaaahhhh my qui gons gonna be stuck at m gear 8 it's actually even more sickening because I got his cuffs aswell in preparation pre update
  • Zen
    126 posts Member
    Hi guys is there anyway to retrieve the game I smashed my phone off the wall
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    Zen wrote: »
    Hi guys is there anyway to retrieve the game I smashed my phone off the wall

    very healthy!!
    if u was logged in google games or IOs something, just install the game in another cell and play from where you were.
  • Ackturi
    379 posts Member
    I love the game. I installed it never planning on paying money and I will continue to do just that. It sucks when someone buys in-app purchases and thinks the developers can't change certain things just cause they spent their own money.

    You spend money at your own risk, with hopefully knowing they will change content as they see fit.

    For all those complaining about spending so much money. If you look at ANY game you purchase, if it is on a server things get updated and changed.

    Take Xbox call of duty games for example: buy a map pack and hate all the maps so Uninstall it... oh well! It was your choice. Weapon balances but you just bought a special weapon? Sucks to waste money.

    Stop buying things and expecting to get special treatment from a company that makes things for others to enjoy.

    Love the game. I'm a complete f2p gamer and I don't care about wait times cause I spend my time with family while I have to wait.
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    Yarzahn wrote: »
    Dashboard wrote: »
    Okay, I'm done finding positivity in negativity. For those that see my posts every now and then, you'd know that I practically stay positive through all hate storms.

    Sadly, I cannot comprehend, and shed light over this...

    Have me farm 50 hairdryers over the course of two weeks, shame on me.
    Have me farm an additional 50 jiggilydoos on top of the 50 hairdryers and 20 other bangarangs, shame on you!

    I see no stats increase (which should be at least pretty significant for an increase in recipe cost). Okay, let's give them time to properly come out with the coming update before getting all too angry... But really? Here I have like 1300 toolipoolies from challenges with nothing to use them on, but instead you create a different sinkhole... Completely new equipment to gear levels that have been out for a while now.

    Want to make the grind rougher? Introduce it in the next tiers of gear levels. Don't change current recipes by effectively doubling the grinding to 1 month per one gear item for one character.

    It's quite okay, I wholeheartedly understand if this post gets deleted. I tried my best to make this rant into constructive criticism.

    - Dash, a person who cares so much about the game and wishes it's devs nothing but fortune.

    I laughed at you post.

    And then I cried because of how truthful it is.

    I do not mind if I spend 330 days farming an ewok elder 1 shard each day. I know the drop rate. It's but a small fraction of my daily energy and doesn't stop me from grinding other stuff.

    I do mind a lot to be grinding the so called billion hairdryers, jiggilydoos and bangarangs and notice before even my main 10 characters are fully upgraded, my own senile upgrades arrive faster, as my teeth fall out and I get cataracts, benign prostatic hyperplasia, erectile disfunction and all sorts of geriatric fun.
    All that time, without having an energy to spare for actual interesting stuff like getting a few rey shards, or anakin, or IGD, or whatever i fancy that day. Because gear grinding is oppressive. It sucks the joy out of people.
    I'm sorry I don't have a square to spare, I don't have a square to spare, I can't spare a square. Look, I don't have a square and I don't have a ply. I need it all to farm my gear.

    This is a collecting game. We like actually collecting stuff and upgrading. PROGRESSING. Spending ONE ****ing MONTH upgrading ONE ****ING character is NOT fun. Especially in a game nearing 100 ****ING characters now. I do not want spending 1 month on each character. All the while buying refreshes with gems that still don't do ****. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.

    Honestly the best post I've read on this site.
  • ubn87
    314 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse (or any other speculator)
    One question, from the update notes they say that slow toons will get a dmg increase.
    Will ahsoka be part of that buff? If you guys go by base stats she's pretty slow.

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