Phasma shards for iOS? [Updated: Sent out]


  • Anubis
    200 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    The last time iOS got a promotion it was exploited by the users, so I can see why EA/CG would be hesitant in giving them more free characters.
    The last time there was anything exploitable, someone exploited it. You can't exploit shards given to you in your inbox (I think...)!
    xJazzx wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    We never announced that players would be receiving shards for Captain Phasma on iOS.

    Where are you all getting this information?

    You need to speak to someone at the top! I cannot believe that you are not aware of this. Again, just go to show the communication within your ranks is appalling. They are doing things behind your back, and you are getting stick from the players for it.

    @Daddyngo007 actually the captain phasma promo info was datamined and they never announced it.
    They don't announce 100% of promotions. .-.
  • Options
    tRRRey wrote: »
    The last time iOS got a promotion it was exploited by the users, so I can see why EA/CG would be hesitant in giving them more free characters.

    So none who exploited on Vader had android? Think about what you say. Vader exploiters had android and IOS.
    2761 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    tRRRey wrote: »
    The last time iOS got a promotion it was exploited by the users, so I can see why EA/CG would be hesitant in giving them more free characters.

    Yes, some people on iOS exploited and probably got banned for it. There were many many more that didn't exploit and still more that got shut out of the promo at all because of the exploiters. What I don't understand is why is it so easy for them to just send free stuff to android but not iOS? Shouldn't they have just delivered Lando to our mailbox?
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
    2761 posts Member
    Prediction, a bunch of android users are going to come here and defend EA/CG and say things like "you should get an android then" or "blame apple". That kind of discussion isn't needed, so please prove me wrong.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • StarSon
    7538 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    The last time iOS got a promotion it was exploited by the users, so I can see why EA/CG would be hesitant in giving them more free characters.

    Yes, some people on iOS exploited and probably got banned for it. There were many many more that didn't exploit and still more that got shut out of the promo at all because of the exploiters. What I don't understand is why is it so easy for them to just send free stuff to android but not iOS? Shouldn't they have just delivered Lando to our mailbox?

    The idea with Lando was to try to bring in new traffic, hence announcing on Twitter. With the free shards, this seemed to be more of a thing for existing players. Announced or not, it is complete and utter **** that one platform is so favored.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Prediction, a bunch of android users are going to come here and defend EA/CG and say things like "you should get an android then" or "blame apple". That kind of discussion isn't needed, so please prove me wrong.

    I don't see why we (android) are getting Poe if iOS isn't getting something. This doesn't appear to be a "google promotion" so no, I don't see how you can blame apple.
    2761 posts Member
    Barrok wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Prediction, a bunch of android users are going to come here and defend EA/CG and say things like "you should get an android then" or "blame apple". That kind of discussion isn't needed, so please prove me wrong.

    I don't see why we (android) are getting Poe if iOS isn't getting something. This doesn't appear to be a "google promotion" so no, I don't see how you can blame apple.

    Exactly. Thank you for being reasonable.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Options
    Barrok wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Prediction, a bunch of android users are going to come here and defend EA/CG and say things like "you should get an android then" or "blame apple". That kind of discussion isn't needed, so please prove me wrong.

    I don't see why we (android) are getting Poe if iOS isn't getting something. This doesn't appear to be a "google promotion" so no, I don't see how you can blame apple.

    Bravo +1000
  • StarSon
    7538 posts Member
    Barrok wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Prediction, a bunch of android users are going to come here and defend EA/CG and say things like "you should get an android then" or "blame apple". That kind of discussion isn't needed, so please prove me wrong.

    I don't see why we (android) are getting Poe if iOS isn't getting something. This doesn't appear to be a "google promotion" so no, I don't see how you can blame apple.

    Bravo +1000

    And +1 again.
  • Chef5
    369 posts Member
    Maybe it was canceled last minute and replaced with the yoda event to celebrate the home release of TFA.

    Honestly I would've preferred the shards. I don't yoda unlocked yet, but considering the new level cap increase and 50 new gears I'm forced to allocate my $$$$ and resources to my current arena team.

    Yoda will have to wait.
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    I would like to know who actually comes up with these promotions, CG? EA? Google? Apple? I mean to get my free lando I had to read about it on this forum, go to EA's Twitter, go back to the forum to figure out why I couldn't see the promo, then download the Twitter app and create an account, all just to get a code. It would have been a lot easier to just get a free lando when I opened up goh that morning.
  • Options
    I would like to know who actually comes up with these promotions, CG? EA? Google? Apple? I mean to get my free lando I had to read about it on this forum, go to EA's Twitter, go back to the forum to figure out why I couldn't see the promo, then download the Twitter app and create an account, all just to get a code. It would have been a lot easier to just get a free lando when I opened up goh that morning.

    I didn't get the Lando because when I went to the forums I was already to late... I already had him, but the shards would have been great. Don't think you can count Lando as an iOS only promo since barely anyone got him.
    2761 posts Member
    I would like to know who actually comes up with these promotions, CG? EA? Google? Apple? I mean to get my free lando I had to read about it on this forum, go to EA's Twitter, go back to the forum to figure out why I couldn't see the promo, then download the Twitter app and create an account, all just to get a code. It would have been a lot easier to just get a free lando when I opened up goh that morning.

    I would bet, and most would disagree, that these promotions are mostly from EA/CG's marketing department and have very little to do with either Android or iOS. You will never get an official admission of that though.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Mazurka
    961 posts Member
    I'm an apple user. I was quick enough to go through the process to get Lando, but not every IOS user even had the opportunity to get him as they closed the offer after a day. And now, android is getting Poe while IOS users are not receiving any kind of free shards. what sucks is that Android and IOS play on the same servers, so I am competing against someone who is getting free shards to a viable character. Yes, we will probably get something eventually, but there is no garuntee that we will get anything at all. This is a lack of equality that just **** me off. I love the game, and I like my iPhone. Don't punish me for that
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    They: EA? CG? Google Play? App Store? Twitter? Cross marketing Ad Promo?

    Said: Wrote? Spoke? Put in code and made you sign an agreement not to touch?

    I am happy to see Android users get stuff...
    Avengers Alliance 2 just dropped on iOS, looks all Borderlandsy, maybe the trolls will bash that for a while.

    Disney owns a portion of my soul and I must obey.
  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    Looks like a Google promo from ad on Twitter.
    Check out @GooglePlay's Tweet:
  • trellent
    168 posts Member
    Chef5 wrote: »
    Maybe it was canceled last minute and replaced with the yoda event to celebrate the home release of TFA.

    Except that Android users are getting free Poe shards and the Yoda event.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    There you go, yell at Google HAHA
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    There you go, yell at Google HAHA

    It's not Google's fault they care about their users :smile: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    <3 Google
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    Mazurka wrote: »
    I'm an apple user. I was quick enough to go through the process to get Lando, but not every IOS user even had the opportunity to get him as they closed the offer after a day. And now, android is getting Poe while IOS users are not receiving any kind of free shards. what sucks is that Android and IOS play on the same servers, so I am competing against someone who is getting free shards to a viable character. Yes, we will probably get something eventually, but there is no garuntee that we will get anything at all. This is a lack of equality that just **** me off. I love the game, and I like my iPhone. Don't punish me for that

    This is important, becaus it creates an uneven playing field between players on the same server.
  • Barry_MiCockiner
    34 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    IOS - 0
    Androids - 1000000000000
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    I'd rather get phasma then Poe personally, I can't see myself using Poe at all but hey, free characters are never bad right?
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    You guys need to wake up and get over this.

    Crying at EA isn't going to change the fact that GOOGLE is sponsoring an event (again) for THEIR users. Apple could do the same thing, but isn't. It's not EA's call, it's GOOGLE's.

    And to make it *EXCEPTIONALLY* clear, EA absolutely did announce the event. I received an in-game splash when the game launched (justlike the Yoda event announcement, or the Level 80 cap announcement) that my Poe shards were available as well as the message in my Inbox.

    You guys need to give EA - and Jesse especeially - a break.

    Find an Apple App Store forum to go scream on. I hear Apple is super good about caring what their users think.
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    No way this is google related. Why would they make an event for advertising a DVD release?
  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    No way this is google related. Why would they make an event for advertising a DVD release?

    Because the play store sells the digital download.
  • Options
    Cuz Google is smart and also loves their players! :love:
    2761 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Google users are assuming that Google had something to do with this event. Just because they advertised on Twitter doesn't confirm that they paid EA to give out shards. Go troll elsewhere.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
    2761 posts Member
    Mo_liza wrote: »
    No way this is google related. Why would they make an event for advertising a DVD release?

    Because the play store sells the digital download.

    So does iTunes genius. That proves nothing.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Google users are assuming that Google had something to do with this event. Just because they advertised on Twitter doesn't confirm that they paid EA to give out shards. Go troll elsewhere.

    Yea Google would just advertise for any app on their Twitter feed for free..
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