Phasma shards for iOS? [Updated: Sent out]


  • Anubis
    200 posts Member
    Just to be clear everyone, this wasn't a Google event. It was an event for North America, not for either platform. They reversed the original TFA promotion (from when the movie came out) for both platforms and pushed out the game data to support both platforms.
    2761 posts Member
    Mo_liza wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Google users are assuming that Google had something to do with this event. Just because they advertised on Twitter doesn't confirm that they paid EA to give out shards. Go troll elsewhere.

    Yea Google would just advertise for any app on their Twitter feed for free..

    One tweet... Must have cost them millions.....
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    That isnt what the Ad says...
    2761 posts Member
    Anubis wrote: »
    Just to be clear everyone, this wasn't a Google event. It was an event for North America, not for either platform. They reversed the original TFA promotion (from when the movie came out) for both platforms and pushed out the game data to support both platforms.

    Yes, if this was intended as a Google only thing, it wouldn't have been in the game files.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    No way this is google related. Why would they make an event for advertising a DVD release?
    1. Maybe they're fans of Star Wars and just celebrating with their users
    2. Maybe they wanna drive up hype so people go and buy SW:TFA from the Google Play Store
    3. Maybe they deliberately wanna **** off more Apple fans by sponsoring ANOTHER event that Apple isn't.
    4. Maybe lots of their staff plays the game so they're really giving themselves a leg by sponsoring an event so they can all get Poes?!

    Whether any or NONE of those reasons are true... Doesn't change the fact that if it's platform specific, it's the platform's call.
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Google users are assuming that Google had something to do with this event. Just because they advertised on Twitter doesn't confirm that they paid EA to give out shards. Go troll elsewhere.

    That Twitter post - as well as understanding the industry - is a hell of a lot more evidence to support our case than yours.

    Who's the troll, here?
  • Anubis
    200 posts Member
    Powda wrote: »
    No way this is google related. Why would they make an event for advertising a DVD release?
    1. Maybe they're fans of Star Wars and just celebrating with their users
    2. Maybe they wanna drive up hype so people go and buy SW:TFA from the Google Play Store
    3. Maybe they deliberately wanna **** off more Apple fans by sponsoring ANOTHER event that Apple isn't.
    4. Maybe lots of their staff plays the game so they're really giving themselves a leg by sponsoring an event so they can all get Poes?!

    Whether any or NONE of those reasons are true... Doesn't change the fact that if it's platform specific, it's the platform's call.
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Google users are assuming that Google had something to do with this event. Just because they advertised on Twitter doesn't confirm that they paid EA to give out shards. Go troll elsewhere.

    That Twitter post - as well as understanding the industry - is a hell of a lot more evidence to support our case than yours.

    Who's the troll, here?
    I'm sorry, but this is nonsense. :p

    We're talking about "evidence" of tweets, instead of looking at the game data. They reversed the offer from the movie release for both platforms (from the game data), and iOS got lost in the shuffle when they activated the promotion. Jessie hasn't returned the queries asking for clarification, and we will probably read about it in the Community Update.
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    Am I the only one who doesn't think Poe is worth all of this? Hahaha like yea free character blah blah blah there's gonna (hopefully?) be a meta shift soon so who knows if he'll even be good
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Anubis wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but this is nonsense. :p

    We're talking about "evidence" of tweets, instead of looking at the game data. They reversed the offer from the movie release for both platforms (from the game data), and iOS got lost in the shuffle when they activated the promotion. Jessie hasn't returned the queries asking for clarification, and we will probably read about it in the Community Update.

    You mean that datamined info that was never made official? Sorry, that argument holds no water. Community's fault for datamining and believing it to be gospel.

    Nobody was *ever* promised anything from EA or anyone else.
    2761 posts Member
    Anubis wrote: »
    Powda wrote: »
    No way this is google related. Why would they make an event for advertising a DVD release?
    1. Maybe they're fans of Star Wars and just celebrating with their users
    2. Maybe they wanna drive up hype so people go and buy SW:TFA from the Google Play Store
    3. Maybe they deliberately wanna **** off more Apple fans by sponsoring ANOTHER event that Apple isn't.
    4. Maybe lots of their staff plays the game so they're really giving themselves a leg by sponsoring an event so they can all get Poes?!

    Whether any or NONE of those reasons are true... Doesn't change the fact that if it's platform specific, it's the platform's call.
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Google users are assuming that Google had something to do with this event. Just because they advertised on Twitter doesn't confirm that they paid EA to give out shards. Go troll elsewhere.

    That Twitter post - as well as understanding the industry - is a hell of a lot more evidence to support our case than yours.

    Who's the troll, here?
    I'm sorry, but this is nonsense. :p

    We're talking about "evidence" of tweets, instead of looking at the game data. They reversed the offer from the movie release for both platforms (from the game data), and iOS got lost in the shuffle when they activated the promotion. Jessie hasn't returned the queries asking for clarification, and we will probably read about it in the Community Update.

    It is way more likely that EA/CG messed up the roll out and that EA_Jesse wasn't aware of the promo, just like the devs weren't aware of the lando promo at first.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Anubis
    200 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    It is way more likely that EA/CG messed up the roll out and that EA_Jesse wasn't aware of the promo, just like the devs weren't aware of the lando promo at first.
    I agree, that is the most likely reason. That's why I asked if we could get a clarification on this, to make sure that there wasn't something lost in the shuffle.

    There's no point in us arguing about it, or in Powda, Suppahotfire, et al. Google fanboying and playing a superiority game. Let's wait for Jessie to get back to us.
  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Mo_liza wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Google users are assuming that Google had something to do with this event. Just because they advertised on Twitter doesn't confirm that they paid EA to give out shards. Go troll elsewhere.

    Yea Google would just advertise for any app on their Twitter feed for free..

    One tweet... Must have cost them millions.....
    Anubis wrote: »
    Powda wrote: »
    No way this is google related. Why would they make an event for advertising a DVD release?
    1. Maybe they're fans of Star Wars and just celebrating with their users
    2. Maybe they wanna drive up hype so people go and buy SW:TFA from the Google Play Store
    3. Maybe they deliberately wanna **** off more Apple fans by sponsoring ANOTHER event that Apple isn't.
    4. Maybe lots of their staff plays the game so they're really giving themselves a leg by sponsoring an event so they can all get Poes?!

    Whether any or NONE of those reasons are true... Doesn't change the fact that if it's platform specific, it's the platform's call.
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Google users are assuming that Google had something to do with this event. Just because they advertised on Twitter doesn't confirm that they paid EA to give out shards. Go troll elsewhere.

    That Twitter post - as well as understanding the industry - is a hell of a lot more evidence to support our case than yours.

    Who's the troll, here?
    I'm sorry, but this is nonsense. :p

    We're talking about "evidence" of tweets, instead of looking at the game data. They reversed the offer from the movie release for both platforms (from the game data), and iOS got lost in the shuffle when they activated the promotion. Jessie hasn't returned the queries asking for clarification, and we will probably read about it in the Community Update.

    They likely approached both Apple and Google about advertising. One company said sure and the other declined. That's more than likely why it's in the datamine.
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    I would think, if anything at all, they would approach Disney for promoting the home release of the movie?
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    Mo_liza wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Google users are assuming that Google had something to do with this event. Just because they advertised on Twitter doesn't confirm that they paid EA to give out shards. Go troll elsewhere.

    Yea Google would just advertise for any app on their Twitter feed for free..

    It's the #17 app if you look under "Top Grossing" on the Play store. They're giving Android users a freebie. It's not just any app being mentioned on their Twitter feed.
  • bboi
    47 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    The last time iOS got a promotion it was exploited by the users, so I can see why EA/CG would be hesitant in giving them more free characters.

    Yes, some people on iOS exploited and probably got banned for it. There were many many more that didn't exploit and still more that got shut out of the promo at all because of the exploiters. What I don't understand is why is it so easy for them to just send free stuff to android but not iOS? Shouldn't they have just delivered Lando to our mailbox?

    The idea with Lando was to try to bring in new traffic, hence announcing on Twitter. With the free shards, this seemed to be more of a thing for existing players. Announced or not, it is complete and utter **** that one platform is so favored.

    Yeah but if they announced on twitter but just made lando a login reward it would of had the same effect minus pulling the promotion because the exploit
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    Datamined or not thats not the main issue, the problem is unfairness in an environnent where Well are competing. Its bad business.
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    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    The team has ordered food and are working late to get iOS users in the US and CAN their Captain Phasma shards for the promotion. So standby! We're aiming to get them pushed out within the hour.

    Happy Star Wars The Force Awakens release!

    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
  • Phipps
    1107 posts Member

    Thanks @EA_Jesse
  • Anubis
    200 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    The team has ordered food and are working late to get iOS users in the US and CAN their Captain Phasma shards for the promotion. So standby! We're aiming to get them pushed out within the hour.

    Happy Star Wars The Force Awakens release!
    Three cheers for Jessie!
  • Mc1
    306 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    This is better. Thanks
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    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Seems to be all google though. Special packs, new content, the spring thing, now Poe shards. So IOS players are not the players you desire it seems. Maybe all IOS should stop spending money until we get a fair shake. Android has been getting a ton of free stuff the last few weeks, even new content, while IOS sits here hearing how great it is. Pretty bad business to isolate a large portion of your customer base.

    This +1000. We got a TWO STAR Lando. I mean the least they could have done is given us a 4 star (Like how he opens if you grind him). This is getting to be fairly ridiculous. I don't understand why EA/CG can't see how this type of activity creates discord among the player base. Honestly, it's this type of thing that ticks me off way worse that any update.

    I didn't get he lando one, or the Poe one, and I could care less about Phasma because I already have her maxed (and don't even use her - you run out of stuff to spend GW crystals on after a while). While it'd be nice to get shards for lando or Poe, I prob wouldn't use either so whatever.

    I do feel like iOS keeps getting shafted though. Android has been getting tons of stuff, yet android is the platform most easy to hack and mess with the game. If there was issues with the iOS, then it's because EA/CG suck at their jobs and are incompetent.
  • Toonny
    109 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    The team has ordered food and are working late to get iOS users in the US and CAN their Captain Phasma shards for the promotion. So standby! We're aiming to get them pushed out within the hour.

    Happy Star Wars The Force Awakens release!

    We are still April 1st in US and CAN, right?
  • Anubis
    200 posts Member
    Toonny wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    The team has ordered food and are working late to get iOS users in the US and CAN their Captain Phasma shards for the promotion. So standby! We're aiming to get them pushed out within the hour.

    Happy Star Wars The Force Awakens release!

    We are still April 1st in US and CAN, right?

    Shh... Shh...

    We do not speak of this.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    What if we have Max phasma?
  • Phipps
    1107 posts Member
    You just get shards for phasma for shard shop.... Better than using GW to fund shard shop
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    Thanks for 'data mined' explaination fellas

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    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    The team has ordered food and are working late to get iOS users in the US and CAN their Captain Phasma shards for the promotion. So standby! We're aiming to get them pushed out within the hour.

    Happy Star Wars The Force Awakens release!
    This is great, even with a maxed Phasma.

    How about an explanation of what's happened here - you seemed to suggest that this wasn't official, but now...

    A little communication please...are you being nice supporting erroneously data mined info or fixing miscommunication?
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    The team has ordered food and are working late to get iOS users in the US and CAN their Captain Phasma shards for the promotion. So standby! We're aiming to get them pushed out within the hour.

    Happy Star Wars The Force Awakens release!

    Well that blows everyone's theory that this was a Google sponsored event.
  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    Jedi2407 wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    The team has ordered food and are working late to get iOS users in the US and CAN their Captain Phasma shards for the promotion. So standby! We're aiming to get them pushed out within the hour.

    Happy Star Wars The Force Awakens release!

    Well that blows everyone's theory that this was a Google sponsored event.

    All speculation. Maybe if Europeans create a multi page post they will get free stuff too.
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