Game Freezes / Infinite loading screen glitch


  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Same here



  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    @CG_SBCrumb we could use some support on this
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    This appears to be specific teams that cause the load whem put on defense
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    This has been happening to me and a few to many guild mates and friends to be my “internet connection” now. It happened 5 times yesterday in TW and now once today in GAC. I prepare to go into a battle with my team, press on the button to start the fight and there is an infinite loading screen that never loads the match. However every time this happens it is considered an automatic loss.

    I would go on the support link in the game but it’s been on “you don’t have an internet connection” for 3 days now.

    Full clarification; every single other device in my house works 100% fine with no problem, every single other game is working on my device with no problem, my phone is only a couple of months old so it can’t be an age issue.

    So, stupid question. But is there a way to force the game past this loading screen or force the game to work? I’m clearly frustrated but no full well compensation is a non existent concept every time I’ve gone through support.

    Edit* talking with friends. Some Fleets and BAM teams are causing this issue to happen for some unknown reason. Include an image of my battle attempts wix789kgb81v.png

    Doesn't have to be BAM lead - I'm getting it vs a Dash/BAM team in squad arena.
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    Tried to enter a GAC battle against BAM five times. All 5 froze at entry. Again did it for kicks. But can confirm it’s at minimum a BAM issue.
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    2 Fleet battles in a row. Can't climb, wasted 2 attempts, won't get my payout rank. This game is effd. Fix your game CGc4p11yavdfz0.png
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    To the people hoping they're going to do something: At best they will say submit a support ticket to someone at EA who knows nothing about this game, and will ultimately blame your internet connection and close the ticket after having you do about 15 different things like a) restart your phone b) redownload the app, c) redownload your operating system, d-z)change your life plan.
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    CG better be giving out compensation in the form of crystals
    I'm talking to you crumb
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Dace_Prow wrote: »
    This has been happening to me and a few to many guild mates and friends to be my “internet connection” now. It happened 5 times yesterday in TW and now once today in GAC. I prepare to go into a battle with my team, press on the button to start the fight and there is an infinite loading screen that never loads the match. However every time this happens it is considered an automatic loss.

    I would go on the support link in the game but it’s been on “you don’t have an internet connection” for 3 days now.

    Full clarification; every single other device in my house works 100% fine with no problem, every single other game is working on my device with no problem, my phone is only a couple of months old so it can’t be an age issue.

    So, stupid question. But is there a way to force the game past this loading screen or force the game to work? I’m clearly frustrated but no full well compensation is a non existent concept every time I’ve gone through support.

    Edit* talking with friends. Some Fleets and BAM teams are causing this issue to happen for some unknown reason. Include an image of my battle attempts wix789kgb81v.png

    Doesn't have to be BAM lead - I'm getting it vs a Dash/BAM team in squad arena.

    Yeah its bam being on the team
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    Yup. Just happened to me. Did 3 quick fights. Went in for 4th one right after. Nope. Tried again. Nope. GAC done the toilet. Yep.
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    So disappointing to lose a GAC this way.
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    I really think they need to suspend all Territory Wars and GAC until the freezing issues are addressed and corrected.

    Not run a quick hot fix and assume they game is now working as intended, without thorough testing.

    It seems they are currently so focused on monetizing the game and increasing the revenue the quality control has gone down hill.

    This is only leading to players becoming more frustrated and losing interest in investing and playing the game.

    Fix the bugs, at this point no one cares about a new "store" and why would they invest in items if the game is causing a lackluster player experience.

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    My fleet rewards are going to be non-existent today....
  • ObiDarthYoda
    144 posts Member
    edited October 2022
    Alright, the update brought along with it a new bug: during Fleet Arena froze TWICE while flashing 'Alert! Reinforcement Incoming' Cost me CRYSTALS AGAIN. Losing 70 tickets in Rey Ultimate, many, many GAC/TW/Conquest, other battles. Very nice job programmers.
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    Same problem. Selected my ships and hit battle. Stuck on the loading screen and when I force-closed the app and restarted it, it registered as a lost. Tried again and the same thing happened on the next battle. Pretty sure this just cost me the grand area battle.
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    I just had a fleet arena battle freeze with "Alert:Reinforcement Incoming" from my opponent. No reinforcement came, then one of his ships took a turn, the camera panned to my capital ship, then nothing happened except background animations. I let it sit and it timed out to a draw.
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    Davie96 wrote: »
    After losing a battle with the loading screen, tried another battle and the game is stuck on Reinforcement Incoming!

    This is insane!

    Just happened to me twice, costing crystals. Yep, impressed w/the lack of professionalism.
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    My game is frozen on the Loading screen right now in GAC fleet battle using Negotiator. Also froze on a fleet arena battle using Negotiator earlier today.
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    Yep terrible… can’t get PO for Fleet Shard and lost three teams in GAC…. Froze multiple times @CG_SBCrumb @CG_Tusken_Meathead wondering if anything will be compensated for players.
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    Both me and my opponent have Beskar Mando on defense. He is 100 percent unkillable because the game freezes if you try and attack BAM.
  • BrillCounsil7
    10 posts Member
    edited October 2022
    I also soft locked going into gac fleet battle. RIP this gac round. I hadn't previously had any issues with the pervasive lockups, either.

    edit: was using Mal on empire fleet. bam was in executor on other defense fleet so not bam related.
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    Mine went fine until it locked up on this.02m54zdvsxii.png
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    Great. So now everyone that has BAM on defense will be impossible to clear? How stupid is that...
    You should 100% cancel this GAC event and launch another once this is fixed. You can't have competitive events under such circumstances.
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    Same here. Crashed loading into all my arena attempts with the Rey/Dash/BAM team. And now in GAC using Fennic/BAM against LV
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    Still Loading…
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    Four freezes today. Twice in fleet arena on a reinforcement. Twice in GAC while loading fights against a Maul team. True **** of a programming job for this $1B game.
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    Was thinking about buying that Boushh calendar as this is the last day it’s around. Lo and behold, I now can’t use BAM to counter my opponent’s LV. Guess CG doesn’t like my money, because they’re doing such a great job convincing me to not spend on their game. Well done CG, well done.
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    Nothing like infinite loading screen yet it counts for a battle. Please end this GA, fix your game and hand out rewards to all.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    This has been happening to me as well. Most recently, it happened to me 3 times in a row during this GA round.
  • Quim
    665 posts Member
    Same. Just appeared in 2 battles on GAC ans I lost my Imperial Troopers and Bounty Hunters teams when was granted wins. It says "Loading" but never loads. The GAC should be restarted, will be a lot of players with the same problem.
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