What do you do when a player is bullying you?

I’m having a lot of issues with a player in my Fleet Arena shard. I have asked him on multiple occasions not to hit me at the time of my payout (which is at a different and later time to theirs) but this player continues to hit me just before I’m due to receive rewards. I’ve tried to speak to the leader of his guild too but they won’t reply. What’s the best approach?


  • LordDirt
    5149 posts Member
    Form a group from your fleet arena and team up against him.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Change your payout to be half an hour earlyer
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    LordDirt wrote: »
    Form a group from your fleet arena and team up against him.

    We have a group and we try to keep ourselves informed but it doesn’t always work. Thanks for the comment though!
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    Change your payout hour?

    There is nothing illegal about beating down your competition when they are about to be rewarded.

    In some cases it may even be a valid strategy.
  • ColmRegen
    12 posts Member
    edited May 10
    Change your payout hour?

    There is nothing illegal about beating down your competition when they are about to be rewarded.

    In some cases it may even be a valid strategy.

    Fair comment, you’re correct that it’s not illegal, but IMHO not a kind thing to do to a fellow player. It’s basically trolling someone through the game. Will look at changing my payout time

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    Make a mafia of your own and attack him back is best option this game and its developers will give you
  • Ultra
    11588 posts Moderator
    Bully the bully
    for legal reasons, a moderator did not post this and this is actually Ultra's long lost twin sister who hacked into his account to make this post
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    Maybe some day CG will remove crystals from fleet arena due to the shard bullying
  • Lumiya
    1582 posts Member
    Maybe some day CG will remove crystals from fleet arena due to the shard bullying

    But in this case there is no shard bullying. It's one player being annoying, not a mafia. While I admit it is **** behaviour, there are several ways to deal with a player like this. This is definitely not a case to consider removing crystals from fleets.
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • Screerider
    1453 posts Member
    I'd always find their payout and tell them if they hit me, I'd hit them. They all stopped after a few times.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Bully the bully
    for legal reasons, a moderator did not post this and this is actually Ultra's long lost twin sister who hacked into his account to make this post

    Ultra’s long lost sister in her cousin-brother’s gaming chair.

    As stated, options are to persist, push back, or change payout time.
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    First, increase your fleet to be harder to beat. Then, work with a few others to attack him during his payout hour. They don't have to be able to beat him, but attacking and running out the clock will hold him from attacking for 5 minutes during his climb. Be consistent with it for about a week. Then send him a message saying you'll lay off if he stops attacking you during your payout hour.

    If he does it after that, then rinse and repeat and never let him climb during his hour ever again.

    As the twin sister's cousin's chair anonymous user said: Bully the bully.
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    i once battled someone 13 times in a row. then i went one by one 10 to 1st.

    i was never bothered again and have had my payout to myself for years. Iam the Darkness

    "The strong do what they can, the weak suffer what they must."
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    I love how the answer to griefing is almost unanimously "grief them back harder".

    There's lots of reasons to hate fleet arena - and only two reasons to engage with it.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Just play the game. It’s a game after all. Get in and attack right before your payout. It’s not bullying to attack someone in arena, regardless of what some think. Just attack before your payout and you are good
  • herd_nerfer
    2089 posts Member
    Just play the game. It’s a game after all. Get in and attack right before your payout. It’s not bullying to attack someone in arena, regardless of what some think. Just attack before your payout and you are good

    That's assuming someone only has to attack once to get to the next rewards bracket. Some of us have to climb 15 or 20 spots or more.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    edited May 12
    Just play the game. It’s a game after all. Get in and attack right before your payout. It’s not bullying to attack someone in arena, regardless of what some think. Just attack before your payout and you are good

    That's assuming someone only has to attack once to get to the next rewards bracket. Some of us have to climb 15 or 20 spots or more.

    You can avoid a "bully" until the fight for first.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • MasterSeedy
    5197 posts Member
    edited May 12
    It's a **** move to do this. I would argue it constitutes harassment, but because that's a contextual decision not one with an easy yes/no toggle it's going to be very hard to make policies about it. Thus you can't ever expect CG or EA to sanction or punish the player doing it.

    I approve of changing your payout hour without telling this person. The one thing that CG/EA could do is allow you more than 2 payout changes per year. If you contact them and explain the situation, they might be able to do that. Bouncing back and forth between 2 or 3 different payout times might be a pain, but it could have benefits.

    I don't **endorse** trolling them back, but I wouldn't dissuade you either, if that's what you want to do. Whether that involves contacting others and ganging up (you're unlikely to be the only person who has been victimized by this troll) or just spending a bunch of crystals over a couple weeks to repeatedly interfere with him yourself, either way will probably work if you stick with it long enough.

    I don't pretend to understand that psychology of harassers, but one thing I do know is that they don't like to be subject to their own tactics.

    But here's the easiest solution of all, if it works.

    Put in a lousy fleet, let yourself get pounded out of the top 50. Change the name on your account. Climb back up a week or two later.

    It doesn't cost any more crystals than repeatedly spending 50 crystals to avoid the waiting period and keep your harasser constantly tied up, and unless they notice your guild name, they won't know it's you at all.
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    This happens to me its just a game ( Napoleon Complex player has to be no1 all awake hrs and a top 50 guild officer with fullset of Gungans etc etc). If he get under your skin he has won. In the end enjoy the game and remove the stuff you hate ie TW lol and just play the stuff you like. This guy in my case have 3 mill more GP they have invested in the game like their ego and like GA just accept your fate. Hopefully they get tired being a ****. Remember enjoy the game and reset your expectations. I did and I am a lot happier.
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    How is it a bullying when it is either you or him that get the prize?
    Or do you want to say that he should cede his prize to you everyday?

    You said he always toppled you from the your position (whatever that may be) everyday...
    So i assume that you are able to reach that preferable position everyday and unable to protect it...

    You get 5 chances to climb everyday.
    I suggest, you spend only 4 of them and keep the last 1 to "protect" your final position that day, during the last minutes b4 the payout.

    For example...
    You are able to reach the #1 position and want to protect it...

    If you are sure that he (the "bully" - whatever that means) has to spend more than 3 minutes to defeat you and a battle is 5 minutes and let's say your payout is at 18:00 o'clock...i suggest you attack whoever at 17:52-53....

    You can't be challenged, if you are in the middle of a battle (with that "whoever"), in such way, you are "protecting" your position...

    As i say, your battle lasts 5 minutes...if you can beat your opponent (that "whoever") in less than 5 minutes,DON'T!
    Just wait until the last seconds to give the final blow, but make sure the battle doesn't end up as draw.

    So the clock is now 17:52-53 + 5 minutes = 17:57-58 and he (the "bully") needs more than 3 minutes to defeat you...even if he tries to defeat you during these last 3 or 2 minutes b4 the payout, he will likely run out of time...

    You get the #1 payout!
    Started to play: Oct 30, 2022 --- Ally code: 628-998-777 --- My links: swgoh.gg | youtube | My SWGOH journey | NORDIC KINGDOM is recruiting
  • UdalCuain
    5048 posts Member
    How is it a bullying when it is either you or him that get the prize?
    Or do you want to say that he should cede his prize to you everyday?

    I'm guessing you missed the part where the OP said the other player does not share the same payout time.
  • Wed_Santa
    1030 posts Member
    edited May 13
    It’s great that people have offered some technical solutions - albeit some are better than others. My suggestion is more about mindset.

    Stop thinking about your opponents as individuals with motivations, morals or personalities etc. they may well be lovely people or total rotters but in the game, you’ll never actually know - and speculation gets you nowhere except into your own hole if you let it. No matter how nice they are, they are just a bunch of sprites and variables that stand between you and where you need to be. Fight them on your terms whenever you want and, if you need to fight again to get closer to where you want to be, fight them again.

    I genuinely stopped reading and/or noticing the names of my arena opponents years ago.

    (Edited for language filter & spelling)
  • EdSolo
    422 posts Member
    My guess is that there is already a mafia on your shard, and you have been labeled as an "enemy" and will be booted out the top 20 whenever you get there.

    If the same player is attacking you as his/her max jump, you really can't complain. If they are attacking you to gain one or two spaces, then they are most likely part of a shard mafia.

    Your best bet is finding the shard discord and applying for membership. Track who is gaining the number one spot and reach out to them about joining.
  • Lumiya
    1582 posts Member
    EdSolo wrote: »
    My guess is that there is already a mafia on your shard, and you have been labeled as an "enemy" and will be booted out the top 20 whenever you get there.

    If the same player is attacking you as his/her max jump, you really can't complain. If they are attacking you to gain one or two spaces, then they are most likely part of a shard mafia.

    Your best bet is finding the shard discord and applying for membership. Track who is gaining the number one spot and reach out to them about joining.

    OP wrote that it is only 1 player and there is already a chat which OP is part of.
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    My opinion, is get stronger. If your primary fleet is negotiator, focus on getting one of the top 3. If your primary fleet is leviathan, add relics to your pilots. This game is all about improving your squads, or your fleets. Don't stay static, always be going forward.
  • Hortus
    651 posts Member
    "Get stronger" don't really work on the current fleet arena. Even full R9 meta fleets can easily be countered with much cheaper ones.
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    Hortus wrote: »
    "Get stronger" don't really work on the current fleet arena. Even full R9 meta fleets can easily be countered with much cheaper ones.

    While true, it doesn't mean the "bully" understands that.

    I don't drop very far in fleet arena because most of my shard either doesn't know or doesn't care.

    Even if they know it, they may not bother if it means having to change fleets.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • EdSolo
    422 posts Member
    Lumiya wrote: »
    EdSolo wrote: »
    My guess is that there is already a mafia on your shard, and you have been labeled as an "enemy" and will be booted out the top 20 whenever you get there.

    If the same player is attacking you as his/her max jump, you really can't complain. If they are attacking you to gain one or two spaces, then they are most likely part of a shard mafia.

    Your best bet is finding the shard discord and applying for membership. Track who is gaining the number one spot and reach out to them about joining.

    OP wrote that it is only 1 player and there is already a chat which OP is part of.

    Then this is probably the work of an outsider who has got an axe to grind. You see it on arena shards all the time. These people fixate on one opponent and will spend endless amounts of crystals on refreshes just to hit someone.

  • scuba
    14170 posts Member
    Bullying... sigh. that is the problem people put this label on everything so it means nothing.
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