Why? I dont get anything, other Players get this



  • PickledPeppers
    6 posts Member
    edited June 21
    Same thing as the person before me said, havent bought hyperdrive bundle or anything, and havent got any quests or shards. I would love to actually get the shards and shard shop currency.

  • X3m
    2 posts Member
    Same thing as the person before me said, havent bought hyperdrive bundle or anything, and havent got any quests or shards. I would love to actually get the shards and shard shop currency.
    325-862-786. Thank you in advance for your help!
  • Bartek
    121 posts Member
    Zero SSC here. Didn’t buy HSB and been playing since forever. Wouldn’t mind 20k of currency ;)
  • Options
    Didnt get Shard shop currency, im a long time player who just returned. Dont have hyperdrive bundle either. Ally code: 177-454-868
  • Zjub
    1 posts Member
    Also did not receive the missions or currency.

    Ally code: 624-713-464
  • Lumiya
    1582 posts Member
    Yeah same here 532-999-778
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • Options
    Hi, I am just discovering that this is a thing. Definitely hit level 85 after May 22, have not bought hyperdrive, have received nothing from the new player experience update. 466-196-753 thanks.
  • Morbintime
    1 posts Member
    edited June 23
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead I hit level 85 at the beginning of June, way after may 22nd on the day that all the new quests came out to new players. I know that lots of others haven't received this either but I didn't get the massive gift of shards that we were supposed to in the inbox. My brother got it and he only got level 85 2 days after me, we're both f2p What should I do? My player code is 717-515-529 if that's helpful. Thanks
    Post edited by Morbintime on
  • Options
    Hi there I reached level 85 a few days after the initial roll out of quests. I also didn't get the make up shard drop given out. Is it possible that this can get done. Thanks

    Ally Code 125-713-323
  • PickledPeppers
    6 posts Member
    edited June 22
    in the new player experience post it says that if you hit level 85 on may 22nd or later youll get the rewards i dont know if that counts as quests or not. But i havent got any quests, rewards, or shard shop currency. I know people that have been playing since 2016 that have got these rewards but ive got [0]. I dont know if i'll ever get these rewards or not, but id love and i mean LOVE to get the ships. I dont know if im just stupid and if im just whining too much if anyone with good advice could answer that would be helpful.

  • Brutus666
    2 posts Member
    edited June 23
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead I was under level 85 when the new player experience quests dropped in but I wasn't able to complete them at the time due to lack of energy, when I opened the game the next day the quests were gone and only 2 quests remain, one was claim 1200 cantina energy and one was slice mods, I got to level 85 because of this but I never got the other quests nor the shards that came with them especially ships, my guildmates are getting 80 shards for ships like slave 1 and characters like bossk and I'm here getting nothing, please look into this,
    I have not bought any packs or bundles,
    Player code:
  • Jacgul
    283 posts Member
    jim1907 wrote: »

    So a fix was put out that gave people lots of shards they didn't get but I still didn't get them all even though I was under 85 when the update first came out and then hit 85 after. Is there any update on this being fixed for us?

    Ally Code: 883213985

    Yup, this is something I'm working with the team on right now, not ETA as I need to request a new Data pull

    Where's the fix for the players that got absolutely nothing?
  • thecooldue1996
    267 posts Member
    edited June 23
    Jacgul wrote: »
    jim1907 wrote: »

    So a fix was put out that gave people lots of shards they didn't get but I still didn't get them all even though I was under 85 when the update first came out and then hit 85 after. Is there any update on this being fixed for us?

    Ally Code: 883213985

    Yup, this is something I'm working with the team on right now, not ETA as I need to request a new Data pull

    Where's the fix for the players that got absolutely nothing?

    Am pretty sure gift pack from this fix was also missing ship credits and hounds tooth

    Post edited by thecooldue1996 on
  • Jacgul
    283 posts Member
    Jacgul wrote: »
    jim1907 wrote: »

    So a fix was put out that gave people lots of shards they didn't get but I still didn't get them all even though I was under 85 when the update first came out and then hit 85 after. Is there any update on this being fixed for us?

    Ally Code: 883213985

    Yup, this is something I'm working with the team on right now, not ETA as I need to request a new Data pull

    Where's the fix for the players that got absolutely nothing?

    Am pretty sure gift pack from this fix was also missing chip credits and hounds tooth

    I didn't get the shard shop currency, I didn't get credits, and I didn't get hounds tooth shards.
  • Options
    I hit 85 after may 22nd and also havent recieved any shards or currency besides pheonix which I honestly did not need. Missed out on all ships and the helpful character shards. Ive dropped in my arena majorly due to the disadvantage. My ally code is - 376-962-383. Cheers
  • Options
    Morbintime wrote: »
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead I hit level 85 at the beginning of June, way after may 22nd on the day that all the new quests came out to new players. I know that lots of others haven't received this either but I didn't get the massive gift of shards that we were supposed to in the inbox. My brother got it and he only got level 85 2 days after me, we're both f2p What should I do? My player code is 717-515-529 if that's helpful. Thanks

    I think this post sums everything up nicely.

    2 brothers, same type of account, 2 days apart.

    2 different results.

    Forget old v/s new, forget HD Bundle v/s NON-HD Bundle.

    We have 2 accounts that are basically identical, and yet 1 was given massive rewards & the other wasn't.

    This pretty much tells you how badly borked this "patch" and the "fix" are.

  • Options
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead I was at level 81 at the rollout of the new player experience. 4 days after the update, I hit level 85. I only got the initial bonus quests to get to 85. I have missed out on the bonus materials that everyone else received. What is going to happen to us players that hit 85 between the update and the quick fix that gave materials and shards?? Ally code 439-135-631
  • ch87
    2 posts Member
    edited June 27
    Bought the hyperdrive bundle on the 21st/22nd of June on my old account which was below level 60, have yet to receive any rewards or quests for shards either.
    Ally code: 761334768
    Post edited by ch87 on
  • Elswyr
    12 posts Member
    I'm honestly a bit confused about what I should have gotten and whether I'm eligible for anything beyond what I got. I received three new quests that each yielded large amounts of XP and some shards, so I assumed that everything was working correctly for my account. But now I hear other players also got a full Phoenix team, the complete Hound's Tooth and Slave One? (I do have a Slave One farmed, so I'd get 80 extra shards?). If you could take a look at my account and check if I'm missing anything, that would be kind.

    Ally code: 836-199-295
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