4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    Overall, I have enjoyed the update. I am the type of player referred to as a dolphin, spent some money on the game, but not thousands of dollars.

    I just finished my first GW after the update. It took about 50 min, instead of the usual 30 min. Arena battles are a bit slower, and I enjoy that because I get to see a little more strategy - an extra heal here or there, a specific special that never would have had time to activate before... it seemed like a change for the better, to me. Each battle still takes less than 5 min, so it is not a huge time drain.

    An area worth improving, though, is the obtaining of materials for character improvements. The fun part of the game is collecting characters and completing the challenges and battles. Spending lots of time collecting materials to gear up characters is definitely a drag, given the extra time that is needed now to complete the challenges and other battles. I think an improvement in the drop rate of purple gear would make that part less tedious.

    Looking forward to a greater variety of teams to play against. Oh, and the Ewok challenge has been hilarious. I don't care for the Ewok team, myself, but it was fun to try it out. Same thing with the Omega challenge... seems like it gets me to explore different characters and see what their abilities/synergies look like.
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    Guess I'll give my 2 cents worth. Already went to app store and redid my star rating from 5 to 1. Update reminded me of an actual mmo game that got hit with the famous nge hammer.
    Sorry but this is not a mmo and it should not take long to finish the daily. I generally play while I get ready for work then finish when I get home while making dinner. Then one more time before bed.
    With this I probably won't bother now. Was a good game now it's just boring, slow and some aspects to hard now.
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    Actually I feel that this update did improve the arena aspect, but everything else became too slow and a drag, meaning we now spend more time doing stuff to grind and improve our toons. I feel this is not ideal for those who want to spend one hour or so daily with this game. This is the part that should be addressed now. Maybe protection should only be used in arena and nerf the rest of the pve?

    I enjoyed the game before due to its fast pace and that you could complete your daily tasks in a decent time for a mobile game. I also liked the sense of achievement and collecting toons. For the latter I assume it will be the same. As for the first, I would prefer things to improve on that side.

    PS: As for the GW things aren't specially harder, only slower. I haven't finished it yet due to the lack of time but I expect it will be a matter of time.

    This sums up my thoughts exactly. I'm fine with the arena changes, because that is where the one hit kills were coming from, but the insane difficulty of the challenges and the slow boring fights that are GW are my issue. I'm the single player stuff will speed up once we hit level cap, so I'm willing to take a wait and see attitude with that.

    I think the real problem I have with all of this is timing. Why release a whole new method to gameplay that changes up the entire way the game is played while everyone is just trying to get back to the max level? Of course there are going to be complaints of balance, but how can we (or the devs) know where the real issues are until we are sitting at cap again. Let's be honest, leveling up is only a means to an end. It's like an MMO; nothing matters until endgame. It just so happens that we have our longest grind to get to endgame right now and everything was flipped on us. So I will continue my daily grind of getting my gear, running my GW, and trying to keep in the top 200 in Arena to get my 10 shards a day. If these issues persist after level cap, then I'll take my proverbial pitchfork to the forums.

    PS. If you are having issues finishing GW, Barris (lead) Lumi, JC, RG, and a glass cannon or assist toon work wonders. I have yet to lose a character in GW in over a month and the patch hasn't changed it at all, just made it slower.

  • Jit
    45 posts Member
    EA I understand there must have been some logic to it ... But why nerf characters who were as it is mismanaged by AI?

    Why reduce their damage so much that I would not even considering them in GW?

    I am sure I speak for others as well ... But a lot of us love Star Wars because of the classic characters such as yoda and old Ben. Please do justice to their names.
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    Why does it seem that almost everybody that is saying they are deleting/quitting the game have less than 10 posts to their name? Not hating, just saying....

    Because they were the mass that just played and didn't obsess. The group that takes a game from successful to top 10 successful. And we liked the casual game that it was. But they listened to the over 100 post group and tried to make it more "challenging" (in quotes because just making things take longer isn't more of a challenge - except now it's challenging to have a job and life and play this game), and now EA gets to see what happens when you do that in mobile gaming.
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    I personally like the change, sure, took a few hours of getting used to it. But after awhile, you wont even remember the old way. The game is still in beta stages, so many people cant handle change and I for one love it. I am already starting to see changes in the top 20 arena instead of the same 8 or 9 toons. Good stuff EA! Can't wait to see the final product when you finally finish the game.
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    I resurrected my ancient EA account just to come here and vent about this update. I won't even bother going into the minute details, but the fact that the game has slowed to a crawl is ridiculous. This is the only mobile game that has ever kept my interest on the regular and it is now essentially a slog for me. I'm barely going to bother with the challenges anymore - I'll do the dailies for another week or so and probably lose interest altogether. BLARGH
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    So far I feel it's killed things like Savage Opress and Kylo who require abilities to be below a percentage of health. At the point now the ability isn't even needed.
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    Tisikotka wrote: »

    My first post here, but I need to give my 5 cents for the new updated, after spending the whole day with it.

    First let me do a brief introduction to myself. I've started my career as a game editor, worked that for over 10 years (when game medias were only magazines), and I work as a graphic designer for the last 6 years, 4 of them in a game retail online store, and 2 of them in the local branch of one of the biggest European game developers/producers (will hold on the name).

    I didnt read other comments, wanted my opinion to be unbiased by anything, so excuse me if I repeat something, other people stated. Also forgive any typos or other mistakes - engl. is not my native langugae.

    Reasons why we have the update
    In any online game, stalement is most visible in the end-game, and creating rich and satisifying meta is really hard thing to do (rarely a game company does it - one of the best in doing it is Blizzard, but even they sometimes fail at it (D3 pre-expansion, current SC2, vanilla WoW).

    Having few adequate team roosters, most of them being OTK is a problem for the game, that will push customers back. Being killed in one or 2 turns, without being able to interact with the game, while this is happening is not something new, and should have been forseen when characters and sinergies were designed (same thing happened in Hearthstone with Patron Warrior). As in HS, playing against same kind of opponents and being defeated in the same way over and over agains is really bad and should be addressed. I think that is what update was aiming to, and kinnda did it. But I worked way to much with games, to clearly see how devs didnt considered the impact the update will have on all other aspects of the game. And that chums is just bad game design decisions.

    Also lazy. Come on guys - playing the nerf hammer on dmg models, and buffing HP is just pure lazy. It is the "safe card" of game design, that can be done faster and with minimum effort, instead of rethinking every character, skill, and sinegry. I can just speculate why that was done - smaller team, tide deadlines, lack of creativity - I don't care really, but such decisions tend to kill games, especially when clearly no one considered how they will impact the game on all levels.

    Side note: messages like: Give it a try and then speak, or changes are for 80 lvl characters whith gear you dont have are actually pretty insulting. 20% dmg nerf is 20% nerf, coupled with higher hp is 40, up to 50% dmg nerf, and it IMPACTS THE GAME.

    Yes, this removes (to some extent) the issue of OTK teams at late game PVE. The combo is still present and still strong, and because you can't heal shields it only delays a little your dead, after initial rampage that takes down 1 or 2 of your core toons.

    Problem is - it impacts all other game modes, and suddenly that increase of hp, and decrease in dmg leads to proportional inrease of time to complete PVE and decrease in chance to progress. The game was some kind of balanced in pve, but suddenly you buff the difficulty level with those percents.

    Since the only motivation to replay any mission is to grind resources, uping the completion time with more then 50% in some cases on the higher level missions is a bad game design choice for a mobile game. Most people play on their mobiles in shor brakes - in school or on their work, 3-4 min for a fix... hardly doable when it takes 8 minutes for a lvl 4 challenge with 7 starred lvl 60 toons. All battles are longer by a lot, and thats dull and boring.

    2.Galactic war
    After the first couple of battles your shields are down and don't regen, at all. GW was allready buffing your opponent teams (higher levels/gear/stars) so the rubbish AI have to oppose real players. Now it just handicaps you, by buffing with up to 45% the hp of the enemies. All battles are longer by a lot, and thats dull and boring, especially when RNG is not on your side, and your first 7 attacks proc their dodge, and you got critted so you have to restart a battle.
    Is it doable - yeah, much harder then before, sinking twice the time (longer battles + lowered win chance = more retries)

    3. PVE in general and challenges
    Again we face the issue how enemies feel buffed by a lot with the dmg nerf. Some challenges are really bad now, not only they take lots of time but you can't actually finish them. Those are the main way to attain resources, and I can see that this will urge people to spend cash on tickets but after few tries they will just stop doing it. It allready felt like a chore... and wasn't exactly fun. Now its boring to a level of frustration. Besides, upping the completion time and needing personal attention are two factors that most of the users (family type of guys, who can't afford to sink 2-3 hours just to do the dailies) don't have.

    4. Shield buff and arena
    8 battles today (refreshed), barely completed 3 of them before the timer expired. Actually i laughed and remebered how the duels of Shaman vs Paladin in vanilla wow went. For those of you who didnt experienced that - neither could kill the other for hours in hands of skilled players. Like litterally they didnt get the the damage to topple over the heals. Same stuff here.

    Thats where i felt that the last update was game breaking. The new taunt/healers meta that will emerge will be much more toxic and unbarable then current one. Get your team to the desired rank, swithc to all tanks/healers, Pass a game. Sure - you wouldnt be able to kill your attackers, but they wouldnt be able to do it so you keep your progress.
    Now battles are longer, but not fun-er. They are frustrating and in some cases only doable in auto mode. That is purely bad game design, chums and ironicly lowers the level of interaction.

    I've spared my spare fare of cash on this game, enough to buy 2 AAA titles, and I don't regret it, as I work in the industry and know what it takes to make and support such a game. But right now i feel scammed, pretty badly.

    If our game Lead Game Designer allows such update to roll for any of our games he will be our Ex-LGD untill the end of the week.

    The best think you can do is Rerool the patch, get back to the drawing board and redo it, adressing each balance issue alone, not trying to swipe everything with the most laziest way of them all - waving the nerf hammer across the board.

    Example of precise balance patches - DOTA 2

    P.S. I can see how some of the changes were aproved as way to push people to spend for shortcuts to complete PVE and compete in PVP. Things doesnt work this way, people will get pushed back. Go back to game design 101 and reread the curve of satisfaction and reward in gaming. Thats what pushes people to rain cash, not putting walls in front of them. And putting walls on purpose, or not seeing that it will happen as a result of other actions/changes is just bad game design and really unprofesionall.

    P.S.2 Allready beta tested BF4 a whole year after release, so EA tends to allow such things to happend, didnt know it was doable on mobile games.

    ps.4 this is not a rant

    Edit: New health bars are more confusing
    Equipment and shard drop rates seems nerfed
    No one considered how OP Imperial Guard would become
    Really really bad game designs

    That happens when someone from the marketing department listens to whiners on forums and demands changes biased by the opinion of new players with less then 10 hours ingame. Really disapointing and frustrating. How can I opt for refund?

    @EA: Hire this man. He wins the Internet today.
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    I am not pleased with this update, but not because I don't like the new gameplay. It's too early to know that for sure. What I don't like is the "bait and switch" the developers have done. I have been playing for 6 months, invested money and time, and now most of my work was to obtain characters that are crap now. I spent money to speed rush my Jedi team to get yoda, now they are guys I wouldn't waist the time to farm. They got rid of the speed meta and have replaced it with a tank meta. Instead of Sid every fight, it will be RG. I can already tell this update didn't fix anything, they just switched the problem to a new meta. I think adding the protection would have been enough to get the desired effect to elongate the fights, did they really have to make over 1/2 my team darn near worthless?

    Like I said, I spent a good amount of time and money on this game, and now suddenly it's a whole different product. Maybe if I had known I was playing a beta I wouldn't mind, but since I thought I was playing a complete game, this change makes me feel ripped off. This game looks the same, but it isn't, and it is not the game I invested all my time and money into. Seriously considering complaining to iTunes for some sort of refund. I will give it another couple of days to see if the games inspires fun again, but so far yesterday and today have not been fun. It's been a slow boring grind to get all the same stuff I got last week at the cost of 2-3X's my time...
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    Jabba88 wrote: »
    Why does it seem that almost everybody that is saying they are deleting/quitting the game have less than 10 posts to their name? Not hating, just saying....

    Because they were the mass that just played and didn't obsess. The group that takes a game from successful to top 10 successful. And we liked the casual game that it was. But they listened to the over 100 post group and tried to make it more "challenging" (in quotes because just making things take longer isn't more of a challenge - except now it's challenging to have a job and life and play this game), and now EA gets to see what happens when you do that in mobile gaming.

    This nails it. I never posted once, pre-update.
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    Everyone should report to Apple if unhappy. Purchases will be refunded and when they lose all the money they have gotten from changing the entire gameplay of people who paid them money, perhaps they will actually care what we think about this trash update.
  • Spartan2013
    8 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Why does it seem that almost everybody that is saying they are deleting/quitting the game have less than 10 posts to their name? Not hating, just saying....

    That's actually a great question and it serves as an excellent example to just how disliked this update is. As you can see, I only have 3 posts to my name. My forum account was created today because, until this update , I never had a reason to post. You can see just how many posts this page has garnered in such a short period of time. Now, it is possible that some people are simply creating multiple accounts to create the illusion that EVERYONE is **** off, but I doubt that is the case. This is clearly an unpopular update with the MAJORITY of the playerbase. While there are some who seem to enjoy the update, they are the few.

    Now, that's not to say that some form of balancing wasn't necessary. Unfortunately, the manner in which its been implemented seems to miss the mark.
    Post edited by Spartan2013 on
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    I just had a draw in Squad Arena because the game is so slow now. I even had the auto play on to make it go faster, but it still didn't help. CG-JohnSalera thanks for the message but I'm not buying the "just give it time". It's clear that the negative feedback is overwhelming! You wouldn't have wrote that note if the feedback was 50/50 or even 60/40. I don't know what you need to do, but you need to fix this!
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    Z_Jedai wrote: »
    Tisikotka wrote: »

    My first post here, but I need to give my 5 cents for the new updated, after spending the whole day with it.

    First let me do a brief introduction to myself. I've started my career as a game editor, worked that for over 10 years (when game medias were only magazines), and I work as a graphic designer for the last 6 years, 4 of them in a game retail online store, and 2 of them in the local branch of one of the biggest European game developers/producers (will hold on the name).

    I didnt read other comments, wanted my opinion to be unbiased by anything, so excuse me if I repeat something, other people stated. Also forgive any typos or other mistakes - engl. is not my native langugae.

    Reasons why we have the update
    In any online game, stalement is most visible in the end-game, and creating rich and satisifying meta is really hard thing to do (rarely a game company does it - one of the best in doing it is Blizzard, but even they sometimes fail at it (D3 pre-expansion, current SC2, vanilla WoW).

    Having few adequate team roosters, most of them being OTK is a problem for the game, that will push customers back. Being killed in one or 2 turns, without being able to interact with the game, while this is happening is not something new, and should have been forseen when characters and sinergies were designed (same thing happened in Hearthstone with Patron Warrior). As in HS, playing against same kind of opponents and being defeated in the same way over and over agains is really bad and should be addressed. I think that is what update was aiming to, and kinnda did it. But I worked way to much with games, to clearly see how devs didnt considered the impact the update will have on all other aspects of the game. And that chums is just bad game design decisions.

    Also lazy. Come on guys - playing the nerf hammer on dmg models, and buffing HP is just pure lazy. It is the "safe card" of game design, that can be done faster and with minimum effort, instead of rethinking every character, skill, and sinegry. I can just speculate why that was done - smaller team, tide deadlines, lack of creativity - I don't care really, but such decisions tend to kill games, especially when clearly no one considered how they will impact the game on all levels.

    Side note: messages like: Give it a try and then speak, or changes are for 80 lvl characters whith gear you dont have are actually pretty insulting. 20% dmg nerf is 20% nerf, coupled with higher hp is 40, up to 50% dmg nerf, and it IMPACTS THE GAME.

    Yes, this removes (to some extent) the issue of OTK teams at late game PVE. The combo is still present and still strong, and because you can't heal shields it only delays a little your dead, after initial rampage that takes down 1 or 2 of your core toons.

    Problem is - it impacts all other game modes, and suddenly that increase of hp, and decrease in dmg leads to proportional inrease of time to complete PVE and decrease in chance to progress. The game was some kind of balanced in pve, but suddenly you buff the difficulty level with those percents.

    Since the only motivation to replay any mission is to grind resources, uping the completion time with more then 50% in some cases on the higher level missions is a bad game design choice for a mobile game. Most people play on their mobiles in shor brakes - in school or on their work, 3-4 min for a fix... hardly doable when it takes 8 minutes for a lvl 4 challenge with 7 starred lvl 60 toons. All battles are longer by a lot, and thats dull and boring.

    2.Galactic war
    After the first couple of battles your shields are down and don't regen, at all. GW was allready buffing your opponent teams (higher levels/gear/stars) so the rubbish AI have to oppose real players. Now it just handicaps you, by buffing with up to 45% the hp of the enemies. All battles are longer by a lot, and thats dull and boring, especially when RNG is not on your side, and your first 7 attacks proc their dodge, and you got critted so you have to restart a battle.
    Is it doable - yeah, much harder then before, sinking twice the time (longer battles + lowered win chance = more retries)

    3. PVE in general and challenges
    Again we face the issue how enemies feel buffed by a lot with the dmg nerf. Some challenges are really bad now, not only they take lots of time but you can't actually finish them. Those are the main way to attain resources, and I can see that this will urge people to spend cash on tickets but after few tries they will just stop doing it. It allready felt like a chore... and wasn't exactly fun. Now its boring to a level of frustration. Besides, upping the completion time and needing personal attention are two factors that most of the users (family type of guys, who can't afford to sink 2-3 hours just to do the dailies) don't have.

    4. Shield buff and arena
    8 battles today (refreshed), barely completed 3 of them before the timer expired. Actually i laughed and remebered how the duels of Shaman vs Paladin in vanilla wow went. For those of you who didnt experienced that - neither could kill the other for hours in hands of skilled players. Like litterally they didnt get the the damage to topple over the heals. Same stuff here.

    Thats where i felt that the last update was game breaking. The new taunt/healers meta that will emerge will be much more toxic and unbarable then current one. Get your team to the desired rank, swithc to all tanks/healers, Pass a game. Sure - you wouldnt be able to kill your attackers, but they wouldnt be able to do it so you keep your progress.
    Now battles are longer, but not fun-er. They are frustrating and in some cases only doable in auto mode. That is purely bad game design, chums and ironicly lowers the level of interaction.

    I've spared my spare fare of cash on this game, enough to buy 2 AAA titles, and I don't regret it, as I work in the industry and know what it takes to make and support such a game. But right now i feel scammed, pretty badly.

    If our game Lead Game Designer allows such update to roll for any of our games he will be our Ex-LGD untill the end of the week.

    The best think you can do is Rerool the patch, get back to the drawing board and redo it, adressing each balance issue alone, not trying to swipe everything with the most laziest way of them all - waving the nerf hammer across the board.

    Example of precise balance patches - DOTA 2

    P.S. I can see how some of the changes were aproved as way to push people to spend for shortcuts to complete PVE and compete in PVP. Things doesnt work this way, people will get pushed back. Go back to game design 101 and reread the curve of satisfaction and reward in gaming. Thats what pushes people to rain cash, not putting walls in front of them. And putting walls on purpose, or not seeing that it will happen as a result of other actions/changes is just bad game design and really unprofesionall.

    P.S.2 Allready beta tested BF4 a whole year after release, so EA tends to allow such things to happend, didnt know it was doable on mobile games.

    ps.4 this is not a rant

    Edit: New health bars are more confusing
    Equipment and shard drop rates seems nerfed
    No one considered how OP Imperial Guard would become
    Really really bad game designs

    That happens when someone from the marketing department listens to whiners on forums and demands changes biased by the opinion of new players with less then 10 hours ingame. Really disapointing and frustrating. How can I opt for refund?

    @EA: Hire this man. He wins the Internet today.

    Yes. And we can help him and others. Go here, spread the word.

  • Spartan2013
    8 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Tohopka wrote: »
    Guess I'll give my 2 cents worth. Already went to app store and redid my star rating from 5 to 1. Update reminded me of an actual mmo game that got hit with the famous nge hammer.
    Sorry but this is not a mmo and it should not take long to finish the daily. I generally play while I get ready for work then finish when I get home while making dinner. Then one more time before bed.
    With this I probably won't bother now. Was a good game now it's just boring, slow and some aspects to hard now.

    LOL, I was thinking of the exact same thing. Every time I find a star wars game I like, its life is too short lived. Man, I miss traveling on my speeder bike, hunting bounties, and hoping I might one day master the few mystery professions (8/34 I think it was) and unlock the coveted Jedi...but I digress.

    These are the updates that kill a game. Without a show of good faith from the developers, I feel this game will quickly begin to flounder.
  • DevTore
    174 posts Member
    I started playing about 3 months ago. The game was great back then challenging but not so hard you can't defeat challenges. With this update my team of level 71's can't even come close to defeating the level 62 challenges. What happened with this crappy update. Worst update ever

    I started in early march. Currently level 65 and highest toon is 59. I can complete the lvl 62 challenges. Are you picking toons with appropriate abilities?
    "No Hassle" guild, for those who want star wars, not drama wars!
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    This protection crap really sucks ****! Thanks for changing part of my health to unhealable crap. So now when in GW and i lose the first few matches, then get destroyed going up against fresh squads with full still. SMH.
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    The game is unplayable at this moment. This is a game and it should be entertaining and fun. Why we should struggle like ****, instead of relaxing and having fun in a video game? This is a game, and games are all about that. Challenges are impossible atm, GW is nearly impossible. GW actually is worse and harder than the times few weeks ago, when there was a bug with matching opponents. Every single battle you face opponent team with twice as bigger than yours health bar.
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    They made Galatic war next to impposible to even get past the 7 or 8 crates. Since your armour deplete off the opponents get like double the advantage.
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    I'm with Regularjoe on this one. I've invested a lot of time and money in this game, only to now have my most difficult-to-obtain characters become ineffective. I understand the game had balance issues, and needed a way to create some more diversity of team builds. But you can't change it the way you did with so many people having already invested so much in the previous strategy. The bottom line is the game is not fun anymore. I used to love using my maxed Darth Maul to destroy Jedis. His skill set made sense, as he was a slow player, which was rewarded with the 100% turn meter on kills and double Jedi damage. It's now useless with his health so low. By the time he gets to a place where he can take a player out, he's been killed, or the freakin time has elapsed on the match. On top of that, his leadership evade doesn't even work with Sith. This is just one character...don't even get me started on my wasted pursuit of Princess Leia and and Old Ben. I'll be honest, I'm irate with the changes and I will probably stop playing all together. Until those that spend the most money and effort are rewarded with dominance, then it makes no sense to me unless EA slashes the prices significantly. Actually, I think they need to now give me all my gems and in-game currency back that--from day 1--so I can start over with my build strategy...if not I'm out. I'm going right now to the app store to figure out how I can get all my money back--my over $3500 that is.
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    My Squad that I had for the Arena Battles has been weakened by this update so bad I can't even win one battle. They have increased the power for Charaters to a ridiculous level. Also I don't' see why Capatain Phasmas Advatage attack only last for one turn. The way it used to be was fine, you had to strategically use it when you could. They have taken all strategy out of this game. The changing of characters abilities and performance after I have spent so long to upgrade them is a slap in the face to the player. I now have to go and collect new characters just to compete in the arena. Such ****.
  • Mason12ray
    26 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Let's see I contacted EA in so many words they don't care how much money or time you put in the game they do as they want so when is EA going to comment on this blunder of an update and one question is this EA team idea of bad joke and this is how to lose customers
  • Scorpijon
    39 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    For everyone saying suspend judgement maybe you need to update your game cause I've been playing the new updates for a while and they are complete dodo. They have ruined the game. Why on earth did they need to add an 'armour bar' to the health. Code it properly and you'll not even need that. Plus it doesn't make any sense anyway since I have at least 8 toons past gear VII and their armour is useless.

    I have a 4 * Vader VI gear that has more health and armour than a 7* Sidious with level VIII gear. My QGJ is totally useless along with Lumin and JC.

    They Nerfed so may toons and pumped totally useless ones.

    I have been getting smoked in Arena when I use to be regular 150+ now I'm getting worked by guys 250 and below.

    It's totally ridiculous to just take the game and turn it on its head. You don't just flip things and make wholesale changes and call it better.

    There was very little wrong with the old gameplay. I had average characters that I worked hard on that are now useless. I didn't mind getting beat by guys with better toons cause I worked hard to get those same toons and then I wasn't getting beat. Now all my stuff is garbage and the guys or girls who guessed right on which ones would be the new top toons are laughing.

    I promise you this is a cash grab. These changes will force people to either quit or pay $ to get the toons that are the new Dooku.

    EA, with your capitalism you have really outdone yourselves.
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    Mason12ray wrote: »
    Let's see I contacted EA in so many words they don't care how much money or time you put in the game they do as they want so when is EA going to comment on this blunder of an update and one question is this EA team of bad joke and this is how to lose customers and money

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    Mason12ray wrote: »
    Mason12ray wrote: »
    Let's see I contacted EA in so many words they don't care how much money or time you put in the game they do as they want so when is EA going to comment on this blunder of an update and one question is this EA team idea of bad joke and this is how to lose customers and money

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    Really.... That's your question?

    It's obvious.... Never needed to post until this update...

    I hadn't posted or visited the forum for a month, but now I have to blow off some steam.

    These are the players who don't enjoy posting, but feel compelled....

    That should be a loud message for EA.....

    I thought that was common sense?

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    LOL, I just got off the app store and saw that the games rating has dropped from 4.5 stars to 2.5...
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    I saw each battle takes longer time to finish either in regular stage or arena because of the protection and the health increased dramatically in each activity. It wastes our time. The advantage of the game is players can play it in 5-10 mins rest. Now we have to spend more time to play like other mobile game. Sigh!
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    I totally hate the new update for the following reasons:

    1. Enemies are now harder to kill.
    2. Now in the arena with the personal health bar, approx. 80% of the matches end in draws. The 5 minute timer is not enough to win a match against 5 other characters with personal health bars as well.
    3. i played this game to relieve daily stress, and found I was more stressed to play with the new update this past day.
    4. I no longer enjoy playing this game. Please revert back to previous version.
    5. Baris and Sid are now useless with the new update. Also not fair is how it takes 2.5 minutes to take down someone else's Sid with all 7* characters, but the opponent takes mine down in half the time with almost the same characters??
    6. Time required to complete challenges have doubled or tripled, or are impossible at max level.

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