4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    Das Gameupdate des gestrigen Tages ist ja wohl mehr als Grotten schlecht! Sämtliche Stats wurden downgegraded so das man kaum noch Möglichkeiten hat vernünftig durch zu kommen,ich finde es echt ne Schweinerei! Der Healthbalken kann man sich getrost schenken wenn man bedenkt das Luminara trotz der grossen Stärke plötzlich am wenigsten bringt, EA wenn ihr das Spiel weiterhin so runter wirtschaftet seid ihr es selber schuld wenn man im Endeffekt das Interesse daran verliert! Sorry aber von Spiel Freude ist hier keine Spur!!!
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    Barrok wrote: »
    People complain about speed and one hit kills and lack of arena diversity.... So they slow the game down, lower damage and increase arena diversity and everyone loses their minds!

    This is definitely better than the 'you nuke me, I nuke you' arena battles.
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    Update is a joke. Took my favorite game and made it ****. I invested a lot of time, effort and real money into this game. What used be fun is now just frustrating and time consuming. I will not be putting another dime into this game.
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    Focus on character redesigns please. It feels like the good turned bad, and the bad got worse. Only broken mechanics like auto-taunt and high dodge rates were allowed to persist.
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    TL;DR I'm really disappointed by this update and have a hard time believing the development team is taking the players best interests into consideration. I'm looking forward to the new content that comes with Guilds/Raids, but what we really need are new ways to play the game and use our characters.

    I really hope EA/CG are sincere when they say they're listening to feedback. The update has only been out a short while but it's already clear that the majority of the player base is upset about it. My biggest issues with it are:
    5. Stalling is now a viable tactic to maintain your arena rank. Just put Barriss as lead with Han and RG on defense and most won't be able to knock you team off before the 5:00 counter expires
    4. Challenges have become much more difficult, almost impossible in some cases. I'm not sure how this could sneak past the development team, but it seems like their testing process needs a review.
    3. The character nerfs seem inconsistent with the stated goals. Slower characters like Anakin and Kylo Ren who we already borderline useful got nerfs, now they're totally useless.
    2. Adding Protection to GW makes is so much more difficult and gives the AI an unfair advantage unless you're a whale and can keep rotating in fresh toons.
    1. My biggest frustration is that the goal of this update seems to be fixing THEIR (EA/CG) problems, not OUR problems. People had been complaining about the speed meta and that needed to be addressed, but by far the biggest complaint was the lack of content. The addition of protection makes it much more difficult to complete GW and challenges, and accumulate resources from those challenges and GW, resources needed to progress through the game. But slowing player progression does not equal new content, it only buys the devs more time. And based on the last few updates we've seen, it's really hard to have faith the devs are working to make the game more fun so much as they are working to make it more profitable.

    I really do hope somebody on the development team is reading all of the feedback and they're willing to do what John Salera asked the players to do, to take an honest look at the changes and ask if they're in the game's best interest. There were some positives, I love the Ewok event (only available to iOS :( ), the Omega challenge is fun, and some of the nerfs were definitely needed. But when you look at the whole of this update, it's hard to see how it benefits anybody but EA/CG.

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    Barrok wrote: »
    People complain about speed and one hit kills and lack of arena diversity.... So they slow the game down, lower damage and increase arena diversity and everyone loses their minds!

    Who the hell said to "slow the game down"? People wanted the speed advantage to not be so pronounced, not bring the game to a freaking crawl and add stupid "protection/shields". They messed with stuff that didn't need to be messed with. A simple power rebalance would have been perfectly fine to prevent 1 and 2-hit kills. That would have fixed a lot of arena and game issues.
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    This was an awful update that has totally changed the game, i LOVED this game because it was snappy, quick to play and fun so i invested a bit of money to support it.
    Now that investment is down the toilet, i dont have hours to sit around on a mobile device game, with AI having a huge advantage, this either gets rolled back or im out.
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    Enough is enough. I am DONE. All of my months of hard work were completely demolished in one afternoon of updates.

    I spent the $60 for the Bariss pack only to have her changed a week later. I **** it up and moved on.
    I bought the $100 Kylo Ren guarantee after TFA because I had some extra X-MAS money laying around was buzzing about the film.
    I bought countless chests of crystals (MOST POPULAR!) to help me get my Jedis up to 7* for the Yoda challenge.
    I bought even MORE countless chests of crystals for energy refreshes to get my Anakin to 7*.

    Now ALL of it has been taken away. You swindled me. This is a completely unacceptable way to run your business and I have already requested a refund in FULL. If I am not granted that refund in FULL I will strongly consider taking legal action.

    That is all.
  • Azzie
    14 posts Member
    Game is like work now...no longer a fun pass time. This update is trash!!!
  • Nitou
    38 posts Member
    1) In general I am enjoying the changes. Instead of auto-blitzing thru things it requires thought, strategy, and actually playing the game.

    2) I've noticed a bug with Phasma's Victory March. It only grants Advantage to all for 1 turn as opposed to the two turns stated (yes my Phasma is leveled up appropriately).
  • AndersXievers
    32 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    1) PLO KOON NEEDS A BUFF!!! His attacks (Force Judgement) is too weak. Also, his life should be increased; He's a Tank-either he needs a good amount of HP, or a good amount of damage dealt.

    2) Changes with the HP and adding Protection just does not work out for some of us. The shape is fine and all but I preferred what it looked like in the previous versions(you know...the one with many bars). I would rather have that old style of bars than have a 7* Mace!(im really serious) The previous one was easier to help us estimate when to use our heals.

    3) I know this what discussed about a lot but it really needs to be fixed! I'm talking about stunned opponents evading attacks.

    4) Yoda's damage went from 7k crit went to 4k crit! We don't need nerf-ing for a GRANDMASTER

    5) What the he|| happened to the BOUNTY HUNTER CHALLENGE?!?!? Droids(b1) got bonus attacks, their HP and damage were doubled! (Not to mention Cad's buff too)My Sid & Yoda were killed in two rounds! Seriously?, they never died before in that challenge! Something is clearly not right. (Other challenges were destroyers too)

    6) The daily activities did NOT refresh today. What's wrong?

    The only thing I liked in the update? I can't think of any....
    Remember guys,this is my opinion
    I can't be the only one who feels this way. From my point of view, it made the game less. likable.
    Post edited by AndersXievers on
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    Jedi32259 wrote: »
    As a business owner and father of three kids I've never really had time to play many games. After finding this game, I loved it because I could hop in an out real quick and it didn't take too much time unless I wanted it to. At this point, I can't even beat the STR challenge and I have level all 73 7* players. I don't want to have to be on my phone all day long in order to "keep up" at the top. I've been ranked in top 50 on server for last two months and this may have push me away from the game completely.

    This is my biggest concern as well, after doing challenges and GW today. This update drastically increased the amount of time GW and challenges take (just wait until Sunday challenges!). This may be compounded shortly by the introduction of guild activities, which traditionally are time-consuming.

    I really like the balance introduced in the update, especially for arena. I'm fine with needing a deeper bench for GW and challenges - it seems like that incentivizes spending on completing a bigger collection of toons.

    There are two major problems with the update, however:
    (1) the time commitment is too big, and
    (2) new players are screwed.

    Re (2), because GW and challenges scale up with your level/power, not when you started (like arena), even a heavy spender won't have a deep enough bench for these things if they're new. And without being able to complete GW and challenges, the gear and credit grind will be even worse. Something needs to be done so that, e.g., a level 75 player who spent $500 and started a month ago isn't now stuck.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    dal4fsu wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    People complain about speed and one hit kills and lack of arena diversity.... So they slow the game down, lower damage and increase arena diversity and everyone loses their minds!

    Who the hell said to "slow the game down"? People wanted the speed advantage to not be so pronounced, not bring the game to a freaking crawl and add stupid "protection/shields". They messed with stuff that didn't need to be messed with. A simple power rebalance would have been perfectly fine to prevent 1 and 2-hit kills. That would have fixed a lot of arena and game issues.

    A power rebalance? That would slow the game down...if you want less damage you want it slower. Why not just increase all damage and everyone gets one hit kill! Why plan attacks when you can just auto all battles.

    People complained all over about 30 second battles. You must be new to the forums if you haven't seen these complaints.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Enough is enough. I am DONE. All of my months of hard work were completely demolished in one afternoon of updates.

    I spent the $60 for the Bariss pack only to have her changed a week later. I **** it up and moved on.
    I bought the $100 Kylo Ren guarantee after TFA because I had some extra X-MAS money laying around was buzzing about the film.
    I bought countless chests of crystals (MOST POPULAR!) to help me get my Jedis up to 7* for the Yoda challenge.
    I bought even MORE countless chests of crystals for energy refreshes to get my Anakin to 7*.

    Now ALL of it has been taken away. You swindled me. This is a completely unacceptable way to run your business and I have already requested a refund in FULL. If I am not granted that refund in FULL I will strongly consider taking legal action.

    That is all.

    Lol legal action. Give me a break. You got what you paid for. They didn't take anything away.

    How about you play the game for more than a minute. You might like the changes.
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    It's always fun to get a kick out of all the whiners after an update comes out.... No one wants to have to work for anything anymore. Good patch by the way. Tha protection aspect really looks great. This is going to force people to have to think about strats rather than just face rolling their phones. Keep up the good work and am looking forward to the raid!!!!

    Take a look at this thread man, and at the ratings in the store, this was a very bad update.
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    Darth_Kong wrote: »
    How do I get my money back, now that the game is ruined and the characters I worked hard to build are worthless??

    I second this. I'd like a full freaking refund. I used to love the game.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Darth_Kong wrote: »
    How do I get my money back, now that the game is ruined and the characters I worked hard to build are worthless??

    I second this. I'd like a full freaking refund. I used to love the game.

    Used to? As in 12 hours ago?

    People played this game for six months and quit in 6 hours. People need to relax and give it a shot.
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    This is by far the worst update Ive ever seen on a game. I'm really disappoiment
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    Barrok wrote: »
    Darth_Kong wrote: »
    How do I get my money back, now that the game is ruined and the characters I worked hard to build are worthless??

    I second this. I'd like a full freaking refund. I used to love the game.

    Used to? As in 12 hours ago?

    People played this game for six months and quit in 6 hours. People need to relax and give it a shot.

    When I installed the game, it grabbed me, it was addictive, I could do some missions between work, before breakfast, etc. It was entertaining, and I felt this within the first 10 minutes of playing. I don't feel that. And if you look through the history here, that's the GENERAL OPINION.
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    Update is pretty bad. Playable? Yeah for now. But the PvE enemy health bars need to have the same adjustment as our character health bars and wait till you start seeing full tank squads in arena that you simply can't kill in 5 minutes and you just get a draw. Not so fun.
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    I really hope the rollback comes out soon..
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    Jabba88 wrote: »
    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    For everyone complaining about time consumption, you must not have played HODA. lol

    See everybody? As long as there are worse games, who cares if this one is now a time sink that you don't want to waste your lives on?

    Some people just don't get it.

    Oh brother. Sorry CG didn't tailor the game to your specific needs. Maybe the Jabba patch will be next. BTW, this isn't convenient for me either. Also, I quit HODA because of it's time requirements.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
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    Barrok wrote: »
    Darth_Kong wrote: »
    How do I get my money back, now that the game is ruined and the characters I worked hard to build are worthless??

    I second this. I'd like a full freaking refund. I used to love the game.

    Used to? As in 12 hours ago?

    People played this game for six months and quit in 6 hours. People need to relax and give it a shot.

    Give it a shot, you mean like play the game since December only to see it ruined in one update? An update which was suppose to improve the game not destroy it. This update broke the game.
    Han Solo: No time to discuss this as a committee. Princess Leia: I am not a committee!
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    Anyone else noticing in the arena that Phasma squads are getting about 50% plus ally assist rates, regardless of whether they are First Order? It's happening consistently since yesterday.
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    gobears21 wrote: »
    Completely not a fan right now.... the battles take TOO long; they ruined the sound effects / display graphics on dodges and the super attacks being all silent etc and I completely don't understand why we need a "health 2" stat.... if they wanted to balance health and damage they could have just updated health and damage; we didn't need to code for months to add this thing in there.

    Not a fan at all either. "Protection" took my team that was great and has made them incredibly easy to beat. EA update fail - time to find a new game, which is too bad because I really enjoyed this one until the update :(
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    I agree with almost everyone's posts except the ones who think this update is acceptable( they must be the ones shelling out thousands of dollars to be the top players). I am not a person who loves things to be simple and face roll the whole game, there does need to be some challenge to a game. But the main reason people play a game is for some satisfaction and enjoyment. If a player is not satisfied, they will move onto something more enjoyable, leaving a customer base that is making good money. They either need to roll back this update or fix the poor balance they put into this game. People are right to complain about having to do an AI grind that takes twice as long as it used to. People have put in their time and levelled their characters so that they CAN auto farm the lower levels for mats and gear. And beefing up the trash AI before the main event is ridiculous. I am going to keep playing for couple days to see if they rebalance the game, but if not, I will just move on.
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    No time to read all the posts, so apologies if I repeat what others have said. Overall, I think the update fixed some issues, and caused some others. Specific observations after playing for one day with the changes across 2 accounts, one on iOS and one on Android:

    1) Arena: I think the update worked great for this venue. Didn't have a single one shot hit from either side. Didn't feel like any of my characters were 'nerfed' nor were any overpowered. I like 'protection' in this application. It made the battles last beyond the 2nd round, making healers, turn meter manipulators, etc. much more relevant.

    2) Challenges: Didn't see any difference in the bounty hunter challenge. I ran it on auto as usual after playing one live to test out protection for the 1st time. The STR challenge was a lot harder though. I think the balancing went over the top. I tried to beat the top level challenge 3 times, used up the bonuses from killing the droids, and was unable to kill both bosses with a fully maxed team before I was nuked from orbit. I came close once, but this wasn't fun, and I certainly wouldn't have time to do this 5x per day to gather resources.

    3) New Content: I happened to be building a full team of Ewoks on my iOS account, so this challenge was a nice bonus. It was fun, and gives me a reason to keep building that team. The Omega challenge was interesting... I happened to have the full required squad on one account but not the other. Hopefully the squad composition required will change from day to day, as I'm not even close to unlocking the other needed characters.

    4) LS/DS Battles: I played one of these to see how my characters would do under the new rules. It was a level 7 LS battle, and didn't seem any harder or easier than it was before. The AI targeted and killed my weakest character, but not sure if that was intentional or just bad RNG with a sample size of one.

    5) Galactic War: I beat GW on both of my accounts last night, but it was much more challenging than usual. I ended up down to half a health bar on my last character when I won on my 1st account. I usually walk through with my main team. On the one hand, I thought it was a lot of fun, and I really had to use some strategy and think about what I was doing to win. On the other hand, it took nearly an hour to get through each GW, which is just too long. I used to get through them in 20-30 minutes each. Also, while I think protection is awesome in arena, it needs to be changed for GW. Either it needs to reset after every fight, the opponents need to not have it, or the matching needs to bring in lower level opponents to account for it. Since the player's team will have lost their protection by round 2 or 3, the opponents now have a lot more health than you do, and it makes each battle take longer, with more heals, retreats, and lineup switching required to beat. It's certainly beatable, but it just takes too long.

    Overall, I think this was a really good start, and should lay the foundation for much more balanced gameplay with players able to use the full stable of available characters. Looking forward to its evolution over time.
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    Barrok wrote: »
    dal4fsu wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    People complain about speed and one hit kills and lack of arena diversity.... So they slow the game down, lower damage and increase arena diversity and everyone loses their minds!

    Who the hell said to "slow the game down"? People wanted the speed advantage to not be so pronounced, not bring the game to a freaking crawl and add stupid "protection/shields". They messed with stuff that didn't need to be messed with. A simple power rebalance would have been perfectly fine to prevent 1 and 2-hit kills. That would have fixed a lot of arena and game issues.

    A power rebalance? That would slow the game down...if you want less damage you want it slower. Why not just increase all damage and everyone gets one hit kill! Why plan attacks when you can just auto all battles.

    People complained all over about 30 second battles. You must be new to the forums if you haven't seen these complaints.

    Hey, I'm still winning in the arena, that isn't what I am talking about. Although, I do think Qui-Gon's speed adv for Jedi was too powerful. I'm talking about PVE toons being rebalanced too powerful. Challenge is one thing, having to be top lvl and get lucky? That is for playing on PC and Platforms, not mobile apps designed to be a fun time-wasters. All these mobile games want to be full platform/PC games, but aren't willing to recognize that isn't really the customer core of the mobile environment. Just my opinion of course.

    I don't really care about being "top 10 on my server" like some others. I just want a fun time wasting game in my favorite star wars environment. I didn't mind that it was easy at times as I had to work hard to build my toons to get to that point. It felt like a reward to me by that time. Not so "rewarding" anymore.
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    Lol legal action. Give me a break. You got what you paid for. They didn't take anything away.

    How about you play the game for more than a minute. You might like the changes.[/quote]

    No, the thing is I DIDN'T get what I paid for. If I HAD what I PAID for there wouldn't be a problem.
    Class action lawsuits have been filed and WON on lesser grounds than what EA is doing.

  • Monxie
    559 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Seriously, we need to have a 10 minute limit to the arena matches instead of 5 minutes. 5 minutes was enough so far since I haven't faced tanky teams, but it won't be in the future. Everybody will have a 7* RG within 3 weeks.

    My question to the developers is; Why not just increase the general health and decrease the general damage instead?

    I guess the answer to that is new characters with abilities that's relevant due to the protection. Abilities to remove and add protection. Which is quite lame since that purpose would be to give the toons we've built less relevance.

    I think the annoying thing about the update is that SOME of the toon we've build for the last months are now quite irrelevant, or at least the team set up we've built is now irrelevant. Now you can't have a great team without a tank, but that makes sense from a neutral point of view.

    My arena team used to be Dooku, Sid, Yoda, QGJ and Lumi, very random and based around speed, so I obviously need to look at different options in order to compete. Btw, aren't Dooku and Sid kinda useless now, since nobody is going to play Jedi anymore?

    That's also weird. A Star Wars game with average Jedi toons? What the heck happened there?
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