4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    Just finished an arena battle in 1 minute and 54 seconds to climb into #42 spot, 4 more to go today. Are we all playing the same game???
    [LWI] | 298-352-583
  • Shadowhunter
    73 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Just finished an arena battle in 1 minute and 54 seconds to climb into #42 spot, 4 more to go today. Are we all playing the same game???
    Wait until you Face a Kylo Ren , RG , Savage , Vader all G9 Team with Dooku as Leader and try to beat them all in 5 Minutes ... I get 3 Timeouts :wink:

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    What a terrible upgrade! The new characteristic is totally nonsense and making The game more difficult Will Not help You To make It more fun. Change It ASAP or personally i'll leave The game.
  • DevTore
    174 posts Member
    Posting this here because I think it just got/gets lost on reddit as only gripe threads get upvoted and visibility/responses there.

    A copy of my reddit feedback:

    I've been playing since about Jan 10th and have spent about $200 on the game (actually a lil more but that more was totally wasted on buying packs that gave me shards and characters i don't and probably won't use, it was a waste, i firmly believe buying crystals and using them for refreshes, or buying packs for set toons like the droid pack and ewok packs are the only good packs to buy). So i spent about $200 effectively over 3 full months of play.

    My thoughts are:

    I'm having more fun than ever with the game.

    I'm able to compete with a wide variety of characters and win battles i could never possibly win before, but they're challenging, not easy.

    I really still would like to be able to try Old Ben as my leader if the team would be so kind as to fix that leader ability so it actually applies to the whole team, not just Ben.

    Magma trooper is a very cool hero, but him triggering a dodge and offense up against the ENTIRE enmy team is a lil bit of a downside. Of course this only happens vs a certain leader i believe...sigh.

    Galactic War was really no more challenging than before. Fought a lot of capped 73/74 teams and didn't have an issue, had to swap out a toon twice and restart maybe 3 fights, no different than before really. The protection DID NOT add time to the war in the net balance because the tuned damage allowed me to recover from heavy hits instead of having to restart the battle. Total time spent: about the same as before.

    Circling back a bit, Arena has been really fun since the full update for me, but the clock needs to be extended cause...some fights i spend full time on are getting really close to that 5 minutes. I think a clock extension to 6:30 would be in order.

    Complaints i've read about pvp taking too long make no sense as it's active playing and folks have been complaining about the game being just hit a few buttons then put down for 8 to 24 hours then play again. This gives more real play, i like it. I LOVE it so far.

    The droid for android and ewok for ios + the omega for everyone events were perfectly designed and timed to give everyone a bigger deeper more advanced roster to take better advantage of the changes which favor bigger deeper rosters. This was well thought out, if it was thought out, the omega event is a nice training boost right now to folks suddenly needing a few new toons trained up more fully.

    Omega event refresh is so awefully pay to win since we can't otherwise get those yet. I feel this was a step too far allowing the omega reward to be refreshed. A step way too far, very very disappointed that particular one is refreshable. Providing the same possible quantity to everyone woulda made a lot more sense with this being the only way to get them right now rather than allowing a whale to equip many characters with full omega and a FTP to equip one. If anoither way to get them was already in game that would make more sense as an option, but it's not, so bad bad money grab on that one.

    Overall first impression of update is favorable. My greatest concern at this point is too much negative posting about it causing reversion or worsening of the changes that feel good.

    I got like one response to this on reddit so far and it was someone saying they basically agree and linking to their thoughts.


    Its sad that the devs made the actual play better, but the facerollers/auto-button crowd will likely persuade them to undo it. Really dont understand why they "play" at all if all they want to do is hit auto.

    The changes make it a much better game and i really hope the devs have the courage of their convictions and stick with it.
    "No Hassle" guild, for those who want star wars, not drama wars!
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    This update drained a lot of fun from the game. The Galactic war is ridiculous now. Having to deplete the Protection that's full for the other teams, yet yours doesn't regenerate at all once gone.
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    Watching light sabers whiff right over Yoda's head is pretty funny. That otherwise looked like a pretty frustrating battle.

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    Watching light sabers whiff right over Yoda's head is pretty funny. That otherwise looked like a pretty frustrating battle.

    I very much wanted to throw my phone at points... All I can hope is that this "balance" update actually becomes balanced.
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    EA, Disney, and LucasArts have doubled down on screwing loyal Star Wars fans with this recent 4/14 update. This was my favorite mobile device game. After months and months of play and some real money invested I developed a top performing squad. This update wiped all of that out. This update wasn't tuning, it was a decimation of the game mechanics. They say it is to make the game more fun and enjoyable, but interesting enough it play directly into them forcing seasoned players to spend huge amounts of money to get back to even par. This game is now 100% pay to win. They nerfed the game royally, destroyed what made it fun. The Star Wars brand and fans deserve better than this garbage. Micro-transaction models like this are out of control, it's profiteering at its worst. This game has always had a seriously flawed AI, with ridiculously unbalanced characters Count Dooku. It's clear the Sith are in charge at EA, because anyone who really loved the Star Wars franchise would call a foul on this kind of abuse. I guess it's time to find a different game and stop spending my money on anything EA touches. #starwarsshame
    Invader Zim
    Sigma Deathwatch
    Rivals? We Ain't Got None!
  • _Wong64
    233 posts Member
    Gungnir75 wrote: »
    Everyone asks for balance bc Gs and Rey ohko everything in sight. What are we getting a nerf to everyone that countered them while they stay almost untouched??????
    Just looking at the changes its clear that no one really paid attention to what was happening. I mean come on Barris was so OP she needed her wet noodle attack nerfed?
    You pushed and pumped the Yoda event , thousands of people dumped endless resources into Jedi to get Yoda. What do we get ? Those Insanly OP Jedi that can't really hit for more than 5k nerfed and Yoda basically made useless????????

    So this is balance?????
    No this is unfair i spent my time and money to build a jedi team and get a 7* yoda and now he is trash i really feel cheated having spent to get him and now he is worthless
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    Wait until you Face a Kylo Ren , RG , Savage , Vader all G9 Team with Dooku as Leader and try to beat them all in 5 Minutes ... I get 3 Timeouts :wink:

    Maybe, that dang Dodge is a time waster, but fixing one toon (that I rock regularly...so don't call me anti-Dooku) would fix the issue. Not reverting back to the times of GS/QJG/Dooku/Lumi/Sid/Rey on every team. I am not buying that EVERYBODY'S times went up as dramatically as they are saying. Just nailed another one in 2:20. give it some time people, we are only on day 1. My GW was about the same real-world time, and arena is about the same.
    [LWI] | 298-352-583
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    I wished I was a fish,
    Not the lemon herby dish,
    But the one that runs in gaming fun,
    To pluck up every wish.

    So I opened up my wallet wide,
    Though to other players I simply lied,
    For I did not want to bonafide that
    I was pay to play (deep inside).

    Amazed was I when what I'd bought
    Instead of fun was simply not,
    The game creator took great aim
    And pierced my heart- a harpoon shot.

    Why did you crush my little dream?
    I will buy my wish from another team!
    But my heart still aches and wanders
    To the wishes I was wishing,
    And to what it seemed would be a world,
    Where wishes were like fishes,
    And my joy was in the fishing.

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    This absolutely sucks. I finally got to a point where I was able to start beating some of these higher challenges to get some of the gear to upgrade some of my characters, and now it seems like I've fallen 2 levels backwards. I can't beat any of the ones I use to beat, and the ones below that level are almost unbeatable. The energy bars suck now, I can't tell, especially in arena, which characters are gonna be harder to beat than some of the easier ones. I'm not dropping a lot of money on these games, so this has basically made it unplayable from where it was just a day ago.
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    Made an account just to add my thoughts in hope they listen.
    Terrible update designed to get you to buy more shards so it might be possible to beat GW, challenges, etc. This is a mobile app game, not an epic role playing game. It is meant to be played quickly when you have a few minutes to kill.
    They disabled rating in the app strore, haha. They must realize this is a disaster.
    EA, I hope you listen to everyone.
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    I'm not an auto player and I still believe this update is destroying the game. I've been playing since day one and it's basically like I have to start all over again all the characters I got leveled and 7 stars are now pretty much useless and I have to find new ones that work with this new update so I have to spend even more money just to get back to where I was yesterday.
  • Vastion_Cread
    192 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Bgcastle9 wrote: »
    Made an account just to add my thoughts in hope they listen.
    Terrible update designed to get you to buy more shards so it might be possible to beat GW, challenges, etc. This is a mobile app game, not an epic role playing game. It is meant to be played quickly when you have a few minutes to kill.
    They disabled rating in the app strore, haha. They must realize this is a disaster.
    EA, I hope you listen to everyone.


    I remember it being at 4.5 stars... This update has killed it's review rating.
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    BAD UPDATE! This is my second post. Took about 20 minutes longer for GW. Also, i had a character with full health die after my opponent had one turn. I thought the point was to make it so that couldn't happen?! This is a Rebellion Right?
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    With this new protection update my characters suck now! Their ability to take more damage is several affected. What's up with that!?! I can't compete anymore! Fix this!
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    You can't vote 1* or 5* in the first day the update rolls. That's just being impulsive. Sorry but i think you need to give it a week. If you feel same way, go ahead and 1* it. This update is the best thing that's ever happened to arena so far. I don't know if i will feel the same about GW. Challenges are broken, (or at least i think they are, the AGI today was a pain and it was the 2nd easier one out of them all for me) and they over-estimated what fortitude really does in them. Also, i will forever be upset about what they did to Yoda.
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    This update is absolutely horrible. Challenges that were moderately difficult are now impossible even with my elite team. The galactic wars are 5x more difficult as well. I won't be spending any more money on this game if this is the way it's staying. I'll go to a different game. This one used to be great.
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    Reyezra wrote: »
    They just erased 6 weeks worth of work. Hate this update. I thought improvements were supposed to make things better.

    I totally agree, I have spent 3 times as long today just doing daily achievements. This is taking too much time from my personal life, if this is going to be work I should be getting PAID!!! How much longer do we have to put up with this till its fixed????
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    Before this update, it tooks me about 30 minutes in game every day, I can enjoy almost all PVE content, and feel fun in PVP even I get beat most of time.
    Now what? I have to waste 1 HR in galaxy wars and watch all my elite chars get wipe out at half of map, I have about 1/3 chance to complete gw map before update and took only 10 minutes most.
    And challenge mission? **** is that GOD MODE Mace Wendo? I can barely pass level IV before update and feel 'challenge' indeed, now I can only pass level II, because even mobs in level III can chew out my entire team.
    Now I'll afk a while, before I smash my phone on the floor or something worse happend. GJ EA, thnaks for ruining a potential IP again.
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    This update had nothing that we asked for and in my opinion made interpreting health and damage taken even harder. The way it used to be was perfect and it didn't need anything done to it. It's makes sense to have all the little more precise ticks of health instead of these fat bars now. And the shielding wasn't even needed in the game it's just making things more difficult for everyone. I hope EA actually listens to our complaints this time instead of throwing new random stuff at us that is not wanted. Like maybe fixing the shard shop or not messing with yoda. This new update makes me want to delete the game like many others are doing.
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    1. No Star Wars character in history had a constant shield. It's a stupid concept.
    2. Game play time increased when I have little time to play. 15 mins to play one match is too much time to spend. Total game time to complete all daily challenges when I run out of SIM will make me choose to continue playing.
    3. My characters appear to be weaker but can't tell yet. Some went up some went down. My "I'm going to bank all my matches on this/these characters" just went out the window.
    4. All matches are not equal, not that they need to be but why do the AI characters still have the same power setup as before and I knew have a halo of a shield but seemingly weaker?
    5. It's a much harder game. All good, that's awesome for the game and those that have time to circumvent these constant upgrades of play but I can't even hit auto on basic challenges and think I'm going to win.
    6. I started the game to get as many characters as I could and enjoy Star Wars daily. My "let's play for a sec while I've got 2 mins to spare" is gone.
    7. No chance I'll complete much. How can you take level 73 power players who have been playing since day 1 and go, well you're time and money has changed now. Now you need to. Reset your entire strategy. It's just not fun.
  • Magisto
    384 posts Member
    10 minutes most, eh?
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    Decent however personally I believe the galactic war section needs tweaking. If the characters lose shields the should be available again next battle. Or as an alternative for example once the opposing characters shields are destroyed they shouldn't get them back next time they are in battle either. There should be no duplication of effort or for that matter at least make things even.
  • Jdm1a0
    180 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    7. No chance I'll complete much. How can you take level 73 power players who have been playing since day 1 and go, well you're time and money has changed now. Now you need to. Reset your entire strategy. It's just not fun.

    What, thats exactly what it is. Change is a must in strategy, otherwise its really..not...strategy. Doing the exact same thing over and over bc you know doing it that way means youll win bc the circumstances dont change. Thats not really strategy, thats what everyone is claiming this new update is...a broken game. Except some believe the broken game was before the update. Now we have something new, and people partially dont like it because they dont know how to win yet
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    the first of many for you.

    And Lol and yoda doing 2500 damage with a boost
  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
    This is a sound solution tbh
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    Wait until you Face a Kylo Ren , RG , Savage , Vader all G9 Team with Dooku as Leader and try to beat them all in 5 Minutes ... I get 3 Timeouts :wink:

    Maybe, that dang Dodge is a time waster, but fixing one toon (that I rock regularly...so don't call me anti-Dooku) would fix the issue. Not reverting back to the times of GS/QJG/Dooku/Lumi/Sid/Rey on every team. I am not buying that EVERYBODY'S times went up as dramatically as they are saying. Just nailed another one in 2:20. give it some time people, we are only on day 1. My GW was about the same real-world time, and arena is about the same.

    Even if you werent lying, there is FAR more people having the exact opposite problem.

    So EA should listen to the bulk of their users.....
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