4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    Sorry EA. I hope you take all this feedback into account. Some of it is ok, even a little bit of everything that you have done is ok, but you tried to hard and drastically changed so much so quickly that you have lost many clients. Even I play less and I literally played at every point I could. Now I just don't care. That's a bad thing if you want people to like this game
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    The only protection "Protection" offers is protection from spending more money and time on this game. I support the idea of balancing speed DPS teams so we can have some more team config variety but the new health system is awful.
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    They also took away some characters power and ruined some characters moves like Captain Phasm's advantage
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    @DrewN76 congrats for the arena ranking jump. From 78 to 3 was a big jump. Oh wait, maybe you should check whether ppl with rank 77 to 4 still play the game.
    Me i can get rank #1 arena almost everyday, but still this update makes me think whether i should continue playing or not. Arena is only 1 aspect of the game. The rest are **** up now.
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    The 'Protection' sucks. Galactic March has gone from ridiculously difficult to absolutely impossible.

    Also, Daily Achievements have not re-appeared after 01:00 BST. The clock has reset, but daily achievements are not listed!
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    This update has honestly ruined the game. Everyone has already spoken about the crap field that is now totally unbalanced challenges, GWs etc. So I don't think I need to bother going on about how my 100% gear level 7 team (so all had protection), all minimum level 65, got annihilated by the challenge two tiers down from my usual, but when Kylo's 'outrage' attack deals less damage than Asajj Ventress' basic (just one example of the same bulls***) it makes me want to simply uninstall a game that I previously couldn't put down. It's ridiculous, I get that they're trying to balance for the arena, but it will not work across all modes, and for someone like me who focuses on challenges, wars etc. It ruins it completely, especially how much time and effort went into earning Yoda among many other characters that took weeks and months collecting shards for and it was all just a waste, because they're now useless! The game is at least 75% match/game play and that's now gone, I'm guessing so are most users until EA swallow their pride and go back to their successful game or pull their fingers out and make it so as every mode feels special again and realistic difficulty to player level, not to mention much much better character damage balance fixed (and again, I'm all for fast characters to have less damage and vice versa but not when a special attack that focuses on one enemy does less than slower character's basic attacks).

    I'm sorry for going on so much, but I don't think I've ever been so disappointed and dissatisfied with something I once liked so much being changed in such a drastically awful way.

    Please fix it, EA. Give us our fun game back.
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    The more I play the worse the gameplay feels, here's my feedback:

    Protection seems pointless it's wiped out in 1 or 2 hits and does not regenerate so in GW you constantly have to wipe out protection while your characters having none.

    The health bar is dreadful it doesn't seem to go down evenly for a start the last hit always seems to take a huge chunk away where if it was first hit it's a tiny amount.

    Challenges are so hard and I know they felt a bit easy before but some people had trouble with them for example the tank one I could only do level iv manually and with great difficulty. Now I'm struggling to even do the level below.

    The gameplay itself seems sluggish and unappealing with the dodges seeming to happen far to often and just generally look dreadful with the swipes of thin air

    I'm a P2P player that doesn't have that much resources to invest but I have and I agree with the others the fun has gone slightly it's more of a chore to do the daily activities and I'm not one to complain but ....

    I think looking from the responses just bite the bullet and admit what you have tried has gone wrong for the sake of the game it needs to revert back as for me the changes actually seem to limit team changes because those who can't proceed far in GW or complete the high level challenges can't actually improve their characters to adapt to the change which in the end just ruins it for everyone when they have already invested so much time I like change but I think it's just a change to far

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    OMG just had first go at GW after update. Completely ruined. Whole team wiped out 4 stages early. There's little point in improving team now. I'm out
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    Remember review on App Store or Google Play!
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    Kothas wrote: »
    Sometimes it's really hard to pick out the EA employees paid to comment, and other times it's way too easy.

    99% of the people hate this update, for many of the same reasons. Its a mobile game, yeah there's SOME strategy involved, but we're talking about a game for kids to adults on the same playing field... How much strategy do you really think there's going to be.

    It's a diversion, from work, school, etc. I'm not interested in spending 5 minutes on a mini game to farm resources at a level 1 to 3 levels lower because suddenly my starting lineup isn't that great anymore, and the resources I can source aren't useful to me because I already have 200 and can't sell the excess anyways.

    The game is better because there's no quick kills...??? Really? That was your ONE problem with the game huh? I got nuked by Rey, so I went out and farmed my own. The better solution would've been to make her miss more, or slow her down, or back the power off - you make tweeks to a game, you don't neuter the hardest hitting characters and make them second rate

    ....unless you're a company that's just interested in resetting the stat lines so it'll force people to pay to play at a competitive level again.

    Now go ahead EA paid to comment people, take this post apart - after all the 99% of us saying this update sucks will clearly be swayed by the **** you've been pumping out for the last 48 hours, if you will only just keep reposting it.

    Yes!! ^^^
  • Peempo
    403 posts Member
    Love the new update to be honest, a few things though. Anakin - now does even worse damage, has solid HP/protection and offers some utility... The problem is with him doing barely more damage than barriss, what purpose does he serve now? He can't heal, something needs to be tweaked there imo.

    Also, arena, I love the diversity we have now, destroying the speed meta was great for this game, but are we increasing arena match times to 6-7m now? Cause the new strategy seems to be, get a high position then set the tankiest people in your line up so noone can finish your squad in 5m. Seems counterintuitive. Just my two cents though.
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    I have a question if they don't change the game can they max all our people out level with 7 stars and so on and give us free crystals for a year I read somewhere they did the update to make it fair so people could get new people out of the game by taking away credits you earn in the battle arna anyway EA messed this game up like they do with everything else take a great game trash it then try to fix it in a year or two I'm 42 and seen a lot of their not so bright ideas history just keeps repeated by a company that don't care about their customers
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    If we give bad reviews till they fix it it will deter future customers and if they don't fix it then we stop playing and then their update to "keep this game alive" is its end. Once they fix the game we can fix our reviews and keep giving these jerks money but I can't tell you how many times I've seen EA do this crap and people suck it up. No! We are the customers we play the game we want. Without us EA is nothing
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    Jdm1a0 wrote: »
    7. No chance I'll complete much. How can you take level 73 power players who have been playing since day 1 and go, well you're time and money has changed now. Now you need to. Reset your entire strategy. It's just not fun.

    What, thats exactly what it is. Change is a must in strategy, otherwise its really..not...strategy. Doing the exact same thing over and over bc you know doing it that way means youll win bc the circumstances dont change. Thats not really strategy, thats what everyone is claiming this new update is...a broken game. Except some believe the broken game was before the update. Now we have something new, and people partially dont like it because they dont know how to win yet

    Actually it's because we all spent $ getting where we are. This update resets what we did and now they expect us to spend even more $ chasing the carrot. Fine and dandy but it's the uneducated way of getting players to spend $ on an app. Try doing what the majority ask for not what the minority is complaining about.
  • Leo1
    23 posts Member
    in the Update patchnotes when you read the speed balance you can find this:
    Speed will now be more important in calibration of a character’s damage output. Generally speaking, faster acting characters will see a damage reduction and slower characters will see an increase.
    Now, Playing the update we can see:
    faster acting characters will see a damage reduction (OK, that is working)
    slower characters will see an increase.: THAT DID NOT HAPPEN, slower character see a reduction to!!! that is UNFAIR and i feel cheated
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    Peempo wrote: »
    Love the new update to be honest, a few things though. Anakin - now does even worse damage, has solid HP/protection and offers some utility... The problem is with him doing barely more damage than barriss, what purpose does he serve now? He can't heal, something needs to be tweaked there imo.

    Also, arena, I love the diversity we have now, destroying the speed meta was great for this game, but are we increasing arena match times to 6-7m now? Cause the new strategy seems to be, get a high position then set the tankiest people in your line up so noone can finish your squad in 5m. Seems counterintuitive. Just my two cents though.

    One plus in a sea of negatives. This update was a rushed untested and barely thought out failure
  • MrJx3
    257 posts Member
    I've played many games with turn based gameplay, rarity with 1-7 stars, strategy, etc. I've found that with these types of games, the ones I've played the longest or enjoyed the most were the ones with just the right amount/balance of action and collecting. What I mean by this is that the games or rounds were not too short, but short enough for you to want more and not become tedious. The collecting part is basically finding which characters you find the most appealing and effective, find the right balance (tank, healer, etc.), and look for synergies. The best part about these types of games were that you can simply do your daily, challenges, campaign, whatever and spread it throughout your free time without consuming too much of your time. Usually the right mix was 50/50 or 40/60 action/collecting. While strategy was involved in the action, a lot of the strategy was thinking which characters to use, which was the best for the situation, best gear that compliments them, etc. The previous update was a perfect balance of this. Not too much thinking where it becomes a chess match and too time consuming for little rewards. Which is a whole other topic for another time. I really hope devs read this, you guys made a good game and had a wonderful thing going, please don't mess it up by screwing up that balance.
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    I'm given the new game play a chance as at first I was just as disappointed as everyone else and have some issues with it.

    Tanks are way too powerful (everyone already mentioned the rg. Jedi knight guardian has way too much health, 4* character is better than a 7* character. That would be ok if the special didn't crush the protection bar, 2 tosses and protection is gone).

    I will admit the challenges were a joke and needed to be increased it was basically free gear and credits but the strength one was a joke yesterday (had more success putting in a 3* fotp than a 7* sidious). I do enjoy a challenge but my 7* gear 8 abilities 7 characters are getting crushed and the protection bar is basically a waste. Also cool story how the computer seemed to increase its hm but all our characters hm shrunk drastically.

    How do you justify throttling yoda down? He should be powerful cause 1) he's yoda and 2) cause it isn't easy to level up 5 Jedis to get him. Plus by throttling down everyone's toons you basically made everyone's players since the beginning useless. If anyone wins its the new players who won't have to struggle to rank up in the squad arena.

    Overall it has a chance to work but seems like it was rushed do to the number of simple issues that should have never been a problem
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    Lesson number 1: never mess with people's hard earned stats
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    I don't like the new protection, especially in Galactic War. Protection doesn't regen for every battle for your team, unless you start every battle with an entirely new team, but I've now faced three opponents in a row that have full protection added to full health. Not a big deal unless said opponent is lvl 71+ with a maxed team (7-star, lvl 71+ on all team members). And think that health has been cut by about a third.
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    Barrok wrote: »
    People complain about speed and one hit kills and lack of arena diversity.... So they slow the game down, lower damage and increase arena diversity and everyone loses their minds!

    Because it screwed everything else up... The speed meta was frustrating but manageable. The ONLY PLACE this update makes sense is PvP.
    15 posts Member
    What is with the shields? Absolutely unnecessary imo. Small rant, I also don't like how the health bars of more resilient units ie. Cpt. Phasma have been shrunk down. idc if you don't like my post/rant I am just voicing my opinion on this update. Anyone else not enjoying it?
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    Peempo wrote: »
    Love the new update to be honest, a few things though. Anakin - now does even worse damage, has solid HP/protection and offers some utility... The problem is with him doing barely more damage than barriss, what purpose does he serve now? He can't heal, something needs to be tweaked there imo.

    Also, arena, I love the diversity we have now, destroying the speed meta was great for this game, but are we increasing arena match times to 6-7m now? Cause the new strategy seems to be, get a high position then set the tankiest people in your line up so noone can finish your squad in 5m. Seems counterintuitive. Just my two cents though.

    lol. diversity.


    Dooku LEad

    That is every team now.....awesome diversity.

    want diversity, change everything back and make teams consist of only 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 attacker and 2 support.

    No go tell that to your cubicle mates at EA
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    Wolfpack22 wrote: »
    I'm given the new game play a chance as at first I was just as disappointed as everyone else and have some issues with it.

    Tanks are way too powerful (everyone already mentioned the rg. Jedi knight guardian has way too much health, 4* character is better than a 7* character. That would be ok if the special didn't crush the protection bar, 2 tosses and protection is gone).

    I will admit the challenges were a joke and needed to be increased it was basically free gear and credits but the strength one was a joke yesterday (had more success putting in a 3* fotp than a 7* sidious). I do enjoy a challenge but my 7* gear 8 abilities 7 characters are getting crushed and the protection bar is basically a waste. Also cool story how the computer seemed to increase its hm but all our characters hm shrunk drastically.

    How do you justify throttling yoda down? He should be powerful cause 1) he's yoda and 2) cause it isn't easy to level up 5 Jedis to get him. Plus by throttling down everyone's toons you basically made everyone's players since the beginning useless. If anyone wins its the new players who won't have to struggle to rank up in the squad arena.

    Overall it has a chance to work but seems like it was rushed do to the number of simple issues that should have never been a problem

    the challenges were fine as they gave a few things to the players who took the time to play them some of the MASSIVE amounts of purple gear that was needed to level. A way to keep FTP a little bit closer to Whales.
    15 posts Member
    Update is complete garbage #MakeSWGOHgreatAgain
    15 posts Member
    If we give bad reviews till they fix it it will deter future customers and if they don't fix it then we stop playing and then their update to "keep this game alive" is its end. Once they fix the game we can fix our reviews and keep giving these jerks money but I can't tell you how many times I've seen EA do this crap and people suck it up. No! We are the customers we play the game we want. Without us EA is nothing

  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I doubt I have anything to add that hasn't already been said, but I figure I'll give my feedback because I think I'm a pretty reasonable person.

    All things considered I think the changes are a net positive, but--for me--the big issue is that I don't really understand a lot of the decisions made.

    For example, I understand from various developer posts that one of the goals was to promote diversity in high end Arena battles by disincentivising certain strategies (Assist trains, super speed, etc). They did that by adding Protection. And, in that regard, I think they met their goal. So I get that. But why use Protection in Squad Cantina, or in the Normal/Hard boards? Was there a problem with that? More importantly, by using Protection in Galactic War, high end players are going to have an increased challenge--but should wind up completing it, because they have a nice, deep bench to draw from. For newer players, however, the increased difficulty by giving each team an extra ~2000hp per character makes the campaign TOO difficult. Our Protection doesn't last more than a couple matches, but they've got full Protection (and fresh cooldowns, meaning the first turn almost always consists of Sidious and Phasma's AoE) at the start of each battle.

    I've only played yesterday's and today's challenges, but was able to do the Healer/Support, Credits, and Training Droid challenges well enough. My only real issue with them is that they take quite a bit longer than before, for no additional benefit. Both before and after the patch I was able to farm these reliably, but now it takes (estimating here) 50% longer, which makes me feel like it's an inconvenient grind. Player psychology is that if something is harder than something else, the harder task should have the higher reward. So even though I *intellectually* understand that I'm doing the same task as before and should expect the same reward, I *feel* like I'm being denied and/or forced to do more work for the old reward. This feeling is magnified when I do the Attacker challenge, as I can no longer do the T3 version due to the changes. So now the net result is that I'm doing T2, getting T2 rewards, AND the amount of time it takes has increased, so I feel dissatisfied on all levels. This could just use some more tuning so I won't get too bent out of shape over it, but it's food for thought. Obviously I haven't done Ability Materials or Tank challenges yet. While I think I'll be able to take down Vader, I'm a little sceptical about the Tank challenge at T3.

    I really don't understand the change to Arena rewards... But since the payout is still the same, I don't mind it all that much. But that just feels like a completely arbitrary change. This is a thing I'd definitely like an explanation of.

    Special events and Omega Events are interesting. I like that they reward people for having eclectic teams and give people a reason to use some characters that are generally considered weaker. At the same time, though, as someone who is relatively new to the game it's frustrating to see this content gated. For example, yesterday I was happy to take my random Ewoks that I'd gotten over the last couple months and use them, and was even happier to see that there was a SECOND Endor event that I qualified for--except I had only one character with enough stars for the first tier, and was far, far, far from getting a second character. So, effectively, the game dangled this cool content in front of me, then said "Only cool people can pass, and you're not cool enough yet. Sorry." I was able to do the first tier of Jakku today, so that's nice. Although, because I don't know which characters qualify, it feels somewhat random and arbitrary. So maybe have all the Omega events visible at all times, like the Challenges or the Yoda event, so I can see what the required units are and plan for them?

    (First message, yay!)
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    This is from the executive producer. " we were working on building out the level 80 cap increase, and even projecting beyond level 80, that “speed meta” only got significantly more dominant. This was leading to cases where one party could demolish the opponent before they got a chance to move. Not good." So you mean like how it is when I play challenges or Galactic March's now or even normal levels now? Good job ****.
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    In a single update you took this game from one that I loved to one I cannot even bring myself to play. Pre-update it was just at the limit of time I was willing to spend on a game. Post update, I wonder if EA realizes people have lives besides playing a game. Total time suck. I don't enjoy spending 10 minutes playing one challenge. I understand the need to re-calibrate but you turned the app into a worthless pile of crap. You turned a fun game into WORK! Do you think you could add a few more things to collect? Ridiculous. Plus the $60 update packs were pure greed. I will think twice before I download an EA app ever again and that makes me sad. I have been playing EA games for 30 years.
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