Do you guys like the new update?


  • Aere
    11 posts Member
    Update wrecked all the characters I've been grinding up. 3 months wasted because they can't beta test their game BEFORE release. This isn't an update, it's an insult to the established player base. EA games isn't a game developer, just a dollar farm. No respect for the players.
  • Nullafy
    13 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Post edited by Nullafy on
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    Holding off judgement. There are definetly things that look like they need tuning though.
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    Signed up just to let EA know I'm deleting the app due to this update. It was eating up too much of my time anyway. I went from playing this game almost obsessively to wanting to throw my phone in the toilet.

    The Attacker challenge is completely impossible because the enemies are even stronger if anything and my full team of level 8/level 73/full star attackers can barely beat one of the bosses before they get their special and destroy us.

    I thought the galactic war had gotten too difficult the way they began to skew toward ganging up on healers first, and after seeing the complaints about it getting even worse I'm not even going to open it.

    Great job destroying my favorite game. I'm sure my wife thanks you though...

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    I thought the game was pretty well balanced before this. Everyone had their strengths and weaknesses. This "Survivability" is making it more difficult than it needs to be. I lost all 5 of my Squad Arena battles today. That never EVER happens. I just don't Know what to do now.
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    You tanked my lvl 8 geared 6 star Savage and buffed my lvl 7 geared 4 star Darth Vader past where he should be, but douku is still the rediculous pile of cap he always has been? Cmon... this is weak.
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    How are we supposed to finish arena in alotted time?
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    I use to spend hours a day on this game but after the update I might just say it was good while it lasted and be done with the game
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    I like the update. I have a lvl 73 arena team that should be good but always lost to speed teams. Now it does well and I can get top 50. Arena teams needed more variety and now hopefully we will have it.
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    From what I can tell the meta us still the same, Protection just makes Dooku's lead even better.
  • The_Numerator
    12 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I am really saddened by this update... This was by far my favorite game, and the only one I played daily. I tried 7 times to win a Tier 3 STR gear challenge with my lvl 70, 7* Luminara and DS and 3 others (a battle that was hard but winnable just this AM), and I can't even get one of the bosses down before they nuke me. The changes to Advantage have made that battle impossible to win.
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    Please change it back. This game used to fun. It has only been a few hours, and I am already frustrated enough to call it quits!

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    So far so good!
    Feels a lot more like a strategy game now than the "herd race" from the previous meta.
    The "Meta herd" AKA undifferentiated herd, differ only on the name they present, their teams are exactly the same, so is their I.Q.
    When i tried to find answers for this phenomenon, i realized 2 things, their limited brain power could only think two strategies: Hit Fast and Hit Hard!
    So they all got GS, Qui-Gon, Lumi and Dooku and all they needed to do was the farmville part of the game, their brains rested and a sense of fulfillment came to their hearts.
    So it's totally understandable the "Meta herd" is in panic, they now might have to do something the never got to do before, They might have to "think".
    Think on strategy and synergy, and the realization that more than one option is available in this game to reach success.
    Congratulations E.A., this might probably be the best update so far, on a game with more than 70 toons, it was completely ridiculous only a handful of them ruled the competition, i do suggest however increasing the number of options and possible synergyes, a defence / pass turn option would be nice, (ex: i dont want to attack dooku with my healer if she is almost dead), also individual options / strategy when defending in the arena (ex: which ability to use 1st, when to heal, etc). would greatly improve the game.
  • Nullafy
    13 posts Member
    edited April 2016
  • bitmoji
    143 posts Member
    Please change it back - you said you were just going to make slower toons stronger and nerf faster ones! That is all you needed to do. This is chaos!
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    This update is on par with the NGE update Sony used to kill SW:Galaxies.

    first rule of SWG nobody mentions NGE.
    Second rule of SWG nobody brings up NGE.

    My godthe horrible memories coming back.
  • Grok
    1 posts Member
    I voted no. It is garbage.
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    Nguerra wrote: »
    So far so good!
    Feels a lot more like a strategy game now than the "herd race" from the previous meta.
    The "Meta herd" AKA undifferentiated herd, differ only on the name they present, their teams are exactly the same, so is their I.Q.
    When i tried to find answers for this phenomenon, i realized 2 things, their limited brain power could only think two strategies: Hit Fast and Hit Hard!
    So they all got GS, Qui-Gon, Lumi and Dooku and all they needed to do was the farmville part of the game, their brains rested and a sense of fulfillment came to their hearts.
    So it's totally understandable the "Meta herd" is in panic, they now might have to do something the never got to do before, They might have to "think".
    Think on strategy and synergy, and the realization that more than one option is available in this game to reach success.
    Congratulations E.A., this might probably be the best update so far, on a game with more than 70 toons, it was completely ridiculous only a handful of them ruled the competition, i do suggest however increasing the number of options and possible synergyes, a defence / pass turn option would be nice, (ex: i dont want to attack dooku with my healer if she is almost dead), also individual options / strategy when defending in the arena (ex: which ability to use 1st, when to heal, etc). would greatly improve the game.

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    Nguerra wrote: »
    So far so good!
    Feels a lot more like a strategy game now than the "herd race" from the previous meta.
    The "Meta herd" AKA undifferentiated herd, differ only on the name they present, their teams are exactly the same, so is their I.Q.
    When i tried to find answers for this phenomenon, i realized 2 things, their limited brain power could only think two strategies: Hit Fast and Hit Hard!
    So they all got GS, Qui-Gon, Lumi and Dooku and all they needed to do was the farmville part of the game, their brains rested and a sense of fulfillment came to their hearts.
    So it's totally understandable the "Meta herd" is in panic, they now might have to do something the never got to do before, They might have to "think".
    Think on strategy and synergy, and the realization that more than one option is available in this game to reach success.
    Congratulations E.A., this might probably be the best update so far, on a game with more than 70 toons, it was completely ridiculous only a handful of them ruled the competition, i do suggest however increasing the number of options and possible synergyes, a defence / pass turn option would be nice, (ex: i dont want to attack dooku with my healer if she is almost dead), also individual options / strategy when defending in the arena (ex: which ability to use 1st, when to heal, etc). would greatly improve the game.

    I think you make some valid points, but until they do something about Evasion, Dooku will still be huge. Wait until teams with Dooku and Fives get popular, singular meta again.
  • adidcs
    2 posts Member
    edited April 2016

    Worst update ever!!!!!!!!
    I don't even want to play anymore
  • Aere
    11 posts Member
    I didn't even have GS or dooku. I'm hardly part of some meta-herd. The update didn't just change the meta, it obliterated it. EA, nerfs but instead of a Nerf bat they use a Louisville.
  • Citoak
    49 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    This was absolutely horrible. How do I get my hundreds of dollars back? I paid for and supported a different game, not this rubbish "update"...This is a bait and switch, this is not what I paid for and spent months working on. Whales and dolphins need a class action lawsuit.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    How about its okay?
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    ___gumpy wrote: »

    Worst update ever!!!!!!!!
  • Shleppy
    36 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    It seems like the game got nerfed to instill the need to once again spend more money to lvl grind and gear up just to get back to a point of power you felt good about before this rubbish update

    The challenges are too long now

    Protection seems like a way to give peeps a standing chance to form a better strategy but all l've seen so far is nonsense shielding that stretches the inevitable loss or win

    Changes to speed and dmg nerfed the fun out of the big hitters (Rey, TFP, GS, IG 86) the rest of the toons are just knee slappers now

    The stats changes to dodge, resistance, even crit, seem to trigger more often in in your enemy

    All of this just makes all the effort I've put into making my team worth squat now.

    Essentially, when an update to a game you enjoyed playing daily now leads you to reconsider an attempt to refresh your interest when there are no apparent incentives, nothing noticebly more fun than before, but only makes you feel like now you have to spend more cash to climb back up the ladder, then I'd rather climb the fence to look for greener pastures
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    Garbage. They should refund money to people who paid in money and time only to get nerfed characters.
  • Irics
    98 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    So most people just decide to hate it without mentioning any reasonable causes, just stressing their subjective view. Good job, guys. You really contribute to the development of this game well.

    Rant aside, I "kinda" like the update since it really serves its purposes by balancing damages (by decreasing damage all over and adding protection) all across the board, thus eliminating one shot meta. For example, if yesterday I met Dooku-led team with Royal Guard and Rey + other glass canons, I would worry giving Rey offense up from my first attacks since she would one shot any of my toon, thus eliminating my chance to win by going 4 against 5 since one of my toons won't be able to get his first turn. The case is different today since I wouldn't worry giving Rey offense up from my first attacks since she can't one shot me and I would have chance to retaliate. In essence, the chance to "retaliate" is huge because it gives your team at least a whole round to counter attack and win. This shifts the game gravity from speed + evasion leadership to multi-layered mechanics which now also stresses on defense and possibly other aspects we didn't know as of yet. As a result, it invites possibility of involving other toons into the fold and that does not sound good??

    Having that said, the most difficult part is reading HP figure since they give same HP bar for different toons, so in a way it is difficult to estimate how much a damage from certain toon could outlast my toon. It would need a while to get used to.

    edit: typo
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    Jedi2407 wrote: »
    Already seeing lots more variation in arena teams. I know I'm in the minority, but kudos to the dev team. The game now requires more strategy, thought and creativity.

    Lol @ more strategy
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    I voted no.. The update is probably good for certain styles of play but I'm super casual. I don't think I've lost chewie in a cantina battle or light side in a long time.. Hes level 60 gear 6 And first match today he gets 3 shotted by level 51 ugnaughts. Someone got nerfed big time.
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