Do you guys like the new update?


  • ottomaddux
    490 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Let's all farm dooku and bugs and Qgj and everyone play the same team of losers and let's let the coin flip do the decision making. *smh*

    In case you haven't noticed every update does the same thing, change the three players everyone uses. This update will be exactly the same in that respect. It just took a lot of fun out the game as well.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    I really don't understand the anger here, unless you had only 5 characters on your roster before and they were all the same copycat cookie cutter thoughtless ones everyone else started from.

    GW was no harder post update, it just took 20% longer (more fun playing rather than simming!)

    If the STR challenge tier IV upsets you, use DoTs and DON'T cull them off. Veers and Tarkin will kill themselves. I lost too the first few times but it was FUN finding a new strategy.

    My unconventional arena team actually stood a chance against Dooku-Rey-86-Dakka-GS. Isn't this what we wanted? More than 10 viable characters? For that to happen the 10 OP ones had to slide a little. I won some, I lost some, but battles required more thought = FUN

    The Devs did a good job. Thank you! I'm half tempted to buy the packs as a thank you even though I hate ewoks!
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    Played every day since February...

    With this update I can't see myself playing much longer :(
  • Aere
    11 posts Member
    For those asking how to get their money back, talk to Apple or Google about a re-fund
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    I'll try it for a couple of days then if I still don't like it, uninstall and move on to another game.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Where's the idk yet option? Only the sith deal in absolutes.

    I'm with this. I'll reserve judgment.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    Happy that more characters will be useful. I think a lot of people just dont have many characters to use, and thats why they are unhappy that the ones the have are less useful.
  • ThewhiteonE
    658 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I don't know what they did, but I am not impressed. At first glance, I think my teams gotten weaker & the AI has gotten steroids.

    Spelling... Sorry
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    So instead we should all farm RG, 5's, still GS still Rey and let's let the coin flip do the decision making, if you really want to introduce more strategy introduce more options like a defend button [/quote]

    Defend button is interesting idea
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    You broke the game!!

    The game seems noticeably LESS fun than before. As many have already mentioned, this update neutered many the characters we've been cultivating for months now. It makes me feel frustrated to play which is exactly the opposite of what I look for in a game. In attempting to "balance" the game The developers of this app are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. So maybe it's more "balanced," but it sure ain't more fun. I LIKE to kick some serious rear with characters I've crafted for months to be ridiculously powerful. It's what keeps me coming back. It's the satisfying, itch-scratching reward I get for all the hours and dollars I've poured into this silly little diversion. But now, I can't even complete a challenge that yesterday was a cakewalk. That doesn't satisfy. That scratches no itch. That, my friends, is a major game design blunder.

  • JbizzyG
    304 posts Member
    Zip0zilch wrote: »
    So instead we should all farm RG, 5's, still GS still Rey and let's let the coin flip do the decision making, if you really want to introduce more strategy introduce more options like a defend button

    Defend button is interesting idea[/quote]

    The new meta is a team that didn't get nerfed much.
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    Didnt make too much of a difference in damage being too high and armor not being relevant, only made battles last twice as long.

    Also changed meta after level cap raise, leaving everyone to scramble trying to figure out which toons they wasted their time on.

    btw still have problems of dying on turn 1, or before that character can even move.. wasnt fixing that your whole goal? Seriously who tests this game?? I want their job, sleeping at work sounds great.
  • Disgruntled1
    13 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    Sure they reduced health a great deal and gave only the highest gear lvl players a very small protection shield that makes healers usless do the math garbage update! They forgot to nerf enemy health or attacks my lvl 71 toons get killed by lvl 49 enemies in cantina battles that have 5 times my health bar but go ahead pat them on the back for what an awesome job they did
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    Spent months building my strongest characters which happen to be healers. Now basically useless as you can't heal protection. They just ruined the game for me. What are bunch of bozos.
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    Awful. If they dont unnerf im done. Gl with this garbage game now. Whiny pvp gamers that dominate the forums with their tears caused this (as always). Mobile games are for casuals. Dont want 30 minute battles dealing 1% dmg per hit.

    This guy is 100% on point. I've never gone from "I can't wait to play this game every day" to "I didn't even care to open the app" so fast. The game was great because it was relatively simply and quite rewarding if you put in some time. Now you Jack offs regress my characters about 15 levels and make the challenges unwinnable? Yeah, that's a great way keep players playing and spending money. I'll be lucky if open this app once a day now. You guys had such a great product before and now you just shot yourselves in the foot.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    It sucks. I'm not going to be playing much longer. The battles take way too long now.

    I, for one, enjoy a game where thinking is involved. Yes, they introduced strategy. Yes, you might actually have to pay attention.

    No, it's not "Star Wars:Galaxy of Auto" anymore. Thank God.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Couldnt finish GW after a long time , update sucks .. big time
    Thats all i have to say
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Manfred wrote: »
    I assume most of the 21% 'yes' are being sarcastic.

    You'd be mistaken.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • GOfish52
    222 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Rey being the only toon that can do any damage is lame, the only ones who vote yes have maxed Rey and RG. The 2 toons that will become the mindless meta that used to be Dooku and QGJ
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    I'm a wait and see. I think a lot of the support toons have potential as battles are longer so multi turn buff and debuffs should be more valuable.

    They did the one thing I asked which was increase health relative to damage. Now that that occurred the game is able to be balanced slowly.
  • dharic
    2 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    How the team can survive the galactic war with less life and terrible unrecoverable protection! Ahsoka in my team died after just six battles in the galatic war! IN the old version, she can survive the last battle!! It seems that it needs several teams to finish one galactic war now!!!
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    Dooku somehow gets even more broken. Lets give everyone a shield so it takes longer to kill them.... If you can hit them
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    Maybe put the game down and take a breath. It is just a game.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    Thinking and a challenge is good, but turning a fun game into work is bad. Time and money spent on this game shouldn't be swept away, hopefully they adjust this update in the right way. It is just a handful of hours into it but I think they have lost a lot of players by not testing the update before it was released.
  • d3tox
    71 posts Member
    I do. It was getting stale.
  • Wezgle
    4 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Arube wrote: »
    Frost wrote: »
    Its a Crap update. The protection add on gives our characters less life that can't be regained. Plus is it just me or are our attacks less effective?

    Clearly you are ill-informed of everything going on in the game and forums. Protection does not give less life. I suppose putting you in charge would bring in loads of people.

    Can't say it's less health, but less health block for sure, why is that?

    The Update screwed Talia big time :(
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    Dooku somehow gets even more broken. Lets give everyone a shield so it takes longer to kill them.... If you can hit them

    I like the update except for that piece. Dooku's leader is still too strong.
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    So far I have found the protect useless for the player in GW. You get 1 set of protect and the other teams always start off with it. So they basicly start out with 5k+ health more then normal and your characters are sometimes less than full. At least they could renew your protect to give a fighting chance.

    The armor boost for the challenge battles have really made it next to impossible to beat the bosses without having a fully capped party. It takes me both droids to get one boss down then i have to try to take the other out before he drops his ability on me. So far im 1 for 6 in doing it.

    I don't know who re did the stats for the characters but, Dooku is just as fast and hits just as hard. With 4 hits he'll take a protect out and start hurting your health.

    In my opinion they didn't balance anything they just made it harder to one shot. If it was me I would work on rebalancing the weaker characters so they were stronger or stronger characters weaker. I mean take 500 base damage off Rey would seem a bit more fair. Or how about when Dooku counters he can't also bonus attack. He is already getting 100% counter so why should he also have a chance to attack again.
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    I stopped playing tonight. Got to third node on GW and said screw it. It is not fun. I have played since November and have lots of 7 star max toons, but it was just not fun anymore.

    Too bad because I was really looking forward to guilds. I'm going to sleep on it. I won't quit right away. However this is the first time I have not even tried to finish the daily rewards.

    I got burnt by supercell when they changed the game mechanics after people had played for years. I'm not going to fall into that trap again even though this is still a new game.

  • Olle
    501 posts Member
    Jedi2407 wrote: »
    Already seeing lots more variation in arena teams. I know I'm in the minority, but kudos to the dev team. The game now requires more strategy, thought and creativity.

    My thoughts also
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