Message from the EP


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    Trading another horrible meta for the old one while stretching the game timewise into oblivion is IMHO not the smartest move.
    I get the intention, but the execution is a mess.

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    Witblitz wrote: »
    The genius who put this shield ****, not thinking to make it regen with every battle in GW needs to be shown the door. In GW you already face the next battle with some health missing, specials used (and now no shields). Whereas the other team has Full shield, full health and all specials at the ready. This just stacks the odds completly against you and is un unfair method.
    GW is crucial to me as this is the main source for my credits to upgrade toons.
    Update needs to be fixed fast. Because if i cant upgrade toons due to this absurd grind then bye bye

    So right it is ball shine
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    Logic is simple.
    Most of top players have spend a lot of real money on their teams.
    Now they feel ripped and will leave the game and stop paying.
    Good luck with inevitable income crash.
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    Bring it back. Your pursuit for balance has gone overboard. The list of things i dislike about the update goes on and on. The protection implementation ruins the pace and exitement of the game. The nerfing way to drastic (ruins the exitement). Challanges time consuming and to hard (it's an appgame!!!) Arena and GW lost it's charm and magic. Dont fix it if it aint broken! I normally dont complain, but this is a disaster. Futhermore i'm Kina **** about the "it had to be done" excuse, from John salera... Just admit you made a mistake. Loved the game as it was, and hope it reverts back to something simmilar. Otherwise I'm sadly seeing myself deleting the app.
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    The challenges are now completely unbalanced. I like the rest of the update but the challenges need a tweak. None of the enemies health has gone down and with the new attack stats you lose almost all your protection in the first encounter. And by the time you get to the final encounter you have lost at least one character and you get spanked in like 5 turns.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Again, THERE WAS NO SPEED META! To say that there was a speed meta only proves to me that you don't even know your own game. Only a Dooku/dodge meta, that was a real thing. QGJ's and co. didn't do enough damage to kill even one of my toons, i ran Poggle, GS, IG-86, Luminara and RG. Almost all team comps were successful in offense against QGJ teams, not just mine! Droid teams, Clone teams, Ewok teams, everything basically. Not so much against Dooku teams, which could put Dooku lead followed by whatever and still manage to hold in defense. Nerfing QGJ and Yoda is unwarranted, because they were only good in offense, while not being able to keep the spot properly in defense!

    The real speed meta you are going to see when Rey reaches 164 speed! Because you basically done nothing to tame her!
  • DevTore
    174 posts Member
    Great update so far. More thinking required for squad setup which is fantastic. I've completed GW (slightly more difficult than pre update, but doable), significantly improved my arena ranking, completed all challenges attempted (bar 1 failure when savage went nuts on me), and moved further through LS/DS missions than I'd previously gone.

    Really frustrating that so many people complained based on posts and datamining, rather than actually playing. Hopefully the devs pay more attention to feedback from those that have actually tried the new strategy for a while rather than the rage-quit vocal minority.

    Good job, devs!
    "No Hassle" guild, for those who want star wars, not drama wars!
  • Pstyle
    14 posts Member
    You should think about rolling this whole update back. Please listen to the majortity. This update has killed the game just like galaxies.
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    I see a lot of free whining. GW has become harder ? WELL, it's the point ! It's MEANT to be hard, you know, so you have to think what will be your strategy against this specific squad before attacking. Use different toons from your collection ! Build more synergies or specific counters !

    So it was a little harder, but I finished it fairly easily. And I'm not a whale, before anyone goes that way. Simply had to use more toons than before, which is great !

    And the challenges are a little harder too, but it's the same for me : I finished them easily. On auto, but by targeting the right target. Guys, step yout game up a little ! EA did a great job with this update.

    And I say that, even knowing that lacking a good taunter I will drop dramatically in arena.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Elinad wrote: »
    I see a lot of free whining. GW has become harder ? WELL, it's the point ! It's MEANT to be hard, you know, so you have to think what will be your strategy against this specific squad before attacking. Use different toons from your collection ! Build more synergies or specific counters !

    So it was a little harder, but I finished it fairly easily. And I'm not a whale, before anyone goes that way. Simply had to use more toons than before, which is great !

    And the challenges are a little harder too, but it's the same for me : I finished them easily. On auto, but by targeting the right target. Guys, step yout game up a little ! EA did a great job with this update.

    And I say that, even knowing that lacking a good taunter I will drop dramatically in arena.

    Dude buzz of ok? You think everybody is a whale or wth? I can't even complete the AGI gear challenge now. I can only imagine what STR and tank challenge will be. What does protection accomplish exactly against a character that leaves with you with 1hp? Where is the logic there?
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    Alexone wrote: »
    Elinad wrote: »
    I see a lot of free whining. GW has become harder ? WELL, it's the point ! It's MEANT to be hard, you know, so you have to think what will be your strategy against this specific squad before attacking. Use different toons from your collection ! Build more synergies or specific counters !

    So it was a little harder, but I finished it fairly easily. And I'm not a whale, before anyone goes that way. Simply had to use more toons than before, which is great !

    And the challenges are a little harder too, but it's the same for me : I finished them easily. On auto, but by targeting the right target. Guys, step yout game up a little ! EA did a great job with this update.

    And I say that, even knowing that lacking a good taunter I will drop dramatically in arena.

    Dude buzz of ok? You think everybody is a whale or wth? I can't even complete the AGI gear challenge now. I can only imagine what STR and tank challenge will be. What does protection accomplish exactly against a character that leaves with you with 1hp? Where is the logic there?

    I have a feeling that its the Lower level players that didn´t spend Month after Month grinding and upgrading their characters that are happy with this "improvement"

    I spent both Money and lots of time to get my characters to where they are and now I am basically back to 0 and can hardly complete simple challenges even though im maxed out.

    And winning a fight in the Arena seems basically impossible with my favourite team now......
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    Something bothers me though, is the enemy in the challenge somehow bypass our defense? We did little damage to them, but they did a huge amount of damage to us. Is that intentional?

    Well anyway, thanks for the update guys. Although many would not agree with the update but you guys have been working hard on it so cheers!
  • Elinad
    179 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    Elinad wrote: »
    I see a lot of free whining. GW has become harder ? WELL, it's the point ! It's MEANT to be hard, you know, so you have to think what will be your strategy against this specific squad before attacking. Use different toons from your collection ! Build more synergies or specific counters !

    So it was a little harder, but I finished it fairly easily. And I'm not a whale, before anyone goes that way. Simply had to use more toons than before, which is great !

    And the challenges are a little harder too, but it's the same for me : I finished them easily. On auto, but by targeting the right target. Guys, step yout game up a little ! EA did a great job with this update.

    And I say that, even knowing that lacking a good taunter I will drop dramatically in arena.

    Dude buzz of ok? You think everybody is a whale or wth? I can't even complete the AGI gear challenge now. I can only imagine what STR and tank challenge will be. What does protection accomplish exactly against a character that leaves with you with 1hp? Where is the logic there?
    Alexone wrote: »
    Elinad wrote: »
    I see a lot of free whining. GW has become harder ? WELL, it's the point ! It's MEANT to be hard, you know, so you have to think what will be your strategy against this specific squad before attacking. Use different toons from your collection ! Build more synergies or specific counters !

    So it was a little harder, but I finished it fairly easily. And I'm not a whale, before anyone goes that way. Simply had to use more toons than before, which is great !

    And the challenges are a little harder too, but it's the same for me : I finished them easily. On auto, but by targeting the right target. Guys, step yout game up a little ! EA did a great job with this update.

    And I say that, even knowing that lacking a good taunter I will drop dramatically in arena.

    Dude buzz of ok? You think everybody is a whale or wth? I can't even complete the AGI gear challenge now. I can only imagine what STR and tank challenge will be. What does protection accomplish exactly against a character that leaves with you with 1hp? Where is the logic there?

    I have a feeling that its the Lower level players that didn´t spend Month after Month grinding and upgrading their characters that are happy with this "improvement"

    I spent both Money and lots of time to get my characters to where they are and now I am basically back to 0 and can hardly complete simple challenges even though im maxed out.

    And winning a fight in the Arena seems basically impossible with my favourite team now......

    All I paid for in the game is the first Dooku pack, and 1 time 21 days crystals. I just diversified my roster enough to have good toons for each case / against each scenario, playing since November. And yes, the update is great, it will just require you to work on toons you didn't before, to be able to compete on each level. I'm on my way for the toons I think will help me, it wil ltake time, and THAT is a good thing !
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    Elinad wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    Elinad wrote: »
    I see a lot of free whining. GW has become harder ? WELL, it's the point ! It's MEANT to be hard, you know, so you have to think what will be your strategy against this specific squad before attacking. Use different toons from your collection ! Build more synergies or specific counters !

    So it was a little harder, but I finished it fairly easily. And I'm not a whale, before anyone goes that way. Simply had to use more toons than before, which is great !

    And the challenges are a little harder too, but it's the same for me : I finished them easily. On auto, but by targeting the right target. Guys, step yout game up a little ! EA did a great job with this update.

    And I say that, even knowing that lacking a good taunter I will drop dramatically in arena.

    Dude buzz of ok? You think everybody is a whale or wth? I can't even complete the AGI gear challenge now. I can only imagine what STR and tank challenge will be. What does protection accomplish exactly against a character that leaves with you with 1hp? Where is the logic there?
    Alexone wrote: »
    Elinad wrote: »
    I see a lot of free whining. GW has become harder ? WELL, it's the point ! It's MEANT to be hard, you know, so you have to think what will be your strategy against this specific squad before attacking. Use different toons from your collection ! Build more synergies or specific counters !

    So it was a little harder, but I finished it fairly easily. And I'm not a whale, before anyone goes that way. Simply had to use more toons than before, which is great !

    And the challenges are a little harder too, but it's the same for me : I finished them easily. On auto, but by targeting the right target. Guys, step yout game up a little ! EA did a great job with this update.

    And I say that, even knowing that lacking a good taunter I will drop dramatically in arena.

    Dude buzz of ok? You think everybody is a whale or wth? I can't even complete the AGI gear challenge now. I can only imagine what STR and tank challenge will be. What does protection accomplish exactly against a character that leaves with you with 1hp? Where is the logic there?

    I have a feeling that its the Lower level players that didn´t spend Month after Month grinding and upgrading their characters that are happy with this "improvement"

    I spent both Money and lots of time to get my characters to where they are and now I am basically back to 0 and can hardly complete simple challenges even though im maxed out.

    And winning a fight in the Arena seems basically impossible with my favourite team now......

    All I paid for in the game is the first Dooku pack, and 1 time 21 days crystals. I just diversified my roster enough to have good toons for each case / against each scenario, playing since November. And yes, the update is great, it will just require you to work on toons you didn't before, to be able to compete on each level. I'm on my way for the toons I think will help me, it wil ltake time, and THAT is a good thing !

    Money I spent on this game have now gone to waste, must be fun being basically the only one liking the new update.....
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    Naifreak wrote: »
    Something bothers me though, is the enemy in the challenge somehow bypass our defense? We did little damage to them, but they did a huge amount of damage to us. Is that intentional?

    Well anyway, thanks for the update guys. Although many would not agree with the update but you guys have been working hard on it so cheers!

    Unproductive hard work - which the GW change feels like is hardly something to be proud of.

  • Myk
    5 posts Member
    Fix future content, do not make so we can't do the things we did yesterday. Also please note

    tedious does not equal fun
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    Smithie wrote: »
    Not a game anymore Galaxy of Chores!!

    0 Fun, not enough time in the arena to do battles with new Meta.

    Challeneges and GW is so much harder.

    Cannot upgrade my gear, game is pointless now.
    Agreed. New health system is b*$$ocks, they say its still same health but its not. Healing is now pointless because actual health that can be restored is such a small% that its not worth the effort. Challenges have suddenly become impossible, despite the fact of using all 7* &purple gear lvl! If not possible with that then who exactly do u think can complete these stupidly hard challenges?! Suddenly no longer fun, well done devs for breaking a great game.
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    One character statistics screen sums up the whole Protection design: Royal guard: 21434 HP + 18535 Protection. Basically now Royal guard is not 1 character but 2 characters in 1. In a 5 min Arena match facing this ****, you either lose or draw.

  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I am thinking you need to revert everything back to the way it was BUT leave fortitude as it is now, i personally think fortitude was/is a great idea (i am not calling it protection ever, on a side note, there was even a poll about this, basically 10% of the people liked the 'protection' title, while everyone else liked shield/fortitude better).

    And then start doing official polls on what players would like to see. For instance...who should we nerf official poll? Posted both on reddit and in here. And only forum posters that have a certain number of posts can respond. Even if it is wrong, it will be ultimately what the people want overall and that counts more than what you did here. You nerfed Barriss's damage. You nerfed Yoda 5x times more than Rey, which will have 164 speed, Yoda being a character which DID NOT need any nerfing. You SEVERELY over-estimated fortitude in the challenges! If i look at nothing else but these things, it is simply wrong and not well-thought!
  • Jouh
    64 posts Member
    At least you guys are able to play this game. I cant even play it cause my game was suspended for whatever reason. Never broke any rules and uspected there is a bug in the game which caused it.
  • BamBam
    280 posts Member
    GW takes too long. But this is what you do. You allow players to choose one of two difficulties: normal or hard mode. Normal mode is the GW but without protection on you or enemies and hard mode is what it is now.

    They both give the same awards EXCEPT that hard mode opens up another unlock for achievements and eventually Darth Vader. Bam, no more complaining, no more whining.

    Everyone gets the same awards and if you decide to put the extra effort into it (what is about two hours of GW) then you get some more vader. Because you let them decide which difficulty to choose, they wont whine as much.

    Just make sure I get the credit for the idea ;-)
  • Artas
    223 posts Member
    What problems do you see with the challenges? Seriously? I can complete them without any problems and without loosing any of the toons. Maybe try to use different teams, different synergy? Honestly, they are quite easy as they were before the update. I can even run them on auto.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    BamBam wrote: »
    GW takes too long. But this is what you do. You allow players to choose one of two difficulties: normal or hard mode. Normal mode is the GW but without protection on you or enemies and hard mode is what it is now.

    They both give the same awards EXCEPT that hard mode opens up another unlock for achievements and eventually Darth Vader. Bam, no more complaining, no more whining.

    Everyone gets the same awards and if you decide to put the extra effort into it (what is about two hours of GW) then you get some more vader. Because you let them decide which difficulty to choose, they wont whine as much.

    Just make sure I get the credit for the idea ;-)

    This is a problem i wasn't confronted with yet, GW took 20 minutes more, but i was paired up with lower level opponents mostly. I lost all fortitude from the 3rd node and had to switch more of my guys in than usual. Still, so far so good.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Artas wrote: »
    What problems do you see with the challenges? Seriously? I can complete them without any problems and without loosing any of the toons. Maybe try to use different teams, different synergy? Honestly, they are quite easy as they were before the update. I can even run them on auto.

    What challenged have you tried so far? And how much money did you spend so far in this game?
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    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera @CG_AaronNemoyten @CG_RyDiggs @CG_NotReallyAJedi @CG_Method
    Thanks for the Update, it may be not perfect but what is it these days? I still love it. Thy for the new content and especially for the increased amount of comunications from your side. That you guys are more comunicating with us is perhaps the best thing of all. I hope that you will bring backnthe new events after they gone. Keep up with the good work and stay in touch with us. :blush:<3
  • Artas
    223 posts Member
    Actually the fight in Arena becomes now longer and I am able to use Yoda's battle meditation twice which is very helpful. I like it. Yes, Yoda is nerfed and I don't like it.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    @CG_JohnSalera wrote up a message about today's update, you can find it here:

    Keep all talks about the post in this thread.


    I noticed that the @CG_JohnSalera post got closed pretty quickly. I also noticed that he kept saying some players loved the "updates" and some players hate it.

    By reviewing the sudden dramatic drop in your iStore App rating, the overall tone of most comments in the forum and also your polls it is crystal clear that you have destroyed the game and your customers hate it.

    Trashing the health bar was wrong. Adding the protection bar was wrong. The re-balancing was far too extreme and wrong. Making toons weaker was wrong.

    I feel that after paying for crystals to complete challenges and buy Chromium Mega-Packs that I own the characters I have spent months in developing. I reckon I've spent over $1,000 in 5 months on the game and I think you owe me a refund.

    You have killed this game.
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    New update is crap! Tedious, laborious, and needless. Time to move on.
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    You mean the 3 ridiculously easy and short "events" or did I miss something?
    Or do you mean the fact that everything now takes double the time? That's not new content, mate...
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    While I've played the game seriously for awhile now, I've never felt the need to join the forums and post anything until today. There are very serious issues with game play, that haven't occurred in previous patches. It makes the game unplayable for anyone but those with hours a day to dedicate to it. I'm talking about health bars not going down on top, but going down at the character level. I'm talking about close-to-impossible Challenges. I'm talking about issues with RNG being wonky (you actually have a better chance of getting gear building equipment if you go to the Battle vs going to it through the gear equip menu), characters going out of turn, Counter Attacks attacking characters that didn't trigger the Counter, etc.

    It's almost like there wasn't ANY beta testing done on this patch at all, and definitely not at multiple levels. Either that or someone seriously phoned in their work on those days.

    I'm glad they are trying to balance the system. I'm glad that there will hopefully be a variety of builds going forward. I don't think the changes they made will actually do either of those things. I'll wait until the next patch before I click on the App.
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