Message from the EP


  • KrumerIronfist
    12 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Particularly I appreciate all the changes of this update. In my opinion we will have a lot of good teams composition now. Its very good.
    Chalenges are harder, off course, but today I simple win savage doing the fight on auto with cautelous clicks seleciton.

    We all need only adaptation.

    The old meta was terriblely stagnant with only 6-8 viable toons. It was very very sux.

    Good job EA, keep working on this path.
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    Seriously, I spent a ton of time and $$$ getting toons to get Yoda. He wasn't broken, just another top tier toon. Why did you nerf the tar out of him? Why doesn't your magic shield recharge inbetween GW fights? Why is Poe + IG-88 the only team not to get nerfed? Why would you make battles take so much longer?

    Seriously, break out the pink slips and role back these changes! I was having a ton of fun with the previous game play and spending money (and like most people wanted to see the arena a little more diverse)... These changes were not thought out at all.
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    Fixes need to be made for GW/Challenges/D-L Side/Cantina Battles
    GW protection system is really messed up , healers were the reason that we were having no problem clearing GW now theyre somewhat irrelevant .
    Challenges are unbeatable.
    And the unnecessary nerfs were unnecessary after the release of protection system , i really dont know what EA is tryin to accomplish .
  • Artas
    223 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    Artas wrote: »
    What problems do you see with the challenges? Seriously? I can complete them without any problems and without loosing any of the toons. Maybe try to use different teams, different synergy? Honestly, they are quite easy as they were before the update. I can even run them on auto.

    What challenged have you tried so far? And how much money did you spend so far in this game?

    Bounty Hunter and AGI Gear, all on auto.
    Very light spender, buying crystal subscription, got Dooku pack and Jedi pack some time ago.
    TOP 20 in Arena. Jedi team plus Dooku.
    So nothing special, to be honest.
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    OwexBaill wrote: »

    You mean the 3 ridiculously easy and short "events" or did I miss something?
    Or do you mean the fact that everything now takes double the time? That's not new content, mate...

    Just wow... Ppl werr complaining about how fast they finished everything( me inclusive ) and now some of you are complaining that it takes too long? Lol
  • Artas
    223 posts Member
    OwexBaill wrote: »

    You mean the 3 ridiculously easy and short "events" or did I miss something?
    Or do you mean the fact that everything now takes double the time? That's not new content, mate...

    Just wow... Ppl werr complaining about how fast they finished everything( me inclusive ) and now some of you are complaining that it takes too long? Lol

    exactly :) sounds strange...
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    Just wow... Ppl werr complaining about how fast they finished everything( me inclusive ) and now some of you are complaining that it takes too long? Lol

    Nice dodge on the question, though ;)
    It is a mobile game after all. If you think spending 2 more hours of your free time on your cell phone that's fine. But it is not for me and has nothing to do with more content.

    People that praise the patch only see arena. And even if the meta is shifting, it won't take long until you see the next 6-8 toons in every team.
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    @EA_Jesse I understand that you guys want the game to be appealing to the new folks joining in, but at the same time the latest update has made the game sort of boring of the old players.
    1. Challenges, LS/ DS are harder now. The levels that could be easily cleared on auto mode, now needs to be watched.
    2. health/ protection are making things more complicated.
    3. GW, again protection is making the game much longer. Longer the time, less appealing it is going to be for folks over the period of time.
    4. Game performance has not improved. After playing for 40 mins, my phone still gets hot. And the game lags at certain places.

    There are some good changes here and there. But if the game play itself is going to take more time then before then things are not enjoyable as before.
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    I was very on the fence with this update last night but that was when I had already used all my energies & refreshes earlier in the day & didn't have the real opportunity to go through everything. This morning on the other hand, I can truly say I'm leaning towards the "well done Devs, good job!" side.

    For me it's nothing but pure genius! Sure there's a few bugs here & there, but overall I think it's going to be beautiful when refined.
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    I can complete the agility challenge (highest tier) with a 6* phasma, a 5* dooku and 3* talia, qui gon and jc.
    It's not that bad.
    Same with the attacker challenge, I just use my arena team and it's easy.
    The tank challenge is hard but I don't need stuff from there right now.
    Gw is still fairly easy, considering Ive only got 3 7* toons, although it is longer.

    If I'm honest, I think I actually like the update, phasma is pretty cool now, really helps my crit team, all in all, I thinks they did well.
    Maybe the ftp has taken a blow with a longer grind, I am ftp, but it's okay I guess. The meta will change into their favour again. Someday.
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    OwexBaill wrote: »
    Just wow... Ppl werr complaining about how fast they finished everything( me inclusive ) and now some of you are complaining that it takes too long? Lol

    Nice dodge on the question, though ;)
    It is a mobile game after all. If you think spending 2 more hours of your free time on your cell phone that's fine. But it is not for me and has nothing to do with more content.

    People that praise the patch only see arena. And even if the meta is shifting, it won't take long until you see the next 6-8 toons in every team.

    2 more hours? Lol work on your squads mate. And ofc is new content. 2 new events, new stats and mechanics, Guilds in 2 weeks,hows that not new content? I think you are expecting just too much
  • Jouh
    64 posts Member
    Havent be able to play, but tats my comment after reading the rest of the comments. If there is anything to learn, is you don't change drastically on something that had worked well. DOTA's game-play hardly change and yet it is doing so well over the last decade.

    Developers can add new heroes, new challenges, slowly changing/balance over-powered or popular heroes, change skills, add new levels.. etc. But you go add something like shield which do nth but pro-longing the game play.

    Players keep using their favourite heroes is not an issue itself, this is the same as other games like DOTA. The game had many heroes to unlock and build upon, so there is very much alot of grinding to do, adding shield is just redundant and dosent make it better.

    Players spend quite abit of money to build a viable team but realised their build become useless due to such major change. Of course they are ****.
  • BamBam
    280 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Imo, this is what needs to be worked on:

    allowing healers to heal protection.
    Either doubling the awards or minimizing the time needed to complete GW.
    Doubling the time for arena battles to 10 minutes.
    Minimizing the dodge rate. Dodge is suppose to be 15% and I've seen dodge rates as high as 50% and the chances of that happening is less 5% of the time-and I see it happening most times I battle dooku/lumi teams. Even without them as leaders, the dodge rate seems high still.

    And personally, maybe fixing Old Ben and Mace windu? Both are pretty weak and I paid to get windu and ben is tedious to get. Some fixes would be to add a shatterpoint that does more damage for mace and then add a fourth move for Ben- people like the taunt, for instance.

    Also, I think challenges are fine. I run them with a few 7* and a few 4/5* and I seem to be ok. It's harder and I'm not on the tank challenge and that tends to be the hardest, no doubt. But, making them any easier and you'll have to change the name from "Challenges" to "Give Aways"
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    Even after playing through the Galactiic Wars and another day of challenges....

    The Defensive bar just feels like a tacky reminder that health bars shrank, in everything but pvp it matters for all of the first wave of a fight then it's pretty much gone. In the case of Galactice war I think I had a little bit left on one character after fight two.. Then it was the same thing as any other day, except less green over my teams head.

    The Challenges are a little more cumbersome by the damage nerf, I'm all for the bosses requiring some thought.... However, the Attacker Challange can't have been tested or wasn't implemented correctly, it just wasn't do able with the absured health pool the bosses had. Today's challenges are doable, but again health felt over tuned. It was more a matter of luck than actually being able to shut down the drones before they could murder half the team, but I guess the answer to that is using very key team builds... Which would be ironic considering the idea is to make more characters viable.

    In the end, I'd be glad to see Defense redone or just dropped, but I can live with... But the Challanges especially the attacker needs attention before it rolls around again. Maybe speed things up a bit, or just make the lead up to Bosses in challenges less monotonous or make them more colorful so they are at least interesting.
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    This re-balance has failed for me for the following reasons:

    1. Healers have effectively been seriously nerfed by the changes. Health has been exchanged for protection therefore healers are much less viable. If your protection is down and you've healed to full hp, your glass cannons can still be easily one shot. This leads into point 2.

    2. In the Arena my 7* characters in gear level 8 feel feeble. Attacks felt ineffective but strangely enough, my level 73 max skill max gear IG-88 was still killed from full HP and protection before getting a full turn meter. Scratching away at an enemy team isn't any fun, especially when you're buffing them with your attacks most of the time. Although EA is aiming to increase strategy by slowing down the game, it now feels tedious and boring as everything feels ineffectual. except Dooku's ability to offense buff his team while neutralizing your attack. My characters aren't terrible either, I run 7* characters with my mains level 73, alts 71~73, all in gear level 8. I'm normally in the top 20~50 range without buying any extra arena attempts. Today, I lost 4/5 of my arena attempts even after trying different teams and character synergies and finished exactly on rank 50.

    3. Galactic war, I was looking forward to protection giving me a buffer for my injured characters to try and heal up before getting smoked by the next team of enemies. Instead, the opposite has happened. Your characters will likely have no protection due to their previous fights and be in a terrible position for the next fight unless you're a chain stunning god of RNG. Since the teams you seem to come up against are arena teams, they're not built for longevity and will contain throwaway tanks.

    4. Challenges are broken. Ok, I'm doing them. Hell, I'm doing them on auto with click targeting, but seriously, I'm using level 70+ characters in maxed out gear and skills to do it, and still having characters insta-killed by Cad Bane.

    5. The main issue is the fact everything PVP-orientated is slow as molasses and tedious; everything PVE-orientated has overpowered enemies.

    I hope they reverse the patch and then review the burst damage capabilities of Rey and the pilots. Give the pilots speed at the expense of damage, the rifle users more damage, slower speed. Seriously, why are the pilots and a girl with a metal rod the heavy hitters? Why not the rifle wielders or the people using LIGHTSABERS instead of junked bits of scrap metal? Back on topic, tweak the burst damage down so that between equivalent teams, you're not one-shotting people unless the teams got offense up, the enemy has defense down, and you score a crit.

    The changes that've been made this patch are so big the hp and gear re-balance seems to have failed miserably.
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    OwexBaill wrote: »
    Just wow... Ppl werr complaining about how fast they finished everything( me inclusive ) and now some of you are complaining that it takes too long? Lol

    Nice dodge on the question, though ;)
    It is a mobile game after all. If you think spending 2 more hours of your free time on your cell phone that's fine. But it is not for me and has nothing to do with more content.

    People that praise the patch only see arena. And even if the meta is shifting, it won't take long until you see the next 6-8 toons in every team.

    2 more hours? Lol work on your squads mate. And ofc is new content. 2 new events, new stats and mechanics, Guilds in 2 weeks,hows that not new content? I think you are expecting just too much

    Yea, I get all that "git gud" ****.
    I am not on iOS so it's one "event" for me.
    And again, adding a second health bar is not content.
    Where did I say I expect anything contentwise? I just asked where it is as you cheerfully announced you're so happy about that "content".
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I just want to say that i completed the AGI gear challenge once. It took me 2 hours total. And 15 mins spent when i actually won the challenge. Do i really need to have all my toons at level 70 gear 7 to be able to complete challenges now? No just no! Please do something!
  • DevTore
    174 posts Member
    It's odd that people claim pressing auto and sticking their phone in their pocket is "fun" whilst saying having to actually play the game is "tedious". Really? I for one, much prefer playing the game, and it is way more fun (for a strategy game ffs) to actually have to use strategy now.
    "No Hassle" guild, for those who want star wars, not drama wars!
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    @CG_JohnSalera wrote up a message about today's update, you can find it here:

    Keep all talks about the post in this thread.


    I agree completly with the EP post. It is fair to give this update some time to play before rate it.
    For the moment the game overall takes A BIT longer than before, but it is way balanced.
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    not hard to tell what posters are making their posts from a cubicle inside of the EA building......
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    @CG_JohnSalera wrote up a message about today's update, you can find it here:

    Keep all talks about the post in this thread.


    talk about having to break out the PR smoothing already.

    You know you completely messed up when you have to do this.......

    want to get fans to stay on board, make the characters we all love be the ones that are worth playing.....
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    so after the last update:
    -Players quitting
    -SW:GoH ranking dropping fast, people rating 1* and giving bad reviews
    -Forum rage in a total different level

    what we got ? we got comment from executive producer that basically said: that's it, deal with it, try to enjoy it even tho you hate it, wait for 80, we needed to do this for balance - and ignored the fact that it created imbalanced - since so many toons are not usable now, like most attackers, healers, lof ot support buffers.
    Attackers - OUT OF THE WINDOW
    Healers - out
    Speed toons - OUUT
    Buffers - out, you not helpful.
    mostly offense toons : LOL YOU WEAK AF GET OUTTA HERE.
    small nerfs, make actually buffs considering the others:
    Debuffers - IN IN IN. you weak? it'll make you weaker make you wanna kill yourself.
    Tanks - IN IN IN. you weak ? try to kill that!
    thats why tanks like OldBen with debuffs - or Fives, RG - are now amazingly strong compared to others.

    How is this BALANCING update ?! pre update i could assemble a team from whoever i want and be competitive...
    i used to run in my team 2 tanks, 1 support, 2 attackers. right now im forced to play 3T-1S-1A in order to win in arena. this is called IMBALANCE

    and another thing the update tried to do and fail is to make us play more - the game was boring at some point since you dont have much to do and you WANTED to - and now, instead of giving us NEW CONTENT - new battles, exciting things and something like that, they made the battles take LONGER, and made the battles itself boring. and that why - when they will introduce us new content, we won't have time to do all... (and i dont know what will happen in sunday... it will take ages to finish those challanges)
    challanges hard and longer and for some people nearly impossible to finish (cause no balance, some toons are just MUCH stronger now, while others are weak)
    GW harder, longer since healers are useless: protection can't be healed - and therefore, you cant use your healers well, and you face teams with X2 hitpoints to remove.

    So after dev clarifying that the update will stay as is, and the change is something we need to adapt as the costumers (LOOOLLLL), and NO new content (just old content, more boring gameplay) - game became extremely boring and kind of a burden(not challanging - BORING), the next move will be the guild wars. and if it will disappoint people, this is end the of this game.
    and im afriad, that even the guild wars won't be enough to keep people playing, since the solo play is so frustrating atm.
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    Got pretty mixed feelings towards this update as well. Rather turning positive over time though.

    I think the protection thing makes a lot of sense, since it disables characters as Rey or QGJ to one hit serveral of your squad members to pretty much decide the battle before it even started. Yet, combined with the huge changes considering the damage-speed relation, it is too much. I dont want to deny that characters as Doku or Sidious were op, being the reason for most players to put them in their squad, but yet you shouldnt have made that hard changes to them. I would rather keep the protection, but move the characters back to their old stats, dealing the same damage. In that way the effort you put into farming their shards wouldnt be gone, since they still would be valuable squad members.
    So all in all I like the protection, but dislike the change to the characters stats, since it would have been better balanced by only adding protection to avoid 1 hits and by that enabling new strategies to be used in the squad arena.

    Concerning the challenges I agree to what probably the most of us say: They are to hard. I liked to start on challenges by doing them manually and once you got your characters on a decent level autoing them. Playing the same all over again manually gets boring pretty fast and the use of the auto function made great sense in the challenges, in my opinion.

    To summarize I guess I liked the update, yet the huge change of stats appears as a no-go to me. On the other hand I consider the protection as a great thing. Well, challenges should more a incidental thing to do and not something you really have to spend your time on, we got GW for that.
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    Particularly I appreciate all the changes of this update. In my opinion we will have a lot of good teams composition now. .

    yeah, RG, Daka, and 3 cannons........that is a whole lot of variety.

    Seriously, did you even think before posting that nonsense? or were you to busy cashing your check from EA first??
  • Brom
    236 posts Member
    GW wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Only to me about 30 minutes to finish. But I have to say it's really annoying when your team doesn't have protection and the enemy fives have like 15k health and 10k protection. My dps hits him for 2600 and he counters for 2000. He puts speed down on my entire team and we end up exchanging hits for 5? turns. I had to retreat several times to make sure my team wasn't too low health after the fight.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @Zarseem_N While i do agree that Fortitude might be a good thing, QGJ 1 hitting? When did he ever one-hit anything in his entire pathetic life? Rey has been barely touched, she should have been no1 priority after removing Dooku lead BUT leaving Dooku the same otherwise. Sidious OP? He needed a damage buff to compete with other attackers, instead he received a 'much needed' nerf.
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    I have spent quite a bit of money on this game that I have come to really enjoy. That being said, the new update to me is awful. I will no longer spend any money on the game nor do I have any real urge to continue playing.
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    Alexone wrote: »
    @Zarseem_N While i do agree that Fortitude might be a good thing, QGJ 1 hitting? When did he ever one-hit anything in his entire pathetic life? Rey has been barely touched, she should have been no1 priority after removing Dooku lead BUT leaving Dooku the same otherwise. Sidious OP? He needed a damage buff to compete with other attackers, instead he received a 'much needed' nerf.

    Well QGJ himself hasnt been one hitting. But his bonus attack ability often kills my characters in the second attack, which is pretty much the same as a 1 hit to me, since it only costs QGJ's turn meter.
    I'm not even saying Rey has been touched and I'm not complaining either. Just saying that Fortitude manages to keep her off 1 hitting, at least it did to me so far. But yeah you're right, she could have been nerfed as well.
    Totally agreeing to the Dooku statement of yours.
    Sidious obviously was one of the better characters, why else would you find him most squads? Yet I agree, that his nerf was completely unnecessary.
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    OwexBaill wrote: »
    OwexBaill wrote: »
    Just wow... Ppl werr complaining about how fast they finished everything( me inclusive ) and now some of you are complaining that it takes too long? Lol

    Nice dodge on the question, though ;)
    It is a mobile game after all. If you think spending 2 more hours of your free time on your cell phone that's fine. But it is not for me and has nothing to do with more content.

    People that praise the patch only see arena. And even if the meta is shifting, it won't take long until you see the next 6-8 toons in every team.

    2 more hours? Lol work on your squads mate. And ofc is new content. 2 new events, new stats and mechanics, Guilds in 2 weeks,hows that not new content? I think you are expecting just too much

    Yea, I get all that "git gud" ****.
    I am not on iOS so it's one "event" for me.
    And again, adding a second health bar is not content.
    Where did I say I expect anything contentwise? I just asked where it is as you cheerfully announced you're so happy about that "content".

    Ofc the hb is new content it changes the game play. You had droids on droid ;) and again guilds, events, new mechanics all new content. And iyo, what would or should be new content? Btw i think you need to calm down a lil and try to enjoy the game. If you cant then bb
  • Ciel_6
    178 posts Member
    so after the last update:
    -Players quitting
    -SW:GoH ranking dropping fast, people rating 1* and giving bad reviews
    -Forum rage in a total different level

    what we got ? we got comment from executive producer that basically said: that's it, deal with it, try to enjoy it even tho you hate it, wait for 80, we needed to do this for balance - and ignored the fact that it created imbalanced - since so many toons are not usable now, like most attackers, healers, lof ot support buffers.
    Attackers - OUT OF THE WINDOW
    Healers - out
    Speed toons - OUUT
    Buffers - out, you not helpful.
    mostly offense toons : LOL YOU WEAK AF GET OUTTA HERE.
    small nerfs, make actually buffs considering the others:
    Debuffers - IN IN IN. you weak? it'll make you weaker make you wanna kill yourself.
    Tanks - IN IN IN. you weak ? try to kill that!
    thats why tanks like OldBen with debuffs - or Fives, RG - are now amazingly strong compared to others.

    How is this BALANCING update ?! pre update i could assemble a team from whoever i want and be competitive...
    i used to run in my team 2 tanks, 1 support, 2 attackers. right now im forced to play 3T-1S-1A in order to win in arena. this is called IMBALANCE

    and another thing the update tried to do and fail is to make us play more - the game was boring at some point since you dont have much to do and you WANTED to - and now, instead of giving us NEW CONTENT - new battles, exciting things and something like that, they made the battles take LONGER, and made the battles itself boring. and that why - when they will introduce us new content, we won't have time to do all... (and i dont know what will happen in sunday... it will take ages to finish those challanges)
    challanges hard and longer and for some people nearly impossible to finish (cause no balance, some toons are just MUCH stronger now, while others are weak)
    GW harder, longer since healers are useless: protection can't be healed - and therefore, you cant use your healers well, and you face teams with X2 hitpoints to remove.

    So after dev clarifying that the update will stay as is, and the change is something we need to adapt as the costumers (LOOOLLLL), and NO new content (just old content, more boring gameplay) - game became extremely boring and kind of a burden(not challanging - BORING), the next move will be the guild wars. and if it will disappoint people, this is end the of this game.
    and im afriad, that even the guild wars won't be enough to keep people playing, since the solo play is so frustrating atm.

    I'm curious as to why you think healers are redundant.
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