Message from the EP


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    Finished the challenges, finished GW, finished second in Arena (a drop from first, my position last 2 weeks running, due to lockout in final fight) .

    The new changes are fine, you just have to rethink the way you do things. This update is beneficial for the long term health of the game.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    Overall I like the changes! I didn't like how battles took less than a minute with no strategy so this was a needed change.

    A couple things I'd like to see tweaked are the arena timers to 6 minutes instead of 5. The health and protection bars are hard for me to judge what there health is at currently and hard to gauge damage output.

    Again I like the direction of the game!
    Line: xSNAKEMAN
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    You mobile developers won't take yes for an answer. You have a fun mobile ga,e that is top 10 in grossing that can be played without sinking TONS of time in and you think: forget that, I need to make a DEEP game. So you go and ruin it. Happens so many times - it's not us, it's you.

    Game sucks now, you screwed up. Turn it back or watch the game, and then your studio, crash and burn.
  • Meese_Rancher
    125 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    You know it is bad when the devs have to start damage control the same day as an update. And that is the response we get, give it time? I think in your heads time means money. Thanks but no thanks.

    I am all for making more characters viable, increasing variety but this? This has gone too far, you make defense play a bigger role, added a "shield", and reduced damage across the board...really? Battles are painfully slow and boring now, not to mention you completely ruined galactic war.

    Your game is going downhill and these threads are only proving it. I am glad I did not invest hundreds of dollars in this game because you have royally screwed up here. Admit it, apologize, fix it and let's move on to more content, not more ceasly grinding.
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    "You were supposed to bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!!!"

    Never wrote about the game before. Just played and enjoyed it. I was building up a team and it was becoming gradually more challenging but remained fun. Now... Enemies are wildly more powerful, "protection" doesn't protect anywhere near as well as my old health bar did (I feel like I ordered an armor vest and was given a polyester T-shirt), squad arena games that were hard-fought victories now time-out in a draw, the whole game takes longer to play - perhaps longer than I want to play. It was getting lengthy enough already with all that character building and gear hunting and now it feels like my efforts were wasted.

    I was considering spending cash on the game for the first time and buying an Ewok bundle. Now I may just give the cash straight to the WWF and call it done here. You ripped the fun out of it for me - I'd rather have my teeth pulled out through my ears...

    I have spent cash on this game. Never commented before either. Signed into EA and created an account just to post.

    Agree with so many that as a mobile user game, this update makes the game too cumbersome to bother with. AGI Health challenge just took about 8 minutes to slog through for a few items I have hundreds of and 1 50 purple hairdryer out of 5 "possible" rewards. If I spend 8 minutes in a challenge and actually win, I should be rewarded. That was an insult.

    STR Attack challenge could not be won on highest tier last night. There is no way to hit both Veers and Tarkington hard enough with nerfed damage to avoid getting hit by their AoE and having your entire team wiped out in one move.

    GW takes way too long now.

    I could complete all daily progress in about 60-90 minutes of daily game time and do enough extra stuff to keep advancing / adding interesting toons. I don't see myself spending 4 precious hours a day on this now. I have a wife, kids, and work. This was a very nice distraction and something I had fun sharing with the kids. I'm 42 and grew up with Star Wars. Hate to see the fun part of advancing through the game taken away just to balance the Arena.

    Maybe consider adding protection feature to Arena only and returning game play the way it was for the rest of the game. Arena is by definition only 1 round, so you don't need to recharge protection. But GW, Challenges, L&D hard battles either need some way to recharge Protection, or just go back to way it was.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    @CG_JohnSalera wrote up a message about today's update, you can find it here:

    Keep all talks about the post in this thread.


    I notice there was no attempt to justify the protection instead of health baloney.
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    I appreciate the response/explaination for your update.
    My comments are this:
    I blew a grand to play your enjoyable game, even though the drop rates and grind were excruciating.
    I agree a few minor adjustments to extremely strong characters was necessary.
    I spent that money on jedi to get Yoda who is now useless, and support characters that can now not even get me through GW.

    If you think I will spend another dollar on crystals, you are mistaken. I had mentally decided to spend a certain amount each month on what I considered a fun, though time consuming game.
    That is now over, you can't keep changing who is the best character after so much is invested.
    My only regret is that I will not see the ship wars.
    After I use the last of my crystals, I'm out.
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    I ok with most of the update...just OK. BUT THE NEW POWER METER IS HORRIBLE... It looks cluncky and now that it is compressed, you lose the "satisfaction" of hits excuse it is hard to see the damage inflicted. It also makes it hard on defense, you can't tell how much damage you can take before dying. Why would you take a more precise power meter and replace it with a less precise? Even the angle of the edges of the power meter don't add to the experience....change for changes sake is not a good idea. Did you make it larger too? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY. It changed the look and the feel of the game. Sounds weird, but it is not as enjoyable for me now. Please change it back
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    As a F2P and facing lots of P2P in arena (some already reached level 77), I think the update is good overall.
    - Like:
    + Better defense so I can keep close to 1st and reach there at payout time without a single refresh.
    + Many squad builds are viable.
    - Dislike:
    + GW was usually finished in an hour but now should be trippled.
    + AGI and INT challenges are much harder.
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    As many others, i have never joined the forums. Now I have to voice my opinion.....fix this or I am moving on! There is no way you tested this before release, remember who the customer is!!!
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    You are not the only customer. Plenty of people think it's much better now.
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    Jabba88 wrote: »
    You mobile developers won't take yes for an answer. You have a fun mobile ga,e that is top 10 in grossing that can be played without sinking TONS of time in and you think: forget that, I need to make a DEEP game. So you go and ruin it. Happens so many times - it's not us, it's you.

    Game sucks now, you screwed up. Turn it back or watch the game, and then your studio, crash and burn.

    Exactly my words
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    Personally I think all the changes are dumb. Reason being: I, like many of you have played this game for 4+ months. We played to the pros, and cons of the game. So to come in and obliterate all the work we've done is like making a painting for 4+ month just to have someone say sry the colors were all one big typo. Why would you do that? Okay now more points less personal feelings.

    I played the STR Gear Challenge 3 times today on auto (which is a terrible player anyway) and beat it, came back after the update barely made it over half way. I have a geo soldier,(gear lvl 9, six stars) sidius,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) IG-86,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) Luminara,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) and Consular(gear lvl 8, 6 stars). My squad power is 28k (ish). I fought a 25k (ish) squad. And lost twice.
    My geo soldier could do 10k damage combined attack with critical damage on both. I did a 5k damage with critical damage.

    I hate the new way. I loved the old life meter much better. If you think that I'm wrong please let me show me what Im doing wrong. That being said I despise the update so does my whole family (who plays the game).

    I love this game and I don't want to erase it. Partly because it's an interesting game, partly because I love star wars. I have gone through many games (marvel: contest of champions, marvel: future fight, Jurassic world, Avengers assemble 2, star wars: worlds at conflict) and no game has compared to this game.

    And I'm looking forward to the guilds and raids I've
    saved a thousand crystals already just to have my own so I love this game a lot.

    So in summary I love the game.
    I hate the update with all of its content.
    And EA please fix it.
  • Ely
    161 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I woke up this morning wanting an explanation as to the reasoning for these changes, so thank you for that.

    I have only been able to do a few arena battles so far. The things that upset me the most are the changes to Yoda. He is the reason that I invested in this game. I put the effort/resources in to get him to 7* and added him to my squad. Before the update, the AI used him badly which made me an easy target. I accepted that, because it's Yoda. Now after the update he's just bad.

    I look forward to the challenge of GW and the class challenges and will post a review if I have anything productive to add.

    After now trying my galactic war and the challenges, I just don't care if I finish them. They take so long and some of it is me making mistakes but this is just too much at once. I enjoy figuring out new ways to do things but this change has made me just not care.
    Post edited by Ely on
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    Time for me to uninstall. This has been the only mobile game, scrap mobile, the only game ever to hold my attention Every day for nearly 4 months. But this update has almost doubled the time you need to invest into it to get through the dailies, and that's the breaking point for me.
    I approve that the update spices up the strategy, giving viability to more teams, but the daily 2 to 3 hours spent on the game is something I regret. Time to turn this lost time in my backlog. I hope you get the balance sorted out for the rest of the players soon!
  • CarBu
    26 posts Member
    What's up with the droids ? They die so fast now. In battles i won in Auto mode without Problems,
    i can't finish without loose a char. The Balance ist not good at the moment. My Healer can't help Right in the GW. Please correct it
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    The update actually penalises your best toons because as you progress the arm brnrfit is lost but new challenges get armour.

    GW is harder than before because of the armour.

    Challenges take to long because of the armour and we kenning of some tons but boosting of the AI.

    You have managed to turn a good game I was willing to pay money to to something that is as poor as a lot of mobile games.

    Whoever approved this without proper testing needs to be diciplined.

    Undo the patch.
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    All that effort just to see it all flushed Down the drain. I have a wife and kid. I do not have time for 3-4 hours of dailies. What a shame to see a briliant game with an almost perfect composition, destroyd by greedy dev's. Had become so fond of the game that I felt it was about time it deserved my money but screw this i'm jumping ship as well.
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    Finished the challenges, finished GW, finished second in Arena (a drop from first, my position last 2 weeks running, due to lockout in final fight) .

    The new changes are fine, you just have to rethink the way you do things. This update is beneficial for the long term health of the game.

    and another player who has been around along time or spent alot of money to already have all the toons to fit the new meta.

    I agree with you, this is not a problem for someone who has 20 7* toons.
  • JayLester14
    2 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Take your blinkers off EP you gimboid. The feedback is almost universally negative and by defending it and disregarding those who spent a load of time and money you're totally killing the game and the community. Change it back. This is absolutely god awful.
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    I'm quite happy with the update and I think it allows for new strategies... :smile:

    I can understand why people think the timer in Arena should be adjusted, but I disagree - if it is extended players will add more tanks to their line up (IMO), with the 5:00 min timer I am forced to think about my line up and what I want to achieve in the time frame I have....yes, on defence I would probably leave a tank line up :wink: , but with their lower damage I would rather change it up when I am trying to gain levels.

    If I have to provide some criticism it would also be on the difficulty of the challenges, but....perhaps that will improve as I level up to 80 (currently on 73). Who knows.

    Long story short I still enjoy the game and I like the update :smile:
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    I feel like the whole game has been ruined for the sake of "fixing" the Arena battles, which are really only a very small part of the game. If Arena was an issue then how about Arena only fixes. Shield being Arena only, nerfed damage rates in Arena only, character classes having advantages over others (ie Scoundrels strong against Jedi but weak against Sith??), max 2 characters attacking in a row before opponent gets a hit to prevent high speed teams from dominating etc. I'm sure there are plenty of creative ways to make Arena more interesting. But nerfing everything is not the answer.

    I don't have enough time to devote to 10 minute challenges, Sundays were a long enough day as it was. 24 challenges at near even 5 minutes each is still 2 hours and that's before I do anything else. If I wanted to devote that much time I'd be playing something on a console.
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    GW very very hard and takes very long time to progress. I think you should make an exemption for YODA for damage decrease since he is specially obtained. And you should nerf GS he is now like the best char and I am fed up with him he is in every team. GS is speedy so his damage should be nerfed.
  • Maikel_Swe_85
    13 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Will leave my comment here as well.

    I have spent allot of money on this game enough to buy at least 2 AAA PS4 titles, I can promise you that you wont be seeing anouther cent from me until this faulty update is rolled back.

    I have played everyday since mid december 2015

    Since you latest update that ruined this game, your game I feel robbed since Money I spent on the game seems to have been spent for nothing to me.

    I used to play on my commute to and from work everyday that was enough time to finish the daily challenges for me, its not anymore (And I dont have more time to spend on this game)

    Most importantly for you to know since your goal is for us to keep playing this: I have now bought a classic game I loved Final Fantasy IX for Android which will be my Commute game for the coming Month, I wont be playing Star Wars until the Update that broke the game for me is rolled back.

    I will be following your update forum when I see that you have coime to your senses for now I have uninstalled the game and made a backup with TitaniumBackup.
  • 7AnimalMother
    2053 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    My thoughts.

    1. The update was not horrible, that said challenges in particular are what is driving the rage.
    2. Protection & Damage Tuning
    The Good: No more one shots. In Time, we will see many viable strategies in the arena.
    The Bad: Time... 5 Arena battles and 2 Draws. Either more time is needed or damage was tuned down a bit too much.
    The unknown: Which Character got nerfed/buffed? I'm willing to take a wait in see approach. It is very hard to tell at this point.
    3. Ewoks/Omega: Yay
    4. Challenge Difficulty: When players rely on the same monotonous challenges for daily progression, they are already a grind. Adding time and significant difficulty to them is not really welcome.
    5. DS/LS/GW - Haven't played yet, but am worried about difficulty AND TIME investment given the low damage rate of toons.
    6. New Health meters stink.

    Bottom Line: When people ask for MORE CONTENT, they really mean they want more versions of PvP that will essentially give them the ability to have unlimited play (without crystals). What they don't want is time/grind added to essential progression based activities.

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    Will leave my comment here as well.

    I have spent allot of money on this game enough to buy at least 2 AAA PS4 titles, I can promise you that you wont be seeing anouther cent from me until this faulty update is rolled back.

    I have played everyday since mid december 2015

    Since you latest update that ruined this game, your game I feel robbed since Money I spent on the game seems to have been spent for nothing to me.

    I used to play on my commute to and from work everyday that was enough time to finish the daily challenges for me, its not anymore (And I dont have more time to spend on this game)

    Most importantly for you to know since your goal is for us to keep playing this: I have now bought a classic game I loved Final Fantasy IX for Android which will be my Commute game for the coming Month, I wont be playing Star Wars until the Update that broke the game for me is rolled back.

    I will be following your update forum when I see that you have coime to your senses for now I have uninstalled the game and made a backup with TitaniumBackup.

    No one forced you to pay anything and what you payed was for credits, crystals or shards and NOT to prevent the game to be balanced for everyone.
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    LegoLegs_ wrote: »
    I'm quite happy with the update and I think it allows for new strategies... :smile:

    I can understand why people think the timer in Arena should be adjusted, but I disagree - if it is extended players will add more tanks to their line up (IMO), with the 5:00 min timer I am forced to think about my line up and what I want to achieve in the time frame I have....yes, on defence I would probably leave a tank line up :wink: , but with their lower damage I would rather change it up when I am trying to gain levels.

    If I have to provide some criticism it would also be on the difficulty of the challenges, but....perhaps that will improve as I level up to 80 (currently on 73). Who knows.

    Long story short I still enjoy the game and I like the update :smile:

    how do you plan on advancing past a team consisting of
    Old Ben
    ST Han

    when the most powerful hitters in the game can only muster 3-5K
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    The only way to come close to salvaging this horrible horrible debacle is to undo the update and then implement a new rule that forces a team to be constructed as


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    "You were supposed to bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!!!"

    Never wrote about the game before. Just played and enjoyed it. I was building up a team and it was becoming gradually more challenging but remained fun. Now... Enemies are wildly more powerful, "protection" doesn't protect anywhere near as well as my old health bar did (I feel like I ordered an armor vest and was given a polyester T-shirt), squad arena games that were hard-fought victories now time-out in a draw, the whole game takes longer to play - perhaps longer than I want to play. It was getting lengthy enough already with all that character building and gear hunting and now it feels like my efforts were wasted.

    I was considering spending cash on the game for the first time and buying an Ewok bundle. Now I may just give the cash straight to the WWF and call it done here. You ripped the fun out of it for me - I'd rather have my teeth pulled out through my ears...

    I have spent cash on this game. Never commented before either. Signed into EA and created an account just to post.

    Agree with so many that as a mobile user game, this update makes the game too cumbersome to bother with. AGI Health challenge just took about 8 minutes to slog through for a few items I have hundreds of and 1 50 purple hairdryer out of 5 "possible" rewards. If I spend 8 minutes in a challenge and actually win, I should be rewarded. That was an insult.

    STR Attack challenge could not be won on highest tier last night. There is no way to hit both Veers and Tarkington hard enough with nerfed damage to avoid getting hit by their AoE and having your entire team wiped out in one move.

    GW takes way too long now.

    I could complete all daily progress in about 60-90 minutes of daily game time and do enough extra stuff to keep advancing / adding interesting toons. I don't see myself spending 4 precious hours a day on this now. I have a wife, kids, and work. This was a very nice distraction and something I had fun sharing with the kids. I'm 42 and grew up with Star Wars. Hate to see the fun part of advancing through the game taken away just to balance the Arena.

    Maybe consider adding protection feature to Arena only and returning game play the way it was for the rest of the game. Arena is by definition only 1 round, so you don't need to recharge protection. But GW, Challenges, L&D hard battles either need some way to recharge Protection, or just go back to way it was.
    "You were supposed to bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!!!"

    Never wrote about the game before. Just played and enjoyed it. I was building up a team and it was becoming gradually more challenging but remained fun. Now... Enemies are wildly more powerful, "protection" doesn't protect anywhere near as well as my old health bar did (I feel like I ordered an armor vest and was given a polyester T-shirt), squad arena games that were hard-fought victories now time-out in a draw, the whole game takes longer to play - perhaps longer than I want to play. It was getting lengthy enough already with all that character building and gear hunting and now it feels like my efforts were wasted.

    I was considering spending cash on the game for the first time and buying an Ewok bundle. Now I may just give the cash straight to the WWF and call it done here. You ripped the fun out of it for me - I'd rather have my teeth pulled out through my ears...

    I have spent cash on this game. Never commented before either. Signed into EA and created an account just to post.

    Agree with so many that as a mobile user game, this update makes the game too cumbersome to bother with. AGI Health challenge just took about 8 minutes to slog through for a few items I have hundreds of and 1 50 purple hairdryer out of 5 "possible" rewards. If I spend 8 minutes in a challenge and actually win, I should be rewarded. That was an insult.

    STR Attack challenge could not be won on highest tier last night. There is no way to hit both Veers and Tarkington hard enough with nerfed damage to avoid getting hit by their AoE and having your entire team wiped out in one move.

    GW takes way too long now.

    I could complete all daily progress in about 60-90 minutes of daily game time and do enough extra stuff to keep advancing / adding interesting toons. I don't see myself spending 4 precious hours a day on this now. I have a wife, kids, and work. This was a very nice distraction and something I had fun sharing with the kids. I'm 42 and grew up with Star Wars. Hate to see the fun part of advancing through the game taken away just to balance the Arena.

    Maybe consider adding protection feature to Arena only and returning game play the way it was for the rest of the game. Arena is by definition only 1 round, so you don't need to recharge protection. But GW, Challenges, L&D hard battles either need some way to recharge Protection, or just go back to way it was.
    "You were supposed to bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!!!"

    Never wrote about the game before. Just played and enjoyed it. I was building up a team and it was becoming gradually more challenging but remained fun. Now... Enemies are wildly more powerful, "protection" doesn't protect anywhere near as well as my old health bar did (I feel like I ordered an armor vest and was given a polyester T-shirt), squad arena games that were hard-fought victories now time-out in a draw, the whole game takes longer to play - perhaps longer than I want to play. It was getting lengthy enough already with all that character building and gear hunting and now it feels like my efforts were wasted.

    I was considering spending cash on the game for the first time and buying an Ewok bundle. Now I may just give the cash straight to the WWF and call it done here. You ripped the fun out of it for me - I'd rather have my teeth pulled out through my ears...

    I have spent cash on this game. Never commented before either. Signed into EA and created an account just to post.

    Agree with so many that as a mobile user game, this update makes the game too cumbersome to bother with. AGI Health challenge just took about 8 minutes to slog through for a few items I have hundreds of and 1 50 purple hairdryer out of 5 "possible" rewards. If I spend 8 minutes in a challenge and actually win, I should be rewarded. That was an insult.

    STR Attack challenge could not be won on highest tier last night. There is no way to hit both Veers and Tarkington hard enough with nerfed damage to avoid getting hit by their AoE and having your entire team wiped out in one move.

    GW takes way too long now.

    I could complete all daily progress in about 60-90 minutes of daily game time and do enough extra stuff to keep advancing / adding interesting toons. I don't see myself spending 4 precious hours a day on this now. I have a wife, kids, and work. This was a very nice distraction and something I had fun sharing with the kids. I'm 42 and grew up with Star Wars. Hate to see the fun part of advancing through the game taken away just to balance the Arena.

    Maybe consider adding protection feature to Arena only and returning game play the way it was for the rest of the game. Arena is by definition only 1 round, so you don't need to recharge protection. But GW, Challenges, L&D hard battles either need some way to recharge Protection, or just go back to way it was.

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    Hey ea, i realise with the changes today that tier 4 challenges in healer and support is tougher which i get, but how about putting more update to the gears. There should be a 4 gears challenge since it is tier 4. At the moment we are only battling for 3. l like how we can get Mk6 Chiewab Hyposyringe salvage in healer and support challenge. But mk 5 neurosaav eb salvage gear is outdated and needs to be replaced since it is in tiers2 and 3. Replace with mk 3 czerka stun cuffs perhaps. If you include such a gear i think a 3 gears challenge in tier 4 is acceptable. Please consider other challenges with this feedback in mind. Thanks.
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