Message from the EP


  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Yea you see Sidious everywhere because he is f2p. One of the first characters people max. He is going to be a pain in GW probably, since most people say he applies immunity all the time now, yet he is going to be a nobody in Arena.
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    Sorry but the new update totally broke the game
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    Ciel_6 wrote: »
    so after the last update:
    -Players quitting
    -SW:GoH ranking dropping fast, people rating 1* and giving bad reviews
    -Forum rage in a total different level

    what we got ? we got comment from executive producer that basically said: that's it, deal with it, try to enjoy it even tho you hate it, wait for 80, we needed to do this for balance - and ignored the fact that it created imbalanced - since so many toons are not usable now, like most attackers, healers, lof ot support buffers.
    Attackers - OUT OF THE WINDOW
    Healers - out
    Speed toons - OUUT
    Buffers - out, you not helpful.
    mostly offense toons : LOL YOU WEAK AF GET OUTTA HERE.
    small nerfs, make actually buffs considering the others:
    Debuffers - IN IN IN. you weak? it'll make you weaker make you wanna kill yourself.
    Tanks - IN IN IN. you weak ? try to kill that!
    thats why tanks like OldBen with debuffs - or Fives, RG - are now amazingly strong compared to others.

    How is this BALANCING update ?! pre update i could assemble a team from whoever i want and be competitive...
    i used to run in my team 2 tanks, 1 support, 2 attackers. right now im forced to play 3T-1S-1A in order to win in arena. this is called IMBALANCE

    and another thing the update tried to do and fail is to make us play more - the game was boring at some point since you dont have much to do and you WANTED to - and now, instead of giving us NEW CONTENT - new battles, exciting things and something like that, they made the battles take LONGER, and made the battles itself boring. and that why - when they will introduce us new content, we won't have time to do all... (and i dont know what will happen in sunday... it will take ages to finish those challanges)
    challanges hard and longer and for some people nearly impossible to finish (cause no balance, some toons are just MUCH stronger now, while others are weak)
    GW harder, longer since healers are useless: protection can't be healed - and therefore, you cant use your healers well, and you face teams with X2 hitpoints to remove.

    So after dev clarifying that the update will stay as is, and the change is something we need to adapt as the costumers (LOOOLLLL), and NO new content (just old content, more boring gameplay) - game became extremely boring and kind of a burden(not challanging - BORING), the next move will be the guild wars. and if it will disappoint people, this is end the of this game.
    and im afriad, that even the guild wars won't be enough to keep people playing, since the solo play is so frustrating atm.

    I'm curious as to why you think healers are redundant.

    cause logic
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    i really like the changes for the Arena. The way of more strategie.
    but something is really missing: it would be better if we could set a arena team for general when we get attacked. it´s nice to fight oneself with specific team against one but there is no point if we loose the next fight when we get attacked, because the set team is too specific...

    -GW now is pain. because no protection anymore after some matches, but the enemy has.

    -PvE now is terrible. cant even win stages where i already got 2 stars

    -challenges now needs too much time. lvl72-challenges where i could auto-pilote before. i cant even win when i control myself
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    A star wars game in which character such as

    Mace Windu

    are not players you need to strive to get....even though aquiring them takes a tonne of resources and time....they are not worth having on your team.

    That alone makes this update, and game itself, the worst licensed star wars game ever created.......and this is being passed off like its a good wow......
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    OwexBaill wrote: »
    OwexBaill wrote: »
    Just wow... Ppl werr complaining about how fast they finished everything( me inclusive ) and now some of you are complaining that it takes too long? Lol

    Nice dodge on the question, though ;)
    It is a mobile game after all. If you think spending 2 more hours of your free time on your cell phone that's fine. But it is not for me and has nothing to do with more content.

    People that praise the patch only see arena. And even if the meta is shifting, it won't take long until you see the next 6-8 toons in every team.

    2 more hours? Lol work on your squads mate. And ofc is new content. 2 new events, new stats and mechanics, Guilds in 2 weeks,hows that not new content? I think you are expecting just too much

    Yea, I get all that "git gud" ****.
    I am not on iOS so it's one "event" for me.
    And again, adding a second health bar is not content.
    Where did I say I expect anything contentwise? I just asked where it is as you cheerfully announced you're so happy about that "content".

    Ofc the hb is new content it changes the game play. You had droids on droid ;) and again guilds, events, new mechanics all new content. And iyo, what would or should be new content? Btw i think you need to calm down a lil and try to enjoy the game. If you cant then bb

    It lenghtens the battles. You call that content? Alright.
    I don't see any guilds.
    The last time I repeat: I never ever asked for content myself. If you think a health bar and something that has nothing to do with the current update and is going to be released in weeks is content, then be happy. I was just curious of your definition of content. It differs from mine, for sure.
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    Alexone wrote: »
    Yea you see Sidious everywhere because he is f2p. One of the first characters people max. He is going to be a pain in GW probably, since most people say he applies immunity all the time now, yet he is going to be a nobody in Arena.

    Yeah, that is why I'm saying there should have been no changes to the stats. By only adding protection and leaving the stats the characters would have the same usage, but 1 hits were removed. And by one 1 hits being removed you got a way different chance to win against teams with Rey, QGJ or GS.
    I do dislike the nerfing as well, not saying it's a good thing mate.
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    Going to try to be as constructive as possible. Holding out for final verdict because it really is far too early for that. First let me preface the rest of this by just telling you about me and my gaming in Galaxy of Heroes to better understand my perspective and what influences it.

    I’ve been playing since early January. Have invested a fair bit of money into the game. Currently level 74 but next reset will be 75. I have 7 characters that I would characterize as being as close to optimized for play in the Galactic War and arena sections and 11 more that are acceptable to use in Galactic War. Since I got the hang of Galactic War and the bench to go with it I haven’t missed a day as far as I remember. That’s around two months of straight clears. I’ve been placing at least top 20 in Arena pretty much since I unlocked the feature and for the past month I’ve been top of the pile 90% of the time. I know how to play the game but more importantly I have had the relevant (speed meta) toons to do it.

    About the Ewok event. Fun little thing. Every piece of content helps and whilst not something big it IS enjoyable none the less to see something new. I must say it has been very frustrating to see different geographical placements and phone types dictate what events and offers you’ve got to receive. Especially as an iPhone user in Europe. Don’t need to tell you what decisions and events you have made because you know them but overall it has felt like European iPhone users haven’t been valued. It’s not that there are perhaps that much in the way of rewards but when you’re playing as a min-maxer trying to play as effectively as possible every single thing adds up. The Ewok event as such makes up a bit for the gap you yourselves have created. But then again there will be people that are peeved about this. That monster is your own creation. When you play against others you want the basic premise to be equal.

    About the Omega-event. Again it is fun to see something new. And it’s not really that hard. Rewards are great and must feel like a godsend for those severely lacking credits and ability materials. A good move in this period of time where resources are spread thin because of level increase and rebalancing. I’m not overly impressed with the option to refresh though. Once more into the pockets. But it is what it is. This does move us towards a more spending favourable game though. Thinking specifically of the Omega-material.

    About the broad rebalancing of damage. It’s hard to see how this pans out. We’ve simply not had enough time with the update yet. Overall it is my general feeling that there is probably not a lot to complain about here but it’s really early. One thing is for sure and that is that this was not, I think, what the community expected. I think we as a community were expecting more drastic measures based solely on speed. As is it seems like a fine tuning. If this is good or bad, well still it feels too early to say so. Reduction in damage by itself is no problem but potential problems arise when couple with the protection stat.

    About the protection stat in general. I’m not sure now that it has arrived that it was such a glorious idea. Some increases in levels of health might have sufficed to do the trick of allowing characters to get a round in. But we’ve got protection now and it is here to stay. With that in mind I think it has some problems associated with it. Tying it to gear level instead of number of gear pieces equipped means, for now, that precrafters (of which I am one) will have an easy to obtain substantial advantage. But precrafting in and of itself was such a bad move to allow in the first place. Also are we entirely sure we wanted to grant some characters as much protection as they got?

    About the protection stat in Galactic War. Galactic War just got real. Having just played the one GW and cleared it is clear there is a difference. I know it is a small sample size and I was perhaps slightly careless whilst facing a more challenging set of opponents even by the previous standards but it was definitely harder. I lost somewhere in the region of 10-15 characters where I will normally lose one or two. The fact that protection doesn’t really replenish between fights makes for a significantly harder GW. With GW being the main source of income for most players making it that much harder has consequences. Again this makes it a move towards spenders being prioritized.

    About protection in Arena. Well fights definitely last longer. Sometimes perhaps even too long. 5 minutes have the potential to be too little to be able to win a fight. I know I’ve had at least one fight where time became a very real problem. Maybe this will pan out come higher levels but I’d run tests on this with different set-ups to see if the time hasn’t come to look at either increasing the timer or doing something else. While lots of tactics should be viable lets agree that we should perhaps not be too keen on seeing teams aimed at and very capable of drawing out the time in Arena (and I don’t know if it is at this point). Then again that is perhaps just me?

    About protection healing. It was hinted that one would be coming at some point and it does seem like the singular best idea to relieve a lot of problems with the Galactic War section. But given the currently problematic timers in Arena you need to be very careful about the implementation

    It is still too early for me to see the long term effects of protection and damage reduction. Maybe come level 80 it will become clear that it is actually a lot better than we thought and the seemingly huge health and protection pools no longer seem as significant. Maybe we will have looked at the game as well in general and moved away from our previous speed meta-defined way of looking at it and realize that the game is actually more fun and more strategic now that we have longer lasting fights. For now though it feels sluggish and time consuming.

    Even though I have spent a fair chunk of moolah on the game and I can see myself spending a bit more I must say that it has felt like free-to-play players haven’t been penalized too harshly. This update kind of feels like a bigger shift than ever towards prioritizing the spenders. Especially coupled with the, in my mind, atrocious gear update that saw the addition of much steeper gearing up requirements. I kind of liked the fact that spending, whilst definitely beneficial, wasn’t the hugest of advantages. Perhaps we have moved too far down the road of prioritizing spenders now?

    PS. Finally one little pet peeve. Royal Guard. Of which I have one (albeit only 5* coming on 6*, coming on G9 and level 74) and which everyone will be able to get. He does feel a little on the overpowered side right now. Auto taunt with a huge health and protection pool. He is definitely a beast right now. But like before it is hard to say how things will pan out. But as a developer I would definitely have my team run tests with and against teams made up of him to see if we are certain we got this one right. I understand that he wasn’t really meant to be higher than gear level 8 at the moment so maybe that would balance it out once everyone can be on equal footing. High damage teams though with him in them could wreck many a players enjoyment of Galactic War long term. Some of us think we hate Sid and his healing debuff or Dooku. But we’re about to enter a whole new era of hatred.
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    @Ciel_6 cause they can't heal protection.
    basically, look at Old ben: he got 16K hp, and 15K protection: total of 31K healers can't heal HALF of his hitpoints. on AI hands its worse, they will all waste it on 1 toon, and no refresh in time to heal for others.
    so people atc atc atc atc and healers cant do THEIR RULE (!!!) - and when they'll be able to do their rule - it will always on 1 toon only, making their heal pretty bad.
    so why would i use barris if half of the game she'll be useless? why would i use JC if he's so weak and cant land heal for so long ? why would i use lumi if her damage is now bad and her heal isn't useble for at least half game.
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    I'm glad they are handling the speed meta issue. That definitely needed to be addressed.

    My issue so far is everything outside of the arena. Much more time consuming and sadly, it hits the low and mid level players the hardest. Ensuring these challenges can be completed is crucial to low and mid level toon development. Hinder that and you're just widening the gap.

    Changes made the arena much more competitive and that's good! But the side effects need to be dealt with swiftly.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    Alexone wrote: »
    Yea you see Sidious everywhere because he is f2p. One of the first characters people max. He is going to be a pain in GW probably, since most people say he applies immunity all the time now, yet he is going to be a nobody in Arena.

    100% heal immunity that last for 3 turns,,.,,
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    I just had to say this. I've never posted anything on this forum before. I'm not an experienced player by any means but yet I still play every day and do all the daily challenges every day. I've been obsessed with this game and loved it. But I don't like the changes. The protection bar seems pointless. Just give us back the health we had and we won't need protection. I'm so sad that Chewbacca has no health now.
    I agree with everyone about the challenges. I had to downgrade a tier to win. Opponents have heaps of health and my characters seem to have next to none. I was so enjoying playing but it's seriously turned me off. That makes me sad because I was so obsessed with this game. I love accumulating shards over time and collecting and promoting characters.
    Having said all that I love the Ewok and Omega Challenges.
    I hope it changes back so much because tonight I'm putting the tv on instead of playing the game. It's too frustrating. I feel like I've lost so much power and health. It's like my characters are back at one star. I understand why changes were made but clearly 90% of people don't like them. Please let's go back to the game I looked forward to playing. Please!!!!!
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    For the record, I think the game is much, much better now. It's more tuned to actual strategy and thought. It's all achievable still, but you actually now have to understand and work with the game, not just have it handed to you on a plate.

    Bravo on an update well thought through and well implemented.

    (My only suggestion would be the need to fine tune the STR challenge, which even top players are reporting as nigh-on unbeatable at its current top tier).
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    I'm glad they are handling the speed meta issue. That definitely needed to be addressed.

    My issue so far is everything outside of the arena. Much more time consuming and sadly, it hits the low and mid level players the hardest. Ensuring these challenges can be completed is crucial to low and mid level toon development. Hinder that and you're just widening the gap.

    Changes made the arena much more competitive and that's good! But the side effects need to be dealt with swiftly.

    how is running a team full of tanks and just holding your position not allowing anyone to beat you making things more competetive.....this has taken 100% of the competetiveness out of the game completely.

    Cause everyone will run exclusively tanks and debuffers.

    There is no way in heal that you can ever beat a team consisting of

    Old Ben
    Storm Trooper/MagmaTrooper/Anakin/Mace or any other high health high Portection toons within 5 minutes.....not going to happen....
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    I don't understand why people with half decent toons are struggling with the challenges and with GW. GW took a bit longer than usual but was actually easier to complete. I only lost one toon in the entire 12 nodes. You just need to use healers properly and scout the RNG first if the node is tough. And the challenges were a cakewalk -- seriously, who on earth are you running that you can't beat Cad Bane on his current top tier challenge?

    Maybe the point is that it is now actually a proper game that you have to actually use some thought and strategy to approach? So yes, if you don't play it well, you lose. That's how games work.
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    1) The update has definitely not balanced anything, the META has narrowed. That is the opposite of balanced. Most characters have been debuffed. The ones that were META before and were not, are now way overpowered.

    2) Now in Arena, if two teams with maxed out characters face off, the one with Royal Guard will win 10/10 times. Insane Protection + Health + Ability to Stun and Taunt. RG was already top of the META, now he is God.

    3) When you're playing at a high level any character less than 7* 8 level gear is almost useless. So when most of your characters get debuffed (comparatively to the rest) it's a big deal. And having to adjust by building even just one new character to a useful level can take months..

    4) The game has always required a lot of grinding. The update now requires even further grinding for the same small rewards. i.e. almost every player vs. computer option has gotten harder and more time consuming and there was no need for that whatsoever.

    5) EA, why couldn't you just increase health for every character by a percentage relative to their slowness and leave it at that This would have accomplished the goals of balancing against speed and characters being killed too quickly. Why introduce a mechanic that makes grinding even worse teamed with debuffs that make player vs. player even more unbalanced.

    I don't need more time, this update is garbage. :|
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    Kabbes wrote: »
    I don't understand why people with half decent toons are struggling with the challenges and with GW. GW took a bit longer than usual but was actually easier to complete. I only lost one toon in the entire 12 nodes. You just need to use healers properly and scout the RNG first if the node is tough. And the challenges were a cakewalk -- seriously, who on earth are you running that you can't beat Cad Bane on his current top tier challenge?

    Maybe the point is that it is now actually a proper game that you have to actually use some thought and strategy to approach? So yes, if you don't play it well, you lose. That's how games work.

    lol, ok guy....

    No one is saying they havent beat cad bane.

    healers are close on to useless.

    And for those that havent paid, and have only 6 or 7 7* characters on their squad GW has gotten a **** tonne harder.
  • Pagiraldo224
    6 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Smithie wrote: »
    Not a game anymore Galaxy of Chores!!

    0 Fun, not enough time in the arena to do battles with new Meta.

    Challeneges and GW is so much harder.

    Cannot upgrade my gear, game is pointless now.
    Smithie wrote: »
    Not a game anymore Galaxy of Chores!!

    Same here
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    After reading through this I see most people who are happy with/ok with the changes are those who already have multiple 7* squads. For someone newer to the game who has been finding some success in GW and enjoying the game the new nerf has made the game far more difficult. Not based on time it takes to complete anything, but the ability to even win battles in GW compared to before. My A squad for GW can't get past the 4th battle without suffering fatality against a droid squad sitting 4 levels below them with RG in the mix. I was happy to consider spending more to keep playing the game, but unless I have some great revelation as to the folly of my play style this game will get dumped and I'll be whining endlessly to get the money back I dumped into it. Not that I'll get it, but at this point I feel mid level players got shafted. Those who were already cruising, and those just starting won't feel so much pinch. In case that rant wasn't clear, I am obviously very displeased with what EA did to my game.
  • Ciel_6
    178 posts Member
    Ciel_6 wrote: »
    so after the last update:
    -Players quitting
    -SW:GoH ranking dropping fast, people rating 1* and giving bad reviews
    -Forum rage in a total different level

    what we got ? we got comment from executive producer that basically said: that's it, deal with it, try to enjoy it even tho you hate it, wait for 80, we needed to do this for balance - and ignored the fact that it created imbalanced - since so many toons are not usable now, like most attackers, healers, lof ot support buffers.
    Attackers - OUT OF THE WINDOW
    Healers - out
    Speed toons - OUUT
    Buffers - out, you not helpful.
    mostly offense toons : LOL YOU WEAK AF GET OUTTA HERE.
    small nerfs, make actually buffs considering the others:
    Debuffers - IN IN IN. you weak? it'll make you weaker make you wanna kill yourself.
    Tanks - IN IN IN. you weak ? try to kill that!
    thats why tanks like OldBen with debuffs - or Fives, RG - are now amazingly strong compared to others.

    How is this BALANCING update ?! pre update i could assemble a team from whoever i want and be competitive...
    i used to run in my team 2 tanks, 1 support, 2 attackers. right now im forced to play 3T-1S-1A in order to win in arena. this is called IMBALANCE

    and another thing the update tried to do and fail is to make us play more - the game was boring at some point since you dont have much to do and you WANTED to - and now, instead of giving us NEW CONTENT - new battles, exciting things and something like that, they made the battles take LONGER, and made the battles itself boring. and that why - when they will introduce us new content, we won't have time to do all... (and i dont know what will happen in sunday... it will take ages to finish those challanges)
    challanges hard and longer and for some people nearly impossible to finish (cause no balance, some toons are just MUCH stronger now, while others are weak)
    GW harder, longer since healers are useless: protection can't be healed - and therefore, you cant use your healers well, and you face teams with X2 hitpoints to remove.

    So after dev clarifying that the update will stay as is, and the change is something we need to adapt as the costumers (LOOOLLLL), and NO new content (just old content, more boring gameplay) - game became extremely boring and kind of a burden(not challanging - BORING), the next move will be the guild wars. and if it will disappoint people, this is end the of this game.
    and im afriad, that even the guild wars won't be enough to keep people playing, since the solo play is so frustrating atm.

    I'm curious as to why you think healers are redundant.
    @Ciel_6 cause they can't heal protection.
    basically, look at Old ben: he got 16K hp, and 15K protection: total of 31K healers can't heal HALF of his hitpoints. on AI hands its worse, they will all waste it on 1 toon, and no refresh in time to heal for others.
    so people atc atc atc atc and healers cant do THEIR RULE (!!!) - and when they'll be able to do their rule - it will always on 1 toon only, making their heal pretty bad.
    so why would i use barris if half of the game she'll be useless? why would i use JC if he's so weak and cant land heal for so long ? why would i use lumi if her damage is now bad and her heal isn't useble for at least half game.

    Thanks for clarifying your position. I certainly agree as far as JC is concerned. I've found him to be a liability. But I am not so sure about Lumi. But that's just me and I can certainly understand your position. Your old Ben example raises a very interesting question - when is the right time to heal? And given that, maybe it all comes down to team composition. I run RG and I have experienced the exact conundrum that you have put forth. No, he doesn't always heal back to max but that does that make it a wasted heal? As you correctly noted, that all depends on the status of his teammates HP. Timing becomes key and there is perhaps only a small margin for error. Regardless, I won't be dropping either Lumi or Barriss from my teams just yet.
    You've demonstrated on the forums on many occasions that you have a great feel for the game (your two-taunt build was genius) - don't give up on healers just yet. Experiment with them; you've had some very impressive team ideas and I'm sure you'll be able to come up with a way to get the healers back into your teams.
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    Kabbes wrote: »
    I don't understand why people with half decent toons are struggling with the challenges and with GW. GW took a bit longer than usual but was actually easier to complete.

    Your one day sample is about as valid as anyone elses. I for one ran into hard teams that even without protection can cause a bit of problems. And now with my team effectively at half health from the get go, well you can understand that this is harder than usual even with the AI being what it is.
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    Had time to play most of the game modes now and assess the changes and looking from the point of view of the OP i can understand why the changes were made however the consequences these have had on some game modes is crazy.

    Arena seems like the mode that has come off best from these changes, i can see where these changes are heading and it's the right direction in my opinion, however your character balancing needs to be quicker as people like fives can't go on like this for long.

    Galactic war is a simple fix in my honest opinion just reset the teams overshield and not health at the start of each node, this was already pretty fair after the matchmaking changes and this would revert it back to that with the slower fights that you wanted. Making a team chew through a shield every round that they don't have just seems to make it pointlessly harder.

    Story battles need tuning and quickly, some nodes are nigh impossible at the levels intended to do them and banging your head up a brick wall in such a simple part of the game is a big turn off.

    Last but not least the god how these got past testing is beyond me, they are brutal and re-doing the same thing over and over again until the RNG gods shine on you is not fun. The tank only challenge was already horrendous before this update i can only imagine what it's like now after seeing the healing/support one today. Nerf them and fast.
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    The update was well written, and I'd like to thank the whole team for taking the time to read our feedback and take it seriously.

    However, things are still too slow.

    I've got a job and a family. One of the things I liked about this game relative to some other games I have played in the past was that I could pick it up when I had 2 or 3 minutes and crank out a challenge or a GW battle. And then I could put it away and sit through the next boring meeting at work without worrying.

    Now, I can't do that because battles take too long.

    I agree that 45 second Arena battles were over the top. I don't like 45 second battles (well, unless I win, but that's another topic). 2 - 3 minutes is perfect.

    5 minutes is too long. Way too long. And the challenges are taking me longer than that given that they have 3 battles to them.

    PS -- Ewok Challenge is awesome (although I don't like in-game content that is platform exclusive). I like the Omega challenge. Would like more stuff like that.

    On the platform exclusive -- I don't mind the purchase item being platform exclusive. It's the battles themselves that bug me. Give Android the Ewok challenge without the special Ewok starter kit if Google won't agree to the WWF donation.
  • HappyWompRat
    2 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    "You were supposed to bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!!!"

    Never wrote about the game before. Just played and enjoyed it. I was building up a team and it was becoming gradually more challenging but remained fun. Now... Enemies are wildly more powerful, "protection" doesn't protect anywhere near as well as my old health bar did (I feel like I ordered an armor vest and was given a polyester T-shirt), squad arena games that were hard-fought victories now time-out in a draw, the whole game takes longer to play - perhaps longer than I want to play. It was getting lengthy enough already with all that character building and gear hunting and now it feels like my efforts were wasted.

    I was considering spending cash on the game for the first time and buying an Ewok bundle. Now I may just give the cash straight to the WWF and call it done here. You ripped the fun out of it for me - I'd rather have my teeth pulled out through my ears...
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    I spent lot of time to have my characters to certain level and able to do decent battles. Now this latest update ruined everything. Characters are powerless and weak ability. It is like starting from beginning.
    I lost my interest to this game. Set it back to previous, now it sucks....
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    My problem is also in the more time-consuming part. For longevity it is good to have a lot of players and some of those are the hardcore type and even hc spenders but most don't have the time. And hc players need competition to keep them interested and competition is provided by having a lot of players.
    The game didn't get harder on me so far but only more time-consuming and i don't yet know if im ready to put the time needed to keep playing.
    All in all the idea of balance and diversity is great but need to be done in bits if you don't want to get angry mob rage-quitting and barking all over the net--> thus creating a lot of negative publicity which will definetly hurt sales in long term.
    I hope that people will give it more thought in the dev team and good luck either way! I myself will keep an eye for what will happen in the following days. :)
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    Kabbes wrote: »
    I don't understand why people with half decent toons are struggling with the challenges and with GW. GW took a bit longer than usual but was actually easier to complete. I only lost one toon in the entire 12 nodes. You just need to use healers properly and scout the RNG first if the node is tough. And the challenges were a cakewalk -- seriously, who on earth are you running that you can't beat Cad Bane on his current top tier challenge?

    Maybe the point is that it is now actually a proper game that you have to actually use some thought and strategy to approach? So yes, if you don't play it well, you lose. That's how games work.

    lol, ok guy....

    No one is saying they havent beat cad bane.

    healers are close on to useless.

    And for those that havent paid, and have only 6 or 7 7* characters on their squad GW has gotten a **** tonne harder.

    I've never paid a penny for my team and I have five 7* characters and no 6*. If you can't beat GW, you aren't using the many advantages the game is giving you.
  • Magoo
    12 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Thanks for aknwledging the concerns people have.

    The challenges do need to be adjusted. I was about to upgrade Rey to level vii gear, collecting just short of 50 of those mk6 syringe things in thr AGI teir iv challenge. I feel like it's taken a month do do so and was hoping to be done by the weekend. Now I can not complete the challenge.

    Yesterday's challenge was a simmilar situation. Same with 7-B Hard. I never had 3 srars, but I could beat it and get Rey shards. Now I cant.

    Very frustrating.

    I feel like my team was demoted and the time I put into developing my team and strategy to win, was a waste. I personally feel cheated.

    Not to mention that my time this morning before work was spent typing this out and not enjoying a few minutes with my favorite game.
  • Darkhelmet81
    14 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Post edited by Darkhelmet81 on
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    If you don't enjoy the challenge of GW, I genuinely have no clue what it is that you like about this game. Working out how to beat a challenging opponent, with infinite chances to go back and try again is EXACTLY the thing RPG players have wanted from their game since the dawn of the genre. It seems that some of you just want a single button that says "WIN" that just gives it all to you on a plate.
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