Should the "Raids Rewards" be reviewed ?



  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    Was this even affected? The reward model is still the same and I still got garbage for completing t6.
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    AdamW wrote: »
    Was this even affected? The reward model is still the same and I still got garbage for completing t6.

    Honestly it's considerably better as now we are guaranteed to get the unobtainable gears with the ones that we would initially get. It will still be long to farm those gears but there's an overall improvement.
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Give guild leaders the option for equal distribution rather than mandatory implementation and almost every argument against equal rewards is not a problem.

    Currently though its still going to take the average player 3 months to farm a single piece of completed raid gear. Probably need to adjust the overall rewards a bit as well.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Just to update everyone on what this latest "update" to loot looks like: TI did t6 again yesterday. 1/50 of our guys got a pre craft. The rest of us got the specified amounts of salvage. So yea, still awful.

    There's really no reason to be p2p anymore. It nets you no measurable gain. Toon progression has come to a halt because of a barrier to gear acquisition that lacks any logical organization.
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Telaan wrote: »
    Just to update everyone on what this latest "update" to loot looks like: TI did t6 again yesterday. 1/50 of our guys got a pre craft. The rest of us got the specified amounts of salvage. So yea, still awful.

    There's really no reason to be p2p anymore. It nets you no measurable gain. Toon progression has come to a halt because of a barrier to gear acquisition that lacks any logical organization.

    This still needs to be fixed. Why cant we get the devs to do a better job of fixing the problems they make?? @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera Thanks for giving more loot as a reward but its still way below what it should be and the reward brackets in the guild are B S!!
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    Has nothing to do with pay to win. Whoever stays up for character refresh at 1am gets higher prizes. Horrible
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    This still wasnt resolved. The "your guild mates are your enemy" reward bracket system isnt good.
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    This thread got far more posts and is far more active then the ones the mods have tagged to top. And they've tagged quite a few lately, they take half of screen.

    I wonder if this post isn't more significant than "congrats to Alita" or "congrats to team X finishing Raid" or even "Dooku" threads?

    Didn't you realize mods were a part of those congrats?
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Still not a fan of the way raid rewards work. Or the 2-3 month per item expected completion time for most players.
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    medetec wrote: »
    Still not a fan of the way raid rewards work. Or the 2-3 month per item expected completion time for most players.

    The reward system is garbage, this isnt at all what i was expecting for guilds.

    Feels more like work than a game, the rewards are too small and earning them with guild mates doesnt feel as good as it should.

    Why havent they commented on fixing this yet?
  • Jesse
    25 posts Member
    PardeyGirL wrote: »
    New Update Just Posted
    Should be Fixed Now.........
    Thx @Jesse & @CG Team
    Um.. ha, you're welcome, but I think you meant @EA_Jesse !!
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    In addition to revisiting the raid rewards and distribution, I hope we can also take a look at guild shipment gear. It appears to be all blue and low tier purple prototypes rather than anything having to do with the guild update.
  • Stok3d
    140 posts Member
    Here is a proposed solution to both the Raid and Loot Distro. Quote this for visibility if you agree:
  • anonidude
    703 posts Member
    Saying there is an "excellent" or "good" chance of fully crafted gear to drop seems like a bald lie. Or its bugged.

    The inverse of excellent chance would be very unlikely as in I was very unlikely to not get a fully crafted piece of gear after 4 raids. 4 raids 3 in top 3 &1 in top 10. No full gear drops for me so I call bull.

    Seems like TI is seeing the same thing with a 1/50 across whole raid.

    This is ****.

    The wording makes it seem like the worst chance to get a piece of gear is about 50-50.
    | ANZGC | Exile |
  • AdamW
    692 posts Member
    995 to 36 think the current guild reward system is a terrible design. These are just the ones on the forums.
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