Should the "Raids Rewards" be reviewed ?


  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    I don't mind getting less rewards, but I would like to be able to actually progress towards gear IX. Competing against the top 3 or so of my guild mates on this who obviously have much more money to spend on this game then me, is very disappointing. They're already well ahead of me and most others and now they're just progressing even farther. This was not a very good implementation.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
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    Bad game management here
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    We all know you're watching, reading... it's your move...

    @CG_JohnSalera ...20 yrs of making games huh, then you should be the first to comprehend this cluster muck... As a F2PP how are we supposed to progress/compete/enjoy GOH with these issues ? Gear 8 to Gear 9 is the standard now? ...I hope the GOH community stands firm and tall as one to continue to voice these issues and not be dismissed without response...
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    Please consider fixing this
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    forced client restart, rush to forums to see if there is any response to this, not even an acknowledgement... have the feeling this will go the way of the retreat update to GW a couple months ago. lots of frustration, and dev response was, if you don't like it, tough

    difference here is at least you still got some rewards or slowly built up rewards. in this case, most players will be completely locked out of g9/10 needed rewards... really disappointed
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    So, crazy thought. I mean CRAZY.

    Since the drops are so bad to start with... set the top rank raid reward as the reward for all 50 players. No one loses anything, guilds are more cooperative, character progress is actually possible and players are happy.
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    Yea.. They created a block and this game is no longer FREE TO PLAY as described. The Raid rewards system should be equal to every single member since each and everyone of us contribute the daily 600 coins as a team.. So the Raid rewards should also be the same. @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera Please can you respond to this thread.
    Bad game management here
  • FN1188
    163 posts Member
    Yes! It's ridiculous the rewards should be reviewed!
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    A much fairer way to distribute the rewards would be to allow all members to choose an item from a list of loot items the boss will "drop". Then it becomes a matter of queuing up for the item, simple as that.

    As far as addressing and recognising the extra damage done by the top damage dealers in the guild - award extra guild currency to them, to spend on an expanded guild shop.

    An alternative might be to have reward "brackets" so anyone doing over X damage receives Y loot regardless.

    Heck, any alternative would be preferable to the current situation.
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    I can understand tiering the daily rewards, but everyone on the team contributes to the coins used to start a raid. Everyone should be getting the same rewards for gear especially on the higher rail levels. It makes no sense putting crystals into a guild especially with top players when you aren't being rewarded accordingly. Why even join a guild? Just as well save crystals at this point and buy stuff through the shipments. I'm done spending money on anything Branded EA
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    For those that would like some fun math...

    The current ratio of players (96% / 4%) is almost identical to the ratio of players that DON'T RECEIVE TOP LOOT in a Tier 5 raid... 3 / 50, or 6%. :smiley:
  • MTan
    42 posts Member
    Please do review this reward system. There can be a minimal contribution system in place like guild currency but not the reward system where some people who contributed dont get gear at all.
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    I waited to vote until I had completed a raid. I've done so now. 6 purple salvage that can be bought for 5000 credits was my reward. Can't imagine how long it will take to get 50 salvage of the gear I actually want
  • HelloHey
    186 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Snake2 wrote: »
    I waited to vote until I had completed a raid. I've done so now. 6 purple salvage that can be bought for 5000 credits was my reward. Can't imagine how long it will take to get 50 salvage of the gear I actually want

    @Snake2 Hey, whats your rank in guild damage and which tier did your guild engage?
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    HelloHey wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    I waited to vote until I had completed a raid. I've done so now. 6 purple salvage that can be bought for 5000 credits was my reward. Can't imagine how long it will take to get 50 salvage of the gear I actually want

    @Snake2 Hey, whats your rank in guild damage and which tier did your guild engage?

    We did tier 4 the first time. I was like 23rd or so. But it's clear I won't be top 3 if we did tier five, and I'd have to get lucky to get top 20 on tier six
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    All you really need to do is give everyone the same Gear Boxes and leave the Guild Currency and credits alone. That way the top players get more Guild currency to spend in the shop and more credits. @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera
    Bad game management here
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    All you really need to do is give everyone the same Gear Boxes and leave the Guild Currency and credits alone. That way the top players get more Guild currency to spend in the shop and more credits. @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera

    Heck give them more stun cuffs, stun guns, whatever. Just give every member the unobtainable gear. That's the problem I have. It's still largely unobtainable.
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    All you really need to do is give everyone the same Gear Boxes and leave the Guild Currency and credits alone. That way the top players get more Guild currency to spend in the shop and more credits. @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera

    Spot on. I like the idea of getting more credits and currency for doing well but this is the only place to get some of the advanced gear and the weaker guild members are never ever going to see this gear so wont be able to advance any more. I think it will lose them quite a lot of casual players if the don't change this.
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    Leodedeus wrote: »
    All you really need to do is give everyone the same Gear Boxes and leave the Guild Currency and credits alone. That way the top players get more Guild currency to spend in the shop and more credits. @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera

    Spot on. I like the idea of getting more credits and currency for doing well but this is the only place to get some of the advanced gear and the weaker guild members are never ever going to see this gear so wont be able to advance any more. I think it will lose them quite a lot of casual players if the don't change this.

    This a good starting point to fix the current mess, which is already causing a lot of contention, distention, and all around bad vibes in guilds.
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    Current structure is leading players to give up on the game. It's really too bad. So much potential and then a rewards system that discourages members within the same guild.
  • Casual_Whale
    49 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Tau_Lambda wrote: »
    The rewards are extremely pay to win. Guild members that have the most money get the best rewards constantly. Guilds are supposed to promote teamwork not be a competition of who has the most money.

    I love the certainty and use of the word 'constantly' after almost 2 whole days of release!

    Seriously, give it a reasonable chance before calling for change on the general principle 'I can't see how this benefits ME'
  • twist
    68 posts Member
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    Smithie wrote: »
    What are the prizes?

    Nothing if you don't put in a ton of $$$$
  • Reddplague
    766 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    WAI, nuf said
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    Tau_Lambda wrote: »
    The rewards are extremely pay to win. Guild members that have the most money get the best rewards constantly. Guilds are supposed to promote teamwork not be a competition of who has the most money.

    I love the certainty and use of the word 'constantly' after almost 2 whole days of release!

    Seriously, give it a reasonable chance before calling for change on the general principle 'I can't see how this benefits ME'

    This comment exhibits all of the intellectual rigor and integrity of proclaiming "How dare anyone claim that 2+2=4. Have any of you been around long enough to know whether that is geologically relevant, let alone consistent on a cosmic timescale?!? It's absurd and unreasonable to jump to such hasty conclusions!"

    Thing is, for folks that understand math, it's really not a game of "wait and see."
  • PardeyGirL
    193 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    This is what happens when a company values secrecy over communication. If they had told us about this reward structure two weeks ago, everyone could have screamed about it before it was implemented. Now we have a mess.
    Same if we had a proper beta system.
    This pattern repeats with every update. It's baffling.
    @Qeltar I too have been thinking this the last 2 months
    Since the Level 60-70 Update they seem to be pushing to slow everything up and adding more probs into the game with less n less communication.
    I was impressed with some of the fixes to Re Balancing Update thou,
    I kinda feel like that was only because Someone Higher up @ Disney or EA Games ripped CG a New One over the losses in game ratings..!

    Guild Idea:-
    What about we the player group

    Start forming Guilds with a Max of only 20 players

    I just putting it out there.....and looking forward to others ideas too

    I know it would take longer to start a raid, thou fairer rewards, so players could craft and level up after waiting months to do so..
    Quote of the Day "Put that
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    Old Movie Gag,
    Still Way Funny...Too
    Quote of the Day "Put that
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    Its obvious they dont care..
    Bad game management here
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    i say give them a 1star review all over again
    Bad game management here
  • StarSon
    7526 posts Member
    i say give them a 1star review all over again

    I disagree. On the whole, I love the update. Love guilds. Doing our first raid tomorrow. I just think they need to tweak some things.
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