Looking for a Guild? Check here! (Part 2)


  • A13X14
    26 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Our guild is down to just 9% on T7 raid. We just need a bit more help.

    If you'd like to help send an ally invite to 111-181-889, thank you
    Post edited by A13X14 on
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    T7 Raids Every Other Day!!

    The Cantina Barflys Guild has one open position. We are an extremely active and fun guild that managed to get in 15 total raids last month. We are currently running T7 Raids every other day so the rewards are amazing. The following are requirements to be in the guild:

    1. Must have at least one 7 star hero so you can benefit from the amazing prizes.
    2. LINE app is required. We use this to coordinate Raids and for general discussion. Without it Raids would be disorganized and completely out of control.
    3. Collect 600 Guild Coins daily. We currently pick up over 29k coins a day and this is a requirement so we can continue to do raids every other day so everyone gets the awesome prizes more frequent.

    To apply or for additional questions contact us on the line app at either japwizard or nukinftw. You can also visit us online at www.swbarflys.com for additional information.
    Check us out online at www.swbarflys.com
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    B for Bendetta is currently recruiting active members. Level 40+ only please. Must do daily grind and raids. We're laid back and helpful, as long as you do your daily's. Ally request me (EmpireBarDestroyer) @ 635-289-973 if interested.
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    profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/sickagony/
    NOOOOOOOOOO: https://swgoh.gg/g/1507/noooooooooo/
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    "Too Old For This Sith" is a T7 Guild looking to fill 3 spots.

    We complete T7 3 times a week, but we need more active members to keep earning coins so we can continue raiding at a high frequency.

    The top 3 spots go to our officers, so if you are OK with that and are looking for a steady flow of T7 raid loot, send me an ally invite and I'll send you a Guild invite.

    (We are GMT -04:00.)

    Line ID & Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    ManBalz wrote: »
    "Too Old For This Sith" is a T7 Guild looking to fill 3 spots.

    We complete T7 3 times a week, but we need more active members to keep earning coins so we can continue raiding at a high frequency.

    The top 3 spots go to our officers, so if you are OK with that and are looking for a steady flow of T7 raid loot, send me an ally invite and I'll send you a Guild invite.

    (We are GMT -04:00.)

    Line ID & Ally Code: 312-212-822

    Ally invite just sent
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    SPS is looking to fill 2 spots for players who want to do T7 Heroic Raids. We have no minimum daily requirements and are very casual. We are F2P and have a very active and friendly chat. If you have one 7 star character and this interests you, please send me a PM or ally request.
    charged1981 (513-757-894)
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    Hi, we're the germany based Guild Moul and Co, raiding T6 and looking for active members for our raid team. We're currently also preparing for T7.
    Active, highly motivated newbies are also welcome.
    You don't need to perform mega damage to the Rancor, contributing your daily 600 coins is totally fine and you will benefit from the raid loot.

    If interested, send an Ally-Invite to 612-372-796
    or LINE ID: liszen_kendet
    (We're speaking german and english, so english speakers welcome!)
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    Fringerators is recruiting daily contributors and raiders . We are t5 guild 35 members , constantly donate gear to each other, we do have line but people talk in guild chat more ... Looking to progress to heroic just need more players .My line ID darkjedi64
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    We are:
    S t e ll a B e ll a
    and we are looking for players of all levels who play (almost) every day, who want to grow stronger with us. We are looking to fill in some spots to fill our our inactives and people who had to leave due to RL issues. Most of us are from other guilds that were friendly but less active. We value working together and being a team. Having a friendly atmosphere is even more important. As an example: during one raid, our entire guild stopped attacking the rancor to give one of us enough time to join.

    Rules and requirements:
    • We enjoy playing SWGOH. Most of the time :blush:
    • We respect each other's views and ideas.
    • We play daily. Missing one day a week (roughly) is no problem, if more: please say so.
    • All members must have game chat and read and follow guild announcements. You don't have to be active on the chat.
    • LINE app required for guild communication (and regular chat as an option). You may be read-only, we'll simply assume that you agree with proposals and decisions, unless you speak. We have organized our LINE groups so that you can set app notifications per message type (or switch them off).
    • At least one 5* character
    • All members spend at least 300 energy per day for coins.
    • No duplicate names. First one in the guild keeps the name, unless that person wants a name change.
    • All members must sync their squad on swgoh.gg (click).
    • Daily guild activities quota, if unlocked:
      • Light Side: at least 300 energy
      • Galactic War: at least 12 nodes (may be over multiple GW sessions)
      • Hard Mode: at least 150 energy
      • Challenges: at least 8 challenges
      • Dark Side: at least 300 energy
      • PVP Arena: at least 5 attempts
      • Cantina: at least 100 energy
    If you have trouble getting there, don't hesitate and talk about it. We shouldn't be playing guild activities to meet quota, but because we like to play them, even if only for the rewards... ;) These numbers may be adjusted as our guild grows. We'll talk about stuff like that, using LINE.
    Our raids are T5 and T6. We are in GMT+2 or UTC+2 (daylight savings active during April-October, otherwise it's +1). Our guild resets at 6:30 pm UTC+2.
    My name in the game: Bartimaeus. My ally code: 325-581-983, please send me a forum pm first, or contact me on LINE (id: bartimaeus.jt).
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    sickagony wrote: »

    We have now 3 spots open due to slacking.
    profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/sickagony/
    NOOOOOOOOOO: https://swgoh.gg/g/1507/noooooooooo/
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    Hogtown Heroes are recruiting!

    We are a Heroic Raid guild looking for everyday players that have at least 10 7* heroes (we want you to be able to step in the raid and reap the rewards as well).

    We were started by a group of friends, and have a stable roster of everyday players. We are looking for players that can be on everyday, who enjoy a friendly group atmosphere, and who want build their roster. Our members actively discuss raid comps, arena comps, how to 3* battles, and help each other gear their heroes through donations. We run T7 raids 2-3 times per week. Currently we have a 1 attempt in the first 24 hours rule so all members can get on the board for prizes. If the raid is not completed after 24 hours, then it is a free for all after a guild officer gives the go signal.

    We have members from throughout the world. Our reset time occurs at 7:30 PM EST. We do not require any 3rd party apps. However, we do have a Discord server, but it is not mandatory.

    If this sounds like a guild that you could call home, please ally invite me or message me on here and I can answer any questions you have.

    Thank you and good luck,

    Ally Code: 687-342-475
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    Grokusama wrote: »
    looking for a couple of 70+ active players. our guild has currently started doing Tier 6 raids. we will be doing a couple of Tier 5 raids in between of T6 until we are able to complete T6 within a day. we have about 5 spots currently. send me a message here or ally me if you are interested.

    ally code: 258-568-593

    Sent an ally request through. Would be happy to come on board if there's still a spot.
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    Want a better, no stress, fun guild to be a part of?
    Join Parental Guidance Advised. We are filling a few spots and moving on to T7s.

    Come talk to us at 'PGA - Room' on GroupMe. Click here to join: https://app.groupme.com/join_group/24239724/ccCo0L

    Grootmeester Vicious
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    Galactic Security wants you! We are a semi-casual guild looking for a few new, active members. We run primarily T5/T6 (T5 can take less than 12 hours); heroic is on the horizon.
    If you are level 65+ and want to raid (have at least 1 6* so you can get rewards immediately), we would be glad to bring you in. While we do want active members, we do not require full daily contributions and we have no problem with people taking vacations or brief time off. Our chat is always helpful, and we do offer tips and advice on how to maximize your game enjoyment.
    We also have a Line guild channel and Discord server for game discussion.
    Our time zone is EST (GMT+4), with reset at 930pm EST. Most of our members are US, but we have members from around the world.
    If this sounds right for you, please send me a pm. You can also shoot me an Ally request at 879-417-165.

    Good hunting!
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    Unaccepted looking for members, running t4 raids so very friendly to new players. Chat is relatively active. Pm or comment your ally code if interested!
  • Ouranos
    2 posts Member
    edited September 2016


    Guild Portuguesa (aceitamos membros de qualquer país)

    A fazer ofensiva 7 de 3 em 3 dias

    Requisitos mínimos:

    - lvl 80;

    - Fazer as 600 de energia diárias;

    - Ler e escrever no Chat;

    - Respeitar os outros;

    - Preferência utilizar a app LINE

    Queres estar num grupo de amigos de topo, adiciona e tenta a tua sorte.

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    We are simple people trying to change the universe; a hodgepodge of active players just having fun and kicking butt. We are still accepting any level and willing to advise any low level players on how to best improve their teams. We are primarily made of lvl 80 players, but even lvl 40 players are able to contribute to our raids and get the massive rewards from them.

    We are currently working on Tier 6 raids.
    Moving up to Tier 7 here soon dependent on when the guild can complete the raid and when moving up benefits everyone.

    Guild Name? "Blaster I Barely Know Her"

    How to Join? ALLY REQUEST "SHROOMY" @ ALLY CODE: 888-825-337

    Requirements? None! (nodda! zilch!)

    Requests from the guild? We are looking for people who log on each day and contribute to the guilds needs. We family :)
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    Bring your guild into the Empire! Maximize you and your guild members' game!

    Join our network of heroic guilds and you'll be doing a minimum of 3 Heroic T7 raids every week! The rewards are incomparable to Tier 5 & 6 regardless of what place you come in...not to mention the Han Solo shards ;)

    We have a system in place that guarantees great rewards as long as you have at least one 7* toon.

    Do you want to be prepared for the NEW RAID that's coming soon?? We are!! Our knowledge base has us ahead of the curve for what's coming to the game!

    Mergers are welcome. I can accommodate many, few, a couple, or one. Bring your entire guild and it will be added to the network. You'll never be doing anything less than heroic ever again. This IS the opportunity that you're looking for. It was everything that I could have ever hoped for when I joined. I brought my entire guild into the network. The knowledge shared between everyone is priceless. 180+ members in our network and growing.
    The only requirements are as follows:
    1. Players have one 7* character. It's necessary to participate in heroic raids and get the rewards
    2. Players do their 600 daily contribution. That is how the raids are paid for. We have a proven system that even f2p can use to get their 600.
    3. Players have and use the LINE App. This is what we use to communicate. It's absolutely necessary during raids.

    Let me know if you're interested and I can provide more details. Contact me on LINE only please.

    Find me on LINE - ID= lord_wolfe
    Check out my swgoh.gg profile DISCORD = L0RD W0LFE#2537 LINE ID = lord_wolfe
    "Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends." - Lord Vader

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    PGA is looking to fill a few spots to start T7 raids, we are a very active group with mix of f2p & p2p players. A lot of us been gaming together for years and are very friendly group. We use Group Me chat app, please contact me if interested.

    Come talk to us at first 'PGA - Room' on GroupMe. Click here to join: https://app.groupme.com/join_group/24239724/ccCo0L

    Grootmeester Vicious
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    Grand Champion StarKillers
    Pacific Time Zone
    36/50 members

    We are looking for additional members. We have 36 active members now ranging from level 40-80. If you fall in that category and need a group, get in touch. If you have a smaller guild (15-20 or so) and want to merge in, we'd love to have you also.

    Doing Tier 4 raids every 2-3 days. No pressure. Just want to have fun and grow together.

    Ally Code: 568-479-384
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    Join our network of heroic guilds and you'll be doing a minimum of 3 Heroic T7 raids every week! The rewards are incomparable to Tier 5 & 6 regardless of what place you come in...not to mention the Han Solo shards ;)

    We have a system in place that guarantees great rewards as long as you have at least one 7* toon.

    Do you want to be prepared for the NEW RAID that's coming soon?? We are!! Our knowledge base has us ahead of the curve for what's coming to the game!

    Mergers are welcome. I can accommodate many, few, a couple, or one. Bring your entire guild and it will be added to the network. You'll never be doing anything less than heroic ever again. This IS the opportunity that you're looking for. It was everything that I could have ever hoped for when I joined. I brought my entire guild into the network. The knowledge shared between everyone is priceless. 180+ members in our network and growing.
    The only requirements are as follows:
    1. Players have one 7* character. It's necessary to participate in heroic raids and get the rewards
    2. Players do their 600 daily contribution. That is how the raids are paid for. We have a proven system that even f2p can use to get their 600.
    3. Players have and use the LINE App. This is what we use to communicate. It's absolutely necessary during raids.

    Let me know if you're interested and I can provide more details. Contact me on LINE only please.

    Find me on LINE - ID= lord_wolfe
    Check out my swgoh.gg profile DISCORD = L0RD W0LFE#2537 LINE ID = lord_wolfe
    "Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends." - Lord Vader

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    "Too Old For This Sith" is a T7 Guild looking to fill 2 spots.

    We complete T7 3 times a week, but we need more active members to keep earning coins so we can continue raiding at a high frequency.

    The top 3 spots go to our officers, so if you are OK with that and are looking for a steady flow of T7 raid loot, send me an ally invite and I'll send you a Guild invite.

    (We are GMT -04:00.)

    Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    Statement: Party Like It's IG-88 is recruiting two new meatbags to participate in high-level raiding activities. We are currently doing one t5 and two t6 each week, and are hoping to advance to t7 soon. Players are preferred at level 70+ and active.

    Assurance: We are a very friendly guild of mostly f2p members with an East Coast (US) reset time. We utilize both Line and the in game chat to communicate, but Line is optional (but encouraged).

    Solicitation: If you are interested in joining us, you may contact this meatbag on the forum, or on Line (zageemurak)! Or you can add by ally code: 152-525-965
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    Galactic Marauders are looking for people who would like to do Heroic raids.

    Must contribute your daily 600 so we can raid consistently.

    6:30 pm EST reset time.

    Were looking for people who have enough geared, 7* toons who can help finish the raid.
    So if you want to be in a guild and finish in the top of tier 7 raids for solo shards and loot, this is the guild for you!

    Add Darth Dilsnick

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    Starting a T7 tonight, anyone want in?
    Come join Parental Guidance Advised

    Or come talk to us on Group Me Chat App: https://app.groupme.com/join_group/24239724/ccCo0L

    Grootmeester Vicious
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    The Faceless Men are based in the free city of Braavos. We are servants on the Many-Faced God and must deliver the "gift" to the Rancor. To enter the House of Black and White, one must be prepared to become no one, and also be lvl 80 and ready for heroic raids. Heroic raid starting tomorrow. 2 spots open.
    638 927 927
  • dgbell3
    2 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Imperial Nerd Herders is looking for a few members. Most of us recently transferred from a T7 guild (leaderless for over a month). We are friendly, sociable, and helpful. We value being active (600/day) and strive to have all members participate in each raid (no point in wasting rewards). Guild exchange should also be utilized daily (request and donations). Almost all members are level 80 but it is not required. At least one 7* is needed to participate in the raids. If you are an active player looking for a T7 guild (EST time zone), send me an ally request and come check us out.

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    Grey Path is recruiting!

    • Level 80
    • Solid rooster of 7* toons

    • Stick to the guild's strategy
    • Read chat
    • Join our closed facebook group
    • 600/600 every day

    We are a T7 only international guild with a great and helpful community.

    Add me for guild invite!

This discussion has been closed.