Looking for a Guild? Check here! (Part 2)


  • harunsoylen
    45 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Post edited by harunsoylen on
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
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    Ashes of Kings is a new guild looking players of all skills and levels!

    Minimum level: 45

    We look to do T5 raids, as well as T3 or T4 for other lower level members. We have very active members who are always willing to lend advice and help out as much as possible!

    Current members range from level 60 to level 80 and are very active.

    If you want to join a pressure free guild, look no further than Ashes of Kings!

    Ally code: 665-451-316

  • musashi
    609 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Nerf Herder Elite Force is currently accepting members for high-level guild!

    Dusting off our thread as we're looking for one replacement. (Our guild thread has over 2.2k views!) Our top 20 elite guild is looking for one heavy-hitter. Details/requirements are below and in the first post of the link below. We run t7s every other day. No special chat app required. It's a really great group of people, we share a lot of information, we have very few rules, and everyone has a chance to earn Han Solo shards. We're always at 50 members and only replace when needed, usually related to not making the 600 daily energy requirements and daily guild activities. Many of us started in Nov/Dec and have been together for a long time. We discuss all high-level aspects of the game, mods, Arena, raid strategy. Our goal is for both the player and our guild to be happy with moving to our guild. We're looking for players who are going to be with us for the long haul. The requirements are high, but we have an amazing group of players and have a lot of fun as well. It's definitely an opportunity to play with some of the best players in the game and take part in something bigger. Send me your ally code or you can ally me below, just let me know if your game name is different. I'd be happy to answer any questions. Thanks!

    Guild Name: Nerf Herder Elite Force (NHEF)

    Description/Requirements: Positive vibe guild, not a lot of rules, but need to contribute 600 daily. We're members from other guilds who started a new guild to prep for next raid (Grievous/AAT) Many of us have been with the game since launch. Seeking lvl 80 players, min of 18 level 80 7* chars, daily players, top 50 in Arena. We use game chat to discuss raids and game overall. No special chat app required. We use swgoh.gg.

    Raid level: t7 (Rancor) every other day

    Player level: 80

    Guild Refresh is 7:30pm EST

    Guild time zone: Members from US, UK/Europe, Australia, Singapore, and more. We raid during daytime US hours (kickoff is 12pm EST)

    Feel free to message me with any questions.


    Guild leader: musashi
    Ally Code: 935-752-382
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    Owen Family BBQ

    Looking for those struggling with a small guild.

    Our guild is looking for serious players who want to have fun as a TEAM. We are in the process of one merge and it was very successful however some "fair weather" players keep us looking to fill spots after for serious players who contribute daily.

    We are a guild that believes in raiding as a group. All of us have left guilds with officers and leaders that didn't pay attention to the lower ranks. Most of us are high 70's & Level 80 players, however we value a fun guild over your level so if you are in a position to be a part of a guild running tier 5 and looking to be a part of building to a heroic level then we are your group!

    We expect all players to build their entire character list deep and even. Not looking for one team wonders. PM me or seek out Moh Pai player code 582-174-493 &/or PaiHuShih 951-953-995

    Our guild is a VERY positive atmosphere. Looking for those who want to enjoy the game but not take it too seriously. Guild hoppers need not apply. We have some (very few) people who don't take play as serious as we prefer. About 35 of 50 are solid consistent players. We are looking to fill the last spots and are ready to cut people from our roster for the right candidate.

    We want people to join who wish to grind until we make it to the top. Our goal is to take every person to T7 with 25 7* or above.
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    Millennium Fighters is looking for players! Risen from the ashes of a great guild with some bad leadership, Milennium Fighters is a guild actively recruiting players of any level and playing style. The leadership may be upper level players, but we love and appreciate the game and don't mind doing the lower tier raids if it benefits our guild mates! We just enjoy playing and want to find some players who feel the same. At the moment, we aren't using anything but the built in chat, so no requirements there. We want to help you get the toons you've always wanted, the gear you need, the advice to help make it through events.
    DruBacca 928-161-951 add me as an ally and I'd be happy to give you an invite
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    Our merry band of semi-serious players, the mysteriously named "Grabthar's Hammer," is looking for a few good men and women. We are finally ready for Tier 6 raids, and are looking for players level 75 and up to share in the fun. We don't have any rules. We won't kick you out for taking a few days (or a week) off from the game. We are an international guild, so we are in many different time zones. Please add me (Mah-Al Ibara) so I can invite you to our guild! My code is: 853-282-584
    こんにちは!Grabthar's HammerのリーダーをつとめるMah Al Ibara(マー・アル・イバラ)です。ゆるく遊びたい人、うちのギルドに入りませんか?ようやくTier 6のレイドをやるようになって、一緒に遊びたいレベル75以上のメンバーを募集してます。 ルールは特にありません。数日間ゲームから離れても追放したりしません。無国籍のギルドなのでチャットは主に(カタコト)英語ですが、困ったことがあれば気軽に日本語で質問してください。リーダーの私がお答えします。私にリクエストを送っていただければ、私がギルドに招待いたします。同盟コードは853-282-584です。よろしくお願いします!
    Mah Al Ibara
    Ibara's School for Women
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    The Dirty Dozen
    Active players above 50, we do raids daily, everyone donates, lots of helpful vet players.
    Leader Nawiob Ibonik
    Ally Code 779-595-299
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    I'm in a guild that does 3 heroics per week. And we clear all 3 in 2 days. The rewards are incomparable to Tier 5 & 6 regardless of what place you come in...not to mention the Han Solo shards ;)

    Do you want to be prepared for the NEW RAID that's coming soon?? We are!!

    Mergers are welcome. I can accommodate many, few, a couple, or one. Bring your entire guild and it will be added to the network. You'll never be doing anything less than heroic ever again. This IS the opportunity that you're looking for. It was everything that I could have ever hoped for when I joined. I brought my entire guild into the network. The knowledge shared between everyone is priceless. 180+ members in our network and growing.
    The only requirements are as follows:
    1. Players have one 7* character. It's necessary to participate in heroic raids and get the rewards
    2. Players do their 600 daily contribution. That is how the raids are paid for. We have a proven system that even f2p can use to get their 600.
    3. Players have and use the LINE App. This is what we use to communicate. It's absolutely necessary during raids.

    Let me know if you're interested and I can provide more details. Contact me on LINE only please.

    Find me on LINE - ID= lord_wolfe
    Check out my swgoh.gg profile DISCORD = L0RD W0LFE#2537 LINE ID = lord_wolfe
    "Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends." - Lord Vader

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    DIRTY CASUALS 2 ! Now growing!
    Our main guild Dirty Casuals (top 100 T7) has started a sister guild for development, growth and recruitment. We keep it casual but competitive and fun. We have lots of experience to help

    Simple requirements:
    ▪ 600 coins per day unless something is going on IRL , we need coins to raid after all

    ▪ guild activity doesnt need to be maxed just do what you can
    ▪ be respectful to others
    ▪ we use line to communicate so you should have that ...
    line id : soulgrits
    ▪ have some fun and joke around

    Come join us on a great new experience.

    PM me or find me on LINE app (preferably)
  • vazelos81
    166 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    CretaForce is looking for a few new members.
    We don't care much about your level and don't have any special rules.
    We just need active players who spend their energy for coins and can help us play many raids.
    Guild is very friendly and we currently play T4.

    If you are intesested to join PM me with your ally code or add me in game and i will invite you
    ally code 692-467-664
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    "Too Old For This Sith" is a T7 Guild looking to fill 1 spot.

    We complete T7 3 times a week, but we need more active members to keep earning coins so we can continue raiding at a high frequency.

    The top 3 spots go to our officers, so if you are OK with that and are looking for a steady flow of T7 raid loot, send me an ally invite and I'll send you a Guild invite.

    (We are GMT -04:00.)

    Line ID & Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    Inglorious Blasters' is looking for active players that want easy Heroic or T6 raid gear. We clear T6 in just over a day and typically start another one as soon as that one is done. We just cleared our first T7 Heroic and are looking to start doing these regularly. If you are a player that is looking to progressivly gear up and be part of the Heroic raiding team please join in!

    Please send me an ally request or a PM in LINE. I currently have 5 open spots on my ally list.

    SWGOH User ID 8 bit
    Ally Code 167-699-554

    LINE user ID: "darth8bit"
  • Tannjam
    420 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    ShutUpMeg is looking for active members to join our guild. We currently consist of about 10 active members and want to grow our guild to increase raid activity and progression. We're currently raiding T4, but will be stepping up to T5 and beyond as we grow. Most members are level 70 or above with deep rosters necessary for progression.

    We're active in discussion or strategy for raids or PVP, baseball, current events, whatever. English-speaking, Central Standard Time refresh, Active in donations.

    Send a guild request or ally request to:

    Ally Code: 158-667-364

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    Greetings everyone! My guild No Exuse has 2 new openings.
    We are a very active T6 guild. Our raid schedule is 9pm EST and we do we get in 3-4 raids a week.
    LINE app is recommended, but not required. The members who communicate on LINE seem to be the most successful in the guild.

    No Exuse will be starting T7 raids very soon, as we have players that can nearly complete the T6 on their own already. Dont miss out on this opportunity.

    Minimum Requirements are:
    1. Player level 70 or above, with at least 1 7* toon so you can participate in raids
    2. Produce at least 500, preferably 600 energy coins daily
    3. Contribute to daily guild activity

    We use the LINE app to communicate to guild members for raid strategy and lessons learned.

    If you want to advance in this game and be part of a great guild please reach out to us.

    Contact meat1980, player code: 185-682-195

    LINE app ID: meat1980

  • Lync
    8 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Post edited by Lync on
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    Dark Suns is looking for 5 more players looking to join in T7 raids. Only requirements are one 7* character and contribution of 600 coins daily. Send an ally or guild request.

    Ally Code: 635-384-339

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    Brand New Guild.
    Looking for active players, level 25 and up.
    We are slowly building our team and each other.
    No minimums, just be active.
    We communicate with ingame chat and in a groupme room. Your choice.
    We are an knternational guild with folks feom all over the globe.

    Come have some fun with us.
    My ally code
    Palpatines Guerreiros
  • KyloRey
    871 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Ajax guild looking for new members.

    Currently have 37/50 members.

    We are a pretty casual guild. Only requirements are that members have at least 1 7* toon (so they can get raid rewards), consistently try to get 600 guild coins a day, and utilize the Discord app for guild communications.

    We do Tier 7 raids twice a week right now, Wednesdays at 9 pm EST and Saturdays at noon EST. Eventually, we'd like to get our guild up to 50 members to do raids every other day.

    Raid rules are 1 member solos Phase 1 (rotate this person), rest get 1 attack for the first 24 hours, and then we zerg after 24 hours to finish off the Rancor.

    Guild members are friendly and discussions on Discord are frequent and lively.

    If interested PM me on here or add me as an ally (ally code 722-257-766) and I'll send you an invite.
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    Decendants of the Empire is recruiting... part of the Empire Alliance. T7 Heroic raids with fair prizes for all. Read more here...

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    The Saber Knights want you!
    We started our own guild because we got tired of our guild never raiding and not following it's own rules. We are active everyday. We love helping each other out by exchanging gear and tips. Once we get enough players we will do regular raids - no hoarding those guild coins here! If you want to join a guild and play regularly but just want to have fun then the Saber Knights is the guild you need.

    We are currently looking for level 50+ but that's just so we can run some cool raids, and to get started we'll take lower ranking players and help you level up. If you want to join an active guild and have fun come check us out! We'd love to have you.
    Arena Rank: 366 (currently)
    AllyCode: 889-915-253
    Number of 7*: 3
    Number of 6*: 5
    Number of 5*: 8
    Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?
  • 7AnimalMother
    2053 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Living in your moms basement? Quit school at 15, or got laid off? Can you survive solely on hot-pockets and monster drinks? If so, Fulcrum's Cell 1 is looking for you. Bring your inner nerd, but please leave your drama on the official forums!
    Our guild is recruiting rebel scum, plain ole scum, slimy double-crossing no good swindlers, fuzzballs, bantha fodder, flyboys, goldenrods, slimy pieces of worm ridden filth, overweight globs of grease, nearsighted scrap piles, flea-bitten furballs, walking carpets, mindless philosophers, stuck-up half-witted scruffy looking nerf herders, laser brains, and anyone else who resides in wretched hives of scum and villainy.
    No politicians, though. We have standards.
    Did I mention we have real single girls in our core? (granted they may be 45 and have 20 cats...)
    As you may have guessed, we're a (somewhat) mature social guild with a sense of humor (IDC if you think it's funny, it's still humor. I'll bet the mindless philosophers get it.) We try to be helpful, but our primary purpose is to have a fun place to raid or have a conversation with other freaks while we do....whatever.
    Now the serious part:
    1. We are looking for a few active players willing to contribute their daily 600 guild coins.
    2. We are US CST based, but have players from all over.
    3. Good mix of FTP and PTP.
    4. Strongly Encourage joining LINE chat.
    5. We do heroic raids 3x a week (MWF), and have been doing so for several months.
    PM me if you are interested.
    Do not underestimate the power of the Dork Side!
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    My guild No Exuse is looking for 1 more solid contributing player. We are currently running T6 raids with an occasional T5 if we have too many coins. We do at 3-4 raids a week. All we ask is you do your best to work on the guild activity of the day and spend at least 500 energy daily. Please send me an ally invite if you’re interested.
    Guild Actvity Reset: 7:30pm EST/ 4:30pm PST / 11:30pm GMT
    Raids Time: 9:00pm EST / 6:00pm PST / 1:00am GMT
    We are mostly in North America but there also a few from Europe and Asia.
    Ally Code: 185-682-195
    Line ID: meat1980
    Line not required but recommended ( we have a very friendly and active chat bit in app and on Line)
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    Pm if interested. Run t6 or t5. Looking for active players who spend energy daily so we can earn raid coins. We have no formal schedule. Just launch when a raid is complete. T6 runs a few days so you'll get time to attack. Just need people who contribute. F2p very informal.
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    Hey Everyone,

    Endor's Game is looking for a few more solid 75+ players to help us get into the T7 Heroic Raid. We are currently fully committed to Tier 6 and knocking it out faster and faster. As we grow in strength, I'm hoping to help us achieve a full roster.

    Currently we are requiring a 600 Guild contribution daily, are requesting notifications of leave of absence longer than 7 days and have a Line account where we share a lot of great information.

    If you'd like to help us jump into the Heroic and get geared, add me in-game and I'll gladly bring you into the guild.

    Thanks and good gaming,

    Player ID: 118-695-246

    Player ID 118-695-246
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    Hi, Ajax guild looking for new members.

    Currently have 39/50 members.

    We are a pretty casual guild. Only requirements are that members have at least 1 7* toon (so they can get raid rewards), consistently try to get 600 guild coins a day, and utilize the Discord app for guild communications.

    We do Tier 7 raids twice a week right now, Wednesdays at 9 pm EST and Saturdays at noon EST. Eventually, we'd like to get our guild up to 50 members to do raids every other day.

    Raid rules are 1 member solos Phase 1 (rotate this person), rest get 1 attack for the first 24 hours, and then we zerg after 24 hours to finish off the Rancor.

    Guild members are friendly and discussions on Discord are frequent and lively.

    If interested PM me on here or add me as an ally (ally code 722-257-766) and I'll send you an invite.
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    "The Council of Balance" is looking for a few more players to join our ranks!
    We do T7 Heroic raids 3 days a week (Mon. Wed. Sat.).
    We require a full 600 energy per day as well as the use of the Application SLACK for communication (a prerequisite before you're invited to the guild).

    Our members are friendly & helpful who are always willing to help somebody out. If you're looking for a guild that can consistently crush T7's while not being too serious, this is the place for you.

    If this sounds good to you, PM me with a link to your SWGOH.gg profile, & I'll send you a link to our Slack team!
  • MonteZero
    43 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Nomads looking for 2 active players to join. Must do 600 daily's everyday is only requirement. We are competing for top spots in T7 raids.

    Everyone in Nomads is highly active and does 600 daily's, everyday!
    You want to be part of a great Team? You will find your home, with Nomads.

    Note: We are central time. Use Line chat, all Nomads get to raid!

    Message me here an I will get you in to Team Nomads. May the force be with you!
    Post edited by MonteZero on
  • Maximusu
    130 posts Member
    edited September 2016

    -Are you around Level 50?
    -Looking for a guild to grow in and meet some new people?
    -How about Raids? Do you enjoy killing giant Rancors and collecting loots?
    -Are you a new player Looking for some help and tips in leveling and Arena?

    If any of these apply to you...Join us!! We are a guild of like minded individuals looking to get the most out of game while having the best time possible. Friendly and mature guild and very helpful for new players as well as tips on how to succeed :smile: We have line chat for those interested.

    Dont wait too long! Join us while we still have room and come be awesome with us! Send me a message with your Ally Code! Hope to see you guys soon!!
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    Nerf Herder Elite Force is currently accepting members for high-level guild!

    Our top 20 elite guild is looking for one heavy-hitter/P2P player. Details/requirements are below and in the first post of the link below. (Our guild thread has over 2.3k views!) We run t7s every other day. No special chat app required. It's a really great group of people, we share a lot of information, we have very few rules, and everyone has a chance to earn Han Solo shards. We're always at 50 members and only replace when needed, usually related to not making the 600 daily energy requirements and daily guild activities. Many of us started in Nov/Dec and have been together for a long time. We discuss all high-level aspects of the game, mods, Arena, raid strategy. Our goal is for both the player and our guild to be happy with moving to our guild. We're looking for players who are going to be with us for the long haul. The requirements are high, but we have an amazing group of players and have a lot of fun as well. It's definitely an opportunity to play with some of the best players in the game and take part in something bigger. Send me your ally code or you can ally me below, just let me know if your game name is different. I'd be happy to answer any questions. Thanks!

    Guild Name: Nerf Herder Elite Force (NHEF)

    Description/Requirements: Positive vibe guild, not a lot of rules, but need to contribute 600 daily. We're members from other guilds who started a new guild to prep for next raid (Grievous/AAT) Many of us have been with the game since launch. Seeking lvl 80 players, min of 18 level 80 7* chars, daily players, top 50 in Arena. We use game chat to discuss raids and game overall. No special chat app required. We use swgoh.gg.

    Raid level: t7 (Rancor) every other day

    Player level: 80

    Guild Refresh is 7:30pm EST

    Guild time zone: Members from US, UK/Europe, Australia, Singapore, and more. We raid during daytime US hours (kickoff is 12pm EST)

    Feel free to message me with any questions.


    Guild leader: musashi
    Ally Code: 935-752-382
This discussion has been closed.