Looking for a Guild? Check here! (Part 2)


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    Hi guys.

    We're a T7 guild looking for one member. We do T7 2-3 times a week. No chat apps required, only thing we ask is that you are active and listen to raid rules which will be posted in chat prior to each raid. We have a no damage period at the start of each raid and you must respect that. Obviously you'll need at least one 7* character to participate. We're a very friendly, laid back guild compared to most T7 guilds.

    If this sounds like your thing then send me an ally request at 711-693-441 leave your current guild, or PM me and I'll send you an invite.
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    Laid back non hardcore guild open for players looking for same.

    Guild: Australia. But players from around the world.

    We're about 45/50 players. Level 55-70, doing tier 3 and 4 raids.

    All players are active.

    My ally code: 893-763-397
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    We are looking for about 5 new members from any time zone.
    We only do legendary raids, every 2-3 days with 24 hr registration period. We rotate pig duty to allow everyone to have an equal chance.
    The only requirement for our guild is 600 energy EVERY day, so we can raid faster and get rewarded faster.
    It is also strongly recommended that you join our guild Line chat.
    Contact me if interested, no matter player level or number of toons.
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    Critical Chance
    T7 Guild Critical Chance is looking for 1 player. If you are a player with a T7 roster who is invested in the game and would like a drama free Guild that has it together please pm me or contact me through line. DarkHelmet leader line id davidwbjr
    Critical Chance Guild Rules
    1) Have fun above all else, enjoy playing this game and in return you will continue to play for a longer period.
    2) Respect your other guild mates. While debating is great for both guild and player, arguing is not and will never be tolerated.
    3) We use the Line app to communicate you must install it when joining the guild if not already installed.
    4) Guild coins, all players must complete 600 energy daily to pay for raids.
    New Raid Activation: Raids will be activated at least 12 hours early. Once a raid has been activated players who feel they will not be able to raid during the scheduled time will be able to use one character for zero damage. At the scheduled time the following day the Raid will be open to all free for all style.
  • harunsoylen
    45 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Post edited by harunsoylen on
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    60 ve üzeri levelda ve her gün oynayan arkadaşları loncamıza bekliyoruz. Bana mesaj atabilir veya bu mesaja yorum yazabilirsiniz.
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    Nous avons fait un peu de ménage dans notre guilde, beaucoup de joueurs n'étaient pas conviviaux, cordiaux et jouaient la gagne en marchant sur les autres.
    Ça n'est pas du tout notre état d'esprit, nous sommes une guilde regroupant des joueurs actifs sans pour autant viser le classement.
    Nous savons pertinemment que le top 3 dans les différentes épreuves n'est pas pour nous.
    Pour autant nous terminons aisément le raid niveau 7 et ils sont lancés tous les 2 jours en fonction de l'activité de chacun.

    Si tu as envie de jouer pour le fun car tu as une vie privée, si ta guilde ne parle pas français, si l'ambiance est trop lourde, je t'invite à nous rejoindre "l'ordre du Phoenix".
    Très simple pour les invitations : j'ai fais de la place dans mes alliés, tu n'as qu'à m'ajouter et je t'inviterai dans la guilde en retour : 984-591-386.
    Tu n'as vraiment rien à perdre, on a tous à y gagner.
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    Hello Internet friends. The Brute Squad is looking for a few new recruits. We had to let a few people go bc they weren't following raid rules. We have been crushing heroic raids for a few months. I have to say we have a great guild. Chat is very active, donations fly and honestly some good people. We don't have any crazy rules or line chat. We just want to make sure everyone has a chance at raid rewards. All we ask is you hit the 600 daily coins. My ally code is 914 371 269. Have a good one guys.
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    Some very hardcore T7 guilds above and one demanding daily 600 coins.

    We're not that hardcore, but all active, 48/50 members

    My guild details here: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/72241/non-hardcore-but-active-guild-recruiting-laid-back-players#latest
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    LMBS Team is a ne guild. We are recruiting new members. Newbies welcome use ally code 499-636-987
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    The Cantina Barflys Guild has one open position. We are an extremely active and fun guild. We are currently running T7 Raids every other day so the rewards are amazing. The following are requirements to be in the guild:

    1. Must have at least one 7 star hero so you can benefit from the amazing prizes.
    2. LINE app is required. We use this to coordinate Raids and for general discussion. Without it Raids would be disorganized and completely out of control.
    3. Collect 600 Guild Coins daily. We currently pick up over 29k coins a day and this is a requirement so we can continue to do raids every other day so everyone gets the awesome prizes more frequent.

    To apply or for additional questions contact us on the line app at either japwizard or nukinftw. You can also visit us online at www.swbarflys.com for additional information.
    Check us out online at www.swbarflys.com
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    Næmsos Mafia; New guild, Growing fast. We got ppl from lvl 50 - 80. Starting T5 soon, and looking for some active players. We are currently reqruiting everything:)

    My Ally code is 358-636-633,
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    Join in the "Heroes' Journey" a semi casual guild doing t6 raids, working up to t7. We are looking for 70+ level active members, but if you are lower level it's ok. We are pretty supportive and drama free. Currently we have 21 active members mostly FTP, with a few PTP. If interested PM me or add me. The name I Luxor and the allay code is 769-727-465. Thanks for your time and looking forward to hear from you.
  • Bomroll
    399 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Je'daii are recruiting.

    Consistently high scoring hc (t7) guild. We require a few players to fill the team.

    Have one 7 star character so you can pick up great loot from the raids and progress your own characters. Try and get the 600 coins a day.

    We use line chat app.

    In game ID is 424-489-587 drop me a request and I'll add you.

    Or pm me on chat app 'line' ID = bombayroll or Haligbatz

    Come and get some great loot.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Hogtown Heroes are recruiting!

    We are a Heroic Raid guild looking for everyday players that have at least 5 7* heroes (we want you to be able to step in the raid and reap the rewards as well).

    We were started by a group of friends, and have a stable roster of everyday players. We are looking for players that can be on everyday, who enjoy a friendly group atmosphere, and who want build their roster.
    Our members actively discuss raid comps, arena comps, how to 3* battles, and help each other gear their heroes through donations. We run T7 raids 3 times per week. Currently we have a 1 attempt in the first 24 hours rule so all members can get on the board for prizes. If the raid is not completed after 24 hours, then it is a free for all after a guild officer gives the go signal.

    We have members from throughout the world. Our reset time occurs at 7:30 PM EST. We do not require any 3rd party apps. Although we do have a Discord channel that some of our members use.

    If this sounds like a guild that you could call home, please message me on here and I can answer any questions you have.

    Thank you and good luck,

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    Critical Chance
    T7 Guild Critical Chance is looking for 1 player. If you are a player with a T7 roster who is invested in the game and would like a drama free Guild that has it together please pm me or contact me through line. DarkHelmet leader line id davidwbjr
    Critical Chance Guild Rules
    1) Have fun above all else, enjoy playing this game and in return you will continue to play for a longer period.
    2) Respect your other guild mates. While debating is great for both guild and player, arguing is not and will never be tolerated.
    3) We use the Line app to communicate you must install it when joining the guild if not already installed.
    4) Guild coins, all players must complete 600 energy daily to pay for raids.
    New Raid Activation: Raids will be activated at least 12 hours early. Once a raid has been activated players who feel they will not be able to raid during the scheduled time will be able to use one character for zero damage. At the scheduled time the following day the Raid will be open to all free for all style.
  • Dave23
    1 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    JediRebelsGuild is looking for active players level 75 and up! We are a semi new guild who are relaxed and looking to fill 26 places. We do not currently use any chat apps to communicate. Find me in the game and I'll add you.
    All we require is...
    1. Have fun, it is only a game.
    2. Contribute 600 coins per day for raids.
    3. Have at least 1 7* character for when we start t7 raids.
    4. Raids begin at 3pm EST.
    Post edited by Dave23 on
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    Shake and Bake is looking for active members. We are a casual guild that does T6 raids. No real requirements other than be as active as possible. Get as close to 600 and do daily challenges as best you can. No real level requirements, we range from 75-80 and most of all are F2P.

    Ally code: 794-512-532 (LordNic)
    Line ID: badizza
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    Very active T7/new raid ready guild need 2 members...
    Dirty Casuals!
    We are currently recruiting a few more players to our guild. Rules are kept as minimal as possible so everyone can remain casual. You dont need to be a high level, just have a few 7*'s so you get your rewards. We look forward to hearing from you if you meet the requirements and are looking for a bit of laid back guild experience with a great group of peeps. We are looking for long term players however, so we discourage "mercing".
    ▪ 600 coins per day unless something is going on IRL , we need coins to raid after all

    ▪ guild activity doesnt need to be maxed just do what you can
    ▪ be respectful to others
    ▪ we use line to communicate so you should have that ... line id : soulgrits
    ▪ have some fun and joke around
    Raid rules:
    ▪ first 24 hours is no damage so people can tag it if needed.
    ▪ 1M damage limit for 6 hours
    ▪ 12 pm/ 6pm cdt (alternating) are the times the raid opens , atm but it could change if enough want it to.
    ▪ more later maybe ? Lol those work for us so far.
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    All levels welcome!

    Guild experience without the guild stress!

    Syndicate of Rogues

    New guild recently formed. Looking for players who are casually active. People who can log in and help us out a couple times a week to complete daily challenges and earn coins to launch raids. No strict requirements. This isn't a job, it's for fun.

    We know you have a real life because we do too, and won't break your kneecaps if you don't check in every 15 minutes.

    Looking for any level players.

    Syndicate of Rogues

    Guild is open while we are building. Friendly players. Come check us out.

    My ally code is 247-981-425
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    The scruffy nerf hearders are looking for new members. We are a laid back guild looking for active people of all levels. We will do T6 raids but are hoping for members to help start doing T7. Primary rules are:

    Do all you can daily at least 300/600 energy
    Communicate in chat
    7 days of inactivity will get the boot unless notice is given

    My ally code is 361-192-696
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    Hi guys.

    We're a T7 guild looking for one member. We do T7 2-3 times a week. No chat apps required, only thing we ask is that you are active and listen to raid rules which will be posted in chat prior to each raid. We have a no damage period at the start of each raid and you must respect that. Obviously you'll need at least one 7* character to participate. We're a very friendly, laid back guild compared to most T7 guilds.

    If this sounds like your thing then send me an ally request at 711-693-441 leave your current guild, or PM me and I'll send you an invite.
  • WookieeBelch
    20 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    New guild The Empires Fist is looking to recruit new members. Several of us left our old guild after the founder went MIA so we already have a group of regulars, however not everyone made the switch so we need some new members. We're not super hard core and we aren't going to count your 7* characters, just be someone who plays at least almost every day and is focusing on ranking up your characters. We talk strategy and help each other to understand the rules, new updates, etc... in guild chat. We try to help each other out with guild donations too.

    Looking for players ~70 level or higher that are going to stick around while we work to make this guild grow for the long term.

    If you're interested in joining us send me an ally request (I'm an officer in the guild) and be sure you aren't already in a guild so I can send you an invite. My ally code is 185-778-278.
    My ally code is 185-778-278

    "I suggest a new strategy, R2: let the wookiee win." -- C-3PO
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    New Guild Dark Helmets Henchmen is looking for members. We are a new guild and are primarily (So far at least) made up of people who live in the central time zone. Not that you have to live in that zone to join. We are looking for active players level 65 and up. The goal is to build up together and help each other out as much as possible. We formed this guild because we were getting tired of people getting rewarded for pure power instead of contributing to the growth of the guild. We are all laid back. Not too many rules. Just to contribute to the guild pot by completing daily activities and and contribute to the exchange. If you're interested in getting in on the ground floor of a guild, my player ID is 377-442-699. Send my a request and I'll send you an invite. Make sure you're not in a guild already though or else I won't be able to send you an invite. Hope to see you in the guild soon!

  • Olorin
    33 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Post edited by Olorin on
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    SABRE DE LUZ BRASIL is recruiting new active members. We are doing T7 raid right now 2 or 3 times a week... we organized in a way so everyone gets the raid prizes!!! the only requirements are active members that can contribute the 600 guild coins and respect the raid rules, spite of that no lvl requirements... if u are interested PM me with ally code so we can invite you!
  • RipleyLeafs
    3 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    New guild The Empires Fist is looking to recruit new members. Several of us left our old guild after the founder went MIA so we already have a group of regulars, however not everyone made the switch so we need some new members. We're not super hard core and we aren't going to count your 7* characters, just be someone who plays at least almost every day and is focusing on ranking up your characters. We talk strategy and help each other to understand the rules, new updates, etc... in guild chat. We try to help each other out with guild donations too.

    Looking for players ~70 level or higher that are going to stick around while we work to make this guild grow for the long term.

    If you're interested in joining us send me an ally request (I'm an officer in the guild) and be sure you aren't already in a guild so I can send you an invite. My ally code is 185-778-278.

    We are also a new Guild (Rip Ley's Legion of Lettow) looking for new members because our leaders also quit or vanished.

    Would you think about amalgamating our guilds? We are all very active and get our 600 coins each. Altogether there are 11 of us.

    My ally code is 738-416-798
    Post edited by RipleyLeafs on
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    Not hardcore and but still play often for fun?

    Join guild Australia. Eclectic bunch from across the globe.

    47/50 active players. Mostly level 55-70. T3-T4 raids every 2-3 days. Most guys have 4* or 5* toons. Everybody donates gear too.

    So yea, not hardcore T7 guild, just active players.
    No strict daily coin requirements.

    Looking to add to our team. All welcome!

    Add me as ally. Code: 893-763-397
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    Terra is searching for a new members. We do three heroic raids per week and have a very active and friendly LINE chat group discussing new strategies and plans, without forgetting the sense of humour. ;) We have people from US, Finland, Germany, Hawaii and many other countries, so we truly are an international guild.

    We prefer you to be at level 80 and have a some good 7* characters. Also 600 guild coins per day is a absolute must. We have rules with our raiding to insure that everyone could get their attacks in and have a fair chance for the rewards.

    Add me in Line: akiguchi81

    Or player ID: 884-131-357

    Some of our players at swgoh.gg: https://swgoh.gg/g/493/terra/
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Hogtown Heroes are recruiting!

    We are a Heroic Raid guild looking for everyday players that have at least 5 7* heroes (we want you to be able to step in the raid and reap the rewards as well).

    We were started by a group of friends, and have a stable roster of everyday players. We are looking for players that can be on everyday, who enjoy a friendly group atmosphere, and who want to build their roster.
    Our members actively discuss raid comps, arena comps, how to 3* battles, and help each other gear their heroes through donations.

    We run T7 raids 3 times per week. Currently, we have a 1 attempt in the first 24 hours rule so all members can get on the board for prizes. If the raid is not completed after 24 hours, then it is a free for all after a guild officer gives the go signal.

    We have members from throughout the world. Our reset time occurs at 7:30 PM EST. We do not require any 3rd party apps. Although we do have a Discord channel that some of our members use.

    If this sounds like a guild that you could call home, please message me on here and I can answer any questions you have.

    Thank you and good luck,

    Discord ID: Maegor#0568
This discussion has been closed.