Looking for a Guild? Check here! (Part 2)


  • TacoMagic
    23 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    AXIOM is looking for a few good players! We have six spots open and are looking to fill these with players who can contribute at least 450 guild coins daily.

    Currently we are doing Tier 7 raids whenever we have enough coins to launch them. Raids are launched at 7:30 EST (2330 GMT) with raid rules being announced just prior to every raid.

    What AXIOM has to offer:
    • Tier 7 raids every 2 to 3 days
    • Active leadership
    • Advice from veteran players on all aspects of the game
    • A chill atmosphere
    • No external chat program required

    Applicant Requirements:
    • At least level 70
    • Active: at least 450 guild coins daily
    • Courteous to other guild members
    • Follow raid rules

    Suggested for Applicants:
    • At least one 7-star character so that you can get on the raid list for rewards
    • Have a schedule that allows you to join the raids

    If you're interested, you can apply by sending an ally request to me at:
    Post edited by TacoMagic on
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    Hi guys.

    We're a T7 guild looking for two members. We do T7 2-3 times a week. No chat apps required, only thing we ask is that you try to be active and listen to raid rules which will be posted in chat prior to each raid. We have a no damage period at the start of each raid and you must respect that. Obviously you'll need at least one 7* character to participate. We're a very friendly, laid back guild compared to most T7 guilds.

    If this sounds like your thing then send me an ally request at 711-693-441, or PM me and I'll send you an invite.
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    "Bound by honor and loyalty, not by rules. Gray Jedi Knights do as they see fit to change the galaxy."

    We have 25+ active members and we're looking for new members to join the guild. We seek to grow our members and do a fair diversity of raid for all our members. We have a great community and would to have you as an active member!

    We will be running both low and high tier raid with the release of the new raid type. Typically run Tier 5-6 with the occasional Tier 3-4. Our goal is to reach the Tier 7 raids. (Who doesn't though?)

    Message me if you'd like to join the guild. Feel free to add me as an ally and join the guild that way.
    Ally Code: 119-768-671

    Let me know if you have any questions!
    -- Knarmor
    Gray Jédi Knights, Leader
  • Echolima
    3 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    We're a guild doing tier VII raids. Our only requirement to join is to contribute bank coins daily. We don't care about levels or how powerful your characters are. We can help you get stronger. All we ask is that you can contribute daily. PM if you're interested or add my ally code at: 663-189-874, and I'll send you an invite.
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    Guild "Dont BBL8" Looking for One More Active Daily Player

    We Play As A Team We Win As A Team. Must Have Atleast 20 7* Characters.

    Looking For One Active Daily Player. Must Contribute At Top Levels and Earn 600 Guild Coins Daily,Set A Good Example And Offer Advice.

    We are a English Speaking Guild with a PST Event reset.
    Raids Start At 7:00PM PST
    Guild LineChat. (Optional)
    Registered SWGOH.GG
    And A Great Group Of Friendly/Helpful People.

    To Apply
    Ally Request me 411 536 365

    PM Me

    Or Line Chat "Sirwescot"
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    Hi potential guild mate,

    We are recruiting 1 more new member, as one of our old friends quit the game completely.
    We have space for 1 more and we want you!

    Guild Philosophy: Inclusiveness

    1. We do tier 7 Heroic raids three times a week
    2. We are a very friendly bunch of people from all over the world, though mostly from Singapore (GMT + 8)
    3. Donations come in at a high speed.
    4. We are Organised into 3 squadrons. Each player gets a phase at the Rancor and we rotate. Squadrons are smaller groups that build strong camaraderie.
    5. We look out for everyone. Guild leader checks that everyone has a hit at the Rancor and sends personal reminders to players to hit. We typically achieve 48/50 participation rate for raids.
    6. Every 4 weeks we have an inter-squadron games using the raid. Check out our website.


    If you can meet the following pre-requisites, do drop me a message on LINE @ fantastic_duck
    1. Must join LINE chat for communication
    2. Must spend 600 energy daily.
    3. Must have at least 1 x 7 star toons at level 80.
    So drop me a pm ok? All are welcome, whales and f2p, all races, nationalities, gender are welcome.
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    The Cantina Barflys Guild has one open position. We are an extremely active and fun guild. We are currently running T7 Raids every other day so the rewards are amazing. The following are requirements to be in the guild:

    1. Must have at least one 7 star hero so you can benefit from the amazing prizes.
    2. LINE app is required. We use this to coordinate Raids and for general discussion. Without it Raids would be disorganized and completely out of control.
    3. Collect 600 Guild Coins daily. We currently pick up over 29k coins a day and this is a requirement so we can continue to do raids every other day so everyone gets the awesome prizes more frequent.

    To apply or for additional questions contact us on the line app at either japwizard or nukinftw. You can also visit us online at www.swbarflys.com for additional information.
    Check us out online at www.swbarflys.com
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    Hi we are a tier 7 guild looking for active member. We are currently ranked 138. We hit tier 4-6 on the daily activities and raid 3 times a week.This weekend we have back to back to back raids going. We use slack chat app to organize the raid.We are looking for active players that can do 500-600 daily coins. Also we have 46/50 members. Here is a link to our guild on swgoh. https://swgoh.gg/g/4479/the-schwartz-strikes-back/

    My alley code is


  • Bravuta
    26 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Shard Awakens is recruiting one or two officers;
    I don't want to be missunderstood, we are a very active and friendly guild, we do T7 3 times a week, we could finish one heroic raid in less of an hour, and we are preparing for the new raid, but some of our officers decided to step back, not from the game, they'll still be with us, but from their officers' posts
    So we need somebody active, mature and also with good knowledge about this game
    If anyone is intterested, pls send me a private message
    My ally code is 365-171-514
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    Hey fellow SWGOHers!

    Are you a level 50-60ish player who is serious about SWGOH but simply behind the curve of all the level 80+ players? Are you looking for help from veteran players when it come to big decisions as far as who to farm, whom to sink resources in, and arena team compositions?

    Our guild family of over 300 players would love to help! I personally find some of the greatest enjoyment in this game through building relationships and helping lower level players progress through this wonderful game. A couple leaders from my guild of all level 80+ players are looking to help form a guild of dedicated players. We've completed over 70 t7 raids and have a wealth of experience. As a member of this new guild, you'd have access to our chat on line/discord where you could learn some much needed nuggets of information to help you successfully progress in the game. While we are a laid back bunch, we do talk regularly and would expect guild members to contribute their 600 a day in order to progress effectively. To clarify, this guild would be all people level 50-60ish and we would be helping you out as you progress towards level 85.

    If this post is about YOU, shoot me a message on LINE - my username is TheRevJCred

    Happy guilding!
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    Need a guild preferably with other alts. Looking to get raiding asap. Lvl 32. 1st in arena
    Thanks friends!!!
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    SABRE DE LUZ BRASIL is recruiting new active members. We are a Brazilian guild but many of our members speak English as well. We are doing T7 raid right now 2 or 3 times a week... we organized in a way so everyone gets the raid prizes!!! the only requirements are active members that can contribute the 600 guild coins and respect the raid rules, spite of that no lvl requirements... if u are interested PM me with ally code so we can invite you!
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    Hello all

    We are looking for consistent players who are able to play at least tier 5 raids. Our guild name is "No Man's Skywalkers". We play more casually but are looking to get more players. If interested, search us or send me an ally invite 692-983-891.
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    New FTB group of about 40 looking for up to 10 players to tag along for the new raid. Current group is extremely strong. If you're starting out and looking to get the new gear from the new raid, send me a message. Small groups guilds not yet at the heroic level are welcome. Here's a chance to get in on the new gear. Must get 600 guild coins daily and be on Line App. Send me a PM or look me up on Line. ID: gowmega
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    We have just set up a new Guild and currently have twelve good, regular playing members with decent squads.

    We are looking for active players who can compete in T5-T6 raids.

    The ideal person will have at least ten 5 and six 6 characters, however we are willing to accept people below this requirement if regularly plays and completes daily guild challenges and produces the 600 coins mark.

    We are a guild who actively use chat and donates frequently to help our guild reach our true potential. We are a laid back group of players but are serious enough to want to improve and be the best we can be. We understand people have daily commitments elsewhere and can't always be online, just let one of us know so we are aware.

    As we have just started we are currently saving coins for our first raid. So if you fancy a challenge and are looking for a fresh start just click the link below.

    Many thanks,
    Rouge Mongoose - Guild Leader
    Ally Code: 932-113-311
    SWGOH.GG Profile Link: https://swgoh.gg/u/rougemongoose/

    LKNCLK - Senior Officer
    Ally Code: 235-316-156

    .We are a F2P Guild - P2P players are welcomed
    .Three days of inactivity without prior notice will be removed - You can rejoin after this period.
    FORKING DECAs Leader
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    Wrath's Demise is a new guild with a solid core. We have 20 members with levels ranging from 80 to 65. We are hard core when it comes to guild activities and Raids but are also very laid back with great comradery.

    We do use the LINE app to enhance the social aspects of guild life. We are very inclusive with an easy going yet completely dedicated leadership base.

    Whether you're level 80 and have had it with the ptw rat race, you'll find a home here. If you're level 68 and just want some help getting over that hump (and have fun doing so,) we have plenty of bunks.

    If you are a small band of nomadic misfits (like we were,) please consider merging with us.

    Daily laughs.
    Daily Guild Comittment.
    Daily Growth and Advancement.

    Santana ~ Wrath's Demise
    Game ID: 116-848-521
    LINE ID: gruffles69
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    "Eternal Flames" guild is looking for members!
    We are an international guild, even if the most of us are Italian.

    We run 3 heroic raids a week on Mon / Wed/ Fri at 8 pm CET.

    Everyone is welcome, doesn't matter your level! All we ask is to produce 600 coins every day! Otherwise we can't raid every other day, due to not having enough coins.

    You should have at least 1 character 7* in order to be able to join the heroic raid, taking the rewards.

    We are currently at 47/50.

    PM me your ally codes if you are interested or if you have other questions!
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    Syndicate of Rogues

    New guild recently formed. Looking for players who are casually active. People who can log in and help us out a couple times a week to complete daily challenges and raids. No strict requirements. This isn't a job, it's for fun.

    We know you have a real life because we do too, and won't break your kneecaps if you don't check in every 15 minutes.

    Looking for any level players.

    Syndicate of Rogues

    Guild is open while we are building. Friendly players. Come check us out.

    My ally code is 247-981-425
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    Hi guys.

    We're a T7 guild looking for one member. We do T7 2-3 times a week. No chat apps required, only thing we ask is that you are active and listen to raid rules which will be posted in chat prior to each raid. We have a no damage period at the start of each raid and you must respect that. Obviously you'll need at least one 7* character to participate. We're a very friendly, laid back guild compared to most T7 guilds.

    If this sounds like your thing then send me an ally request at 711-693-441, or PM me and I'll send you an invite.
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    MATADORES looking for a few active players to round out the guild!

    Do 600 energy daily for guild contribution
    Do the daily individual guild challenges
    Enjoy playing the game with people that realize it's just a game
    Have a freewheeling, global membership with players that are in it for fun as the prime directive.
    Do a 3/4 raids 5 a week (sometimes raid 4 to help padawans)
    Promise a supportive, fun environment with a guarantee of no Drama.

    Leader layoskywalker (769-869-892)!
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    Wanted: Mercenaries-in-Training!

    The name of our guild Terriblis Est translates to "Terrible Truth". We are a group of cooperative players from levels 35-80+.

    Our mission: Permanently overthrow the Jedi Order and banish the Sith from the galaxy. Everyone must know of "Terriblis Est"!

    We are filling ranks and all are invited to join. We give play advice generously and fill gear requests in the same manner. The chat is active and light-hearted. Come check us out.

    The only requirement is you regularly contribute to building guild currency to enter raids, and request the gear you need to level you up fast. Easy. Fun. And it works.

    Are you ready to make the galaxy shutter in the presence of Terriblis Est?

    Hit up:
    Tumadre at : 452-231-777 (pm PNWsticky) or
    bobseven at: 185-817-818

    *If you are wanting to mentor young Padawans in the ways of the force, we have a place for you too.

    "To let the truth be known to all, even if it's Terriblis!"
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    The Faceless Men are based in the free city of Braavos. We are servants on the Many-Faced God and must deliver the "gift" to the Rancor. To enter the House of Black and White, one must be prepared to become no one. Heroic raid starting tomorrow. 2 spots open.
    638 927 927
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    League of Dead1y Slth has 1 opening.
    We are a fun laid back guild with a low turn over. We currently raid Tier 7 every 2 days as currency builds up. We are normally ranked 5-20 on the leader board depending on the day.
    We have a private forum and use Discord for out of game communication. We raid at 6pm pst every 2 days. If you have any questions please message me or send an ally request 998-277-556
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    Serious player here doing t7 raids looking for a serious guild.

    I do 7m+ dmg in t7 raids with one squad
  • originalfirefly
    35 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    The Brown Coats Rebels are looking for players!

    We recently migrated due to an inactive leader. We are looking to fill back in. Our group is extremely casual but still very active.

    We are looking for folks who will help build the raid bank so we can raid. As long as you have one 7 star, we'd love to have you!

    Ally code: 592-151-258
    Guild name: The Brown Coat Rebels
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    Order 66 / Order 66 - 501St Division / Order 66 - 41St Division are on the search for 5 more recruits.

    We are a really helpful, competitive, experienced and nice Community with worldwide players.

    What we search are committed and communicative people, who like to share strategies, expand their knowledge and have fun in the game.

    You should be willing to use line chat, because its our main communication way.
    Be about level 80 and have a good enough 7* roster to be able to compete.

    We dont care if you are f2p, dolphin or whale, but do like people with a good character and are willing/able to teamplay.

    If you got any interest, check our official forum thread. Greetings*

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    Hi we are. W'est R'en J'di we are currently doing t4-t6 raids to give a chance to lower level members to have a go we are here to help.

    Me PJ (officer) 654-221-745
    Guild leader D'Air Ren 727-314-666

    We're looking for daily active members to join our relaxed but active guild, our requirements are to have at least one 4* toon, spend 600 energy a week and be active regularly otherwise 5 days of being inactive will result in removal from our guild. It would benefit to have Line app but not essential,
    Line ID's are:

    Guild leader; papaduck240
    Me officer; peejay81

    Contact either one of us if your interested.

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    Galactic Security wants you! We are a semi-casual guild looking for a few new, active members. We run primarily T6/T5 (T5 can take less than 6 hours); heroic is on the horizon.
    If you are level 70+ and want to raid (have at least 1 6* so you can get rewards immediately), we would be glad to bring you in. While we do want active members, we do not require full daily contributions and we have no problem with people taking vacations or brief time off. Our chat is always helpful, and we do offer tips and advice on how to maximize your game enjoyment.
    We also have a Line guild channel and Discord server for game discussion.
    Our time zone is EST (GMT-4), with reset at 930pm EST. Most of our members are US, but we have members from around the world.
    If this sounds right for you, please send me a pm. You can also shoot me an Ally request at 879-417-165.

    Good hunting!

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    * NEW GUILD * Red4Star

    Looking for daily active players. All I ask is you complete your daily activities more often than not and you join in the raids.

    Let's work together and climb the ranks!

    My ally code is: 223-299-199 Send a request and I'll invite you to join.
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    Hey guys, my new guild is looking for players. There are 3 of us atm ranked 32-43 and all VERY active, we max out Guild Activities possible for 3 players, Daily Activities done within minutes and play all day. This doesn't mean you have to be THAT active though haha

    If anyone wants to join and help us actually break the tiers on guild activities that'd be awesome. Chat is very active in the guild as is gear sharing.

    I formed the guild because I was in one that was already so high they played tier 4 stuff and it meant anyone level 40 and below just died in one hit and never felt like part of the team. We'll run this guild as a group, so join up :)

    Ally Code: 884-671-935
    Guild: AoK
This discussion has been closed.