rey at gear x


  • The_Jam
    141 posts Member
    Cry less play more invest time in difficult to farm characters instead of coming here to ask for characters you can't be bothered to farm to be nerfed.
  • jomamaphat
    192 posts Member
    I don't know about other people but you dont need her to win. She is just a piece of the puzzle. She is not like poe and dooku in their respective OP days where you had to have them to win. I consider RG to be the most valuable toon right now. I just started this post cause i saw gear 10 rey for the first time and was shocked to see her go before my qgj lead.
  • Dev_Str
    137 posts Member
    I had a very hard time fighting a level 80 team with Rey G10 / RG G10 / StHan. I had a lvl 79 team. Rey moved before mine, got foresight, ST Han taunted, and the time I handle with the two tanks/taunts, Rey and Leia obliterated my team.
    BUT it was a figth between an undergeared lvl 79 team against a full geared lvl80 team. We will able to judge if a toon is OP only when everybody will stand at the same level.
  • Breetai
    858 posts Member
    I just hit lvl 76. I have someone in my bracket that is lvl 80, runs a g10 Rey, along with others, and has omeged all skills, yet I still beat him sometimes ( not all the time ). Just need some cc and not be scared to hit Rey to knock that foresight down
  • Jodbel14
    70 posts Member
    I have gear 10 for Rey, but I haven't reached level 79 to use it. What I experience in top arena battles, she does do a lot of damage but she also gets taken out very easily if Dooku teams dodge and then stun her. If she gets stunned, it's all over. Dooku/RG/Daka teams are very challenging for her.

    "I'm no one." Rey
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    We will need her damage soon against what's coming! As for the speed, people here are judging gear 8 to gear 10! So their opinions can be discounted...People complaining Rey one-shots their Leia LOL! First off, don't think that's happening, second IT SHOULD happen! Otherwise you stealth and cheese your way through the whole fight no? Don't think her speed will make a difference but if it will, i say nerf her speed so he has the same speed as Leia!
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Btw Rey had 22k total hp+fortitude at gear 10. While CT5s has 50k. This seems more than balanced! So keep up the ridiculous nerf threads please! Or you can stop being newbs and ask for nerfs!
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    Rey is fine, everyone is able to get her especially now in Guild shipments.
    My GS deals just as much dmg overall and Leia is also a hard hitter. If we nerf all new hard hitters, we will deal less dmg in raids and T6 is already annoying to progress.
    Otherwise she ends up as RP, on the bench. Do us all a favor and care less for your Arena stats please.

    Every toon that is mentioned today for nerf is purely Arena related which s-ucks for people that focus PvE.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Wolverine
    81 posts Member
    Eebers wrote: »
    I knew this was going to turn into a nerf thread.

    It should be. We were BLATANTLY lied to. The fastest heroes in the game by FAR do the most damage as well. You could argue that per battle they could/should do the most damage total, simply because they attack more frequently, and I'd be okay with that. BUT, not only do they attack the most they also hit the hardest with each swing, so their damage totals can be 2, 3, 4x what another "attacker" does.

    Have you ever seen any other type of RPG or MMORPM where DPS can one-shot a tank?

    Leia and Rey are absolutely off the charts now. And the "well you can farm them too" excuse is so lame. Why don't we just make JC hit for 1 billion damage with every swing? "Well you can farm him too!" But that just doesn't make for a fun game now does it?

    Agreed 100000 times to this. .CG/Ea are biggest LIARS. They lied abt fast toons with less dmg output. .where's the Balance? ?..and GS too He's the same as Rey n Leia. .and I'm farming him too now fyi cause I have no freaking choice. .this game is becoming a drag. .just like Hoda had become for me . Only difference is I didn't spent a cent on this unlike Hoda where I spent hundreds $$ I can quit with no regrets when I want and feel I have to..well done CG. .leopards really do not change their spots at all.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    She does way too much damage for how fast she is. She also has 2 ways to gain fortitude, which is absurd. She can easily two-shot a tank by herself.

    She is overpowered. The perfect attacker. There's a reason every whale heavily invests in her.

    A few additional points:

    - "Just farm her and use her": That is not a valid argument. A character can be OP, no matter how many people use it. A widely popular hero can still be blatantly overpowered. See Poe during, well, the Poe meta, or RG at the moment. That's literally the gaming version of telling a homeless to get a job.

    - "Stop asking for nerfs": Yeah thanks for your valuable input. There are ~10 characters that you see all the time, yet it's somehow probably all the others that aren't as powerful as they should be. EA will surely buff every other character to their level! Who cares about power creep anyway.

    - If nerfing Rey will drastically increase Raids' difficulty, then it's a Raid problem, not a Rey problem.

    - "Stop caring about your arena rank": What? This is the only competitive PvP game mode. There's pretty much no point playing the game if I stop caring about Arena. How am I supposed to stop caring about it?
  • InternetSwag
    2658 posts Member
    I don't mind if they balance her, but if I spend two furnaces on her and she becomes useless that's basically 3230 crystals wasted. And that's a big issue for me.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Wolverine
    81 posts Member
    fudgra wrote: »
    It's only a matter of time before she's nerfed. It's happened to pretty much every hard to get 'must have' except for RG.

    The trend seems to be the devs making specific characters blatantly OP, everyone buying lots of energy to farm them ASAP so they can compete, once it's run its course they're nerfed and they move on to the next one. One reason why this game will never be balanced.

    + A trillion gazillion.
    its a money grab mining cinsumers policy that cg/Ea employs discriminately with false regards for balance..
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    @Sikho So CT 5s at gear 10 with 50k hp+fortitude is fine and he will get one shot/two shot by a 22k hp+fortitude Rey? Let's all defend our characters and say they are fine...unless a character we don't have is in question! If Rey gets nerfed everything above 35 k hp+fortitude needs nerf. You can't seem to understand that and i've said it so many times that i don't think you ever will! Keep asking for QGJ nerfs as well. Peace!
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Sikho So CT 5s at gear 10 with 50k hp+fortitude is fine and he will get one shot/two shot by a 22k hp+fortitude Rey? Let's all defend our characters and say they are fine...unless a character we don't have is in question! If Rey gets nerfed everything above 35 k hp+fortitude needs nerf. You can't seem to understand that and i've said it so many times that i don't think you ever will! Keep asking for QGJ nerfs as well. Peace!

    5s is a little too effective at the moment, as I previously stated multiple times. His hp/prot is a bit too high, and his double tap should only proc if the target already has speed down, not if he inflicts it.
    Even though I don't really know why you're bringing 5s up.

    Does saying "5s is OP" makes Rey less powerful? No. That's irrelevant.

    Please explain why "anything above 35k hp/prot should be nerfed". I don't see any argument besides an empty claim.

    Let's all re-read Rey's description:

    "Risky Attacker that has high damage and evasion, but is vulnerable to debuffs"

    "Risky" - Has guaranteed foresight on her first turn and fastest speed in the game

    She's way less risky than any other attacker, besides maybe Leia. That's just crazy.
  • Wolverine
    81 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    We will need her damage soon against what's coming! As for the speed, people here are judging gear 8 to gear 10! So their opinions can be discounted...People complaining Rey one-shots their Leia LOL! First off, don't think that's happening, second IT SHOULD happen! Otherwise you stealth and cheese your way through the whole fight no? Don't think her speed will make a difference but if it will, i say nerf her speed so he has the same speed as Leia!

    Her speed should be reduced to those of FOTP. Do you hav Rey. ?? Why are u defending her so vehemently. .is it because without her you are less competitive. .?? I don't think so. .so what's with the call for variety in arena? ? Or that all just a dream?

    I don't have her and I'm doing fine.
    But CG lied about game balance.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Sikho So CT 5s at gear 10 with 50k hp+fortitude is fine and he will get one shot/two shot by a 22k hp+fortitude Rey? Let's all defend our characters and say they are fine...unless a character we don't have is in question! If Rey gets nerfed everything above 35 k hp+fortitude needs nerf. You can't seem to understand that and i've said it so many times that i don't think you ever will! Keep asking for QGJ nerfs as well. Peace!

    5s is a little too effective at the moment, as I previously stated multiple times. His hp/prot is a bit too high, and his double tap should only proc if the target already has speed down, not if he inflicts it.
    Even though I don't really know why you're bringing 5s up.

    Does saying "5s is OP" makes Rey less powerful? No. That's irrelevant.

    Please explain why "anything above 35k hp/prot should be nerfed". I don't see any argument besides an empty claim.

    Let's all re-read Rey's description:

    "Risky Attacker that has high damage and evasion, but is vulnerable to debuffs"

    "Risky" - Has guaranteed foresight on her first turn and fastest speed in the game

    She's way less risky than any other attacker, besides maybe Leia. That's just crazy.

    I bring 5s up because YOU have him and you say nothing about him. He does a 'little too much'...really? I am not saying i want 5s nerfed but he is meta! I choose Leia over Rey if i were given the choice! And if Rey's damage gets nerfed or any of the high damage attackers get nerfed, people will just put 5 50k hp in their defense. And i am curious and eager to know how you are going to beat that without the likes of Rey!

    She is EXACTLY that...a risky attacker! She has 22k hp (including fortitude) at gear 10. RG has over 50k, Kit fisto has over 50, Aayla has like 45k, CT 5s has 50k...need i continue? Do you not see what's happening here?
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Wolverine wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    We will need her damage soon against what's coming! As for the speed, people here are judging gear 8 to gear 10! So their opinions can be discounted...People complaining Rey one-shots their Leia LOL! First off, don't think that's happening, second IT SHOULD happen! Otherwise you stealth and cheese your way through the whole fight no? Don't think her speed will make a difference but if it will, i say nerf her speed so he has the same speed as Leia!

    Her speed should be reduced to those of FOTP. Do you hav Rey. ?? Why are u defending her so vehemently. .is it because without her you are less competitive. .?? I don't think so. .so what's with the call for variety in arena? ? Or that all just a dream?

    I don't have her and I'm doing fine.
    But CG lied about game balance.

    I am defending EVERYTHING right now. Not just Rey, CT 5s too even if i hate him! A single nerf will have to bring a wave of other nerfs! Not to mention the most important part, MK5 furnaces cost 1615 crystals!!! Getting the unobtainable gear takes a loooooong time to get! Or did you miss that part? What happens to a ftp that puts 2 furnaces on Rey? Give it a break.
  • Wolverine
    81 posts Member
    The_Jam wrote: »
    Cry less play more invest time in difficult to farm characters instead of coming here to ask for characters you can't be bothered to farm to be nerfed.

    And what has any of your comments got any thing to do with game balance???

    Go start your own thread about toon farming
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Alexone wrote: »
    Wolverine wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    We will need her damage soon against what's coming! As for the speed, people here are judging gear 8 to gear 10! So their opinions can be discounted...People complaining Rey one-shots their Leia LOL! First off, don't think that's happening, second IT SHOULD happen! Otherwise you stealth and cheese your way through the whole fight no? Don't think her speed will make a difference but if it will, i say nerf her speed so he has the same speed as Leia!

    Her speed should be reduced to those of FOTP. Do you hav Rey. ?? Why are u defending her so vehemently. .is it because without her you are less competitive. .?? I don't think so. .so what's with the call for variety in arena? ? Or that all just a dream?

    I don't have her and I'm doing fine.
    But CG lied about game balance.

    I am defending EVERYTHING right now. Not just Rey, CT 5s too even if i hate him! A single nerf will have to bring a wave of other nerfs! Not to mention the most important part, MK5 furnaces cost 1615 crystals!!! Getting the unobtainable gear takes a loooooong time to get! Or did you miss that part? What happens to a ftp that puts 2 furnaces on Rey? Give it a break.

    You're defending nothing. You're advocating for a static meta where a handful of characters dictate the choices of players. You fiercely refuse to offer viability to the major part of the roster only to protect a selected few.
    That's disgustingly unfair. You think that people who invested in Rey deserve to have the best attacker in the game, and that pretty much every other attacker shouldn't be used?

    You're so close-minded you refuse every change to the characters you have, even though it's CLEAR they are at the top and always have been. You refuse to even see the possibility that a fair nerf will not remove them from viability.
    According to your vision, there's no middle ground between blatantly OP and uselessly UP.

    Guess what? There is. Nerfing Rey will make room for other damage dealers, but that doesn't mean she has to become useless.

    Or maybe you're afraid that people who farmed other toons will now have a competitive edge over you? You're afraid that they will have a powerful toon you don't have? Guess what, that's exactly what THEY feel at the moment. But hey, better them than you, right?

    You're so self-centered it clouds your vision. You, like many others, should re-focus on long term game health, and not on short term personal benefits.

    Please bring ANYTHING on the table besides personal self-centered views, or simply don't bother trying to participate in this debate.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Removed for violation of Terms of Service
    Post edited by BanthaPanda on
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    (Previous comment removed for violation of terms of service.)

    As I thought, you are unable to provide any argument.

    Please stop with the "wait for gear 10 for everyone". This is nonsense. Many whales already have invested into characters, yet we never (I insist on this word, never) see them run non-meta characters. Popular attackers among whales: Rey, Leia.
    Why is that so? Because they are simply the best. I mean look at all the heroes stats, because they come from the max gear/level available.

    Top 3 of ability damage:

    - Rey, Leverage
    - FOTP, Gun Down
    - Rey, Flurry of blows

    Don't you see a pattern? She has the best damage in the game, period. It's a FACT.

    She was already the best attacker before at gear 8. She still is.
    The only reason you didn't hear many complaints is because:
    - not many had her
    - the devs explicitly said that faster characters would be nerfed

    She was expected to receive the nerf bat. She didn't.

    I don't know what kind of sick denial this is, but you simply can't say she's balanced. She isn't.

    And really, "take your pills"? Is that the best you can do? I understand that, as your arguments are non-existent, you have to retreat behind insults, but please at least elaborate and make them funny, or meaningful.
    This is low. An entire new kind of low.
    Post edited by BanthaPanda on
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I think they should make all characters have the same exact damage hp and fortitude, only their appearance should differ. Just so they please you! Arena is not everything in this game dude, only a small part! So get over it. Having Rey or Leia in Arena doesn't offer you an advantage! Advantage in Arena will always be on the side of whales! They are the ones that have Sun fac and such now. Rey is f2p.

    Gear 8 vs gear 10 is a VALID argument! You don't know how things will be. Aayla secura at gear 8 is not that good! At gear 10 with Omega on, she is out of this world! I know because i fight her every day. This is the same, in Rey's case, you are just being dense. We don't know what other toons will be great at gear 10. So there is no reason to call for nerfs on anybody now!
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    You keep saying i have no arguments, yet your argument for nerfing QGJ was that you 'saw him everywhere'. What?? And when i asked if you beat him you said 'i have no problem with him'. I mean...mind blown! Like i said then, if you have no problem in defense against him i am way more entitled than you to ask for buffs instead of nerfs. You are doing the same thing again here. Just like you will do it in the feature soon enough about a group of characters.
  • Options
    @Eebers Nobody is forcing you to play this game. If you had Rey, I am sure you won´t complain. I am getting sick and tired, because some people cannot stomach that there are other players, who are playing this game for longer and/or don´t have an issue spending money on it, and constantly and I mean constantly asking to nerf this or nerf that. I was annoyed by RG and Rey, but I found a way to deal with them. I farmed them as well eventually, because they are very good for raiding. Do I care about PvP? Not that much. Do I still enjoy the game apart of this? Hell, yes. Grow a pair, or better yet, grow up. This is only a game.
  • Options
    Folks who think Rey is 'fine to handle' have NT faced a gear 10 one. Starting every fight 4v5 and she has foresight up now is just stupid.

    It's not rocket surgery.
  • jeremyj26
    783 posts Member
    BobAFeet wrote: »
    Rey is more powerful than any toon ever has been. I faced a gear x, 80 today and she took out my level 79, 7*, gear Ix Leia with one shot. Absurd. Seems like she gets the triple hit every time as well...

    Leia is squishy.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
    2761 posts Member
    I would much rather see buffs to others than a nerf to Rey.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Options
    If I took all these nerf threads at face value and whoever is the "most powerful toon in the game" comments the same...every character is or has been the most powerful ever just about...
  • Akiraine
    256 posts Member
    I fight g10 rey and g10 rg everyday, I don't use a rey nor rg. If you think g10 rey is overpowered then you are comparing her with lower geared chars. I personally am running a g10+ team so rey + rg is hardly a problem.

    That said, rey is powerful, hardly overpowered tho, Rey is in a good spot atm, any nerfs if not well thought might render Rey into the same unused bench of RP, FoTp, Darth Maul. Some of which nerfs have rendered them pretty much unusable
  • jomamaphat
    192 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    People hijacked my post. Lol
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