rey at gear x


  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    Yudoka wrote: »
    QGJ lead goes first and HRS with Ackbar lead also go first. If you used your omegas on QGJ you can use his basic to lower her turn meter and get a couple more of your toons ahead of her. HRS can open the game with a stun or a critical hit and either one is great. But either way she's not going to one shot any toon in her first or second turn so you have plenty of time to take her down.

    At gear X she's apparently faster than QGJ and gets foresight.

    Gear 9 QGJ is faster with 168 speed, 170 speed at gear 10.
  • Options
    Leia scares me more than any Rey ever could.

    Depends which Leia.

    When I use Leia I turn invisible, get no dmg bonus, and land one hit. In the event I do get a multi-attack, one generally misses.

    On the other hand when the AI uses Leia she morphs into a damage-buffed, multi-hitting, sniper-kraken.
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    Yudoka wrote: »
    saboater wrote: »
    Yudoka wrote: »
    Gavstar wrote: »
    To be fair EA_Jesse did say in General, toons speed and Dmg ratio would be fixed - In General, does not mean all toons.

    I've faced a gear 10 Rey, the cracking sound effects are cool. Then you realised someone on you team just died... Sadness then settles in...

    The only counter is dodge RNG in your favour.

    The only counter lol.

    How do you actually counter Rey then? She goes first, potentially kills a guy before you can do anything, and has protection up with Foresight. Couple her with Dooku lead and she has a great chance of dodging whatever your'e trying to do. I've lost a ton of games because of this. Missing 6+ attacks in a row is not fun nor is there anyway to avoid it, as far as I'm aware.

    She can't kill a single person on my team one shot. Solution is easy--fight with comparable gear/levels

    That's not a simple solution. Gear IX+ is now much more difficult to acquire. On average, it'll take you about two weeks to complete one piece if you're not splashing down a fair amount of cash.

    Just buy a furnace in shipments. If you don't have any characters waiting on furnaces I can't help you. Once again you can't expect to compete against heavily geared with only five total characters you plan to do anything with.
  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    The only time I have been one hit in recent memory was a poggle-led 86 one hitting my 86. Both were identical 7* g8.
    Leia scares me more than any Rey ever could.

    Depends which Leia.

    When I use Leia I turn invisible, get no dmg bonus, and land one hit. In the event I do get a multi-attack, one generally misses.

    On the other hand when the AI uses Leia she morphs into a damage-buffed, multi-hitting, sniper-kraken.

    Can confirm this. Borrowed one today and she had 0 multihits but regularly three and four hits me in arena on AI.
  • Options
    Leia scares me more than any Rey ever could.

    Depends which Leia.

    When I use Leia I turn invisible, get no dmg bonus, and land one hit. In the event I do get a multi-attack, one generally misses.

    On the other hand when the AI uses Leia she morphs into a damage-buffed, multi-hitting, sniper-kraken.

    Hehe well I don't own Leia so... :cry:
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    I think when Rey does 170k+ on guards in T6 Raid while other 'high dps' in the group are lucky to hit half that, it's pretty indicative of the situation.

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    I'll bet she looks sexy in that gear.
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    bleeaauuh wrote: »
    I have g10 rey and she is just broken, by far best character in the game and needs to be seriously looked at by devs

    Sure you do. Buddy.

    Because everyone that put "that much effort" into a toon is going to cry for a nerf.

  • Mojavelandbaron
    977 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    bleeaauuh wrote: »
    I have g10 rey and she is just broken, by far best character in the game and needs to be seriously looked at by devs

    Well, maybe you could have the devs come and "fix" JUST yours, and leave the rest of ours the blazes alone!
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    I think when Rey does 170k+ on guards in T6 Raid while other 'high dps' in the group are lucky to hit half that, it's pretty indicative of the situation.
    Leia hits more
    Clone Sergeant hits just as much
    86 hits as much if you add the assist (whole point)
    Same with GS

    And it's a time thing. I have tons of characters that hit far harder than that--because they survive longer (they have health)
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    Maybe I should use Rey again since it scares people so badly. But I haven't dropped below 5th in arena in weeks and I'd hate to risk that
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    I hope they don't ruin Rey. She already IS "balanced" in that while she hits hard, she's very easy to kill with her low health if you go after her first before she has a chance to hit you. To all you Socialists who want to nerf her: Try that strategy (you know? STRATEGY? That thing that you're supposed to use in a game?) before you come whining and crying to the Devs and complaining that "Ohh, boo hoo...she's just too powerful, and my weak little stomach can't take it. Wwhhaaahh!"
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    saboater wrote: »
    I think when Rey does 170k+ on guards in T6 Raid while other 'high dps' in the group are lucky to hit half that, it's pretty indicative of the situation.
    Leia hits more
    Clone Sergeant hits just as much
    86 hits as much if you add the assist (whole point)
    Same with GS

    And it's a time thing. I have tons of characters that hit far harder than that--because they survive longer (they have health)

    Leia is as broken as Rey. But she relies on lucky RNG multi attacks.

    The others you're quoting aren't as fast.
    CS and 86 are actually very slow, which is very important, because they can't attack before a STHan taunt. And they don't hit as hard.

    Assists can be effective but it's still a coin toss. You can call a tank to assist. Rey, on the contrary, has a very reliable damage output, without any weakness.
    She shines in ANY team really. She's just that good.

    Yes, she has a little bit less health/protection, but she also has 2 ways to gain foresight, one of which is 100% at the start of the encounter.
    I'd say blocking incoming attacks is better than 3k additional health.

    She's the best attacker in the game. She outclasses every other one. I'd say it's pretty much "overpowered" since her power > other attackers' power
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Just put a debuff on her, damage nerfed.
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    This still going on? Not bored yet wow
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    Just put a debuff on her, damage nerfed.

    No kidding. I'm constantly fighting RG with ST Han team including her. I stun her then smack the tanks or Daka.
    Or speed down.

    And she hits first--so what? I lose first turn Leia because I stealth her.

    These other guys want there team to hit for 10000 and everyone else for 5000.

    Sorry your GS and 86 teams are losing now. Instead of complaining that you can't keep playing with the same five character. Why don't you figure out a strategy to win against these new teams.

    And if you can't figure it out yourself, you can always do what people did the first time. Copy off of the successes (droids, GS, Poggle, Dooku, etc).

    Some people were happy to copy the successful teams the first time, but unwilling to keep up.

    We can't help it your team can't keep up. Their are plenty of people staying competitive. Doesn't sound like the characters are the problem--perhaps it's the mindset of a few of the players.
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    Yudoka wrote: »
    QGJ lead goes first and HRS with Ackbar lead also go first. If you used your omegas on QGJ you can use his basic to lower her turn meter and get a couple more of your toons ahead of her. HRS can open the game with a stun or a critical hit and either one is great. But either way she's not going to one shot any toon in her first or second turn so you have plenty of time to take her down.

    At gear X she's apparently faster than QGJ and gets foresight.

    Gear 9 QGJ is faster with 168 speed, 170 speed at gear 10.

    People are expecting to play in the big leagues with minor league characters. Sigh.
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    QGJ lead goes first and HRS with Ackbar lead also go first. If you used your omegas on QGJ you can use his basic to lower her turn meter and get a couple more of your toons ahead of her. HRS can open the game with a stun or a critical hit and either one is great. But either way she's not going to one shot any toon in her first or second turn so you have plenty of time to take her down.

    Don't suggest other characters. That's not an option for these people. They have their team of 5 characters at 7-8, maybe 9 gear that they've played for months and feel entitled to be able to beat everyone else without changing.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I will just say this...whales usually prefer gear 9 Leia to gear 10 Rey. There is a good reason for this. 22k hp + fortitude dies fast. Stealth does not. That being said, i never encountered a gear 10 Rey, i am sure she is really really good. I am also sure, once i get all my guys to gear 10, she won't one shot any of them. I have a hard time picturing Rey one shot-ing gear 11 Han or gear 10 CT 5s or gear 10 Aayla or gear 10 RG (lol) or pretty much anything else.
  • Options
    Harmonica wrote: »
    Rey is honestly fine and easy enough to handle.

    The devs need to look at useless characters (like Anakin) and do makeovers on them instead.

    +1. Let's make useless characters useful instead of trying to nerf decent ones. The game can't be rock, scissors, paper when we don't have any paper.
  • saboater
    111 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Harmonica wrote: »
    Rey is honestly fine and easy enough to handle.

    The devs need to look at useless characters (like Anakin) and do makeovers on them instead.

    +1. Let's make useless characters useful instead of trying to nerf decent ones. The game can't be rock, scissors, paper when we don't have any paper.

    +2 Fix broken characters

    (Sorry this does not include Dooku, GS, and IG-86, so people may still have to strategize new characters-so I don't think it will stop the whining)
  • gbshow
    89 posts Member
    Rey is fast but let's face it, she's hits with a feather duster. Nice job devs, really...nice
  • Arillian
    240 posts Member
    I don't know. I run her of course. But what's her basic when she has a dot? 4k? Less? She has speed and damage, and has a trick to avoid an attack.

    Some on my shard have her at g10. And yes, she's a priority. But her abilities are on 4 turn cooldowns. I whiff all the time with them. Then what? No turn meter shenanigans, no stuns, no calling others for assist, no dispels, no group buffs, no adding debuffs, and NO hit points. I'm OK with her as is. Maybe I don't see it though. People made her a priority to g10. I see much scarier g10s.
    Knights of the Mobile Republic
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Arillian wrote: »
    I don't know. I run her of course. But what's her basic when she has a dot? 4k? Less? She has speed and damage, and has a trick to avoid an attack.

    Some on my shard have her at g10. And yes, she's a priority. But her abilities are on 4 turn cooldowns. I whiff all the time with them. Then what? No turn meter shenanigans, no stuns, no calling others for assist, no dispels, no group buffs, no adding debuffs, and NO hit points. I'm OK with her as is. Maybe I don't see it though. People made her a priority to g10. I see much scarier g10s.

    You bring up a huge problem for Rey! Once she is done with her 2nd and third ability she can only basic for a couple of rounds. And against Dooku/Old Ben lead...
  • kbonifay
    392 posts Member
    Akiraine wrote: »
    I fight g10 rey and g10 rg everyday, I don't use a rey nor rg. If you think g10 rey is overpowered then you are comparing her with lower geared chars. I personally am running a g10+ team so rey + rg is hardly a problem.

    That said, rey is powerful, hardly overpowered tho, Rey is in a good spot atm, any nerfs if not well thought might render Rey into the same unused bench of RP, FoTp, Darth Maul. Some of which nerfs have rendered them pretty much unusable

    i can agree with this. she is in a very good spot right now because she is one of very few attackers that didnt get smacked to hard after the recent update (exp FOTP, RP) but she is humbled by stuns extremely quick. I think the damage output after GX and complete omega is a little too much however, she can blow through an entire team really quick if protected. i dont know what the answer would be in a perfect world, but she might need to get popped by the nerf hammer one good time soon. just dont nerf her into the ground like they did the other listed above and all would be well.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    Arillian wrote: »
    I don't know. I run her of course. But what's her basic when she has a dot? 4k? Less? She has speed and damage, and has a trick to avoid an attack.

    Some on my shard have her at g10. And yes, she's a priority. But her abilities are on 4 turn cooldowns. I whiff all the time with them. Then what? No turn meter shenanigans, no stuns, no calling others for assist, no dispels, no group buffs, no adding debuffs, and NO hit points. I'm OK with her as is. Maybe I don't see it though. People made her a priority to g10. I see much scarier g10s.

    You bring up a huge problem for Rey! Once she is done with her 2nd and third ability she can only basic for a couple of rounds. And against Dooku/Old Ben lead...

    I want to throw my phone everytime her FoB or Leverage is dodged. LOL!

    Honestly, with my team I'm more afraid of QGJ because keeping ST Han's taunt for 2 rounds is more important and Rey is easy enough to deal with really. Rey usually only has 1 CD left by the time she is forced to hit Han and a gear9 Han is decently tanky, enough for what I need him to do.
  • DarthGozu
    283 posts Member
    kbonifay wrote: »
    Akiraine wrote: »
    I fight g10 rey and g10 rg everyday, I don't use a rey nor rg. If you think g10 rey is overpowered then you are comparing her with lower geared chars. I personally am running a g10+ team so rey + rg is hardly a problem.

    That said, rey is powerful, hardly overpowered tho, Rey is in a good spot atm, any nerfs if not well thought might render Rey into the same unused bench of RP, FoTp, Darth Maul. Some of which nerfs have rendered them pretty much unusable

    i can agree with this. she is in a very good spot right now because she is one of very few attackers that didnt get smacked to hard after the recent update (exp FOTP, RP) but she is humbled by stuns extremely quick. I think the damage output after GX and complete omega is a little too much however, she can blow through an entire team really quick if protected. i dont know what the answer would be in a perfect world, but she might need to get popped by the nerf hammer one good time soon. just dont nerf her into the ground like they did the other listed above and all would be well.

    The issue is not individual toons anyway. The issue is those **** leader skills that apply across the entire character set: dodge leaders mostly. Obviously if Rey did not benefit so much from Old Ben, Dooku or Phasma she would be the glass cannon she is meant to be. But when she get godly dodges, survive full health + protection, escape controls and get rewarded with offence up or a bucket load of turn meter or when she get an assist on top of her multistrikes then things get out of control. All the issues have their root in this broken synergy leader skills.
  • kbonifay
    392 posts Member
    DarthGozu wrote: »
    kbonifay wrote: »
    Akiraine wrote: »
    I fight g10 rey and g10 rg everyday, I don't use a rey nor rg. If you think g10 rey is overpowered then you are comparing her with lower geared chars. I personally am running a g10+ team so rey + rg is hardly a problem.

    That said, rey is powerful, hardly overpowered tho, Rey is in a good spot atm, any nerfs if not well thought might render Rey into the same unused bench of RP, FoTp, Darth Maul. Some of which nerfs have rendered them pretty much unusable

    i can agree with this. she is in a very good spot right now because she is one of very few attackers that didnt get smacked to hard after the recent update (exp FOTP, RP) but she is humbled by stuns extremely quick. I think the damage output after GX and complete omega is a little too much however, she can blow through an entire team really quick if protected. i dont know what the answer would be in a perfect world, but she might need to get popped by the nerf hammer one good time soon. just dont nerf her into the ground like they did the other listed above and all would be well.

    The issue is not individual toons anyway. The issue is those **** leader skills that apply across the entire character set: dodge leaders mostly. Obviously if Rey did not benefit so much from Old Ben, Dooku or Phasma she would be the glass cannon she is meant to be. But when she get godly dodges, survive full health + protection, escape controls and get rewarded with offence up or a bucket load of turn meter or when she get an assist on top of her multistrikes then things get out of control. All the issues have their root in this broken synergy leader skills.

    yep, i disagree with that. currently she is being ran with my Rex lead team.. all she gets is health up but she is still an absolute force to manage, especially with a RG taunt. again, i dont know the perfect answer but she is veeerrryyy powerful.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    The_Jam wrote: »
    Cry less play more invest time in difficult to farm characters instead of coming here to ask for characters you can't be bothered to farm to be nerfed.

    +1 it is the Devs fault though for this. They need to test toons more at all levels so no one is called for a nerf and there is more balance.
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    The question is what is her at gear level 10 doing to another character at gear level 10. The issue instead is that you are probably dealing with a whale at gear 10 or an intense precrafter. EA made the game so that you can buy your way to OP characters through gear that most people can't get. I think it's going to be problematic in the long run. I know I'm playing less because of it.
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