rey at gear x


  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member

    Akiraine wrote: »
    I fight g10 rey and g10 rg everyday, I don't use a rey nor rg. If you think g10 rey is overpowered then you are comparing her with lower geared chars. I personally am running a g10+ team so rey + rg is hardly a problem.

    That said, rey is powerful, hardly overpowered tho, Rey is in a good spot atm, any nerfs if not well thought might render Rey into the same unused bench of RP, FoTp, Darth Maul. Some of which nerfs have rendered them pretty much unusable

    What are you running?
  • Haplo
    183 posts Member
    Not sure about this thread. Unless Rey has power up, she isn't one shotting anyone. And if she gets foresight, she isn't getting power up for a while unless someone buffs her.
  • Options
    The update made it so that there's only 2 effective dmg dealer with one of them being the RNG goddess Leia, sure let's nerf into the ground the last remaining 2 so you can't finish the battles below the 5 minute threshold
  • Options
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    It's not even a hard farm anymore. You can get 8 shards a day pretty easily.

    From where? I am lucky if I get four from her three hard nodes, and she hasn't shown up in guild shipments for me since Thursday.

    I would say it is still a hard farm, but with a random 5 shard bonus every now and again.
  • Akiraine
    256 posts Member
    Running OB, Fives, Phasma, Leia, Aayla atm, all G10 except Fives who is at g9
  • Options
    If you think Rey is op you haven't faced a gear 10 Leia
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Akiraine wrote: »
    Running OB, Fives, Phasma, Leia, Aayla atm, all G10 except Fives who is at g9

    Yep. Tank team seemed like a natural counter to Rey to me too. But i don't know what's the counter to tank team...I hope it's Rey and it works the other way around too. Is Aayla as good in offense as she is in defense? Because i can't handle her at gear 10.
    517 posts Member
    She needs a 4th skill. Somethink like mind control!
  • Akiraine
    256 posts Member
    characters with straight forward options seems to do best on ai control. Chars such as Yoda, Sun Fac with multiple situational abilities don't seem to do as well.

    That's why chars like GS, Fives etc shine even under ai control
  • Akiraine
    256 posts Member
    Part of the reason why I don't think Rey is necessarily owerpowered is that at G10 + a lot of the chars are around 40k+ Ehp, imagine facing an all tank team with OB lead all hovering around close to 50k Ehp, without chars like Rey, there's no way to take out teams like that in the 5mins u get for arena.

    The focus imho, instead of debating whether rey is overpowered or not, should be to discuss how to improve/change other chars to make them more desirable as an option
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Akiraine wrote: »
    Part of the reason why I don't think Rey is necessarily owerpowered is that at G10 + a lot of the chars are around 40k+ Ehp, imagine facing an all tank team with OB lead all hovering around close to 50k Ehp, without chars like Rey, there's no way to take out teams like that in the 5mins u get for arena.

    The focus imho, instead of debating whether rey is overpowered or not, should be to discuss how to improve/change other chars to make them more desirable as an option

    I know. I face such teams. That's why i can't fathom any nerf talk to damage dealers now.
  • Options
    Is this thread about Rey hitting other maxed out toons or what? Can never tell if their level 10 Rey is just knocking out some 4* level 70 gear 8 toon in the 5th round when she has buffs or if this is a real issue.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Is this thread about Rey hitting other maxed out toons or what? Can never tell if their level 10 Rey is just knocking out some 4* level 70 gear 8 toon in the 5th round when she has buffs or if this is a real issue.

    Leverage is the best damaging ability in the game.
    Furry of blow is the third best.

    Those stats are for every maxed character.

    She is the hardest hitter in the game, and has been since lvl 70. She also is the fastest, and packs some survavibility thanks to her 2 ways to gain foresight.

    Now you can make your own informed decision about wether she is OP or not.
  • Options
    Is Rey GX Rey one shotting GX tanks or G8 tanks? It makes a huge difference. It's designed to be balanced once all characters are 80 GX and maxed out, right? Look at the health boosts some toons get just going to G9. Get them all on the same gear level then have this discussion again.
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Is Rey GX Rey one shotting GX tanks or G8 tanks? It makes a huge difference. It's designed to be balanced once all characters are 80 GX and maxed out, right? Look at the health boosts some toons get just going to G9. Get them all on the same gear level then have this discussion again.

    She is still the best single-target attacker.
    If tanks are too hard to kill, then that's an issue with tanks.
    Don't justify an OP attacking power with an OP defensive power. Compare attackers between them, and tanks between them, then adjust accordingly.
  • Options
    Agreed, she is the best attacker. Doesn't change the fact the problem most people have is that a G10 attacker is crushing G8 tanks..... We should expect that. Doesn't mean she's OP, just means no one is getting anyone else up to adequate gear level to compete. That's not a balancing issue, it's a gear scarcity issue.
  • Karsa
    6 posts Member
    Rey and Leia are great attackers, but they are also the characters that many people have geared up first. Why don't we wait a bit first, until we see other characters at gear 10 and see how they compare. My gear 10 Rey using flurry of blows barely takes of protection of a G10 CT-5's even with crits. Lets stop comparing apples to oranges.
  • Saku1313
    44 posts Member
    Haplo wrote: »
    Not sure about this thread. Unless Rey has power up, she isn't one shotting anyone. And if she gets foresight, she isn't getting power up for a while unless someone buffs her.


    And she's not one shooting any tanks. I have Rey at 7* and 9 gear. I can one shot Dooku with Advantage Up. But, she gets stunned pretty easy. I had by butt handed to me with a team that had an Omega'ed Daka. Stun stun stun. There are lots of ways to skin a cat. Or a Rey.

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    Is this thread about Rey hitting other maxed out toons or what? Can never tell if their level 10 Rey is just knocking out some 4* level 70 gear 8 toon in the 5th round when she has buffs or if this is a real issue.

    Leverage is the best damaging ability in the game.
    Furry of blow is the third best.

    Those stats are for every maxed character.

    She is the hardest hitter in the game, and has been since lvl 70. She also is the fastest, and packs some survavibility thanks to her 2 ways to gain foresight.

    Now you can make your own informed decision about wether she is OP or not.

    conveniently left out the part where only 7 characters have lower health than her.
    Sikho wrote: »
    Is Rey GX Rey one shotting GX tanks or G8 tanks? It makes a huge difference. It's designed to be balanced once all characters are 80 GX and maxed out, right? Look at the health boosts some toons get just going to G9. Get them all on the same gear level then have this discussion again.

    She is still the best single-target attacker.
    If tanks are too hard to kill, then that's an issue with tanks.
    Don't justify an OP attacking power with an OP defensive power. Compare attackers between them, and tanks between them, then adjust accordingly.

    If you think attackers are OP you should put tanks in your arena squad. If it takes the attacker 5 hits to take down the tank, but the tank only needs 4 (low dmg) hits on a low health attacker you are golden. thats why you take tanks into consideration when judging if a attacker is OP.
    otherwise the best of any class of units would be considered OP...
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Sikho wrote: »
    Is this thread about Rey hitting other maxed out toons or what? Can never tell if their level 10 Rey is just knocking out some 4* level 70 gear 8 toon in the 5th round when she has buffs or if this is a real issue.

    Leverage is the best damaging ability in the game.
    Furry of blow is the third best.

    Those stats are for every maxed character.

    She is the hardest hitter in the game, and has been since lvl 70. She also is the fastest, and packs some survavibility thanks to her 2 ways to gain foresight.

    Now you can make your own informed decision about wether she is OP or not.

    conveniently left out the part where only 7 characters have lower health than her.
    Sikho wrote: »
    Is Rey GX Rey one shotting GX tanks or G8 tanks? It makes a huge difference. It's designed to be balanced once all characters are 80 GX and maxed out, right? Look at the health boosts some toons get just going to G9. Get them all on the same gear level then have this discussion again.

    She is still the best single-target attacker.
    If tanks are too hard to kill, then that's an issue with tanks.
    Don't justify an OP attacking power with an OP defensive power. Compare attackers between them, and tanks between them, then adjust accordingly.

    If you think attackers are OP you should put tanks in your arena squad. If it takes the attacker 5 hits to take down the tank, but the tank only needs 4 (low dmg) hits on a low health attacker you are golden. thats why you take tanks into consideration when judging if a attacker is OP.
    otherwise the best of any class of units would be considered OP...

    To compare her to a popular tank, Fives, it would take him between 10 and 15 attacks to get rid of Rey. Even more if you take foresight into account. So I'd say she's performig pretty well against tanks.

    But back to the point: I don't think attackers are OP. My opinion is that Rey is too powerful as an attacker, which has been statistically proven.
    But what worries me the most isn't that she's the most powerful attacker. There will always be a best attacker in the game, as you stated. I think she's still a little bit overtuned, but heh, that's subjectiv after all.

    What worries me is that she requires little to no effort to fit into a team. Her damage output will always be great, no matter who you run.
    Let's take other heavy hitter as an example:

    - FOTP required a FO team to perform well, and is extremely slow
    - IG 86 only reaches his true potential when among other droids. He's also extremely slow.
    - GS has a very simple kit, but can't deal as much damage as her
    - Ahsoka is fast and heals a lot, but loses her bonus stats on crits taken, and doesn't hit as hard. She also relies on Jedi synergy.
    - HRScout relies on random crits to gain TM, and needs to be synergized in a Rebel team

    Rey, on the contrary, always perform well. No matter where you put her.

    I'd love to see some expose mechanics, like every Resistance toon, instead of an overloaded versatile kit.

  • Options
    It really depends, but someone has to be the "best" in each category right?
    And in a fight between someone who stuns and Rey, she might not get to even take a turn.

    She is very good, that's for sure. Anakin could learn a thing or two about damage from her.
  • jeremyj26
    783 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sikho wrote: »
    Is this thread about Rey hitting other maxed out toons or what? Can never tell if their level 10 Rey is just knocking out some 4* level 70 gear 8 toon in the 5th round when she has buffs or if this is a real issue.

    Leverage is the best damaging ability in the game.
    Furry of blow is the third best.

    Those stats are for every maxed character.

    She is the hardest hitter in the game, and has been since lvl 70. She also is the fastest, and packs some survavibility thanks to her 2 ways to gain foresight.

    Now you can make your own informed decision about wether she is OP or not.

    Your avatar is apropos.
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    Thread is making me rethink my approach. She will get my first furnace but now I don't know if I want to use my one mk6 nubian tech on GS or Rey.
  • Breetai
    858 posts Member
    The issue with these op post and nerf post is a lot of times the toon in question is not op. It's the other toons are just under developed.

    Rey. Best attacker in game. Hits hard, fast, and foresight. She is easily countered by stun, taunts, and negative effects. Leia. Taken the place of GS in most forms. She hits hard, fast, and stealth. However she needs RNG help to be powerful. Counter by everything when she is not stealth. GS. Fast, hits hard, but over shadowed by by the other 2 listed, but is the best f2p damage dealer. He can out shine Leia if Leia has a bad RNG game. Then all the other attackers. That's where the issue is.

    Attackers should hit hard. And should kill others fast or there would be no reason for taunts, heals, counters. The problem is only a couple do thier job right while others don't.
  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Wolverine wrote: »
    Eebers wrote: »
    I knew this was going to turn into a nerf thread.

    It should be. We were BLATANTLY lied to. The fastest heroes in the game by FAR do the most damage as well. You could argue that per battle they could/should do the most damage total, simply because they attack more frequently, and I'd be okay with that. BUT, not only do they attack the most they also hit the hardest with each swing, so their damage totals can be 2, 3, 4x what another "attacker" does.

    Have you ever seen any other type of RPG or MMORPM where DPS can one-shot a tank?

    Leia and Rey are absolutely off the charts now. And the "well you can farm them too" excuse is so lame. Why don't we just make JC hit for 1 billion damage with every swing? "Well you can farm him too!" But that just doesn't make for a fun game now does it?

    Agreed 100000 times to this. .CG/Ea are biggest LIARS. They lied abt fast toons with less dmg output. .where's the Balance? ?..and GS too He's the same as Rey n Leia. .and I'm farming him too now fyi cause I have no freaking choice. .this game is becoming a drag. .just like Hoda had become for me . Only difference is I didn't spent a cent on this unlike Hoda where I spent hundreds $$ I can quit with no regrets when I want and feel I have to..well done CG. .leopards really do not change their spots at all.

    Fives and about 12 other characters.
    Post edited by V1p3rdyn4sty on
  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    Rey has low health. End of story. If you can't beat a Rey team you have no idea what you're doing.
  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    She does way too much damage for how fast she is. She also has 2 ways to gain fortitude, which is absurd. She can easily two-shot a tank by herself.

    She is overpowered. The perfect attacker. There's a reason every whale heavily invests in her.

    A few additional points:

    - "Just farm her and use her": That is not a valid argument. A character can be OP, no matter how many people use it. A widely popular hero can still be blatantly overpowered. See Poe during, well, the Poe meta, or RG at the moment. That's literally the gaming version of telling a homeless to get a job.

    - "Stop asking for nerfs": Yeah thanks for your valuable input. There are ~10 characters that you see all the time, yet it's somehow probably all the others that aren't as powerful as they should be. EA will surely buff every other character to their level! Who cares about power creep anyway.

    - If nerfing Rey will drastically increase Raids' difficulty, then it's a Raid problem, not a Rey problem.

    - "Stop caring about your arena rank": What? This is the only competitive PvP game mode. There's pretty much no point playing the game if I stop caring about Arena. How am I supposed to stop caring about it?

    Lol. Ok so now Rey is a whale only character. You people crack me up.
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    Sikho wrote: »
    She does way too much damage for how fast she is. She also has 2 ways to gain fortitude, which is absurd. She can easily two-shot a tank by herself.

    She is overpowered. The perfect attacker. There's a reason every whale heavily invests in her.

    A few additional points:

    - "Just farm her and use her": That is not a valid argument. A character can be OP, no matter how many people use it. A widely popular hero can still be blatantly overpowered. See Poe during, well, the Poe meta, or RG at the moment. That's literally the gaming version of telling a homeless to get a job.

    - "Stop asking for nerfs": Yeah thanks for your valuable input. There are ~10 characters that you see all the time, yet it's somehow probably all the others that aren't as powerful as they should be. EA will surely buff every other character to their level! Who cares about power creep anyway.

    - If nerfing Rey will drastically increase Raids' difficulty, then it's a Raid problem, not a Rey problem.

    - "Stop caring about your arena rank": What? This is the only competitive PvP game mode. There's pretty much no point playing the game if I stop caring about Arena. How am I supposed to stop caring about it?

  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    edited May 2016
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