Yoda challenge - level 90 omega Megathread


    205 posts Member
    On the bright side I can go by uncharted 4 now instead.
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    Yep won't be getting anymore of my money
  • Saturn74
    78 posts Member
    I have face him too before he was a lot easier last month now he's unstoppable
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    EA, could you fire the trainee who had the smart idea to raise the level cap ? I hope it REALLY is a trainee, you would be forgivable...
  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    Well I will wright this post again since freedom of speech is not allowed in this forum I got a warning for using censored language so the rest of you know not to do that.

    Some how Yoda can actually kill the entire team with out you getting another turn I know because he has done it to me 3 times in a row. If his attack kills you he gets 100% turn and goes again and again and again oh and again till he can't kill the person. Don't know about you guys and girls but my 6* Yoda with maxed out skills can't do that on his best RNG day. So tired of the Devs giving the AI the user hand just because they can if an AI toon can do it then so should those we get. Jesus he already has 9 times the power plus his attacks are buffed not nerfed like ours so at least even the playing field stop Giving the AI buffs and way better attacks and special attacks. I can handle losing a few 100 times if it's fair but not just because you guys are setting there saying to each other you know what let's just make Yoda impossible to kill we will give him 3 to 4 attacks for your ever 1 plus his cool downs for special will be 1 turn.

    Like I said in the post that was deleted due to what they consider badlanguage but I call freedom of speech. Screen shots don't mean anything I can always go and get an old screen shot and say I beat him this time or when he is leveled up to 1000.

    You know Yoda in the event is just like every boss in the challenges, they also gain 100% turn meter on a kill and I have lost several challenges like that. So if you would like to have the Yoda like in the event I would choose Savage from the challenge and just nullify your Yoda straight up.

    A boss is supposed to be hard, I agree that this one requires a lot of luck and can be frustrating but I actually liked the challenge because it had me think about my next several steps, of course I had some runs where he killed multiple toons without me getting a shot in but that's just how it is. I hope your are lucky on your next try and can get him.
  • SRG
    17 posts Member
    trashcanus wrote: »
    EA, could you fire the trainee who had the smart idea to raise the level cap ? I hope it REALLY is a trainee, you would be forgivable...

  • BoboFoot
    212 posts Member
    Not sure why people are moaning. He's completely killable without being either max level or max gear.

    Just adjust your strat and work through, you'll get there.
  • Jaybayblay
    233 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Since when does yoda get another turn after a kill? LOL EA logic when you let him crit for 14k damage
  • Hewbler
    61 posts Member
    It's just like the first time, restart until Barriss is in there, she makes it so much easier
  • Dark0ne
    22 posts Member
    Im spending any more cash on this game, the increase in difficulty it total bull ****
  • Calhoun
    12 posts Member
    First, Yoda is beatable - IF you have the perfect Jedi (Barriss Offee lead, Limunara, JC, QGJ, Old Ben).
    However, that's beside the point, because this event should be beatable with any combination of 5x 7 star Jedi as those are the stated requirements to do the event.

    I was at this for over 3 hours today and I figured I would link my best attempt. Apparently, Yoda was changed to Omega ability status at lvl 90 (designed for post raid gear attempts).

    Once again, EA has released a change without announcement, testing, personal experience, or public input.

    All of my Jedi are gear VIII - IX, ranging from Rank 7 abilities to omega Rank 8.

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    Garbage. I get making it hard, but this difficulty level is ridiculous. And Anakin is worthless yet he's sold in a Jedi pack to coincide with this event.

    Seriously garbage. Thanks for nothing.
  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Instead of carping about how the challenge is insurmountable, find a strategy that works with your team composition and keep at it. I assure you, it's difficult, but not impossible.

    I just completed the challenge after several failed attempts with a lvl 75 Lumi(L), lvl 76 QGJ, lvl 75 Ashoka, lvl 72 JC, lvl 70 Koth. Only QGJ's basic had an omega and lvl 7 on specials. All other players had abilities at level 6.

    I tackled Yoda paired with Ashoka and Gun Di. Killed Ashoka first and then focused attacks on Yoda. I sat on heals as long as possible and I used QGJ's debuff special on yoda after he stole Lumi's heal during 5v2. All 5 toons managed to survive.

    As always, RNG obviously played a large factor. I evaded two Yoda attacks, which would have db'd a healer.

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    Been going over 3hrs straight now.. It is more than a bit ridiculous, it was hard enough last time so why make it harder now? Great way to reward us for playing your game for this long.
  • Puz
    11 posts Member
    This is such ****. I can't believe they pulled such a shady move.
  • CnKBski
    13 posts Member
    Not impossible. I just got him down with 77 bariss (L) 78 qui lumi 74 jc 60 koth... all full gear except droid caller or furnace. Good luck guys
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    Calhoun wrote: »
    However, that's beside the point, because this event should be beatable with any combination of 5x 7 star Jedi as those are the stated requirements to do the event.

    If this event was beatable by a team of JKG, Eeth Koth, Mace, Plo Koon, and Kit Fisto it would be a joke.
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    I just beat it with Luminara (L), Barriss, Ahsoka, JC, and QGJ. It was very hard but not impossible I don't think you need a specific Jedi team to beat him, but I do believe multiple healers is a requirement.
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    So they buffed Yoda but didn't tell us they were going to? Don't worry. It's not like anybody invested millions of credits to get a Jedi team ready for the event based on last month's difficulty.
  • Annastrasza
    1766 posts Member
    I like how they pushed the Jedi pack $59.99 deal. Lol anyone spending that much cash for a crappo 4* Anakin needs medical attention.
  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    Jedi2407 wrote: »
    So they buffed Yoda but didn't tell us they were going to? Don't worry. It's not like anybody invested millions of credits to get a Jedi team ready for the event based on last month's difficulty.

    They didn't explicitly say "we buffed Yoda in the event" but back when they rolled out the protection update, they did say they did make adjustments to all game modes to account for the new damage and defense ruling as well as protection. So they just say they made adjustments, never if it would be harder or not.
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    Everyone who has said they've beaten it has listed QGJ in their team. I don't have him and can't beat it. I'm running Barris, Lumi, Ahsoka, JC and East Coast. After 2 hours, I haven't even come close to winning. I don't think I can do it with this team.
  • Calhoun
    12 posts Member
    I just beat it with Luminara (L), Barriss, Ahsoka, JC, and QGJ. It was very hard but not impossible I don't think you need a specific Jedi team to beat him, but I do believe multiple healers is a requirement.

    So 4/5 of the Jedi must have group healing abilities? Does that seem reasonable to you? If so, then I suggest EA amend the requirements of the event.
    Calhoun wrote: »
    However, that's beside the point, because this event should be beatable with any combination of 5x 7 star Jedi as those are the stated requirements to do the event.

    If this event was beatable by a team of JKG, Eeth Koth, Mace, Plo Koon, and Kit Fisto it would be a joke.

    Understandable; at least one healer can be reasonably expected to pass the event. In that case, EA should amend the requirements of the event.
  • JoRo
    10 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    To all you posters that say it's not impossible... It actually truly is for some of us. It's not that hard to understand. I have 7* Lumi, 7* JC, 7* Eeth Koth, 6* Barriss, and 5* Ahsoka. I've tried and tried and there is absolutely nothing I can do to defeat him. All of this only on the 5th TIER! Now they make it seem like this should be beatable as long as you have 5* Jedi, yet my three 7*, single 6*, and single 5* can't beat the tier 5 challenge. Yes, something is wrong here. I've tried using different leaders, nothing matters. Yoda just keeps getting turn after turn, and if I make any progress, he heals himself. This is completely dumb and frustrating. Always 1 step forward, 2 steps back with this game.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Lmao EA is full of it. They really are. Their lack of transparency is going to be the downfall of this game. Announce you've made buffs. Announce that you've made the event terribly difficult where you need luck to beat it. But nope, they make us find out ourselves.
    The fact Yoda hits crits 8/10 times, gets full turn meter on killing blows, only uses his AoE when there is heal buff up, is fully omega'ed and fully geared out, is just a joke. They nerf our yoda toon, but make theirs like superman for an event. I get its supposed to be hard, but when you make it so that whales get the clear edge for spending thousands on this game, it's pathetic.
    Plus they know they've messed up when they need a megathread. Perhaps fix the problem before there even is one!
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    BrickTr0n wrote: »
    Everyone who has said they've beaten it has listed QGJ in their team. I don't have him and can't beat it. I'm running Barris, Lumi, Ahsoka, JC and East Coast. After 2 hours, I haven't even come close to winning. I don't think I can do it with this team.

    Admittingly the strat I used required QGJ.
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    QGJ has become mandatory to beat this. That's not right.
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    After try 63...I'm still not happy he's lvl 90
  • ProfmyGR
    53 posts Member
    How can i pass Yoda 7* with Qui-Gon 78 Lvl, Lumi 76, Consular 72, Mace 63 & Eeth 63 (All gear 8 almost max) ?
    Have anyone a solution for this?
  • KeKattia
    1118 posts Member
    Calhoun wrote: »
    First, Yoda is beatable - IF you have the perfect Jedi (Barriss Offee lead, Limunara, JC, QGJ, Old Ben).

    I had neither Barriss lead (she was in my team though) no JC and no Old Ben and beat him. It did take some tries but he's beatable with multiple different setups. I have found Lumi leader to be more effective than Barriss or QGJ.

    Ashoka can also be good for a heal, if she attacks someone above 50% otherwise she just does insane dmg. I have spent some money so I had Fisto in my squad and he helped with his counter and double attack.
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